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1、 Lesson 46Expensive and uncomfatable 既昂贵又受罪Revision1.问心无愧 2.一大笔钱 3.归还 4.包裹 5.偿还 6.还清7.为付钱 8.用这种方法 9.一半钱phrasewords1.无罪的 2.良心 3.皮夹 4.存款 5.村名 6.百分之unload v.卸(货)反义词:load v.装货extremely adv.非常,极其 extremely 把一个形容词或副词推到了极限,达到了无以复加的程度 I am extremely tired.我累极了occur vi.发生 vi.发生When did the accident occur?vi.

2、被想起,被想到It occured to sb.that 某人想起了It occured to me that I didnt finish my homework.我想起我还没完成作业It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想到做某事It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看sth.occur to sb.某人突然想起某件事(从后面往前面翻)A good idea occured to me.=I have a good idea.astonish vt.使惊讶如果一

3、个动词跟人的情绪有关,其形容词有两个:令人 ing;感到-edastonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj.感到惊讶的discover v.发现 (以前你不知道的事现在知道了)discovery n.探索,发现admit v.承认承认 vt.承认,供认 admit sth./admit doing sth.承认做某事 I admit breaking the window.我承认打破了窗玻璃.admit that 承认Sally admitted that she had used your dictionary.vt.准许进入,准许加入Without a ticke

4、t you wont be admitted into cinemaconfine v.关在或局限在某个地方(一个狭小的空间里)sb.was confined to+地点 某人被关在某个地方Tom was confined to the sroom.1、When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport,workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.a number of 许多,若干(+可数名词的复数)unload 的含义为“卸(货)”,它的反

5、义词为load(装货)。与形容词uncomfortable,unsmiling等相似,有些动词 加前缀un可以表示做相反的动作。cloth,clothes和clothing比较:cloth是指做衣服用的“布、布料”。clothes一般指衣服,表示衣服的单数名词的复数形 式,表示许多衣服。clothing服装的总称,不可数名词,可以包括鞋、帽等2、No one could account for the fact that(one of the boxes was extremely heavy.)noonecould.没人能nooneknows.没人知道account for=explain

6、说明原因、作出解释.区别:account 的解释必须是令人满意的.explain 只要是一个解释就行.that后面的从句为fact的同位语从句,说明fact的 具体内容。一个句子跟在一个名词后,可以是:1、定语从句2、同位语从句1、同位语从句后的that是起解释说明的作用 而定语从句是起修饰的作用2、that在从句中做主语或宾语成分,则是定语从句 that在从句中不能做主语或宾语成分,则是同位 语从句3、It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.(1)sth.occurred to sb.某人想起某事.(2)it

7、在句中为先行主语,代替不定式to open up the box。(3)open up的含义之一是“打开”:When he received the gifts,he opened them up at once.他收到礼物后立刻就打开了。4、He was astonished at(what he found.)sb.be astonished at sth.某事使/让某人吃惊 Sam was astonished at the news.what引导名词性从句作介词at的宾语,what=the thing which/that5、A man was lying in the box on

8、top of a pile of wooden goods.a pile of 一堆 piles of snow 一堆堆的雪on top of 在之上(与顶端有接触面)at the top of 在上方(at the top of之前的 词属于其之后的词的范围之内)6、He had had a long and uncomfortable trip,for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.have a trip=go on a trip be confined to 把限制起来 Last weeken

9、d,Toms mother confined him to his room.for在文中这里强调事实,而非原因 over=more than7、The man was ordered to pay$3,500 for the cost of the trip.payfor 为付钱,为付出代价 She paid$50 for that dress.the cost of 的花费,费用 Cost和price的区别:Price多指商店中某个特定商品的价格。比如:the price of a CD;the price of the book cost则多指一种服务或是行为的价格。比如:the cos

10、t of going on holiday(去度假的费 用);the cost of living(生活费)本课必须掌握的词组:arrive at 到达a number of 许多account for 说明的原因sth occur to sb.使某人想起某事be astonished at 对感到惊奇on top of 在之上a pile of 一堆admit doing sth.承认做某事be confined to 受的限制与与to连用的动词:连用的动词:accustom(ed)to(习惯于)amount to(达到)appeal to(呼吁)apply to/for(适于)attach

11、(ed)to(附属于)attend to(参加)challenge to(向提出挑战)belong to(属于)compare to/with(比较)condemn(ed)to(判刑)confess to(承认)confine to(限制)consent to(同意)convert to(改信(某宗教)entitle(d)to(享有权利)listen to(听)mention to(提到)object to(反对)occur to(想到)prefer to(更喜欢)react to/against(对反应)reply to(回答)respond to(响应)see to(注意)submit t

12、o(服从于)surrender to(向投降)turn to(转向)yield to(屈服)与与at连用的动词:连用的动词:amused at/by(对感到有趣)arrive at/in(到达)astonish(ed)at/by(感到惊愕)exclaim at(惊叫)glance at(对看一眼)guess at(猜测)knock at(敲)look at(看)shock(ed)at/by(感到震惊)point at/to(指向)surprise(d)at/by(感到惊讶)stare at(盯着看)wonder at/about(感到惊异)work at/on(钻研)与与 for连用的动词:连

13、用的动词:account for(说明(原因)ask for/of(请求)apologize for(因而道歉)act for/on(代表)blame for(责备)beg for(乞求)call for(需要)charge for(收费)exchange for(交换)hope for(希望)mistake for(误认为)look for(寻找)pay for(为付款)mourn for(哀悼)prepare for(准备)provide for(提供)search for(寻求)thank for(感谢)vote for/on 投票支持 wait for/on(等候)与与with连用的动

14、词:连用的动词:begin with(以开始)agree with(同意)compare with/to(与比较)comply with(同意)communicate with(与联络)cope with(对付)compete with/against(同竞争)contrast with/to(形成对照)confuse with(误作)correspond with(与一致)finish with(完成)disgust(ed)with(使讨厌)mix with(混合)interfere with/in(干扰)help with/in(帮助)occupy(ied)with(从事于)part with(放弃)please(d)with(对满意)reason with(规劝)quarrel with/about(争论)threaten(ed)with(威胁)satisfy(fied)with/by(感到满足)


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