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1、Module 2Developing and Developed CountriesPeriod 1 Introduction&ReadingPre-readingDo you know the places?Australia France Germany Iceland Japan Sweden Norway the Netherlands the UK the USMatch the countries with their continents.JapanAustraliaFrance,Germany,Norway,Sweden,the Netherlands,the UK,Icela

2、ndthe US1.the knowledge that you get at school or college _2.when people have very little money _3.an illness _education povertyMatch the words with the definitions.disease4.when you do not have food,especially for a long period of time _5.the money that you make _6.a country that has a lot of busin

3、ess and industry _7.a country that is poor and does not have much industry _hungerincomedeveloped countrydeveloping countryWhich countries are developed countries and which are developing ones?Developed countries are most of the western countries.Mainly included:America,Germany,France,the UK,Italy a

4、nd Japan.Developing countries are most of countries in Asia,Africa and Latin America.Which countries are developed countries and which are developing ones?Income Industry and commerce Education Life expectancy Environment What do you know about the differences between developed and developing countr

5、ies?PovertyWhat are the problems that the developing countries face?How to solve them?Less education Bad environmentDiseases 1)Develop education (make sure everyone can receive education)2)Reduce tax items;3)Improve the environment;4)Encourage developed countries to give more help to the developing

6、countries;5)The government should encourage people to improve the present condition to reduce poverty and hungerWork in pairs.Which are the biggest problem for developing countries,in your opinion?While-readingFind out the main idea of each paragraph.How the Human Development Report came out.The H.D

7、 Index measures a countrys achievement.The five most important goals of the report.Examples of successful development in 2003Developed countries should give more financial help.1.What did world leaders agree to do in 2000?They agreed to work together to reduce world poverty by 2015 or earlier.2.What

8、 does the Human Development Index measure?It measures a countrys achievement through life expectancy,education and income.Read and answer the questions.3.What are the first two Development Goals?To reduce poverty and hunger,and make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11.4.What pr

9、ogress have we made towards these goals?There are some examples of successful development,like in China,but more effort is needed.5.What do developed countries need to do?They need to give more money.Top of the listThe other top five countriesFill in the formDecide whether the following statements a

10、re true(T)or false(F)according to the text.1.In 2000,147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty after 2015.2.Life expectancy means that how long a person usually lives in the world.FT3.Every day,nearly 799 million people in South Asia or Africa are hungry.4.The Human Development Rep

11、ort came from the Index.5.The top five countries on the list are all from Europe while the bottom 10 countries are all African countries.TFFFill in the blanks with proper words and phrases.One of the most important _ of the Human Development Report is the Human _.The Index _ a countrys achievements

12、in three ways:life expectancy,education and _.The list has some _.Norway is _ the list,_ the US is at number 7.The _ ten countries are all African countries.sectionsIndexmeasuresincomesurprisesat the top of whilebottomPost-reading China is _ the list.It is one of the examples of successful _.China i

13、ncreased life expectancy _ 13 years.In the last ten years in China,150 million people _ poverty.However,a great many people in _ countries are hungry.in the middle of developmentbymoved out of developingOver _ of these are in South Asia or Africa.In developing countries about 115 million children ar

14、e not being _,and more than 1 billion people do not drink safe water,so the report suggests that we need to _ in the future.halfeducatedmake greater effortsDiscussionWhat are the eight Development Goals?What should we do to reach the goals?Period 2 ListeningPre-listeningWhat do you know about Beijin

15、g and Sydney?BeijingSydneySydney Opera HouseNational Grand TheatreLook at these words.Have you ever learnt these words?construction crowded fascinating freewayhuge inhabitants similarity unfortunateNow answer the questions.1.Which words can be used to describe a city?2.Which word is connected with b

16、uilding?3.Which word means the opposite of difference?Crowded,fascinating,hugeConstructionSimilarity4.Which word do we use to say that something is sad?5.Which word describes the people who live in a particular place?6.Which word means a wide road on which cars can travel fast?Unfortunate Inhabitant

17、Freeway 1.Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowded.2.Beijing doesnt have as many freeways as Sydney does.3.There are fewer tourists in Sydney than in Beijing.Work in pairs.Tick the statements you think are true.Then listen to the conversation to check your guesses.Whil

18、e-listening4.Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney.5.Beijing has less rain than Sydney.6.Beijing doesnt have as much pollution as Sydney.7.There are as many rich people in Beijing as in Sydney.8.Beijing is as lively as Sydney.Listen to the conversation to check your guesses.Answers:1,2,4,7,8Listen t

19、o the conversation again and tick the topics you hear.climate industry location pollution population safety tourism transport wealth1.How do you find it?means _ A.What is your opinion?B.How did you get here?2.Its totally fascinating means _ A.Its very,very interesting B.Its very,very importantChoose

20、 the correct answer.Post-listening3.as you see means_ A.while you see them B.in your opinion4.I didnt get that means_ A.I didnt take that B.I didnt hear what you said5.find some of the action means_ A.lets do something interesting B.lets actA:I visited Great Wall yesterday.B:Really?_A:_ I enjoyed it

21、 very much.B:Can you describe it,_?巩固:用上张中的红字部分填空。How do you find it?Its totally fascinating.as you see itA:Well,I cant imagine how can they build it hundreds of years ago?B:Sorry,_.A:I mean it is incredible.The Great Wall can be built hundreds of years ago.B:Yes,its really great.I dont get itMatchi

22、ng the exercise at Activity 1 on page 17.muchmanyfewerless1.Is Hong Kong less/fewer crowed than Beijing?2.Beijing doesnt have as many/much high-rise building as Hong Kong.3.Beijing has a lot/much more inhabitants than Hong Kong.4.Hong Kong has less/fewer industry than Beijing.5.Beijing doesnt have a

23、s much/many tourism as3.Hong Kong.lessmanya lotlessmuch Use the words to fill the blank.1.There are _ poor countries in Europe than in Africa.2.There are not as _ rich countries in Africa as in Europe.3.There is not as _ transportation in my hometown as in Shanghai.4.There is _ transportation in my

24、hometown than in Shanghai.5.I dont think there are as _ students in this university as in that one.fewermanymuchlessmanyPeriod 3 Grammar连接词(Link words)连词可分为并列连词和从属连词。一、并列连词:A 表转折或对比:but(但是,可是)while(而,却),yet(可是),however(然而,但是)注意:but 不与 although连用,但yet可以He observes keenly,but says little.B 表选择:or(或者,还

25、是),otherwise(要不然)等。如:Seize the chance,or you will regret it.Pre-learningC 表联合:and,when(就在这时)等。如:We should keep the room clean and tidy.D 表因果:for(因为),so(因此)等。如:Its morning,for the birds are singing.E 其他平行或对称结构:not.but.,both and,either.or.,neither.Nor,not only but also,would rather than 等。如:Not only w

26、as everything in his classroom taken away,but also in his bedroom.二、从属连词 A 表时间:when(当时候),while(在期间),since(自从以来),as soon as(一就)等。如:I will get in touch you as soon as I arrived.B 表原因:as(由于),because(因为),since(既然)等。如:I know its true,because I read about it in the official report.C 表地点:where(在地方),whereve

27、r(无论在哪里).如:Wherever you go,keep in touch with me.D 表条件:if(如果),unless(除非),as long as(只要)。如:He will not come unless he is invited.E 表目的:so that(为了),in order that(为了),in case(以防)。如:He took a taxi to the station in order that he should not miss the train.F 表结果:so(结果),so that(结果),如:It was very cold,so th

28、at the water in the bowl froze.G 表让步:though/although(虽然)。如:Although/Though I live near the sea,Im not a good swimmer.H 表方式:as(正如),as if/though(好像).如:They talked as if they had been friends for years.I 表比较:as as(像-一样),than(比).如:This river is ten times as long as that one.Look at the sentences and ans

29、wer the questions.1.The report shows that we are making progress but that we need to make greater efforts2.In the last ten years in China,150 million people moved out of poverty.However,the challenges are still great.3.More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water.Howeve

30、r,in other parts of the world,e.g.Eastern Europe,water is now mostly safe to drink.1While-learningYes.1.Does however mean the same as but?However.2.Which link word begins a sentence?But 3.Which link word can join two parts of a sentence?However.4.Which link word is followed by a comma?1.We are makin

31、g progress but we need to make greater efforts.2.In a developed country,people have nice clothes to wear,however,in a poor country,people have few clothes.表示转折关系的并列句,常由连词but,yet,while,however,nevertheless等连词连接。常译为“但是”、“可是”、“然而”等。but 和 however相同:都表示转折的意思不同:but既可以连接两个句子又可以连接句子中的两个并列成分,however却只能连接两个句子

32、。Observation1.Norway is at the top of the list,while the United States is at number 7.2.Although developed countries give some financial help,they need to give much more.总结while 做连词除引导时间状语从句外,还可以表示前后句之间的对比转折,让步等,“然而,虽然”。although,though 通常用于句首表示让步,意为“尽管”。且不与but连用。I.用连词and/however/while/although完成句子。1

33、)British English _ American English are more or less the same.2)_ it was not safe to stay in the house,they didnt move at all.andAlthough Post-learning3.He knows so many difficulties are in front of him.He will not,_,give up.4.He wants to study abroad,_ his brother wants to stay at home.howeverwhile

34、II.Translate the following sentences into English.1.他个子矮而他兄弟个子高。2.他很努力,然而还是失败了。3.痛得厉害,可是他并不呻吟。He is short,while his brother is tall.He worked hard.However,he failed.The pain was bad,but he did not complain.1._ I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person.A.While B.Since C.Before D.U

35、nless 2._ modeling business is by no means easy to get into,the good model will always be in demand.A.While B.Since C.As D.If III.Choose the best answer.3.You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do.A.however B.no matter C.although D.whatever 4.Have you been to New Zealand?N

36、o,Id like to,_.A.too B.though C.yet D.either 5._ you call me to say youre not coming,Ill see you at the theatre.A.Though B.Whether C.Until D.Unless 6.I do every single bit of housework _ my husband-Bob just does the dishes now and then.A.since B.while C.when D.as 7.Paul had to write a history paper,

37、_ he couldnt find time to do it.A.but B.so C.because D.if1.One cant feel the air;_,it does exist.2.The children were playing outside _ Mary was writing a letter.3._ my uncle is old,he looks very strong and healthy.however whileAlthoughIV.用方框内所给连词填空。but,however,although,while4.The car was old,_ it wa

38、s in excellent condition.5.Some people waste a lot of food _ others havent enough to eat.6.I thought those figures are correct._,I have recently heard that they were not.butwhileHowever Period 4 Cultural CornerOxfordPre-readingGrenoble 牛津因闻名于它的世界一流学府的地位和遍布各地的古迹,使它成为人们极度梦想的城市。9世纪建立的,距今有1100多年历史的牛津城是英


40、,包括郊区39.2万(1982)。山区交通中心。Grenoble风景秀丽古迹众多,有建于十四世纪的大学,还有艺术博物馆、教堂等古典建筑。格勒诺布尔的城徽以金黄色为底,其上有三朵红玫瑰,象征着格市的三大经济支柱:工业,科教和旅游业。城里的Grenoble大学建于1339年,是法国最老的大学之一。司汤达(著名的法国作家),Berlioz(著名的音乐家)和张伯伦(发现了埃及金字塔)都曾就读于此。1.What are the similarities between Oxford and Grenoble?Theyre both medium-sized towns of between 100,00

41、0 and 200,000 inhabitants.They both have universities and industries.Tourism is important to both of them,and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.While-reading2.Whats Town Twining?Its an agreement between towns and cities of similar size and age,and which have

42、 similar features such as tourism,industry,culture and entertainment.3.What happens when two towns have a town twinning agreement?Exchange people for educational,cultural and sporting events.4.Whats the significance of the agreement?The agreement encourage people from the two towns to visit each oth

43、er.The agreement are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practice speaking another language.The“twinning towns”have much in common.Town twinning is a new idea,and it has become more popular in recent years.Town twinning agreements forbid people from the two towns to visit each ot

44、her.Read the passage again and tell the sentences True or False.TFF They will hold a big party to welcome the visitors from the other town.Town twinning is especially good for students to learn another language.TT Town twinning is an _ between two towns or cities which have many similarities,such as

45、 _ size and age,tourism,industry,culture and_,Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France are anagreementsimilarentertainmentFinish the passage with your partners.Post-readingexample.People from the two towns visit each other like _.Town twinning agreements are _ with students and people who want to _ s

46、peaking another language.relativespopularpractice1.similar:alike be similar to:和相似 be similar in:在方面相似这辆车和那辆车在颜色方面相似。This car is similar to that one in color.拓展:1).similarly adv.相似地;相应地 The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long,and her second letter was similarly brief.The cost of food

47、 and clothing has come down in recent years.Similarly,fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.2).similarity u.n.相似.u.n.类似;相似 The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person.c.n.相似点;相似之处 Bees and wasps both sting,but they have other similarities too.2.be c

48、lose to1)与某物在距离上近 His house is close to the factory.2)(指关系)密切的,亲密的 My brother and I are close(to each other).3)接近,快要 Were close to clinching the deal.She is close to tears.1).vt.交换;调换;兑换 常用搭配:Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars.Well have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.At the end o

49、f the game,players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.3.exchange2).c.n.&u.n.交换;交流;交易 An exchange of opinions is helpful.What is the rate of exchange between the pound and the mark?Ive offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks accommodation.【拓展】exchange A for B 以A换取Bin exchange

50、for 作为的交换【派生】These tokens are exchangeable for CDs only.这些礼券只能用来兑取激光唱盘。4.This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language and as a result you improve fast.这是因为和一个外国家庭住一两个星期意味着你不得不说他们的语言,因此,你会进步的很快。result 常见短语小结as a result 因此,结果as a result


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