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1、UNIT 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTSection B Learning About Language核心词汇教材原句教材原句 Did you come to any conclusions?你得出什么结论了吗你得出什么结论了吗?1 conclusion n.结论;推论 arrive at/come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论搭配 jump to conclusions 匆忙下结论 in conclusion 最后He came to the conclusion that there were many people who knew

2、nothing about first aid.他得出结论,许多人对急救一无所知。In conclusion,Id like to say that the party leaves a deep impression on me.最后,我想说,这场聚会给我留下了深刻的印象。题组练领悟方法NoImage【词语积累】conclude vt.断定;推断出;得出结论 conclude.from.从中推断出 conclude(sth.)with 用结束(某事)to conclude(=in conclusion)最后 I concluded from his words that he lacked

3、confidence.我从他的话中得出结论,他缺乏信心。The evening concluded with dinner and speeches.这个夜晚在宴会和讲话中结束了。【归纳拓展】conclude v.conclusion n.结束 decide v.decision n.决定 explode v.explosion n.爆炸 persuade v.persuasion n.说服单句语法填空(1)Dont jump to (conclude)before considering all the facts,or you may be easily taken in.(2)The r

4、esearch lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its (conclude)are doubtful.(3)conclusion,I would like to thank everyone who has helped us.(4)The speaker concluded his speecha famous saying.完成句子(5)Many experts (得出结论)that many diseases were related to smoking.(6)(最 后),with this extra evidence,we can draw a

5、 conclusion with certainty.conclusionsconclusionsIn withdrew/reached the conclusionTo conclude/In conclusion教材原句教材原句 There is nothing we can do to help Linda.Her circumstances are beyond our control.我们没有办法帮助琳达。她的情况我们无法控制。我们没有办法帮助琳达。她的情况我们无法控制。2circumstance n.usually pl.条件;环境;状况 under/in.circumstance

6、s 在情况下 搭配 under/in no circumstances 决不,无论如何都不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装结构)Under such circumstances,they are likely to buy souvenirs in her shop.在这种情况下,他们可能会去她的商店买纪念品。Under no circumstances should you explore the unknown place by yourself.在任何情况下你都不应该独自探索那个未知的地方。Adolescents tend to adapt to the study atmosphere a

7、nd circumstance quickly.青少年往往能很快地适应学习氛围和环境。【学法点拨】表示否定意义的介词短语 at no time(在任何时候都不),on no condition(无论如何都不),on no account(决不)位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构。单句语法填空(1)no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.(2)Due to (circumstance)beyond our control the lecture was put off.完成句子(3)词汇复现 (在某些情况下),I may decide t

8、o take a chance.(4)(我绝对不会)accept your unreasonable request.(5)The professor warned the students that on no account (他们应该使用)mobile phones in his class.Under/In circumstances Under/In certain circumstances Under/In no circumstances will Ishould they use教材原句 The building under construction was designed

9、 by I.M.Pei a famous Chinese-American architect.正在建造的大楼是由著名的美籍华裔建筑师贝聿铭设计的。3 under construction 在建造中The stadium is currently under construction(=being constructed).体育馆目前正在建造中。【学法点拨】“under+n.”常表示正在进行的动作,而且包含被动含义,相当于进行时的被动语态。under examination 在审查中 under repair 在修理中 under observation 在监视中 under consider

10、ation 在考虑中 under treatment 在治疗中 under discussion 在讨论中【归纳拓展】“介词 at/in/on+名词”可表示某种状态或持续的活动,此时名词前一般不加冠词。at peace 处于和平状态 at table 在吃饭 at work 在上班 at school 在上学at church 在做礼拜 at sea 在航海;茫然 in trouble 处于困境中 in danger 处于危险中on sale 上市;减价销售 on holiday 在休假 on fire 着火,失火 on duty 值班on show 在展出 on strike 在罢工 on

11、trial 在审理中 on business 出差单句语法填空(1)A new highway is said to be construction.(2)Thus Europe was peace for the first time in ten years.(3)He is ready to give a hand whenever his friends are trouble.(4)Some of his paintings are show in the local art gallery.完成句子(5)A new power station is (在建设中).(6)The tw

12、o countries once (在交战)during the Second World War are now (处于和平状态).(7)The church attacked by the enemy in a war was (着火).(8)The new couple are(在休假)in Paris at present.atunder in on at war at peace on fire on holiday under construction/being constructed 重点句式教材原句 It struck him that the other Chinese m

13、en in the photo apparently did not care about what was happening to their fellow countrymen.令他吃惊的是,照片中的其他 中国男子显然并不关心他们的同胞发生了什么事。【句式分析】本句中it作形式主语,that引导的主语从句作真正的主语。what was happening to their fellow countrymen 是宾语从句,作 care about 的宾语。1 It strikes/hits sb.that.某人突然想起(=It occurs to sb.that.)It struck/hi

14、t/occurred to me that the band which I admired would perform at the National Stadium the next day.我突然想起我崇拜的乐队第二天将在国家体育场演出。【学法点拨】Sth.strikes/hits/occurs to sb.表示“某事突然出现在某人的脑海里”。A bright idea suddenly struck/hit/occurred to me that I could use the money I saved to help a poor student in the countrysid

15、e.我突然想到一个好主意,我可以用我存下来的钱去帮助一个农村的贫穷学生。单句语法填空(1)It(strike)me that I could spend a meaningful festival at the shelter.(2)It occurred me that I forgot to turn off the tap.完成句子(3)(她突然想到)she should make a summary about this years work.(4)As I watched them,_ _(我产生了一个想法).struck toIt struck/hit/occurred to he

16、r that an idea struck me/an idea hit me/an idea occurred to me教材原句 From this,he concluded that the crucial problem in China was not physical illness,but the spiritual illness of people at that time.由此,他得出结论,中国的重要问题 不是身体疾病,而是当时人们的精神疾病。【句式分析】本句中第一个 that 引导宾语从句,其中 not.but.连接并列的表语 physical illness 和 the

17、 spiritual illness of people at that time。2 not.but.不是而是He is not a painter but an architect.他不是画家,而是建筑师。Not you but I am to be responsible for the mistake.不是你而是我对此错误负有责任。【归纳拓展】neither.nor.(既 不 也 不),either.or.(或 者 或者),not only.but also.(不仅而且),not.but.连接并列成分作主语时,谓语动词单复数都要遵循“就近一致”原则。Either Tom or you

18、are going to do it.或者是汤姆或者是你要做这件事。单句语法填空(1)Not I but my brother (be)there already.(2)Neither his parents nor he (visit)his grandparents so far this month.(3)Not only the students but also the teacher(be)interested in playing football.完成句子(4)Not they but I (对 感到震惊)the result.(5)Either the expert or h

19、is assistants (将要参加)the meeting.has been has visited is was shocked at are to attendso far this month 表明要用现在完成时。表明要用现在完成时。单元语法 非限制性定语从句1 引导非限制性定语从句的关系词引导非限制性定语从句的关系词有:关系代词 which,who,whom,whose,as;关系副词 when,where 等Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。He will put off the picnic

20、until May 1st,when he will be free.他将把野餐推迟到 5 月 1 日,那时他将有空。【学法点拨】关系词在从句中所作成分的比较:主语主语宾语宾语表语表语定语定语状语状语关系代词关系代词 X关系副词关系副词XXXX The boy,whose father is an engineer,studies very hard.这个男孩,他的爸爸是一位工程师,学习很努力。Once more I am in Boston,where I have not been for years.我再次来到波士顿,我多年没来了。He is absorbed in work,as he

21、 often was.他正在全神贯注地工作,他过去经常这样。We went to the carnival last night,where people wore colorful costumes and marched along the street.我们昨晚去了狂欢节,人们穿着五颜六色的服装沿街游行。单句语法填空(1)Tom was always late for school,made his teacher annoyed.(2)Our graduation will be held in July,well say goodbye to our teachers.(3)Ive

22、invited Jim,lives in the next flat.(4)This academic paper was written in Latin,language I did not understand.(5)Toby was left on an island,he stayed for as long as three months.(6)He seems not to have understood what I mean,greatly upsets me.which when who whose where which2 as 引导的非限制性定语从句as 引导的非限制性

23、定语从句,常可看作固定结构:known to all 众所周知 often the case 情况常常如此as is said above 如上所述 reported 正如报道的那样 mentioned 正如所提及的那样He forgot to bring his pen with him,as was often the case.他忘了带笔,这是常事。As is widely known,the moon is closer to us than the sun.众所周知,月球比太阳离我们近。As we all know,this is the best solution to this

24、problem.众所周知,这是解决这个问题的最好办法。As has been pointed out,we should make a plan ahead of schedule.正如已经指出的,我们应该提前制订计划。all know 众所周知as we expected 正如我们预料的 pointed out 正如已经指出的那样as has been said before 正如之前所说【学法点拨】as 引导限制性定语从句时,先行词常被 the same,such 等修饰。as在句中常作主语、宾语 或表语。Such courses as are recommended by Mr Smit

25、h are optional.史密斯先生推荐的课程是选修课。【误区警示】(1)the same.as.表示“与一样”,即同类异物 the same.that.表示“同一个”,即同类同物(2)在 such.as.中 as 引导定语从句,as 代替前面的先行词,且在从句中作主语、宾语 或表语;在 such/so.that.中 that 引导结果状语从句,that 只起连接词的作用,在从句中不作成分。Such things as you describe are rare now.你描述的这种事情现在很少见。He is such a brilliant architect that we all a

26、dmire him.他是一位才华横溢的建筑师,我们都钦佩他。单句语法填空(1)Kate is late for school again,is often the case.(2)The compass,is known to all,was invented in ancient China.(3)She told a lie,we expected.(4)we all know,Mark Twain was a famous American writer.(5)is reported,many crops were damaged by the heavy rain.(6)This is

27、 the same costume I bought online.(7)Ive never seen such a talented architecthe is.(8)The computer is so expensive I cant afford it.as as as As As as as that完成句子(9)These houses are sold at such a low price,(正如人们预料的那样).(10)(正如以上提及的那样),the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.(11

28、)(情况经常是这样的),my mother has the final say in the argument.(12)He is such a lazy man (以至于没有人喜欢 跟他一起工作).as people expected As is mentioned above As is often the case that no one likes to work with him3 使用非限制性定语从句时的注意事项(1)that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。在非限制性定语从句中,用 who,whom 指代人,用 which 指代物。She was very fond of speaki

29、ng French,which indeed she spoke well.她很喜欢讲法语,而且讲得确实很好。(2)当先行词是专有名词或被物主代词、指示代词修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性 定语从句。They went to London,where they lived for six months.他们去了伦敦,在那儿住了六个月。Yesterday she sold her car,which she bought a month ago.昨天她卖掉了她的汽车,汽车是她一个月前买的。(3)非限制性定语从句可以补充说明整个主句。In the presence of so many peo

30、ple he was a little tense,which was understandable.在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。(4)非限制性定语从句表原因时,不用 why 引导,而用 for which 代替 why。I had told them the reason,for which I didnt attend the meeting.我已经告诉了他们我没有参加会议的原因。单句语法填空(1)Mr Smith,is my friend,quit his job last year.(2)The Great Wall,is called in Chinese“The Te

31、n Thousand Li Great Wall”,is very famous in the world.(3)He is gentle,is known to us all in our company.(4)We could not give the reason,for so many people were for the proposal.(5)The sun,rises in the east,gives us light and heat.(6)Last week we travelled to Beijing,there are many places of interest

32、.who which which which which where4限制性与非限制性定语从句的区别类别类别限制性定语从句限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句作用作用修饰限制(只可修饰先行词)修饰限制(只可修饰先行词)补充说明(可修饰先行词或主句)补充说明(可修饰先行词或主句)意义意义去掉后,句意不完整去掉后,句意不完整 去掉后,句意仍完整去掉后,句意仍完整形式形式 不用逗号与主句隔开不用逗号与主句隔开 用逗号与主句隔开用逗号与主句隔开关关系系词词作宾语时可省略作宾语时可省略 作宾语时不可省略作宾语时不可省略可用可用 that 不用不用 that,用,用 who 或或 which

33、代替代替可用可用 who代替代替whom 一般不用一般不用 who 代替代替 whom可用可用 why 不用不用 why,用,用 for which 代替代替 why译法先译定语从句,后译先行词,常译作“的”可译为并列句 As we know,smoking is harmful to our health.众所周知,吸烟有害健康。(as 指代主句内容)These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。(用逗号与主句隔开)She is always ca

34、reless,which we should not be.她总是马虎大意,我们可不应该这样。(which 指代主句内容)Friendship is precious wealth(that)one searches for all his life.友谊是毕生难觅的珍贵财富。(that 在从句中作 for 的宾语,可省略)单句语法填空(1)Do you have the photo we took together in our primary school?(2)He gave his mother a beautiful coat for her birthday,pleased her

35、 a lot.(3)The boy gave a speech just now is senior to me.(4)Last Sunday they reached Nanjing,a conference was to be held.(5)Each team plays ten or eleven games each season begins in September and ends in November.(6)This colorless gas is called oxygen,with we can rescue patients.完成句子(7)Do you know t

36、he old man (把他 _ 所有的积蓄都捐赠给了教育事业)?(8)Next month,(你将度过你的暑假)in your hometown,is approaching.that/which which who/that where that/which which who donated all his savings to the cause ofeducation when youll spend your summer holiday 5 特殊结构“名词/代词+of+which/whom”I have many friends,some of whom are experts.

37、我有许多朋友,其中有些是专家。There are 30 chairs in the hall,most of which are new.大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。Light is the fastest thing in the world,the speed of which is about 300,000 kilometers per second.光是世界上最快的东西,它的速度是每秒约 30 万千米。单句语法填空(1)The factory has over 8,000 workers,eighty percent of are women.(2)He bought man

38、y books yesterday,some of were published many years ago.whom which 6 关系代词、人称代词、指示代词的选择 关键是判断句子结构:非限制性定语从句选关系代词 并列句选人称代词或指示代词 I met Professor Xu,who told me the result of the election.我遇到了许教授,他告诉了我选举的结果。This is my smart phone and it was bought yesterday.这是我昨天买的智能手机。He came late again and this made hi

39、s boss angry.他又迟到了,这使他的老板很生气。单句语法填空(1)He has three sons,none of is an architect.(2)He has three sons,but none of(they)is an archeologist.(3)This is the room they had a quarrel a week ago.whom them whereUNIT 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTSection C Using Language&AssessingYour Progress核心词汇教材原句教材原句 founded hi

40、gh-tech and futuristic companies 创立了高科技和未来派的公司创立了高科技和未来派的公司1 found vt.创建;建立;把建立在搭配搭配:be founded on 建立在基础上;(建筑物)建立在上The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949.中华人民共和国成立于 1949 年。In order to reduce damage caused by earthquake disasters,some organizations have been founded in the whole nation.为了减

41、少地震灾害引起的损失,一些组织已在全国建立起来。Their marriage was founded on love and respect.他们的婚姻建立在爱和尊重的基础上。【误区警示】find(发现)foundfound 不规则动词found(建立)foundedfounded 规则动词题组练领悟方法单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)As is reported,it is over 100 years since Tsinghua University (found).(2)The teacher founded his system of language teaching the bel

42、ief that speaking should come before reading.(3)Tsinghua University,(found)in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.完成句子完成句子(4)(建于 20 世纪早期),the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.was founded onfounded解题指导:解题指导:Tsinghua University 与与 found 之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。之间为被动关系,所以用过去分

43、词形式。Founded in the early 20th century教材原句教材原句 When he was 16,he tried to enter university in Switzerland,but failed due to his low scores in the general part of the entrance exam.16 岁时,他曾试图去瑞士上岁时,他曾试图去瑞士上 大学,但由于入学考试的综合部分分数较低,他未能如愿大学,但由于入学考试的综合部分分数较低,他未能如愿2 due to 因为,由于Eventually,his scholarship was

44、not approved due to various reasons.由于各种原因,他的奖学金最终没有被批准。【词语辨析词语辨析】(1)due to.可作表语和状语,一般不放在句首;(2)owing to.可作表语和状语;(3)because of.一般作状语,作表语时主语是一个事实,而不是一个名词;(4)thanks to.通常作状语。Because of/Owing to the snow,the flight has been canceled.由于下雪,航班已经取消了。(作状语)Thanks to your help,we were successful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功

45、。(作状语)It is mainly because of my fault.这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语)His death was owing to an accident.他的死是事故造成的。(作表语)单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The accident was due careless driving.(2)Because the rain,the match was canceled.完成句子完成句子(3)His mistake was (因 为)lack of experience.(4)David said that it was (由于)his strong interes

46、t in computers that he chose the course.同义句转换同义句转换(5)Owing to lack of funds,the project will not continue next year.The project will not continue next year lack of funds.to of due to/owing todue to/because of/owing todue to/because of/owing to教材原句教材原句 While working there,out of a strong passion for

47、knowledge,he continued to study,earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.在那里工作期间,出于对知识的强烈热情,在那里工作期间,出于对知识的强烈热情,他继续学习,并于他继续学习,并于 1905 年获得了物理学博士学位。年获得了物理学博士学位。3 passion n.酷爱;激情;盛怒酷爱;激情;盛怒 have a passion for 酷爱搭配搭配 get into a passion 突然发怒 in a passion 发怒develop a passion for music 对音乐产生爱好tremble with pas

48、sion 因生气而颤抖The singer could not control his passion.那位歌手无法控制自己的激情。He had a passion for music.他酷爱音乐。His father got into a passion due to his casual attitude.由于他漫不经心的态度,他父亲大发雷霆。词汇复现单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He has a passion Chinese literature,which dates back to his youth.(2)a passion he deleted all the useful d

49、ata in the computer.完成句子完成句子(3)She often takes her son to the gallery,trying to help him (对 产生爱好)art.(4)Hearing the words,he (气得发抖).In fordevelop a passion fortrembled with passion 教材原句教材原句 That same year,which was later recorded as a miracle year in science,he published four extraordinary physics p

50、apers.同年,他发表了四篇杰出的同年,他发表了四篇杰出的 物理学论文,这一年后来被称为科学史上的奇迹之年。物理学论文,这一年后来被称为科学史上的奇迹之年。4 extraordinary adj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的an extraordinary memory 非凡的记忆力an extraordinary achievement 卓越的成就extraordinary skills 超凡的技艺extraordinary ideas 离奇的想法extraordinary passion 特别的热情It is very extraordinary that I should meet h


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