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1、Unit 5 Action!Module 3Leisure time一、根据汉语写出英文单词1.平静的;安静的(adj.)_2.单个的(adj.)_ 3.幸运的(adj.)_4.放松的(n.)_ 5.赞扬;称赞(n.)_6.导演(n.)_ 7.艺术家(n.)_8.胜利(n.)_ 9.民意调查(n.)_10.赢;打败(某人)(v.)_ 11.看;观看(v.)_12.在中(prep.)_自主预习自主预习stillsingleluckyrelaxedpraisedirectorartistvictorysurveybeatviewamong二、根据汉语写出下列词组1.楼层平面图 _2.达人秀_ 3.

2、昏迷_4.保持静止_ 5.紧急出口_6.在工作日(周一至周五)_7.领先_8.剩下五分钟 _floor plantalent showpass outkeep stillemergency exiton weekdays(be)ahead offive minutes to go三、翻译下列句子1.我很开心我不是比赛者之一。_2.我想要当一名比赛者。_3.该进行旅游知识竞赛了。_4.她轻松地回答了所有问题并且很快就领先其他两位选手。_5.尽管题目变得越来越难,安吉拉持续答对了这些题。_I m glad that Im not one of the contestants.Id love to

3、be a contestant.Its time for Travel Quiz.She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.Though the questions were getting more and more difficult,Angela kept getting them right.词汇精析词汇精析【1】praisen.what you say or write about someone when you are praising h

4、im/her 赞扬;称赞赞扬;称赞 v.express approval for someones achievements or qualities 称赞;赞赏称赞;赞赏Too much praise has turned his head.过多的表扬已经冲昏了他的头脑。We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。【拓展】(1)praise for.因为赞美He praised her for her courage.他赞扬她很勇敢。(2)praise=speak highly of 高度赞扬People praise their behavio

5、ur.=People speak highly of their behaviour.人们高度赞扬他们的行为。【应用】()They praise his courage.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.laugh atB.speak highly of C.are happy withB【2】viewv.look at something for a particular purpose看;观看看;观看 n.the way that you understand and think about something 看法;看法;the beliefs or opinions that yo

6、u have about something 观点;观点;everything that can be seen from that place,especially when it is considered to be beautiful 景观;风景景观;风景We will go and view the house before we buy it.在买房前我们先去看一看房子。The view from our window was one of the beautiful green countryside.从我们窗口可以看到一片绿色乡村的美景。All authors have not

7、 accepted this view.并非所有的作者都赞同这种观点。【同根词】viewer n.电视观众;观赏者These programmes are each watched by around 19 million viewers every week.这些电视节目中,每个节目每周都有约一千九百万观众收看。【拓展】(1)view=scenery 风景Nothing took away from the beauty of the scenery/view.什么也减损不了这景色的美。(2)view=point=point of view=opinion 观点My own view is

8、absolutely clear.What I did was right.我的观点非常清楚。我做的事是正确的。(3)in my view在我看来In my view,things wont change.在我看来,形势不会改变。【应用】(1)There are lots of _(view)that like this TV programme.(2)()They came back to view the house again.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.meet B.live in C.look at(3)()They enjoy the beautiful view in

9、this country.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.scenery B.opinion C.sightviewersCA【3】director n.the person who decides how a play,film,or television programme will appear on stage or screen,and who tells the actors and technical staff what to do导导演;演;the person in charge in some organizations and public authorities

10、主任主任The director expresses his idea in his film.导演在影片中表达出他的思想。【同根词】(1)direct v.导演;指挥He directed various TV shows.他导演过各种电视节目。(2)direction n.方向;用法说明Go in this direction.朝这个方向走。【应用】(1)The lights lit up the sky in different _(director).(2)He is _(direct)a film.directionsdirecting【4】amongprep.在在之中之中 This

11、 book counts among the best of his works.这本书被认为是他的最佳作品之一。【辨析】among与between(1)among 在(三者或三者以上)之中Who is the best among the three?他们三者之中谁是最好的?(2)between 在(两者)之间You have your choice between the two.在这两个之中,你有选择权。【应用】()There is something different _ your classmates.A.among B.between C.inA【5】relaxedadj.cal

12、m and not worried or tense 放松放松的;的;calm and peaceful 冷静的冷静的They are very relaxed.他们非常放松。【同根词】(1)relax v.放松He likes to go to the country to relax at the weekend.他喜欢在周末躲到乡村去放松放松。(2)relaxing adj.令人放松的I find it very relaxing.我发现这非常令人放松。【拓展】relax oneself v.放松自己I think playing basketball is a good way to

13、relax myself.我觉得打篮球是一个很好的自我放松的方式。【应用】(1)You can watch a film to _(relaxed)yourself.(2)The music is _(relaxed).relaxrelaxing【6】beatv.defeat others in a competition or election 赢,打败(某人);赢,打败(某人);hit someone or something very hard 用力打用力打其过去式和过去分词分别为beat,beaten。He beat her about the head.他打了她的头。I finall

14、y beat her in that match.我在那场比赛中最终打败了她。【拓展】beat=defeatOur school defeated/beat that school in football.我校在足球比赛中打败了那个学校。【辨析】beat与win(1)beat“赢”,强调打败某人I beat him at the tennis.我打网球赢了他。(2)win“赢”,强调赢得比赛和奖项I won the game at last.我最后赢得了比赛。【应用】()We cant _ them if we dont work hard.A.win B.succeed C.beatC【7】

15、luckyadj.fortunate 幸运的;运气好的幸运的;运气好的Some people seem to be always lucky.有些人似乎从来都是幸运的。【同根词】(1)luck n.幸运Good luck to you!祝你好运!(2)luckily adv.幸运地Luckily I was at home when he called.他来看我时,幸好我在家。(3)unlucky adj.不幸的Some people seem to be always unlucky.有些人似乎从来都是不幸运的。(4)unluckily adv.不幸地Unluckily,he failed

16、in the examination.不幸的是,他考试没有及格。【应用】(1)He is so _(lucky)that he failed the exam.(2)_(lucky)he passed the exam.unluckyLuckily【8】ahead of在在之前;领先之前;领先Lets cut through the woods and get ahead of them!咱们穿过树林抄近路赶到他们前面去吧!【拓展】(1)be ahead of sb.=do better than sb.领先某人He had to work hard to remain ahead of hi

17、s classmates.他必须努力学习以保持他在同学中的领先地位。(2)ahead of time 提前He completed the task ahead of time.他提前完成了任务。【9】pass out晕倒晕倒She suddenly fell forward onto the table and passed out.她突然向前栽倒在桌上,晕了过去。【拓展】pass out=faint 晕倒He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out/fainted.他感觉恶心、眩晕,接着就晕倒了。【应用】()He passed out suddenl

18、y.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.failed B.went out C.fainted【应用】()He is ahead of other players in the game.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.is in advance B.does better than C.is in front ofBC语法梳理语法梳理语法精讲让步状语从句让步状语从句1.though,although 引导让步状语从句时,一般情况下可以互换使用,不过although较为正式。Although/Though Angela was not prepared,she seemed relax

19、ed and did really well.尽管安吉拉没有准备好,但她看起来很放松,也真的做得很好。2.although/though引导的让步状语从句既可以放在主句前(从句后需要加逗号),也可以放在主句后。Although/Though Angela was not prepared,she seemed relaxed and did really well.=Angela seemed relaxed and did really well although/though Angela was not prepared.3.although/though引导让步状语从句时,不能和but

20、/however连用,但可以和yet连用。Although/Though the questions were getting more and more difficult,but she kept getting them right.()Although/Though the questions were getting more and more difficult,she kept getting them right.()Although/Though the questions were getting more and more difficult,yet she kept g

21、etting them right.()The questions were getting more and more difficult,but she kept getting them right.()4.though可以与even连用,表示强调,而although不能与even连用。Even though he is 80,he goes to swim once a week.尽管他80岁了,他还每星期去游泳一次。5.其他引导让步状语从句的连接词还有even if 等。Well make a trip even if/though the weather is bad.即使天气不好

22、,我们也要搞一次旅行。直击中考()1.This dress was last years style.I think it still looks perfect _ it has gone out this year.(2014西宁)A.so that B.as ifC.even though D.ever since()2._ they are twins,they dont look the same at all.(2012阜康)A.Because B.ThoughC.As D.SinceCB写作乐园写作乐园话题五节目主持稿【常用词组】1.welcome to 欢迎来2.English

23、 Speaking Competition 英语演讲比赛3.first of all 首先4.would like to 想要5.be interested in.对感兴趣6.be good at 擅长7.a big hand 热烈的掌声8.take part in 参加9.good luck 祝好运10.show time 表演时间【精彩句型】1.Welcome to the Final English Speaking Competition.欢迎来到英语演讲总决赛。2.Here is your host,Tom.我是你们的主持人汤姆。3.First of all,I would like

24、 to introduce our three contestants.首先,我要介绍我们的三位选手。4.Please give them and our dear judges a big hand.请把热烈的掌声献给我们的选手们和评委们。5.The rules of the Final English Speaking Competition are simple.英语演讲总决赛的规则很简单。6.The points are given for each part by judges.每部分由评委分别打分。7.Now,it is show time.现在,表演(比赛)时间到了。【短文写作】

25、假设你是Tom,你将要主持你们学校的一场英语演讲比赛总决赛。请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇开场主持稿。要求80词左右。要点提示:1.介绍比赛选手;2.介绍比赛规则;3.宣布比赛开始。【范文赏析】Hello,everyone.Welcome to the Final English Speaking Competition.Here is your host,Tom.First of all,I would like to introduce our three contestants.Our first contestant is Tim.He is from Class One.He is i

26、nterested in playing football.The second contestant is Mary.She is from Class Three.She likes doing sports and she is good at swimming.The last one is Lily.She is from Class Six.Her favourite hobby is reading.Please give them and our dear judges a big hand.The rules of the Final English Speaking Com

27、petition are simple.Every contestant has to take part in two parts.First,they have to give a speech.Then they need to answer the questions from the judges.The points are given for each part by judges.The total number of the points is the final result.Good luck to all the contestants.OK,I cant wait.Now,it is show time.Please enjoy yourselves!


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