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1、外研版英语课件九上module2unit2Thanksgiving DayDate:the fourth Thursday of the NovemberOrigin of Thanksgiving Day In 1620,102 pilgrims came to America by the famous ship“May flower”.In that winter,they suffered extreme hunger and cold,and only 50 settlers survived.At that time,kind-hearted Indians sent the da

2、ily necessity to them And taught them how to hunt,to catch fish,to plantcorn and the pumpkin.Under Indians help,the immigrants obtained harvest finally.So thanksgiving is the day to celebrate harvest,toexpress their thanks to Gods and to thank Indians sincere help.New wordsfollowing/kr:n/m/spi:t/pai

3、ni/gru/在之中 prep.演说;演讲 n.开拓者;先驱者 n.种植;栽培(植物)v.谷物;玉米 n.接着的;接下来的 prep.amongspeechpioneergrowcornourselves/pred/lei/v/di/摆放(餐桌)v.摆设餐桌结束的;完了的 adj.盘,碟 n.(庆祝)游行 n.我们自己laylay the tableoverdishparade/aselvz/among 后接复数名词或代词或集合名词)prep.A few men were talking among themselves.有几个人正自顾自在聊天。between 一般指“在两者之间”,among

4、 一般指“在三者或三者以上之中”。They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.他们在两座建筑之间种了好多树。whats the different among A,B and C?A B 和 C之间有什么区别?speech 演讲 n.I am going to make a speech about English learning tomorrow.明天我将做一个关于英语学习的演讲.make a speech 做演讲pioneer 1.拓荒者;开发者;先驱者;创始者 n.In many ways she became a pio

5、neer.她在很多方面都是先驱.2.开拓,开发;做(的)先锋;提倡 vt.第三人称单数:pioneers过去分词:pioneered 复数:pioneers现在进行时:pioneering过去式:pioneered She pioneered the use of the drug.她最先使用这种药品。grow-grew-grown1.种植;栽培(植物)v.We grow flowers and vegetables in our garden.我们在庭园里种植鲜花和蔬菜。1.grow up是长大,后面不加宾语 grow into是长成或者发展成后面需要加宾语。例如:Mother is ver

6、y happy to see their children grow up.母亲很高兴看到自己的孩子成长She has grown into a beautiful young lady.她已经成长为一个漂亮的年轻女士.corn谷物;玉米 n.following接着的;接下来的 prep.We went to dinner the following Monday evening.在接下来的那个周一晚上我们一起共进晚餐。lay摆放(餐桌)v.lay the table摆设餐桌dish盘,碟 n.parade(庆祝)游行 n.He had them on parade at six oclock

7、 in the morning.他让他们在早上6点接受检阅。give thanks for the foodFamilies g_ t_.et ogetherhave a big dinnerhave a big dinnerFood on this daywatch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Paradeparade游行shop for presentsthe start of the Christmas seasonWatch and match the headings.Activity 2:Read and match the headings.a)A sp

8、ecial dinner b)An American festival c)The history of the festival d)Things to do during the festival1243date&meaninghistorycelebrationcelebrationActivity 3:Read and complete the table.Facts about ThanksgivingDate_Meaning_for their foodHistoryHave celebrated it since _from England arrived in AmericaL

9、earnt from the Native Americans how to _ and celebrated together by _ of the new foodCelebrationCelebrated with _before dinnerCelebrated by watching_ _in New York City and _ on televisionThe fourth Thursday in NovemberGive thanksthe first pioneersgrow corneating a dinnera traditional dinnerGive than

10、ks for the food the Macys watch gamesThankgiving ParadeRead Paragraph1 and answer.1.Thanksgiving Day is a(an)_ festival.A.EnglishB.AmericanC.Chinese2.People have a special dinner with their family and friends.(yes or no)3.What do people do before dinner?Careful readingpeople make short speeches and

11、give thanks for their food.Read Paragraph2 and choose the best answer.1.People started celebrating the thanksgiving_.A.in the sixteenth century B.in the seventeenth century2.While theyre crossing the Atlantic,_ A.people have great fun.B.many people died.3.They lived a _ life in their first winter.A.

12、happy B.hard4.What happenedin the following year?A.People celebrated together.B.People had a great party.Read Paragraph2 and retell.Why do people start to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?the first pioneers from England/arrived in America/by ship/in the 17th century;cross the Atlantic/died;after they land

13、ed/lived a very hard life;the local people/taught/how to grow corn;the following year/celebrate together by.Read Paragraph 3 and complete the passage.We celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a _.we all help _ in the kitchen,and _.Before the dinner,my father _ the food.We usually eat _,but it is only _ a y

14、ear!We often talk a lot and _ as well.When it is _,everyone helps _.traditional dinnerprepare the foodlay the tabletoo muchovertell storiesgive thanks forwash the dishesonce1.The traffic is not busy during the festival.(Yes or No)2.Thanksgiving is the start of _ A.Christmas B.New year C.Independence

15、 Day3.What does the writer usually do on Thanksgiving Day?A.play football B.watch the games on TV C.go shoppingRead Paragraph 4,and choose the best answer.The first_ crossed the Atlantic and arrived in America in the seventeenth century.At the beginning,they did not have enough food.The Native Ameri

16、cans taught them how to grow _.They soon had _ to eat.Today,people living in the US remember the Native Americans and the pioneers at Thanksgiving.This festival is celebrated with a meal_ family and friends.Everyone helps prepare the food and _ the table.After the meal,they help wash the _.pioneersc

17、ornplentyamonglaydishesActivity 4:among corn dish lay pioneer plenty1.发表演讲2.为食物感恩3.到达4.在15世纪5.穿越6.当地的人们7.教8.种植玉米9.接下来的一年10.一顿传统的晚餐11.最拥挤的make a speechgive thanks for the foodarrive in/atin the fifteenth centurycross=go acrossthe local peopleteach-taught-taughtgrow cornthe following year a traditiona

18、l dinnerthe most crowded grow-grew-grown12.准备食物13.摆放餐桌14.太多15.讲故事16.也17.洗碗18.在节日期间19.许多,大量20.为购物21.玩的开心prepare the foodlay the tabletoo muchtell a storyas wellwash/do the dishesduring the festivalplenty ofshop for sth.enjoy oneselfhave great funhave a good time1.its a time 是一个是一个的时刻的时刻Its a time for

19、 children to show thanks to their mothers.这是孩子向他们的妈妈表达感谢的时刻。这是孩子向他们的妈妈表达感谢的时刻。【拓展拓展】for+名词名词 到了做到了做sth的时间的时间to do sth Its time for lunch.Its time to have lunch.its time吃午饭的时间到了2.give thanks for sb对对表示感谢表示感谢I give thanks for your help.我对你的帮助表示感谢。我对你的帮助表示感谢。3.land(v.)着陆;登陆着陆;登陆(n.)土地土地(不可数名词不可数名词)To p

20、rotect animals,we shouldnt take the land away.为了保护动物,我们不应该占用土地。为了保护动物,我们不应该占用土地。The ship landed safely as last.船如往常一样安全着岸。船如往常一样安全着岸。4.lay the table摆设桌子摆设桌子 (laylaidlaid)My mother asked me to lay the table for dinner.拓展拓展:(1)lay还可表示还可表示“下蛋;产卵下蛋;产卵”(laylaidlaid)(2)lay 还是还是lie(撒谎撒谎)的过去式的过去式 (lielaylai

21、n)The hen laid an egg this morning.母鸡今早下了一个蛋母鸡今早下了一个蛋He lay on the bed,listening to his favourite music.他躺在床上,听他最喜欢的音乐。他躺在床上,听他最喜欢的音乐。5.as well也;还(句末;肯定句)I can sing this song well and John can as well.我能唱好这首歌唱歌,约翰也可以。【拓展】as well as 以及;并且(就前一致)Mike as well as his parents likes go fishing.迈克和他的父母喜欢去钓鱼

22、。6.with sth 忙于忙于sth doing sth 忙于做忙于做sth My mother is busy with housework every day.妈妈每天忙着做家务。妈妈每天忙着做家务。I was busy doing my homework yesterday.我昨天一直忙着写家庭作业。我昨天一直忙着写家庭作业。7.plenty of=lots of 大量的大量的(用于修饰可数名用于修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词词复数或不可数名词)There are plenty of places to visit in Beijing.北京有很多可以参观的地方。北京有很多可以参观的地方

23、。be busy8.We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived inAmerica by ship in the seventeenth century.自首批来自英格兰的拓荒者们在17世纪乘船抵达美洲大陆以来,我们就一直庆祝这个节日。since 表示“自从”,常用于现在完成时。例如:We have been friends since childhood.我们从小就一直是朋友。9.The following year they celebrated together by eati

24、ng a dinner of the new food.第二年他们聚在一起品尝新收获的食物,一起欢庆(丰收)。by eating a dinner of the new food 在句中作状语,表示以聚餐品尝新食物的方式(来庆祝)by doing sth.常用来表示“以某种行为的方式”。例如:The little girl earns her living by selling newspapers.小女孩靠卖报纸为生。by的的基本用法基本用法1).表表示静态示静态的位置,意为的位置,意为“靠近靠近;在;在旁边。旁边。His house stands by the river.他住在河边。他住

25、在河边。2).表示动态的位置,意为表示动态的位置,意为“从从.旁边经过;旁边经过;路过路过.”。He passed by me without greeting me.他从我身边他从我身边走走过,没和我打招呼。过,没和我打招呼。3).表示时间、时限,意为表示时间、时限,意为“不迟于,在不迟于,在.之之前前”“到到为止为止”。They will be back by six.他们将于他们将于6点钟以目点钟以目11回来。回来。4).和take,hold等动词连用,表示接触身体/物体的某一部位.Dont take the baby by the arm.She is too young.别拽那个小女

26、孩的胳膊,她太小了。5).表示“逐个”“逐批”,常见于以下短语中:step by step 一步一步地;day by day 日复一日地;little by little 点一点地6).用于被动语态中,后接动作的执行者,表示“被;由”。English is spoken by many people.许多人讲英语 7).表示判断的标准,意为表示判断的标准,意为“依照,根据依照,根据”。By my watch it is eight oclock.(按按)我的表显不的时间是八点。我的表显不的时间是八点。8).表示交通、传递的方式表示交通、传递的方式。I often go to school by

27、 bus.我经常坐公共汽车去上学。我经常坐公共汽车去上学。9).表示原因,意为表示原因,意为“由于由于的结果的结果,凭凭着着”。By good fortune,I succeeded the first time.由于运气好由于运气好,我第一次就成功了。我第一次就成功了。Exercises一、根据首字母提示填词。一、根据首字母提示填词。1.T_ is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in America.2.The farmer taught me how to grow c_.3.We usually watch the games

28、 and enjoy o_ very much.4.They l_ the table,and begin dinner.5.Its a time for a special diner a_ family and friends.hanksgivingronsurselvesaymong二、按要求完成句子。二、按要求完成句子。1.I had a great time on the National Day last year.(同义句同义句)I_ _ on the National Day last year.按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。2.Thanksgiving is on the

29、fourth Thursday in America.(划线部分提问划线部分提问)_ is Thanksgiving in America?enjoyedmyselfWhen3.The teacher taught students what they should use a computer.(同义句同义句)The teacher taught students _ _ _ a computer.4.I usually visit my grandparents twice one month.划线部分提问)划线部分提问)_ _ do you visit your grandparents

30、?5.我们昨天晚上吃得太多,感觉很不好我们昨天晚上吃得太多,感觉很不好(翻翻译句子译句子)howusetoHowoftenWe ate too much to feel bad yesterday evening.三、单项选择三、单项选择。()1.We _ the day since we arrived here.A.celebrated B.celebrates C.have celebrated D.has celebrate ()2.There are _ things to see and do in the park.A.a lot B.plenty C.much D.plenty

31、 of ()3.They talk a lot and tell stories afer work_.A.too B.also C.either D.as well CDD1.Hewillspendsixhoursathisdesk_hefinisheshiscomposition.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when2.Iknockedatthedoorformorethanfiveminutes_Mrs.Whiteansweredit.A.untilB.whenC.afterD.beforeHewasabouttogotobed_thedoorbellrang.A.w

32、hileB.asC.beforeD.when_JohnwaswatchingTV,hiswifewascooking.A.AsB.AssoonasC.WhileD.TillWhatwasthepartylike?Wonderful.Itsyears_Ienjoyedmyselfsomuch.A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.sinceWhen you write about important events,such as festivals,you can write what the event is,when it is,why it is important,what yo

33、u do,who you spend it with,and what special food you eat.Thinkaboutthemostunforgettablefestivalyouhaveenjoyed.Talkitwithyourpartner.What was it?When was it?Who did you spend it with?How did you spend it?Will you remember it for long?Why?Write a passage about your most unforgettable festival!WritingLets talk about Mid-autumn Day When was it?Who did you spend it with?How did you spend it?/What did you do to spend it?Will you remember it for long?Why?


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