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1、最新中考英语最新中考英语题型专项训练题型专项训练单项选择单项选择中考英语单项选择分析中考英语单项选择分析 单项填空这个题型容量大,涉及到语音、词汇、语法、习语、日常用语和习惯表达法等语言知识,范围广,是对学生掌握英语基本知识和基本技能功底即语言运用能力的检测,一般分值为25分,所占比例为21%,较为重要。要做好单项选择的基本条件是:1.从考生本人来说,应有扎实的英语基础知识功底,要有丰富的词汇、习惯用语和句型知识。2.从做题来说,一方面要有认真仔细的态度,另一方面要注意积累解题技巧,做到从语义和语法两个方面来考虑,要善于寻找信息词,对题目进行分析、理解,从中选出最佳答案。3.从英语是一种语言工

2、具来说,要从注重英语语法和单纯的语言测试转变到要注重语境和对语言的理解和运用上来。4.从英语新课程标准的要求来说,要讲究各方面素质的培养,善于与其它学科相结合,能联系新形势、新热点,与时俱进,具有创新意识。一、分析历年的中考题,可以发现,单项选择一、分析历年的中考题,可以发现,单项选择 从三个方面出题。从三个方面出题。1.词性:名词、冠词、数词、介词、连词、代词、动词、形容词和副词等九类词性 2.句法类 3.情景交际1.语法专项分析2.情景交际分析3.学科渗透分析4.热点分析中考出题预测分析中考出题预测分析二、本节课从以下四个二、本节课从以下四个 方面来分析中考单项选择题:方面来分析中考单项选

3、择题:Step 1 读读Step 2 排排Step 3 选选Step 4 验验Step 1 阅读审题阅读审题 首先要默读试题中的英语句子,了解空格在句中所处的位置,句子缺少什么成份,初步确首先要默读试题中的英语句子,了解空格在句中所处的位置,句子缺少什么成份,初步确定一个答案的范围。根据备选答案二者结合起来就会大致明白考查什么。定一个答案的范围。根据备选答案二者结合起来就会大致明白考查什么。Step 2观察排除观察排除 这是一个快速而又严密的思维过程。要这是一个快速而又严密的思维过程。要求将试题中所提供的条件和备选答案的求将试题中所提供的条件和备选答案的情况结合起来去分析、推理、排除那些情况结

4、合起来去分析、推理、排除那些明显不符合试题,甚至本身就有错的各明显不符合试题,甚至本身就有错的各选项目,再在剩余的备选中比较分析。选项目,再在剩余的备选中比较分析。Step 3选择判断选择判断 在分析句子和备选答案的基础上,在分析句子和备选答案的基础上,经过反复验证,选出一个使句子经过反复验证,选出一个使句子语法正确、语意通顺,符合逻辑语法正确、语意通顺,符合逻辑道理的答案。道理的答案。Step 4复查验证复查验证 将所选答案放在句中空格处再默将所选答案放在句中空格处再默读全句。首先看是否顺口,再在读全句。首先看是否顺口,再在读法、意思和逻辑关系上推敲一读法、意思和逻辑关系上推敲一下,完全符合

5、条件则可放心。下,完全符合条件则可放心。根据语感立即确定答案。有些单选题,简单根据语感立即确定答案。有些单选题,简单易懂,仅仅考查语言点,考生往往凭已掌握易懂,仅仅考查语言点,考生往往凭已掌握的知识和语感能够直接选定正确答案。的知识和语感能够直接选定正确答案。如如:We often have sports after class,and I like to play _ basketball.A.a B.an C.the D.不填不填解 析:本题考查冠词的用法,根据词组本题考查冠词的用法,根据词组“play basketball”,中间无冠词,中间无冠词,直接选答案直接选答案 D.方法一方法一

6、:直接法play _ basketball1)-What are you going to do,Jane?-Oh,my mother asks me _ some food for supper.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying2)We have worked for three hours.Now lets stop _ a rest.A.had B.have C.to have D.having3)This is a big class and _ of the students are girls.A.two third B.second three C.t

7、wo thirds D.two three4)Ive had enough bread,would you like _.A.few more B.one more C.another more D.some more5)He has failed several times,but he wont _ A.go on B.come on C.get up D.give upBCCDD此法主要用于较简单的试题,但必须要求对基本知识点,此法主要用于较简单的试题,但必须要求对基本知识点,语法点熟练掌握语法点熟练掌握。许多题目都有一些关键词,它们对于快速而准确许多题目都有一些关键词,它们对于快速而准

8、确地判断出答案起着至关重要的作用。找到句中的地判断出答案起着至关重要的作用。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。方法二方法二:关键词法 -Is Wei Fang good at singing?-Yes,she is.We often hear her _ in the next room.A.to sing B.sings C.sing D.singing often hearhear sb do(经常或做过经常或做过)doing(正在做)(正在做)The boy was seen _ into the house and go upstairs an

9、hour ago.A.to enterB.entering C.to walk D.walkingbe noticed/heard/seen/made to do(被动被动)notice/hear/see/make sb do(主动主动)seen1.He has never been to Beijing before,_?A.has he B.hasnt he C.did he D.does he 2.-What did you see,Mary?-I saw a lot of trees on _ of the lake.A.either side B.all sides C.both s

10、ides D.other sides3.We have got two TV set,but _ works well.A.any B.both C.neither D.either 4.It_ ten years since we last _ in Beijing.A.was,met B.has been,met C.was,meet D.is,meetABCB 在对四个选项难以确定的情况下,考生可在对四个选项难以确定的情况下,考生可以采取逐个排除法,把没有被排除的答案以采取逐个排除法,把没有被排除的答案定为正确答案。定为正确答案。方法三:方法三:排除法 Wheres Lucy?Im no

11、t sure.She _ in the library.A.maybe B.must be C.may be D.may 句中没有谓语动词句中没有谓语动词 情态动词情态动词+动原动原 The young man was caught for murder because he killed _ girl.A a 8-years-old B an 8-years-oldC an 8-year-old D a 8-year-old 冠冠-形形-名,去?加?名,去?加?复合形容词复合形容词8 8eight 前用前用 an1)Could you tell me_?A who is that man B

12、 how much it costs to fly to Beijing C why is he crying so sadly D whether has he arrived 2)Remember,boys and girls _ you work,_ result you will get.A The better,the harder B The harder,the better C The hard,the better D The harder,the good 3)I usually have milk and bread for supper.-_.A So have I B

13、 So do I C I have to D I do so 4)I asked you _ next。A what shall we do B we should do what C what should we do D what we should do BBDB有些单选题不能很快确定答案,必须对其有些单选题不能很快确定答案,必须对其时态、语态及同义词等方面进行比较,最时态、语态及同义词等方面进行比较,最后选出答案。后选出答案。方法四:方法四:比较法Hes never heard to sing songs,_?Hes never heard to sing songs,_?_.He o

14、nce took the first place in a big singing competition in our school.A.has he;Yes B.hasnt he;No A.has he;Yes B.hasnt he;No C.is he;Yes D.isnt he;No C.is he;Yes D.isnt he;No 前肯后否,前否后肯前肯后否,前否后肯is heis heYesYes _ enjoyable it is to travel by air!_.“形容词形容词”时感叹词是应用时感叹词是应用how how 去掉去掉 C C、D D做飞机去旅行多愉快啊!做飞机

15、去旅行多愉快啊!So it is.正装(陈述句语序)是表示对前者的肯定,意思正装(陈述句语序)是表示对前者的肯定,意思是:是:“它的确是的,果真是的它的确是的,果真是的”。So is it.倒装(一般疑问句语序)是表示另外的人和事有倒装(一般疑问句语序)是表示另外的人和事有相同的情况相同的情况,意思是:意思是:“它也是。它也是。”是的。是的。A.How,So is itB.C.What,So is itD.What So it is So it is B B How例:我这周末做作业很认真。例:我这周末做作业很认真。I did my homework carefully this weeken

16、d.So you did.是的,不错,你是认真的。是的,不错,你是认真的。你的同班同学们也是认真的。你的同班同学们也是认真的。So did your classmates.So+主主+助动词助动词.So+助动词助动词+主主我我你你你的同班同学们你的同班同学们-Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday?-If I dont go,_.A.so does he B.so he will C.neither will he D.neither does hedont引导词应该是引导词应该是 neither或或norIf主句用一般将来

17、词,主句用一般将来词,if 引导的条件状语从句引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示,比较用一般现在时表示,比较 C、D 两个选项,两个选项,正确答案应为正确答案应为 C.1)Whos the woman over there?She is a _A.teacher B.a friend of mine C.a famous actress D.fourteen years old2)Could you tell me when Tom_ here?A.got to B.arrived in C.reached D.reached to BC有些题目的选项,从语法上判断答案不只一有些题目的选项,从

18、语法上判断答案不只一个,这时可以通过逻辑推理的方法得出正个,这时可以通过逻辑推理的方法得出正确答案。确答案。如:There are _ people in the street because it is almost midnight.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little方法五:方法五:逻辑推理法peoplebecause it is almost midnightpeoplepeople为可数名词为可数名词 a few 和和 few 都可修饰都可修饰 people,此题的意思:,此题的意思:“因为时间几乎是半夜了,所以街上几乎没有人因为时间几乎是半夜了,所以街

19、上几乎没有人。”若选若选A,不合逻辑,所以,只有,不合逻辑,所以,只有 B 是正确是正确的。的。1.-Which would you like,coffee or milk?-_,I just want to have some hot water.A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.All.-Tom didnt go to schoo this morning,didnt he?-_,though he didnt feel well.A.Yes,he did B.No,he did C.Yes,he didnt D.No,he didnt CA有的单选题应根据固定搭配和

20、习惯用语选正确答案有的单选题应根据固定搭配和习惯用语选正确答案.1.-Do the dishes,John,or I will tell Mum.-Mind your own_,Lily.A.matter B.event C.choice D.business2.The teacher asked angrily,Whats your _ for being late this time,John?Did your bike break down on your way a fifth time?A.idea B.mind C.excuse D.result方法六:方法六:固定搭配判断法忠告:

21、忠告:要有解题痕迹。要有解题痕迹。把句中的关键信把句中的关键信息或暗示信息圈起来,根据这些信息或息或暗示信息圈起来,根据这些信息或上下文排除选项中的上下文排除选项中的A、B、C或或D,并并要在上面要在上面划掉划掉,这样一目了然,在答题,这样一目了然,在答题卡上涂时就不会出错了。卡上涂时就不会出错了。10道选择题要道选择题要做到做到一次为准一次为准,一定要细心,难,一定要细心,难题目读题目读2遍后开始答题遍后开始答题,注意,注意“陷阱陷阱”。尽量。尽量用用排除法排除法来解题。来解题。1)-What are you going to do,Jane?-Oh,my mother asks me _

22、some food for supper.A buy B to buy C buys D buying2)We have worked for three hours.Now lets stop _a rest.A had B have C to have D having ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事叫某人做某事 stop to do sth 停下来停下来3)We have got two TV sets,but _ works well.A.any B.both C neither D either 4)It_ ten years since we last _ in B

23、eijing.A was,met B has been,met C was,meet D is,meet is常见陷阱常见陷阱 单项选择题考查准确而灵活的单项选择题考查准确而灵活的运用语法知识的能力和在语境中运用语法知识的能力和在语境中进行交际的能力,因此,答题时进行交际的能力,因此,答题时应该随机应变,灵活作答。以下应该随机应变,灵活作答。以下是常见的陷阱类型。是常见的陷阱类型。陷阱一:利用固定词语或固定搭配干扰陷阱一:利用固定词语或固定搭配干扰选项。如选项。如1)Ma Yun said he would prefer _ more attention to helping the poor

24、 children in Chinas poor areas in the future.A.paying B.paid C.to pay D.payprefer1)There is a lot _ vegetables in the supermarket this week than last week.A.of B.many C.much D.more 2)-Would you like some tea?Yes,I prefer tea_ sugar.A.to B.for C.with D.of CD陷阱二:省略句子成分,干扰选项。陷阱二:省略句子成分,干扰选项。1)-What do

25、you think made the little girl so happy?-_ a new dress.A.Because she bought B.BuyingC.Because of buying D.As she bought made the little girl so happy.陷阱三:套用某种句型,干扰固定搭配。陷阱三:套用某种句型,干扰固定搭配。When he went to see the doctor,he was told not only _to bed early,but also _ more exercises.A go,do B going,doing

26、C to go,to do D went,did not only but also 陷阱四:利用汉语思维,干扰选项。陷阱四:利用汉语思维,干扰选项。1)The price of gold is _ than before.A.expensive B.more expensive C.high D.higher.than东西用贵贱(东西用贵贱(expensive/cheap)价格用高低(价格用高低(high/low)陷阱五:导致时态误用,干扰选项。陷阱五:导致时态误用,干扰选项。1)I dont know if he _here,I will tell you if he _.A comes,

27、comes B will come,comes C comes,will come D will come,will come1.We will have a meeting as soon as he _.A.reaches B.will arrive C.arrives D.will reach 2.You cant pass the test next term unless you _ hard.A.will study B.study C.has studied D.are studying 3.-Mum,when all we go out?-As long as your hom

28、ework_ A.will finish B.has finished C.is finished D.will be finished.CBC陷阱六:混用相似句型句式,干扰选项。陷阱六:混用相似句型句式,干扰选项。1)Shanghai is larger than_ city in India.A any other B the other C any D the city比较时若包含本身在内,则需加比较时若包含本身在内,则需加other/else排除本身,但如不包含则不加。排除本身,但如不包含则不加。陷阱七:知识记忆缺陷,干扰选项。陷阱七:知识记忆缺陷,干扰选项。1)There is _“

29、u”and _“s”in the word“bus”.A a,an B an,an C an,a D a,a 1.I like the silk dress,and it _ soft and comfortable.A feels B is felt C is feeling D has felt 2.This is _ song I told you to listen to.Isnt it _ beautiful one?A the,the B the,a C a,the D a,a 3.He told us that the sun _ in the east.A rose B had

30、 risen C rises D roses 4.Which is _of the two girls?A beautiful B more beautiful C the most beautiful D the more beautifulDABC1)You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _ your house.A found B to find C finding D founded陷阱八:插入定语从句或宾语从句或陷阱八:插入定语从句或宾语从句或感叹句中某部分的干扰选项感叹句中某部分的干扰选项 have difficult

31、y(in)doing1.Everything I _ to the new house.A.have taken B.has been taken C.have has been taken D.was taken 2.The man we talked to _ us happy sometimes.A.make B.makes C.made D.making 3.The man whose song we are fond of _ in our city next week.A singing B.to sing C.sings D.will sing 4.The doctor did

32、what he could _ the sick man.A.to save B.saved C.save D.savingCDAB中考单选中考单选精选精选6666题讲解题讲解A.will have B.is going to be A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going C.has D.is going to haveto have1.There _ a football 1.There _ a football match on TV this evening.match on TV this evening.分析:考查分析:考查Ther

33、e beThere be句型的一般将来时结构,句型的一般将来时结构,there will be there will be 和和 there is/are/there is/are/going to be.going to be.句中不能有表示所属关系的句中不能有表示所属关系的have/has,have/has,只能用表示存在关系的动词原只能用表示存在关系的动词原形形be.be.答案答案B B。A.will B.is going to A.will B.is going to C.will be D.mustC.will be D.must2.See the clouds!It 2.See t

34、he clouds!It _ rain._ rain.分析:分析:考查考查be going to be going to 与与will will 的区别。的区别。句中有表明马上要发生或打算要做的事情句中有表明马上要发生或打算要做的事情一般有一般有be going to be going to 结构,不用结构,不用will.will.前前句的句的“See the clouds!”See the clouds!”可以看出来。可以看出来。答案为答案为B B。3._ English,she can speak German,Chinese and French.3._ English,she can

35、speak German,Chinese and French.A.But B.Beside A.But B.Beside C.Except D.Besides C.Except D.Besides分析:考查分析:考查besides besides 和和 exceptexcept的不同。的不同。butbut为为”但是但是”,beside“beside“在在一边一边”,均不合题意。均不合题意。BesidesBesides表示表示“除除之外之外”是是”另外还有另外还有”的意思,的意思,exceptexcept是是”除去除去”的意思。的意思。Eg:Eg:Two other boys were on

36、duty besides Two other boys were on duty besides Jack.Jack.除除JackJack外,还有两个男孩值日。外,还有两个男孩值日。All All are present except Mary.are present except Mary.除除Mary Mary 未到未到外都到。外都到。答案为答案为D D。4.If you want to be thinner and healthier,youd better eat _ 4.If you want to be thinner and healthier,youd better eat _

37、 food and take _ exercise.food and take _ exercise.A.more;fewer B.more;less A.more;fewer B.more;less C.fewer;more D.less;moreC.fewer;more D.less;more分析:考查比较级形容词修饰名词的用法。分析:考查比较级形容词修饰名词的用法。FoodFood为不可数名词,所以可以用为不可数名词,所以可以用muchmuch和和less;less;虽然虽然muchmuch可用于修饰不可数可用于修饰不可数名词,但不符合题意,答案为名词,但不符合题意,答案为D D。5.A

38、:I saw Ann _ a green dress at the meeting.5.A:I saw Ann _ a green dress at the meeting.B:I think she looks better _ red.B:I think she looks better _ red.A.A.dressed;in B.put on;wear dressed;in B.put on;wear C.wearing;in C.wearing;in D.wear;put onD.wear;put on分析:考查分析:考查“穿穿“的用法及区别。的用法及区别。SeeSee后接不带后接不

39、带toto的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语。的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语。Put Put on on 和和wear wear 都可接表示衣服的名词,但都可接表示衣服的名词,但put put on on 表示动作,表示动作,wearwear强调状态,都不接表示颜强调状态,都不接表示颜色的名词,而色的名词,而in in 的后面可接表示衣服的颜色的的后面可接表示衣服的颜色的名词。名词。答案答案C C。6 6Harry Potter Harry Potter is an _ book for children,but my cousin is an _ book for children,but my

40、 cousin doesnt seem at all _ in it.doesnt seem at all _ in it.A.interesting;interesting A.interesting;interesting B.interested;interestedB.interested;interestedC.interesting;interested C.interesting;interested D.interested;interestingD.interested;interesting分析:考查分析:考查interestinterest的两个形容词的两个形容词inte

41、restedinterested和和interestinginteresting的区别。的区别。表示感情色彩的及物动词表示感情色彩的及物动词interest,interest,有现在分词有现在分词interesting interesting 和过和过去分词去分词interestedinterested两个形式。前者表示两个形式。前者表示”令人感兴趣令人感兴趣”,后者表示后者表示”使感到有兴趣使感到有兴趣”.前一空用前一空用interestinginteresting表示表示bookbook所具有的特征;所具有的特征;第二个空用第二个空用interested interested 表示主语所处

42、的状态。表示主语所处的状态。答案为答案为C.C.相关相关 I am very _ in the country.Here I can see I am very _ in the country.Here I can see many _ people.many _ people.选项同上。选项同上。答案为答案为 D D。7He likes _,but he doesnt like _ today because it is too cold.分析:考查分析:考查like doing like doing 和和 like to do like to do 的区别。的区别。Like Like 后

43、可跟动名词,也可跟不定式。后可跟动名词,也可跟不定式。Like Like doingdoing表一般性的行为、爱好;而表一般性的行为、爱好;而like to do like to do 表示在具体某一时间或某一地点要做的分理动作。表示在具体某一时间或某一地点要做的分理动作。答案为答案为C C。A.to swim;swimming A.to swim;swimming B.to swim;to swim B.to swim;to swim C.swimming;to swim C.swimming;to swim D.swimming,swimmingD.swimming,swimming8Yo

44、ud better not read todays newspaper because there is _ in it.A.something interesting A.something interesting B.anything newB.anything newC.important thing C.important thing D.nothing specialD.nothing special分析:考查形容词修饰不定代词的位置。分析:考查形容词修饰不定代词的位置。Something,Something,anything,nothing anything,nothing 均是不

45、定代词,当形容词修饰不均是不定代词,当形容词修饰不定代词时,应将形容词放在不定代词的后面,去掉定代词时,应将形容词放在不定代词的后面,去掉C C项。项。根据句意根据句意”你最好不要读今天的报纸你最好不要读今天的报纸”可知报上没有任可知报上没有任何新的、有趣的事。答案为何新的、有趣的事。答案为D D分析:分析:考查考查need作实义动词和情态动词的用作实义动词和情态动词的用法。作实义动词时,有人称和时态的变化,法。作实义动词时,有人称和时态的变化,且其后须有动词不定式;作情态动词时没且其后须有动词不定式;作情态动词时没有人称和时态的变化。有人称和时态的变化。答案为答案为C。A.Does,need

46、 A.Does,need B.Need,to B.Need,to C.Does,need to C.Does,need to D.Needs,toD.Needs,to9 9_ he _ look at a _ he _ look at a map?map?A.not play A.not play B.not B.not playing playing C.not to play D.to playC.not to play D.to play分析:考查分析:考查telltell的用法。的用法。Tell sb.(not)to Tell sb.(not)to do sth do sth 告诉某人

47、(不)告诉某人(不)做某事。做某事。根据下根据下句句意句句意”在街上玩危险在街上玩危险”可知警察告诉那可知警察告诉那个小男孩不要在街上踢足球。个小男孩不要在街上踢足球。答案为答案为C C1010The policeman told the The policeman told the little boy _ football in little boy _ football in the street.Its dangerous.the street.Its dangerous.11.Mr.Green didnt have 11.Mr.Green didnt have _ money._ m

48、oney.分析:考查不可数名词及修饰词。分析:考查不可数名词及修饰词。MoneyMoney是不可数名词,在表示很多钱时,可用是不可数名词,在表示很多钱时,可用much,a lot of much,a lot of 或或lots of lots of 来修饰,但来修饰,但a a lot of lot of 一般不用于否定句,否定句要用一般不用于否定句,否定句要用muchmuch来代替。来代替。答案为答案为B.B.A.many B.much A.many B.much C.a lot D.a lot ofC.a lot D.a lot of12.-Mum,I think Im _ to get b

49、ack to school.-Not really,my dear.Youd better stay at home for another day or two.A.so well B.so good A.so well B.so good C.well enough D.good enoughC.well enough D.good enough 分析:考查分析:考查good,wellgood,well和和enoughenough的用法。在英的用法。在英语中表身体健康语中表身体健康well.Enoughwell.Enough是应用比较频繁是应用比较频繁的词,用法是的词,用法是1.1.用在名

50、词前,如用在名词前,如enough enough money 2.money 2.用在形容词或副词的后面用在形容词或副词的后面.如如big big enough.enough.答案为答案为C.C.13.-How long have you 13.-How long have you _ the motorbike?_ the motorbike?-For about two weeks.-For about two weeks.分析:考查现在完成时的瞬间动词和持续性分析:考查现在完成时的瞬间动词和持续性动词的区别。若要与一段时间连用须用持动词的区别。若要与一段时间连用须用持续性动词。续性动词。


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