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1、Book 5 Unit 1Language Points (2)12022-11-7 1.提出一个理论提出一个理论2.得出结论得出结论 put forward a theorydraw a conclusionRevision expose to attend Queen Victoria personal physician face the challenge hit London a valuable clue be to blame physical characteristics3.使暴露使暴露 4.照料女王照料女王 5.私人医生私人医生 6.面对挑战面对挑战 7.(灾难或疾病等灾难

2、或疾病等)侵袭伦敦侵袭伦敦 8.一个有价值的线索一个有价值的线索 9.应受责备应受责备10.身体特征身体特征22022-11-711.既不既不也不也不 neithernor12.每次每次 every time13.感染疾病的人感染疾病的人 the affected personSentences:1每次霍乱暴发都有成千上万的人死去每次霍乱暴发都有成千上万的人死去.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak2.John Snow想要迎接挑战解决这个问题。想要迎接挑战解决这个问题。John

3、Snow wanted to face the chanllenge and solve this problem.3.所以当另一次霍乱所以当另一次霍乱1854年爆发在伦敦的时候,年爆发在伦敦的时候,他已经准备好了开始调研。他已经准备好了开始调研。So when another outbreak hitLondon in 1854,he was ready to begin his enquiry.32022-11-74.每次爆发霍乱时,就有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。5.看来水是罪魁祸首。So many thousands of terrified people died every time t

4、here was an outbreak.It seemed that the water was to blame.42022-11-7Key words and expressions of text(2)52022-11-7put forward put forward 提出;推荐、提名;提前提出;推荐、提名;提前理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。Weve Weve put put the wedding the wedding forwardforward by by two weeks.two weeks.将将提前提前 62022-11-7 Mr.S

5、mith Mr.Smith put forward a put forward a suggestionsuggestion at the meeting that at the meeting that we should set up a special we should set up a special department to deal with department to deal with emergency.emergency.Her name Her name was put forwardwas put forward for the lead role in the p

6、lay.for the lead role in the play.被推荐被推荐/提名提名 提出建议提出建议72022-11-7拓展拓展:upup downdown outout offoff onon up withup with away awayputput记下;放下记下;放下扑灭扑灭推迟,延期推迟,延期举起举起;建造建造;张贴;供给张贴;供给住宿住宿 穿上;增加;上演穿上;增加;上演put forwardput forward忍受忍受收拾;储存收拾;储存82022-11-71.The plan that you _ at the meeting is wonderful.2.Many

7、tall buildings were _ along the road.3.Firefighters have been called to _ the fire in the city centre.4.I dont know how his parents_ his behavior.5.Dont _ until tomorrow what can be done today.put forwardput forward put upput up put output out put offput off put up withput up with92022-11-7When I le

8、ft hospital I was completed cured.Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?cure:_vt.治愈,治疗;治愈,治疗;n.疗法,治疗药疗法,治疗药 cure sb.of 治好治好(病、恶病、恶习等习等)a cure for 治疗治疗的方法的方法102022-11-7They are glad to see that 90%of patients can be cured _the disease.of112022-11-7与与cure sb.of.类似的结构常用的还有:类似的结构常用的还有:remind sb.of sth.

9、使某人想起某事使某人想起某事 suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人怀疑某人(做做)某事某事 rob sb.of sth.抢了某人的某物抢了某人的某物 inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事通知某人某事 warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事 accuse sb.of sth.指控指控/控告某人某事控告某人某事122022-11-7 辨析:treat与cure Has the doctor _ her illness?No,he _ her but didnt _ her.Acured;treated;treat Bcured;cured;treat Ctreat

10、ed the old woman for;treated;cure Dcured the old woman of;treated;cure 解析:cure“治愈”强调结果。cure sb of sth treat“治疗”强调过程。treat sb for sth思维袋袋库思维袋袋库132022-11-7 Her son was addicted to the computer games and she had to spend much time _(cure)him_the bad habits.The government is finding a cure _ the rising

11、housing prices.curingcuringofofforfor142022-11-7Para.5 1.调查调查 2.水源水源3.被脏水污染的河被脏水污染的河 4.拆除把手拆除把手5.缓解缓解 6.由病菌传播由病菌传播 look intothe source of the water the river polluted the dirty water remove the handle slow down spread by germs152022-11-77.Next,John Snow _ _ the _ of the water for these two streets.8

12、.He found that it came from the river _ by the dirty water from London.9.He immediately told the _(惊讶的惊讶的)people in Broad Street to _ the handle from the pump _ _ it could not be used.10.Soon afterwards the disease _ _.He had shown that cholera was _ by germs and not in a cloud of gas.looked intosou

13、rce pollutedastonishedremove so thatslowed downspread162022-11-7pollute vt.pollute vt.污染;弄脏污染;弄脏 _ n._ n.污染污染 We cant drink the _(pollute)water.polluted polluted pollutionpollution_ n._ n.污染物质;污染源污染物质;污染源polluterpolluter Nowadays,something must be done to reduce air_(pollute).The _(pollute)that has

14、polluted the river is a chemical factory.pollutionpollutionpolluterpolluter172022-11-7Para.61.有利的证据有利的证据 2.与与有关联有关联3.搬离搬离 4.有了这个特别的证据有了这个特别的证据5.死于死于 6.肯定的宣布肯定的宣布 supporting evidence be linked to move away fromwith this extra evidencedie of announce with certainty182022-11-77.In another part of Londo

15、n,he found _ _ from two other _that were_ _ the Broad Street outbreak.8.A woman,_ had _ _ _ Broad Street,liked the water from the pump _ much _ she had it _to her house every day.9.Both she and her daughter _ _ cholera after _ the water.10._ this extra evidence John Snow was able to _ with certainty

16、 that _ water carried the virus.supporting evidencedeaths linked to who moved away fromsothatdelivered died ofdrinking With announce polluted192022-11-7我的电脑无法连接网络我的电脑无法连接网络I cant link my computer to the internet.link.to.link.to.把把与与连接或联系起来连接或联系起来 be linked to 被连接,与被连接,与有联系有联系 The video cameras a pow

17、erful computer.Two deaths the cholera.are linked towere linked to202022-11-7announcevt.宣告宣告(决定、计划等决定、计划等);(尤指通过广播尤指通过广播)通知通知(1)It is announced that.据通知据通知announce sth.to sb./to sb.sth.向某人宣布某事向某人宣布某事(2)announcement n.通告;宣告;通知通告;宣告;通知announcer n.广播员,播音员广播员,播音员make an announcement 宣布;通知宣布;通知 Mary annou

18、nced to her parents that she was going to run for monitor.玛丽向她父母亲玛丽向她父母亲宣布宣布她准备竞选班长。她准备竞选班长。212022-11-7Para.7 1.阻止阻止.2.不再不再3.接触接触 4.建议建议做做 preventfrom notany more exposeto suggest that sb.(should)do sth suggest that sth(should)be done222022-11-7Para.7 5.To _ this _ happening again,John Snow _ that t

19、he source of all the water supplies _ _.6.The water companies were instructed not to_ people _ polluted water _ _.Finally King Cholera was _.prevent from suggested be examined expose to any more defeated232022-11-7defeat The army defeated the enemy in the end.Tom suffered defeat in the English exami

20、nation.The problem has defeated me and I cant solve it.打败,打败,战胜战胜 n.失败,挫折失败,挫折 难倒,使困惑难倒,使困惑 vt.打败;战胜;使受挫;n.失败242022-11-7辨析:辨析:defeat,beat&windefeat与与beat同义,表示同义,表示“击败对方击败对方”,宾语为参赛者或竞争者,如宾语为参赛者或竞争者,如sb.或或a team;而而win则表示则表示“赢得比赛、战争或某些奖赢得比赛、战争或某些奖赏或荣誉赏或荣誉”,宾语为,宾语为game,match,prize等,不能接人。等,不能接人。252022-11

21、-7 1)They hoped to _the enemy at sea.defeat262022-11-72)They_ us in the football match.3)The U.S.A _ the Iraq War but lost the national popularity(国家声望国家声望).wonwondefeated/beatdefeated/beat272022-11-7instruct vt.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导命令;指示;教导_adj._adj.有指导意义有指导意义的,有益的的,有益的_n._n.指导;说明书指导;说明书(复数复数)_搭配搭配

22、命令命令/指示某人做某事指示某人做某事instruct sb.to do sth.instruct sb.to do sth.instructiveinstructiveinstructioninstruction282022-11-7 My mum always instructs me My mum always instructs me _(keep)the room clean and in _(keep)the room clean and in good order.good order.Read the _(instruct)Read the _(instruct)careful

23、ly before taking the medicine.carefully before taking the medicine.Your words are very _ Your words are very _(instruct)(instruct),so I will keep them in my mind.so I will keep them in my mind.to keepto keep instructions instructionsinstructive instructive 292022-11-7II.课文缩写。课文缩写。John Snow was a fam

24、ous doctor in London.In his time cholera was the 1_ disease.So John Snow made up his mind to help ordinary people 2_ to cholera.At that time,no one knew its cause or 3_.He knew it would never be 4_ until its cause was found.He thought people got attacked by the disease 5_ into their bodies.He tried

25、to prove this.So when another outbreak 6_ London in 1854,he gathered information and made a map,marking where all the dead people had lived.deadly exposed cure controlled absorbed hit302022-11-7II.课文缩写。课文缩写。It was valuable.And finally he 7_ that the water was to 8_.Then John Snow looked into the sou

26、rce of water.He found all the deaths were 9_ to the polluted water.So he was able to 10_ with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.To 11_ this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with 12_ water be found.

27、Finally“King Cholera”was 13_.concluded blame linked announce prevent polluted defeated312022-11-7课堂检测课堂检测322022-11-7_ forward 提出提出_ a conclusion 得出结论得出结论be expert _ 在在很熟练很熟练expose-_ 使使暴露暴露cure-_ 治疗治疗.疾病疾病treat-_把把看做看做/treatto 款待款待be _ in 吸收,专心吸收,专心suspect-_ 怀疑某人怀疑某人be _ _ for 对对-负责(因负责(因-收责罚)收责罚)lin

28、k-_连接连接Putdraw in to of as/to absorbed of to blameto332022-11-7补全句子补全句子1.Dont _(暴露暴露)your skin to the sun for too long.2._(每当每当)I meet him,I always think of the things having happened between us.3._(好像好像)she was lying4.Who is _(责备责备)for the mistake?5.Please _(照顾照顾)her when you are there.1.expose 2.E

29、very time 3.It seemed that 4.to blame 5.attend342022-11-7Correction1.Many thousand of terrified people died every time when there was an outbreak.2.A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until he found its victims.3.A woman liked the water very much that she had it to deliver to her house every day.4.Determining to find out the reason,John Snow made lots of investigations.5.To keep this happening again,John Snow Suggested that the source of all the water supplies were examined.itsodeliveredDetermined frombe352022-11-7Thank you362022-11-7


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