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1、冀教版冀教版 八年级下八年级下 Unit 4 Lesson 21 Books or Computers?Words&expressionspressappearmodernelectronicselln.印刷机;新闻界印刷机;新闻界v.出现;呈现;来到出现;呈现;来到adj.现代的;新式的现代的;新式的adj.电子的电子的v.卖;出售卖;出售 Culture Tip:Culture Tip Did you know that China was the first to invent paper?Paper was invented during the Han Dynasty.Paper i

2、s one of the four great inventions of ancient China.The other three inventions are the compass,printing press and gunpowder.n.印刷机印刷机n.火药火药n.指南针指南针n.汉代汉代v.发明,创造发明,创造n.发明发明The history of books:Presentation:In ancient times,there were no books,and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories.The

3、n people learn to write and they write on stones,cloth or bamboo.pass on 传递传递The history of books:Presentation:Later,people learned how to make paper,they began to write down their stories by hand on paper.It took a long time to write just one book!Then,the printing press appeared,it was possible to

4、 print books quickly.It was also possible for common people to read books.appear v.出现;呈现;来到出现;呈现;来到The history of books:Presentation:Recently,computers and the Internet changed the world again.A new kind of book appeared:the electronic book(ebook)It is easier for people to buy and sell books online.

5、electronic adj.电子的电子的sell v.卖;出售卖;出售paper booksThe history of books:ebooksPresentation:So people have many ways to read books now.Pair work:Talk about these questions in pairs.1.How many books have you read this year?2.Do you read ebooks?Do you like them?3.Which do you like better?Paper books or ebo

6、oks?Why?Listen to the passage and answer the questions:Listening:1.How did people write books in ancient times?People wrote down their stories with paper.They wrote each word by hand.2.What made it possible to print books quickly?Modern technology made it possible to print books quickly.3.What kind

7、of books quickly changed peoples reading habits?Ebooks.Lets Do It!1The History of the Book()It took a long time to write just one book.()It made it possible for common people to read books.()The ebook appeared.()People had no books,and they shared knowledge by telling stories.()The printing press ap

8、peared.()People download books from the Internet.()With paper,people began to write down stories.The History of the Book()It took a long time to write just one book.()It made it possible for common people to read books.()The ebook appeared.()People had no books,and they shared knowledge by telling s

9、tories.()The printing press appeared.()People download books from the Internet.()With paper,people began to write down stories.1234567Lets Do It!2Read the lesson and put the sentences in the correct order.Reading:Read the lesson again and take notes.The history of books is very interesting.In ancien

10、t times,there were no books,and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories.Later,people learned how to write and make paper.With paper,people began to write down their stories.They wrote each word by hand.It took a long time to write just one book!在古代在古代传递传递造纸造纸写下写下用手用手Reading:Read the less

11、on again and take notes.Then,the printing press appeared and changed the world.With modern technology,it was possible to print books quickly.It was also possible for common people to read books.Recently,computers and the Internet changed the world again.A new kind of book appeared:the electronic boo

12、k(ebook)This is a modern printing press.It can make thousands of books a day.印刷机印刷机出现出现现代科技现代科技电子书电子书Reading:Read the lesson again and take notes.Ebooks are quickly changing peoples reading habits.It is easier for people to buy and sell books online.Information travels faster and farther.Nowadays,pe

13、ople have many ways to read books.No matter what you have,a computer,a tablet,a laptop,an ereader or a real book,keep on reading!Which invention do you think is more important the printing press or the Internet?卖出卖出无论什么无论什么坚持坚持language points:Grammar:1.People passed on their knowledge by telling sto

14、ries.人们通过讲故事来人们通过讲故事来传播传播知识。知识。pass on 传递;前进;传递;前进;What sort of values do you want to pass on?你想把怎样的价值观你想把怎样的价值观传递传递给下一代?给下一代?I have said enough on this subject,now let me pass on.关于这个问题,我已经谈了不少,现在我接着谈下面的问题。关于这个问题,我已经谈了不少,现在我接着谈下面的问题。language points:Grammar:2.They wrote each word by hand.他们他们用手用手来写每

15、个单词。来写每个单词。by hand 用手;手工用手;手工 He moved the huge stone by hand.他他用手用手移动了那块大石头。移动了那块大石头。We arranged lead letters by hand before a newspaper was printed.在报纸印刷以前,过去是用在报纸印刷以前,过去是用手工手工排铅字的。排铅字的。language points:Grammar:3.It took a long time to write just one book!写一本书就要花费很长时间写一本书就要花费很长时间cost物物 cost人金钱人金钱Th

16、e ticket cost me ten dollars.这张票花了我十美元。这张票花了我十美元。spend人人spend时间时间/金钱金钱on名词名词/代词代词I spent all my pocket money on books.我所有的零花钱都花在书上了。我所有的零花钱都花在书上了。takeIt takes/took人时人时间间to doIt took me an hour to walk there.我花了一小时走到那儿。我花了一小时走到那儿。pay人人pay金钱金钱 for物物He paid$5 for that book.他花了他花了5美元买那本书。美元买那本书。辨析:辨析:co

17、st,spend,take与与 paylanguage points:Grammar:4.Then,the printing press appeared and changed the world.然后,然后,印刷机出现印刷机出现了并改变了世界。了并改变了世界。printing press 印刷机印刷机 The newspaper is the most novel product of the printing press.报纸是报纸是印刷机印刷机制造的最新奇的产品。制造的最新奇的产品。press n.新闻界新闻界;印刷机印刷机 The power of the press is very

18、 great.新闻出版社的力量是巨大的。新闻出版社的力量是巨大的。v.压;按压;按Press this button to start the engine.要开动发动机就要开动发动机就按按这个按钮。这个按钮。language points:Grammar:appear vi.出现;呈现;来到出现;呈现;来到When night falls,stars appear.夜晚来到时星星夜晚来到时星星出现出现。He is anxious to appear a gentleman.他急于他急于表现表现得像一位绅士。得像一位绅士。A woman appeared at the far end of t

19、he street.一个女人在街那端一个女人在街那端出现出现了。了。language points:Grammar:5.With modern technology,it was possible to print books quickly.使用现代技术能快速打印书。使用现代技术能快速打印书。It is/was+adj.+to do sth.做某事做某事(It作形式主语,真正的主语是作形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth.)It is very interesting to learn English.学英语很有趣。学英语很有趣。It is lucky to meet you here.

20、有幸在这儿见到你。有幸在这儿见到你。Its very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我真好。你能帮助我真好。language points:Grammar:若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind/good/nice/right/wrong/clever/careless/polite/foolish等,用等,用of sb。Its very difficult for me to get up early in the morning.早起对我而言很困难。早起对我而言很困难。若形容词仅仅是描述事物,用若形容词仅仅是

21、描述事物,用for sb,这类形容词有,这类形容词有difficult/easy/hard/important/dangerous/impossible等。等。Its important for us to learn English.学英语对我们来说很重要。学英语对我们来说很重要。language points:Grammar:6.No matter what you havekeep on reading.不管你有什么,继续阅读。不管你有什么,继续阅读。keep on 继续继续 They run after me.I dont look back at them and keep on r

22、unning.他们在后面追,我没有回头看,他们在后面追,我没有回头看,继续继续一个劲儿的跑。一个劲儿的跑。The important thing is to keep on top of industry trends,and stay informed.重要的事情是重要的事情是保持保持行业趋势的优势,并且消息灵通。行业趋势的优势,并且消息灵通。keep on doing sth.着重指动作的反复。着重指动作的反复。Dont give up,and keep on trying.不要放弃,继续努力。不要放弃,继续努力。keep doing sth.强调状态或动作的持续。强调状态或动作的持续。H

23、e kept talking for about an hour.他持续谈了约一个小时。他持续谈了约一个小时。1.印刷机印刷机_2.在古代在古代_3.传递传递_4.改变世界改变世界_5.用手用手 _6.现代科技现代科技_7.继续做某事继续做某事_8.电子书电子书_the printing press in ancient timespass onchange the worldby handmodern technologykeep on doing sth.the electronic book(eKey phrases we learn today:Fill in the blanks.T

24、he first letter is given.3Lets Do It!1.With paper,people began to write down their stories.People wrote each word by hand.It took a long time to write one book.I_couldnt travel far.2.When the printing press a_,it changed the world.The m_ printing press can print books quickly,and makes it possible f

25、or the c_person to have easy access to books.3.Computers and the Internet changed the world.They made it possible for a new kind of book:the e_ book.Traditionally books could only be bought and sold at a store,but today you can buy and s_books online.nformationppearedodernommonlectronicell Do you li

26、ke reading paper books or electronic books(ebooks)?Why?Talk with your partner and make up a dialogue.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!eg:A:Do you like ebooks?B:Yes.I like them very much.A:Why?B:Because it is very easy for people to buy and sell books online.Lets Do It!4 Work in pairs:根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词:根据句意及所给汉语提

27、示写出单词:Exercise:1We watch the books rolling off the_(印刷机印刷机)2The sun _(出现出现)at 7:00 this morning.3In the afternoon,they went to an exhibition of _(现现代的代的)art.4Some young students like _(电子的电子的)books better than paper books.5He _(卖卖)his old computer for 500 yuan.pressesappearedmodernelectronicsold6He

28、_ a new way of making silk.7In _ times,people lived by hunting.8The toy is made _.9After a short rest,they _ walking.10How do they _ their information?inventedby hand ancient invent keep on pass onancientby handkept onpass onExercise:用方框中单词或短语的适当形式填空:用方框中单词或短语的适当形式填空:Fill in the blanks with correct

29、words.Exercise:1.我从没感觉到那样压抑,但是他确实给我我从没感觉到那样压抑,但是他确实给我传递传递了他的冒险精神。了他的冒险精神。I never felt stressed like that,but he did _ _ his sense of adventure.2.我国有些我国有些古代古代科学著作已经失传。科学著作已经失传。Some scientific books of _ China have been lost.3.这封信是这封信是手写手写的。的。The letter was written _ _.4.黎明的曙光黎明的曙光出现出现在地平线上。在地平线上。The first signs of the dawn _ on the horizon.5.电子电子计算机已在世界各地普遍使用。计算机已在世界各地普遍使用。_computers are now in common use all over the world.pass onancientby handappearedElectronicHomeworkWrite a passage to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.(50100 words)


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