1、外研社 九年级 上册Module 4-Home alone Unit 2 My“perfect holiday”2022-10-2大连大连镇江镇江2022-10-22022-10-2?2022-10-225314The passage The passage is is_._.A.A narrative writingA.A narrative writing(叙事叙事文文)B.A descriptive writingB.A descriptive writing(描写文描写文)C.An expositive writingC.An expositive writing(说明文说明文)D.A
2、 persuasive writingD.A persuasive writing(观点文观点文)2022-10-2253142022-10-225314Story 1Comprehension check-Background:Comprehension check-Background:?2022-10-22022-10-225314Story The“home alone”story The“home alone”story ParaPara Comprehension check-Story:Comprehension check-Story:1.1.What made Zheng C
3、henyus wish What made Zheng Chenyus wish come come truetrue(实现实现)?2.2.What did the boy do to have fun on the What did the boy do to have fun on the first day?first day?3.3.What happened to the boy at school the What happened to the boy at school the next day?next day?4.4.What did the boy What did th
4、e boy think ofthink of(认为认为,看待看待)his his home alone holiday?home alone holiday?2022-10-22Q:What does Q:What does“chancechance”here”here refer torefer to(指代指代)?)?Comprehension check-Story:Comprehension check-Story:Q:What made Zheng wish come true?Q:What made Zheng wish come true?2022-10-2What did the
5、 boy do to have fun on the first day?What did the boy do to have fun on the first day?3Comprehension check-Story:Comprehension check-Story:Q:What happened to him at school the Q:What happened to him at school the next day?next day?2022-10-24Comprehension check Story:Comprehension check Story:Q:What
6、did the boy Q:What did the boy think ofthink of(认为认为,看待看待)his home alone holiday?his home alone holiday?lesson!lesson!What he learned from his story2022-10-25Comprehension check-Ending:Comprehension check-Ending:A A smile of smile of understandingunderstanding2022-10-2The story is organizedThe story
7、 is organized(组织组织)by by _._.the boys feelings changethe boys feelings change2022-10-2excitedexcited tired&sleepytired&sleepylonelylonelyhappyhappy boredbored OrdersOrdersChance Chance TroubleTroubleDay1 Day2 Day2-eveningTroubleTroubleLesson?Q:Q:Lets Lets retellretell Zheng Chenyus home alone story
8、in Zheng Chenyus home alone story in the third person briefly.the third person briefly.(请以第三人称简略地复述郑晨宇请以第三人称简略地复述郑晨宇独自在家的经历独自在家的经历)You can retell like this:You can retell like this:Zheng Zheng felt bored felt bored with his parents with his parents orders because they orders because they did everyth
9、ing did everything for him.for him.2022-10-2Q1:Q1:Do you think the boy wants another Do you think the boy wants another chance to be home alone?Why or why chance to be home alone?Why or why not?not?2022-10-2Further thinking:Further thinking:games Parents orders are always Parents orders are always b
10、oringboring(令人厌烦的令人厌烦的)?What do you learn about What do you learn about how to have a perfect home how to have a perfect home alone holidayalone holiday from the boys storyfrom the boys story?What do you What do you think ofthink of(看待看待)the daily things that the daily things that parents do for you
11、?parents do for you?Q2:What do you learn from the boys story?Q2:What do you learn from the boys story?I think/I learn/I realise thatYou must:You must:A:A:Read the passage emotionally and Read the passage emotionally and experience the writers feeling change.experience the writers feeling change.B:B:
12、Tell the boys home alone story in the Tell the boys home alone story in the third person within about 90 words.third person within about 90 words.You may:You may:C:C:Tell your own home alone story to your Tell your own home alone story to your friends if you have such an experience.friends if you have such an experience.2022-10-2Homework:Homework: