Module 7 Unit 2A child sleeps for eight hours a night.小孩晚上睡小孩晚上睡8小时。小时。A child should sleep for nine hours.A child sleeps in the country babyfamiliescountriesbabies_sleeps in the night.awake醒着的A child sleeps for eight hours a night.A baby ssleepfor 16 hours a day.A fox ssleepin the dayand is awake at night.How long does it sleep?它睡多长时间它睡多长时间?It sleeps for hours a day.它一天睡它一天睡个小时个小时.When does it sleep?它什么时候睡觉它什么时候睡觉?It sleeps in the day.它白天睡它白天睡.at night.它晚上睡它晚上睡.A _ lives in _.Its got _ legs.Its_.It can _ and _.It sleeps for _ hours a _.