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1、1.venue cn.会场;举办地点会场;举办地点 avenue cn.大街大街 林荫道林荫道sporting/conference/concert venue 2.preserve vt.保护;保存;维持,保持保护;保存;维持,保持Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.It is the policemens duty to preserve public security.preservation un.We are working for the preservation of the environment.3.agreement cn.协

2、议,合同协议,合同 agreement with sb on sth come to/reach/sign an agreement 达成达成/签署签署协议协议un.一致,相合;同意一致,相合;同意=consensusbe in agreement(with sb on sth)A decision will not be made until everyone is in agreement.4.invest v.投资;投资;投入投入investment n.invest(sth)in sth Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss s

3、tocks.The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum.5.divert v.使改道使改道 divert(sth)from/to We diverted a plane to rescue 100 passengers.6.prehistoric adj.史前的;有历史记载以前的史前的;有历史记载以前的 prehistory n.史前时期史前时期7.remains n.遗迹;遗体遗迹;遗体Fifty years after he died,his remains were returned to his homeland.8.

4、archaeologist n.考古学家考古学家 archaeology un.考古学考古学9.primitive adj.(人类或动植物)原始的,原生的(人类或动植物)原始的,原生的 In primitive society,people lived in caves.10.skull n.头颅;颅骨头颅;颅骨 skeleton n.骨骼骨骼11.item n.(一)件;一则,一条,一项(一)件;一则,一条,一项 I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times.12.existence un.存在存在 in existence 现存的现存的 存在的

5、存在的 exist vi.The organization has been in existence for 25 years.It is impossible to prove the existence of God.13.relation cn.亲属;亲戚亲属;亲戚=relative 关系关系 relation with/between We seek to improve relations between our two countries.联系联系=relationship Some people say that theres no relation/relationship

6、between violence on television and crimes of violence.in relation to 与与相比;关于,涉及相比;关于,涉及 What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday?14.limestone un.石灰石石灰石 lime un.石灰石灰15.span n.时距时距;期间期间 over/within/in a span of sth 在在期间期间 Over a span of ten years,the company has made great progress.The

7、project must be completed within a specific time span.(一段时间一段时间)16.fossil cn.化石化石17.beast cn.野兽野兽18.sharpen vi.vt.使变锋利使变锋利 He started to sharpen his knife.19.excavation n.发掘发掘 excavate v.发掘发掘 挖掘挖掘20.list vt.把把列表列表,列清单列清单The guidebook lists 1000 hotels and restaurants.n.名单名单,目录目录 make a list of sth,o

8、n/in a listMake a list of all the things you have to do.There were six names on the list.21.evolution un.进化;演变进化;演变 evolve v.evolve from The three species evolved from a single ancestor.22.exposure un.暴露;显露;揭露;报道暴露;显露;揭露;报道 Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.expose vt.揭露,显露;露出揭露,显露;

9、露出My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.These drawings must not be exposed to the air.23.weed cn.野草;杂草野草;杂草 24.cement un.水泥水泥24.25.contribute vi.促成促成 contribute to sth Smoking contributed to his early death.vi.vt.(为为做贡献做贡献)contribute(sth)to/towards The volunteers contribute their own time to

10、 the project.make a contribution to/towards 26.maintain vt.保持,维持;维护,保养;赡养保持,维持;维护,保养;赡养 How can you maintain a family on$900 a month?Britain wants to maintain its position as a world power.The roads around the town have been very poorly maintained.27.endangered adj.濒危的濒危的 endanger vt.使处于险境,危及,危害使处于险

11、境,危及,危害 That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.28.recommend vt.建议建议 recommend doing/that sb(should)do sthrecommend sb to do sth Wed recommend you to book your flight early.He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.推荐,介绍推荐,介绍 recommend sb/sth(to sb)(for sth)Whic

12、h type of oil do you recommend for my car?I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in art.29.awareness un.意识;认识;感悟能力意识;认识;感悟能力 be aware of/that 意识到;察觉到意识到;察觉到They suddenly became aware of people looking at them.raise/increase ones awareness of sth30.propose vt.建议;提议建议;提议 propose doing/that s

13、b(should)doHe proposed changing the name of the company.proposal cn.建议建议 提议提议 proposal to do/for/that sb(should)Both presidents have proposals for peace between their two countries.31.fund n.基金;专款;基金会基金;专款;基金会;funds 资金资金32.assistance un.帮助帮助,援助援助 come to ones assistance 前来帮前来帮助助 with the assistance

14、of 在在的帮助下的帮助下offer/provide/give assistance(to sb)with sth/in doing/to do sth 提供帮助提供帮助We offer financial assistance to students.The company provides assistance in finding work.The work was completed with the assistance of local farmers.33.precious adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的【近】【近】priceless/valuable34.

15、of vital importance 至关重要至关重要 vital/vatl/adj.极其重要的,必不可少的极其重要的,必不可少的 be vital for/to sb/sthit is vital that/to do sthplay a vital role/part(in sth)These measures are vital to national security.Regular exercise is vital for your health.It is vital to be honest with your children.Its absolutely vital th

16、at you do exactly as I say.35.catastrophe n.毁灭性的大灾难毁灭性的大灾难【近】【近】disaster catastrophic adj.灾难性的灾难性的 catastrophically adv.36.estimate cn.vt.估计;估算估计;估算be estimated to do/thatThe tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old.It is estimated(that)the project will last four years.estimate that Scientists

17、 estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.37.length n.长度;时间长度长度;时间长度 We measured the length and width of the living room.This room is twice the length of the kitchen.The river is 300 miles in length.38.request cn.请求;要求请求;要求 request+for/thatat sbs request 应某人的要求应某人的

18、要求on request 一经要求一经要求(=if you ask for it)by request 按照要求按照要求There were no flowers at the funeral,by request.Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.An application form will be sent to you on request.request vt.请求,要求请求,要求 request sth/that sb should do sth/sb to do sth/sth from

19、sbYou are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.She requested that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting.39.apart from 除除之外之外=except for/as well as/in addition toWe didnt see anyone all day,apart from a couple of kids on the beach.Apart from his earnings as a football coach,he als

20、o owns and runs a chain of sports shops.Quite apart from the cost,we need to think about how much time the job will take.40.waterproof adj.防水的;不透水的防水的;不透水的 vt.使防水使防水 waterproofs cn.雨衣雨衣 proof 耐耐的,防的,防的,抗的,抗的的 a bulletproof carproof n.证据,证明证据,证明41.marvelous/marvellous adj.极好的;绝妙的;了不起的极好的;绝妙的;了不起的【同义】

21、【同义】wonderful,fantastic,splendid,amazing,astonishing,excellent,extraordinary,fabulous,incredible,magnificent,remarkable,super,superb,surprising42.imperial adj.皇帝的;皇家的皇帝的;皇家的 royal adj.国王的国王的 王家的王家的 皇室的皇室的 empire 帝国帝国 emperor 皇帝皇帝 empress 女皇女皇 皇后皇后 43.tangible adj.有形的;可触摸的有形的;可触摸的【近近】visible 可见的可见的/i

22、nvisible 看不见的看不见的44.intangible adj.无形的;难以捉摸的;无法形容的无形的;难以捉摸的;无法形容的45.delegate cn.代表【同】代表【同】representativeAround 350 delegates attended the conference.vt.授权,委托授权,委托 delegate sth to sbMinor tasks should be delegated to your assistant.委派委派,委任委任 delegate sb to do sthIve been delegated to organize the Chr

23、istmas party.46.monument n.纪念碑;纪念馆【同】纪念碑;纪念馆【同】memorial47.inhabitant n.居民【同】居民【同】resident【近】【近】citizen 市民市民 公民公民48.mankind un.人类【同】人类【同】humankind un./man un./the human race 单数单数/human being cn.49.directory n.名录;指南;电话簿;目录,文件夹名录;指南;电话簿;目录,文件夹 I couldnt find your number in the telephone directory.50.bi

24、d n.投标;努力,争取;出价投标;努力,争取;出价 bid for sth v.出价出价bid-bid-bid bid(sb)sth for sthShe bid 100 for a Victorian chair.投标投标 bid for Three firms bid for the contract on the new buildings.努力争取努力争取 bid for/to do I dont think she is bidding to be Prime Minister again.51.enlarge v.(使)增大;(使)扩大(使)增大;(使)扩大Reading wil

25、l enlarge your vocabulary.52.discrimination un.歧视歧视 age/racial/sex/religious discrimination 年龄年龄/种族种族/性别性别/宗教信仰歧视宗教信仰歧视 discrimination+against sb 歧视歧视/in favour of sb 优待优待 Some firms practise discrimination in favour of older people.53.go through 获准,经过程序;经历,经受;翻阅,翻找;获准,经过程序;经历,经受;翻阅,翻找;通读,仔细检查;穿过;经过

26、;用完;成交通读,仔细检查;穿过;经过;用完;成交54.practitioner n.(尤指医学或法律界的)从业人员(尤指医学或法律界的)从业人员55.advocate vt.主张,拥护主张,拥护 advocate sth/doing sth/that sb(should)doThe group does not advocate the use of violence.Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.The report advocated that all buildings should be f

27、itted with smoke detectors(烟火探测器烟火探测器).These policies have been widely advocated.advocate n.拥护者拥护者,支持者支持者 for/of sth56.status n.法律地位;身份,状况;社会地位,职位法律地位;身份,状况;社会地位,职位 Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social status.What is the current status of our application for funds?57.virus n.病毒病毒58.malaria

28、 n.疟疾疟疾promise n.折中;妥协折中;妥协 arrive at/come to/reach/make a compromise with/between sb on/over sth promise(with sb)(on/over sth)The government has said that there will be no compromise with terrorists.We simply cannot compromise on the question of human rights.60.remind sb.of sth.使某人想起使某人想起The buildi

29、ng reminded me strongly of my old school.remind sb about/to do/that 提醒提醒 Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.Passengers are reminded(that)no smoking is allowed on this train.I called to remind him about the party.61.seminar n.讨论课,研讨会讨论课,研讨会62.symbolic ambassador 形象大使形象大使 63.epic n.史诗,叙事诗史诗,叙事诗63

30、.64.agenda n.待办(事项);待讨论;议程待办(事项);待讨论;议程 There were several important items on the agenda.be high on the agenda/be(at the)top of the agenda 是最重要的待办事项是最重要的待办事项65.mercy n.任凭任凭的摆布的摆布 un.仁慈仁慈 宽恕宽恕 The gunmen showed no mercy,killing innocent men and women.66.at the mercy of.受受支配支配Im not going to put mysel

31、f at the mercy of the bank.67.undertake vt.许诺许诺/同意做同意做 undertook undertaken undertake to do sth/thatHe undertook to pay the money back in six months.68.absence n.缺乏缺乏;没有没有 in the absence of sth 在没有在没有的情况下的情况下 In the absence of any evidence,the police had to let Myers go.n.不在不在 缺席缺席 in/during sbs abs

32、ence Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence.68.absent adj.不在的不在的 缺席的;缺乏的;心不在焉的缺席的;缺乏的;心不在焉的 He has been absent from school for two weeks.Love was totally absent from his childhood.69.subjective adj.主观的主观的【反】【反】objective adj.客观的客观的70.diplomacy un.外交;交际策略外交;交际策略 We must try and solve this sit

33、uation through diplomacy rather than conflict(冲突冲突).71.thorough adj.彻底的;全面的;详尽的彻底的;全面的;详尽的 thoroughly adv.The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.Im thoroughly confused.72.bureaucratic adj.官僚的官僚的;官僚主义的官僚主义的 bureaucracy un.官僚主义官僚主义 The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.73.in

34、return 反过来反过来 I asked her opinion,but she just asked me a question in return.in return(for)作为作为(对对的的)回报回报 He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.74.autonomy un.自治,自治权自治,自治权 autonomous adj.自治的自治的 an autonomous region/province75.federal adj.联邦政府的联邦政府的 a federal republic 联邦共和国

35、联邦共和国federation n.联邦联邦 The United States is a federation of 50 individual states.76.guidance un.指导,引导,咨询指导,引导,咨询 on/about sthActivities all take place under the guidance of an experienced expert.The Safety Officer provides guidance on firefighting and office safety.guide n.导游导游,向导向导,导师导师;指南指南 vt.引导引

36、导,引路引路,指导指导77.ignore vt.忽视;不理;不管忽视;不理;不管 I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.78.Hispanic adj.与说西班牙语(葡萄牙语)国家有关的与说西班牙语(葡萄牙语)国家有关的79.81.journalism un.新闻业;新闻工作新闻业;新闻工作 journalist cn.新闻记者新闻记者79.honour/honor v.给予荣誉给予荣誉 honour sb with/for sthbe/feel honoured(to do sth)(做某事)感到荣幸(做某事)感到荣幸I felt v

37、ery honoured to be included in the team.n.荣幸,光荣荣幸,光荣 have the honour of doing sth 有幸做某事有幸做某事it is an honour to do sth 很荣幸做某事很荣幸做某事Earlier this year,I had the honor of meeting the President.in honour of sb/sth 为了表示对为了表示对的崇敬的崇敬,80.be honoured for 因因而受到尊敬而受到尊敬 She will be honoured for her work in promo

38、ting friendship between the two countries.1.He is always making a profit by careful _(投资投资).2.The town council spent a lot of money to _(保存保存)the old castle and other places of historical interest.3.One of her fellow passengers came to her _(帮助帮助).4.Dont waste _(宝贵的宝贵的)time talking to him.5.We seek

39、to improve _(关系关系)between our two countries.6.He _(许诺许诺)to finish the work by Saturday.7.Unless the Union and the management can reach a _(折中折中)on pay,there will be a strike.investmentpreserveassistancepreciousrelationsundertookcompromise8.Can you _(推荐推荐)me a good dentist?9.The car has to be constan

40、tly _(保养保养).10.I _(拥护拥护)a policy of gradual reform.11.We are making _(全面的全面的)investigation and then we will take the proper action.12.Such arguments _(忽略忽略)the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.13.Health officials have tried to raise _(意意识识)about AIDS.14.Potatoes turn green when _(暴露暴露)to light.15.In his speech he _(提议提议)that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment.recommendmaintainedadvocatethoroughignoreawarenessexposedproposed


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