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1、Unit 2 Bridging Cultures12 To talk about Chinese language learning abroad To practice listening and speaking skills 31.What do you know about Chinese language learning abroad?2.How do people from other countries find out about Chinese culture?Before you listen,Before you listen,talk with your partne

2、rtalk with your partner4Foreign students practice calligraphy.5Foreign students are learning how to pronounce Chinese characters.6textbooks7The Confucius Institute89 The Confucius Institute(CI)is a nonprofit organization that strongly believes in the value of global education.It aims to bridge cultu

3、ral divides by providing opportunities(机会机会)to experience the world from each others point of view and allow people to exchange their culture,customs and history person to person.10The Centers for Community The Centers have a group of individuals who believe in the value of global education and who

4、love Chinese fascinating culture.They host monthly events,conferences,and group discussions all with the goal of bringing people together and providing them with a space to join in cross cultural exchange and create lifelong friendships.11Programs Apart from the many Confucius Institutes all over th

5、e world,communities also offer Confucius Classrooms that provide Chinese language education and cultural programs.Some programs include the following:Chinese Calligraphy,Chinese Painting,Hands-on Chinese Crafts(技艺技艺),Chinese Game Club,Cultural Festivals and Events,Chinese Cooking,East/West Medicine

6、as well as Chinese Dance.Confucius Classrooms are generally based in primary and secondary schools.12Students Students participate in a great variety of cultural and language programs at Confucius Institutes across the world,representing all ages,ethnicities(种族种族),and backgrounds.Each year the Confu

7、cius Institute honors ten excellent Confucius Institute students,to celebrate their achievements in Chinese language and cultural education and promote the value of global education.By September,2019,535 Confucius Institutes and 1,134 Confucius classrooms had been set up in 158 countries or regions(

8、地区地区)around the globe.13Listen to the conversation and Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.answer the following questions.1.Where does this conversation take place?2.Who are the people speaking?3.What are they talking about?14Listen again and take notes by Listen again and

9、take notes by filling in the poster below.filling in the poster below.Welcome to the Confucius Institute.Learn to _ and all about _!Our institute has grown!We started with _ but now we have many more.It is a centre for _.You can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditions.15Knowledge of the Ch

10、inese language and culture is important because of increasing _.Many students go on to great jobs in _.Join us today to help breakdown language and _ and bring the world together!16Answer the questions according to what Answer the questions according to what you remember of the conversation.you reme

11、mber of the conversation.1.What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hus family?2.Why did Aisha want to become a teacher?3.Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their future?17Imagine Imagine youre interviewing a student youre interviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in

12、another at a Confucius Institute in another country about his or her experience.country about his or her experience.Work with a partner to brainstorm what Work with a partner to brainstorm what the interviewer might ask and how the the interviewer might ask and how the student might answer.Then role

13、-play student might answer.Then role-play the interview.Use the phrases and the interview.Use the phrases and questions in the box to help you.questions in the box to help you.18We are pleased to welcome.Thanks for joining us.Tell us more about Thanks for your time.It was a pleasure talking with you

14、.19What was your biggest challenge?How did you overcome it?What are you keen on?What is the key to your success?What do you feel is your biggest achievement?20A:Hi,Jane.Welcome to the show!B:Thanks for inviting meA:Tell us,what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning?B:Well,s

15、uppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at firstA:I bet!Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this problem?B:Absolutely!Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lot.21Read the conversation and answer the Read the conversation and answer the questions

16、questions:1.What problem does Lu Yao have?He is having problems with this English listening task.Some words are pronounced fast and sound different.223.How can he solve his problem?By paying more attention to the weak forms.2.What maybe the cause of the problem?Because the words are not being stressed.23Practise the conversation for the listening activities on page 18.Pay attention to the weak forms.2425


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