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1、选修7 Unit 5Travelling abroad选修7 U n i t 5 T r a v e l l i n g a b r o a d.单词荟萃1._n.队列;行列 vi.排队 2._n.店主 3._n.常规;日常事务 adj.通常的;例行的 4._n.目的地 5._n.资格;资历qualified adj.有资格的;能胜任的qualify vt.(使)合格;(使)具有资格 6._n.准备;预备prepare vt.准备 queueshopkeeperroutinedestinationqualificationpreparation.单词荟萃q u e u e s h o p k

2、e e p e r r o u t i n7._vt.推荐;建议recommendation n.推荐;介绍;劝告 8._n.舒适;安慰 vt.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的comfortably adv.舒适地 9._n.代替品;代用品 vt.用代替substitution n.代替;取代 10._adj.学校的;学术的academically adv.学术上;学业上academy n.学院;研究院;学会 11._n.需要;要求require vt.需要 12._vt.复查;修正;复习revision n.复查;修正;复习 13._vt.承认;确认;答谢acknowledgeme

3、nt n.承认;确认;答谢recommendcomfortsubstituteacademicrequirementreviseacknowledge7._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v t.推荐;建议r e c o m m14._vt.反驳;驳斥contradiction n.反驳;矛盾contradictory adj.相互矛盾的 15._vt.占用;占领;占据occupation n.占领;占据 16._n.道歉;谢罪apologize vt.&vi.道歉;谢罪 17._adj.可选择的;随意的option n.选择 18._n.代理人;经纪人agency n.服务

4、机构;代理机构 19._adj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n.丰富;充裕 20._vt.&vi.统治;支配;管理government n.政府governor n.主管人员;统治者;管理者contradictoccupyapologyoptionalagentabundantgovern1 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v t.反驳;驳斥c o n t r a d i6._与平行;和类似7._富于;在方面很丰富8._摆脱而独立9._不可能的10._(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来.短语检测1._适应2._相适应;相融合3._忙着做;忙于某事物4._继续干下去5._就而言a

5、djust tofit inbe occupied withkeep it upas far as one is concernedbe parallel to/withbe abundant ingain independence fromout of the questionsettle in6._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 与平行;和类.佳句再现1.固定句式:It/This was the first time(that)这是第一次_(这是第一次)she had ever left her motherland.2.“特殊疑问词+不定式”作宾语B

6、ut I was also very nervous as I didnt know _(期待什么).3.固定句式:as far asis/was concerned 在看来;就而言Besides,_(就他而言),what other people thought was not the most important thing.It was the first timewhat to expectas far as he was concerned.佳句再现I t w a s t h e f i r s t t i m e w h4.系表结构:get+v.-edWhen I_(迷路)and

7、had to ask a passer-by for directions,I didnt always understand.5.固定句式:sothat如此以至于I _(一直忙于学习以至于)I havent had time for social activities.got losthave been so occupied with work that4.系表结构:g e t+v.-e d g o t l o s t h a v e 1 preparation n.准备、预备(1)in preparation(for)在准备中;作为的准备make preparations for 为做准

8、备(2)prepare sth 准备/预备prepare for 为做准备单词点睛1 p r e p a r a t i o n n.准备、预备单词点睛【活学活用】(1)The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.今天要竭尽全力做到最好,这就是你为明天所做的最好的准备。(2)We have made all necessary preparations for the research project,which still has many problems to be solved.我们已经为这个研究项目做好了一切必

9、要的准备,但仍然有许多问题有待解决。(3)They are collecting information _preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk.他们正在收集情报,为双方坐下来谈判的那一天做准备。in【活学活用】i n(4)语法填空。Plans for selling the new product are now_preparation.The children were as busy as bees,making _(prepare)for the festival.Every day they are

10、talking about peace but actually _(prepare)for war.inpreparationspreparing(4)语法填空。i n p r e p a r a t i o n s p r e p a r2 recommend vt.(to give advice or counsel)推荐;建议(1)recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事recommend doing 建议做recommend that sb(should)do建议(从句用虚拟语气)Its strongly/hi

11、ghly recommended that sb(should)do强烈建议(2)recommendation n.推荐;介绍信2 r e c o m m e n d v t.(t o g i v e a d v i【活学活用】(1)I recommend you to think very carefully before you make any decision.我建议你在做决定之前要仔细考虑。(2)The teacher recommended some really worthwhile novels to his students.老师推荐给他的学生一些真正有价值的小说。(3)_t

12、he project(should)not be started until all the preparations have been made.有人强烈建议直到所有准备工作就绪后工程再开工。It is strongly recommended that【活学活用】I t i s s t r o n g l y r e c o m m e n d(4)语法填空。My neighbour recommended her own daughter _an excellent secretary!Acting on my_(recommend),he has decided to read th

13、e novel once more.He recommended _(read)the book before seeing the movie.The old man should listen to the doctors recommendation that he_(stay)in bed for a good rest.asrecommendationreading(should)stay(4)语法填空。a s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n r e a d(5)一句多译。Eye doctors _at the age of six months old.(r

14、ecommend sb to do sth)Eye doctors _at the age of six months old.(宾语从句)眼科医生建议孩子应在六个月大时进行第一次眼睛检查。recommend a childs first eye examination to be takenrecommend that a childs first eye examination(should)be taken(5)一句多译。r e c o m m e n d a c h i l d s f i3 comfort n.(the state of being free from sufferi

15、ng,anxiety,pain,etc.)舒适;安慰 vt.安慰(1)in comfort=comfortably 舒适地give sb comfort 安慰某人(2)comfortwith 以来安慰;使舒适(3)comfortable adj.安乐的,舒适的uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的温馨提示 comfort用作不可数名词时,意为“安乐,舒适,无忧无虑”。comfort还可作“给予援助或安慰的人或事”讲,此时用作可数名词。如:You are a great comfort to your parents.你是父母极大的安慰。3 c o m f o r t n.(t h

16、 e s t a t e o f b e【活学活用】(1)No matter how sad you are,I will always comfort you on your side to accompany you!不论你有多难过,我总会在你身边安慰你、陪伴你!(2)She comforted herself with the view that her husband would come back in a few days.她认为她丈夫几天后就会回来她以此安慰自己。(3)It is her parents rather than her husband _when she gets

17、 into trouble.当她陷入困境,给她安慰的是她的父母而不是丈夫。who give her comfort【活学活用】w h o g i v e h e r c o m f o r t(4)语法填空。He comforted himself _the thought that she had died in the most beautiful part of the country.One thing Ive noticed is that when people have to wait,they become impatient or _(comfort).Now sit dow

18、n and make yourself _(comfort).You must be very tired.The doctor said some _(comfort)words to me and told me not to worry about the childs illness.withuncomfortablecomfortablecomforting(4)语法填空。w i t h u n c o m f o r t a b l e c o m4 substitute n.(one that takes the place of another;a replacement)代替

19、者;代用品 vt.(to put,use or serve as a substitute)用代替substitute A for B(=substitute B with/by A)用A代替Bas a substitute 作为代替者/代替品4 s u b s t i t u t e n.(o n e t h a t t a k【活学活用】(1)Some memories are doomed to be unable to erase,just like some people are doomed to be unable to substitute.有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人

20、,注定无法替代一样。(2)Robots have been substituted for human beings in doing some dangerous work.在一些危险的工作中,机器人已经取代了人类。(3)In modern industry,plastics is often used as a substitute for steel.在现代工业中,常常用塑料做钢的代用品。【活学活用】(4)用substitute/replace的适当形式填空。The local government has decided to _coal with gas.Nothing can _f

21、or the advice the doctor is able to give you.replacesubstitute(4)用s u b s t i t u t e/r e p l a c e 的适当形式填空。5 acknowledge vt.(to admit the existence,reality,or truth of)承认,确认;答谢acknowledge sb/sth to be/as认为某人/物是acknowledge doing sth 承认做某事acknowledge that承认It is universally acknowledged that是大家公认的。in

22、 acknowledgement of 对表示感谢5 a c k n o w l e d g e v t.(t o a d m i t t【活学活用】(1)It is a universally acknowledged truth that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。(2)Joe is acknowledged as/to be the best basketball player of this year.乔被公认

23、为是今年最佳篮球选手。【活学活用】(3)语法填空。The film festival is acknowledged _an event of international importance.With no solid evidence,he refused to acknowledge _(steal)the ladys purse.Generally _(acknowledge)to be the finest poet in the land,he still lives a low-profile life.asstealing/having stolenacknowledged(3

24、)语法填空。a s s t e a l i n g/h a v i n g s t o(4)一句多译。_we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.(it作形式主语)_,we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.(定语从句)正如大家所公认的,除非我们创造一个污染更少的世界,否则我们不可能看到更蓝的天空。It is universally acknowledged thatAs is universa

25、lly acknowledged(4)一句多译。I t i s u n i v e r s a l l y a c k n6 occupy vt.(to engage in or take and keep possession of)占据,占领;占用(1)occupy oneself with/in 从事于;忙于;专心于be occupied in/with(doing sth)忙于(做某事)keep sb occupied 使某人忙碌(2)occupation n.占领;职业;消遣温馨提示 occupy的基本意思是指“占用时间、空间、地点等”,也可引申为“占据某个职位或发挥某种作用”。如:

26、Mr White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.怀特先生在教育部担任要职。6 o c c u p y v t.(t o e n g a g e i n o r【活学活用】(1)Fully occupied in looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to take part in various activities in the club.忙于照顾家里的三个孩子,她没有时间去参加俱乐部的各种活动。(2)When the e

27、nemy occupied the city,the scientist was occupied with his research.当敌人占领这个城市时,这位科学家正忙于他的研究。(3)With autumn approaching,farmers are now occupying themselves in(=_)getting in their crops in the fields.秋天到了,农民们正忙着在田野里收割庄稼。are now occupied in【活学活用】a r e n o w o c c u p i e d i n(4)语法填空。He would have att

28、ended your birthday party but he had occupied himself _a very important experiment.It was a very small room,with a big bed _(occupy)most of the space.He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses _(occupy).I noticed Mother looking at a nearby table _(occupy)by an elderly woman

29、and a young couple.withoccupyingoccupationoccupied(4)语法填空。w i t h o c c u p y i n g o c c u p a t(5)一句多译。The professor _he has little time for the housework.(sothat)_he has little time for the housework.(倒装句)该教授忙于办公室工作,很少有时间搞家务。is so occupied with his office work thatSo occupied with his office work

30、 is the professor that(5)一句多译。i s s o o c c u p i e d w i t h h i7 apology n.(a statement to say one is sorry for having done sth wrong or hurting sbs feelings)道歉;谢罪(1)an apology for 为道歉(2)make an apology to sb(for sth)(为某事)向某人道歉(3)apologize to sb for sth 为向某人道歉7 a p o l o g y n.(a s t a t e m e n t

31、 t o 【活学活用】(1)The woman accepted his apology for spilling coffee on her dress.他由于把咖啡洒在这位女士的衣服上而向她道歉,她接受了他的道歉。(2)The captain apologized to(=_)the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.由于天气恶劣延误了船次,船长向旅客们道了歉。(3)My friend recommended that I _Tom for my unfriendly behaviour,and I accepted.(apolo

32、gy)朋友建议我为不友好的行为向汤姆道歉,我接受了。made an apology to(should)make an apology to【活学活用】m a d e a n a p o l o g y t o(s h o u l(4)语法填空。You should make an apology _her for your carelessness.Im afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday;I think I owe you an _(apologize)._(apologize)for leaving so early,I brought you a small gift._(apologize)does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right.toapologyTo apologizeApologizing(4)语法填空。t o a p o l o g y T o a p o l o g i z e


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