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1、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISHBOOK 3A famous monastery Lesson 8Summary writing for L7 John Butlin runs a successful furniture business and after a very good day,he put his wallet containing 3000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping.Then he and his fiance,Jane,went horse-riding,after which Jane cooked their

2、dinner in the microwave oven only to find to their dismay that the money had been destroyed.John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains to the Mutilated Ladies department who identified the remains and returned the money.New words:1、Monastery n.寺院,修道院寺院,修道院(a sacred building where monks l

3、ive)abbot n.男修道院院长 abbess n.女修道院院长convent/nunnery n.女修道会,女修道院(a sacred building where nuns live)nun n.修女 Sister Maria 圣母玛利亚;Brother 和尚“Sound of Music”音乐之声“Sister Act”修女也疯狂2.St.Bernard 圣伯纳德Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂St.Pauls Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂St.:Saint n.圣人;Strait 海峡;Street 街道Saint Valentines Day 情人节Eg.

4、People will send a special card,flowers esp.red roses to someone they love but without saying who they are.Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡Wall Street 华尔街Wall street is in N.Y.,famous as stock market which is the most important financial center in America.And Actually Manhattan is the business center of N.Y.City,

5、but of course,the business area is mainly on Wall Street at the southern end of Manhattan where the New York Exchange and the World Trade Center are located.3.Pass n.1(a road or path which goes through)小路,小径;2(a place that is difficult to cross)关隘,山隘come to a pretty pass 陷入困境(对顶修饰)a dead living;虽生犹死

6、a living deathEg.Party is such a sweet sorrow.(Shakespeare“Rome and Juliet”)分离是如此甜蜜的伤心。Eg.A mountain pass is a narrow gap between mountains.intersection 交叉路口,十字路口crossroad交叉路口,十字路口 at a/the crossroad 转折点4.watchdog n.看门狗;监督部门A watchdog committee监督委员会A guard dog 担任警戒的狗;doorman 看门人A bodyguard 保镖;a secu

7、rity guard 保安guardian 保护人;(法)监护人5.rashly adv.轻率地;莽撞地;冒失地make decisions rashlyrash adj.make a rash decision eg.Dont make rash decisions about your future.Take it seriously.It was rash of you to sigh the form without reading it.perfunctory.Adj.草率的;敷衍的eg.You should never be perfunctory about your work.

8、More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。6.enclosure n.围场,圈地;附件 eg.The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it.公用地的圈占意味着普通 人不能再使用这块土地enclose.v.围起;把装入;封入enclose a garden with a wall Eg.The mountains were enclosed in mist(薄雾).Enclosed/Attached,please find some pictures of the car

9、s.兹附上几张汽车照片请查收。wrap(put some paper or sth.else around sth./sb.)用包起来be wrapped up with/in sth.(give too much attention to)对于过于重视而疏忽了;埋头于eg.Mr.Kramer has been wrapped up with his career that he has no time to take care of his family.Be wrapped up in English!7.monk n.和尚和尚8.privacy n.隐私;清静,隐居隐私;清静,隐居Eg.

10、to respect someones privacy1 I dont want my privacy to be disturbed.2 You may not enjoy privacy in a busy city.3 I prefer to read in the privacy of my study.isolate v.隔离;孤立lead a isolated life 过着孤独的生活recluse n.隐士,隐居者 hermit n.隐士,隐居者 9.skier n.滑雪者滑雪者 ski v.滑雪 n.滑雪橇;滑雪板10.Easter n.复活节复活节(Easter is a C

11、hristian festival when Jesus Christs return to life is celebrated on a Sunday in March or April.)at Easter 在复活节/at Christmas 在圣诞节/at Thanksgiving 在感恩节Eg.Its only inferior to (仅次于)Christmas for Christians.connect(v.连接,联合,关连)lie,(lay,lain),lying(vi.位于,躺,平放)lie,(lied,lied),lying(vi.说谎)lay,(laid,Laid),l

12、ying(vt.放置,产卵)tunnel(n.隧道,地道)attempt(vt.尝试,企图)freedom(n.自由,自主)wander(vi.漫步,徘徊)regular(adj.规则的,有秩序的,经常的)party(n.团体,一伙人)minus adj.负的,减的 prep.减去 n.负数minus adj.负的负的或在负值区间的-a minus value 一个负值/minus five degrees 零下五度degree n.度数,度,程度What are the St.Bernard dogs used for?1.The Great St.Bernard Pass connects

13、 Switzerland to Italy.connectto/join.to/linkwith/toconnect.with/and 把.与某事联系在一起eg.Taiwan Strait connects mainland with Taiwan.contact v./n.(与人)联系keep in contact with sb.relate v.联系(抽象)eg.The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment.犯罪率的上升与失业率的上升紧密相关。link v.链接;与有关eg.Flu is linked

14、 to virus.TEXT:2.At 2,473 metres,it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.At 2,473 metres:表示海拔高度(介词短语修饰全句用于句首表示原因、条件或状态)Eg.-In red,she looks much more beautiful.-At the age of 25,he is able.在25岁的时候,他很能干。-At one point 65 metres,he is a little short.-At 1,980 metres,Heaven Lake(天池)is the highest tour

15、ist attraction in China.天池海拔1980米,是中国最高的旅游景点。3.The famous monastery of St.Bernard,witch was founded in the eleventh century,lies about a mile away.found(v.建立,创立)=set up(设立,竖立)=establish(vt.成立,建立)Eg.The United Nations was founded in 1945.establish v.建立,成立(to start a company or an organization.)Eg.Roc

16、kefeller established the Standard Oil Company(标准石油公司)in 1870.construct v.构造 build up 逐步建立;增强体质,建立信心Eg.The regime built up the largest army in Africa.该政权逐渐建立起非洲最大规模的军队。build up energy 增强体力;build up credit 树立信誉限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句最大的区别:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句最大的区别:非限制性定语从句只是对主句或主句中所出现的某个名词的补充、说明和解释,去掉对主句影响不大。限制性

17、定语从句是主句当中不可缺少的一部分。试比较以下句子:1who引导的非限制性定语从句主要指人做主语-Mr.Smith was a famous person in American history.-Mr.Smith,who died on July 17th at 84,was a famous person in American history.There were very few passengers,who escaped without serious injury.(n.伤害)旅客很少,他们都逃出来了,没有受到重伤。There were very few passengers w

18、ho escaped without serious injury.没有受重伤而逃出来的旅客很少。-The taxi drivers,who knew about the traffic jam,took another road.所有司机都知道堵车的事,都走了别的路。-The taxi drivers who knew about the traffic jam took another road,and others who didnt know about the traffic jam still took this heavy road.得知堵车的司机走了别的路,不知道堵车事件的司机

19、仍然走这条路。2指代事物在非限制性定语从句当中只能使用which,不用that。-He lent me a thousand dollars,which was exactly the sum I needed.3指代时间when、地点where-He was left on the desert island,where he stayed for as long as three weeks.他被留在了荒岛上,在那里他呆了长达三周之久。4.For hundreds of years,St.Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers cro

20、ssing the dangerous Pass.save ones life;“Help!”“Spare me!”5.These friendly dogs,which were first brought from Asia,were used as watchdogs even in Roman times.bring from“从引进”eg.The panda,which was brought from China,was used as a symbol of friendship.bring in:把拿进来;带进来;收获(庄稼等);赚(钱)Eg.1.The government

21、brought in a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.政府推行了一项颇具争议的法令,根据该法令政府可以征用其所需要的任何土地。2.I have three part-time jobs,which bring in about 14,000 a year.3.The firm decided to bring in a new management team.该公司决定聘请新的管理团队。4.Make sure how many are going to bring in the wheat tom

22、orrow6.Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains,the Pass is less dangerous,but each year,the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty.Now that 既然;由于(口语中that可省)1 用做时间连接词,后面通常跟完成式-Now that you have left university,you have to find a job.2 用做原因连接词时,后面时态不

23、限-Now that you wont help me,I must do the job myself.表示原因的介词短语:due to 由于(书面语)Eg.Due to the heavy snow,I was firmly stuck on the road.because ofowing to 由于,因为,多亏(通常用于句首)Eg.Owing to her help and kindness,I finally weathered the storm(渡过难关).thanks to 幸亏,由于(only used to explain why or how sth.good has h

24、appened.)Eg.Thanks to my beloved mother,Ive got where I am today.in that 因为,原因是(for the reason that)Eg.His request is unreasonable in that he knows we cant afford it.This machine differs from the other one in that it is more powerful.in as much as 由于,既然Eg.In as much as the debtor has no property,I a

25、bandoned the claim。因为债务人无财产,我放弃了债务。seeing(that)因为,由于,鉴于Eg.Seeing that he was a hard worker,he achieved a lot.他辛勤工作,因而取得了不少成就。Seeing(that)(=Since)he refused to help us,theres no reason why we should now help him.他既然曾经拒绝帮助我们,我们现在没有理由要来帮助他considering that 鉴于,考虑到,就而论Eg.Even this was remarkable,consideri

26、ng that she had had so many delays.考虑到路上的多次耽搁,这个成绩也已很不容易了。given that 考虑到,假定,已知 eg.Given that theyre inexperienced,theyve done a good job.在缺乏经验的情况下,他们的工作已经算是做得相当不错了。whoever,whatever,whenever,wherever,whichever,however=no matter who/what/when/where/which/how-Whenever you are in trouble,just let me kno

27、w.-Whichever day you come,well be pleased to see you.-However busy you are,you must spare some time to study.-Wherever you go,Ill follow you.-Whatever happens,do not give up.7.Despite the new tunnel,there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.despite(介词)=in spite of(of是

28、介词)+短语despite the fact that=in spite of the fact that+(同位语从句)attempt v.n.尝试,企图attempt to do something(try to do sth.difficult or dangerous)企图做某事Eg.an attempt on the life of the former Iranian Prime Minister试图杀害伊朗前总理tempt.V.引诱,诱惑Eg.Nothing could tempt him to such a course of action.什么都不能诱使他去那样做。8.Dur

29、ing the summer months,the monastery is very busy,for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars.in cars=by car Eg.If winter comes,can spring be far behind?9.As there are so many people about,the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.With so many people about,about(adv.到处,周

30、围)-Dont litter waste paper about.不要到处扔废纸。litter(vt.乱丢,铺草,弄乱)-look about 到处看/go about 到处走/run about 到处跑/wander about 到处闲逛keep经常和介词短语、形容词、分词搭配使用,表示使某人或某物处于某种状态。-Keep him out./Keep him in.(介词)-Do keep the cat in the room.(介词)-Im sorry to keep you waiting.(现在分词)-The lamb was kept tight to a tree.=I kept

31、 the lamb tight to a tree.10.In winter,however,life at the monastery is quite different.quite the opposite 恰恰相反on the contrary 相反Eg.It seems that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris.On the contrary,he had a great time.11.The temperature drops to-30and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.The monks

32、prefer winter to summer of they have more privacy.drop to 下降,跌至 go(sharply)down to Eg.The price drops only to half as much as it used to.(rise up to;jump up to;go up to;climb up to;升至)drop in Eg.Drop in to see us any time.随便什么时候顺便来看看我们 Its improper to drop in on him so casually.这样冒冒失失去找他可不好。Oh!I jus

33、t drop in on him for a chat.哦,我只是顺便来和他聊聊天 drop byEg.I have to drop by the bank to get some money.我得到银行去取一下钱Would you drop by when you are in town?你来城里就来玩好吗?复习prefer 的用法:prefer doing sth.prefer to do sth.prefer sb.to do;prefer A to B ;prefer doing A to doing B=prefer to do A rather than do BThe only

34、regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter.the regular visitors to+地点.“常客”regular customer熟客;regular lawyer 职业律师;regular army正规军;regular meeting例会a party of visitors 一群造访者;a flood of refugees 一群难民a host of friends 一群狐朋狗友;a galaxy of beautie

35、s 一群美女a odd collection of people 一群怪人Idioms:That is then.This is now.此一时,彼一时。such things come and go.胜败乃兵家常事。Eg.The French football team was the champion of last World Cup.But that was then.This is now.It was eliminated(淘汰,除去)this time.So such things come and go.Special difficulties 难点难点1 what2 when

36、 engaged(adj.忙碌的,使用中的)3 who 汉译英:珠穆朗玛峰海拔8844米,是世界上最高的山峰。At 8,844 metres,Mount Chomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.到了冬季,中国北方的天气会非常寒冷,然而,昆明的天气却相当温暖舒适。In winter,weather in the north of China is very cold,however,weather in Kunming is quite warm and pleasant.武汉夏天的温度达到40摄氏度,几乎没人出门。The tempera

37、ture of summer in Wuhan rises up to 40 and very few people attempt to go out.在海南的居住的人喜欢冬天而不愿意过夏天,因为那里的夏天实在是太热了。People in Hainan prefer winter to summer for it is extremely hot in summer there.现在在中国的年轻一代有了更多的自由,他们可以更加自主地选择自己的职业和婚姻。These days,young people in China have greater freedom,for their career

38、s and marriages could be chosen freely.那些热爱和平的人总会得到世界人民的欢迎。Those people,who love peace,always receive a warm welcome in the world.Multiple choice questions 多项选择多项选择1.C be best known for=be famous for 众所周知,因.而著名attraction(n.吸引,吸引力)trap(vt.使受限制,设陷)2.C the main advantage(n.好处,优势,有利条件)endanger(vt.危及)Swi

39、ss(n.瑞士人 adj.瑞士的,瑞士人的)Italian(n.意大利人,意大利语 adj.意大利的,意大利语的,意大利文化的)3.D differ(vi.不一致,不同)occupation(n.工作,职业)undisturbed(adj.不受打扰的)pursue(vt.从事,继续,追赶)relatively(adv.相对地,比较地)4.D 名词作表语(原句中为at介词短语作状语)5.A 形容词或副词和enough to do搭配b)选项错在so rash as to(-You are so kind as to help me.)6.A with的复合结构形式-A large car,wit

40、h its headlights on and its horn blaring,roared down the arcade.-With so many people around me,I fell happy.7.C 让某人做某事:let sb do8.C 泛泛的概念采取一般现在时9.B 强调两者之间10.A whenever=if ever 无论什么时候,只要情况是如此-Whenever/if ever you pour oil on water,it floats.(vi.飘浮)in case(conj.万一)主要是讨论预防措施 -You should insure your house in case there is a fire.11.D voyage(n.vi.航海,航行)12.C wander=roam(v.漫游,闲逛,徜徉)graze(v.放牧,吃草)drift(n.v.漂流)=float(n.v.浮动,飘浮)wonder(vt.想知道,感到奇怪)Thanks for watching!Thanks for watching!-HI-POP ENGLISH


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