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1、主谓一致主谓一致Subjectverb Concord/Agreement 主谓一致指句子主语和谓语在人称和数上主谓一致指句子主语和谓语在人称和数上的一致。主谓一致有三原则:的一致。主谓一致有三原则:语法一致语法一致(Grammatical Concord)意义一致意义一致(Notional Concord)就近原则就近原则(Principle of Proximity)11.It is futile to discuss the matter further,because _going to agree upon anything today.(2003-50)A.neither you

2、nor I are B.neither you nor me is C.neither you nor I am D.neither me nor you are 答案:C 参考译文:进一步讨论这个事情是无益的,因为今天你我都在任何事情上不愿达成一致。原则:就近原则Principle of Proximity21)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。There is a pen,a knife and several books on the desk.There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl

3、-students in the class.2)当or,nor,either or,neither nor,not only but also 连接两个主语时,谓语动 词与最邻近的主语保持一致。Either you or she is to go.33)在倒装句中,动词的数应和它后面的主语的数一致。如以here,there开头,be 动词与后面第一个名词一致。如:There is a dog near the door.There were no schools in this area before liberation.Here comes the bus.On the wall wer

4、e two famous paintings.Here is Mr.Brown and his children.42.Mr.Wells,together with all the members of his family,_ for Europe this afternoon.A.are to leave B.are leaving C.is leaving D.leave答案:C 参考译文:威尔斯先生,连同所有的家人,今天下午出发去欧洲。原则:语法一致Grammatical Concord5 如果主语后跟有with,together with,along with,but,except,

5、besides,perhaps,like,including,as well as,as much as,no less than,more than,rather than,in addition to,accompanied by,等引起的短语,谓语动词仍与短语前的主语的形式保持一致。如:1)His sister,no less than you,is wrong.2)The father,rather than the brothers,is responsible for the accident.3)He,like you and Xiao Liu is very diligent.

6、4)Every picture except these two has been sold.5)Alice as well as her friends was invited to the concert.6)Nobody but Mary and I was in the classroom at that time.63.The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A.proves B.is proving C.are proving D.pro

7、ve 答案:D 解析:statistics在本句中表示“数据统计”而不是“统计学”,因此谓语动词不可用第三人称单数;此外 prove 表示“(已)证明”,不可用现在进行时态,因此,D为正确。原则:意义一致Notional Concord7以”ics”结尾表示学科名称的名词做主语,谓语动词多用单数;但如果其表达“学科”以外的其他意义,谓语动词便可用复数。acoustics(声学;音响效果)athletics(体育学;体育运动)economics(经济学;经济意义)ethics(伦理学;行为准则)tactics(兵法;策略)mathematics(数学;运算能力)optics(光学;光线器件)ph

8、ysics(物理学;物理现象)politics(政治学;政治观点)linguistics(语言学)84.All the Presidents Men _one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.(2007-52)A.remain B.remains C.remained D.is remaining答案:B 参考译文:惊天大阴谋是一本重要的书,可供历史学家研究“水门事件”。解析:All the Presidents Men是一个书名,谓语动词用单数,此句在阐述事实,所以用一般现在时态。9

9、复数形式的专有名词作为整体看待(如人名、地点、国家、组织、书籍、报刊等),动词用单数形式。如:1)The United States is in North America.2)The United Nations has passed a resolution(决议)。3)The Arabian Nights(天方夜谭)is an interesting book.4)The New York Times is a good newspaper.105.The research requires more money than _.(2007-61)A.have been put in B.

10、has been put in C.being put in D.to be put in答案:B解析:本句中连词than 后面省略了主语it,此处it 指代的是前面提到的money,因此后面的动词用单数;从语义上来看,这里是比较需要的钱和已经投入的钱,故用现在完成式has been put in116.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?(2012-65)A.Poultry are very expensive in the city.B.New machinery were introduced in the factory.C.Th

11、e police are investigating the murder case.D.The militia were called out to rescue flood victims.答案:B 原则:语法一致和意义一致121).通常做复数的集体名词,如police,people,folk,youth,clergy(教士),cattle,militia,poultry(家禽),vermin(害虫)等;以“ch、sh、-ese”等结尾的表示国籍的词,如The French,The British,The Chinese等,谓语动词用复数。The police have caught th

12、e murderer.The Chinese are famous for their hospitality.2).通常做不可数的集体名词,表示总称,如machinery,stationery(文具),furniture,merchandise(商品),foliage(树和植物叶子的总称),谓语动词用单数。New machinery is being installed in the factory.以集体名词(以集体名词(Collective Noun)做主语时做主语时:133).有些集体名词如family,team,group,class,audience,government,publ

13、ic(公众),等作主语时,如看作是一个整体,谓语动词则用单数形式;如强调各个成员时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:My family is going to have a long journey.My family are fond of music.The class has won the honor.The class were jumping for joy.4.)如果主语是由“a committee of/a panel of /a board of+复数名词”构成,随后的动词通常用 单数。A committee of five men and three women is to co

14、nsider the matter.14某些固定结构中谓语的数:某些固定结构中谓语的数:a great many+可数名词复数 谓语用复数 the majority of+可数名词复数 谓语用复数 a number of+可数名词复数 谓语用复数 the number of+可数名词复数 谓语用单数 neither/either of+可数名词复数 谓语用单数 one and a half+可数名词复数 谓语用单数 each/every+可数名词单数 谓语用单数 more than one+可数名词单数 谓语用单数 many a+可数名词单数 谓语用单数 the greater part of

15、/a large proportion of/50%of/one third of/plenty of/the rest of 谓语的数与of后面的名词一致 Two thirds of the students are girls in our class.15 More than one person here _ with the disease.A.has been infected B.have been infected C.has been infecting D.have been infecting More students than one _.A.were punishe

16、d B.is punished C.was punished D.will punishMore 复数名词 than one 和 more than one 单数名词的意义相同,均表示“不只一个”,但前者用作复数,后者用作单数。167.Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?(2013-59)A.Politics are the art or science of government.B.Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C.Mumps is a kind of inf

17、ectious disease.D.All the furniture has arrived undamaged.答案:A 方法:直选法或排除法17 A.表示学科一类的名词作主语时 B.表示时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的复数名词或短语作为一个整体看待时,其谓语动词常用单数形式。如:1)Three years is not a long time.2)Ten dollars is what he needs.3)Five hundred miles is a long distance.C.表示疾病的名词做主语,虽以“S”结尾但谓语动词多用单数。arthritis(关节炎),bronchitis

18、(支气管炎),diabetes(糖尿病),tuberculosis(肺结核),measles(麻疹),mumps(腮腺炎),rickets(软骨病)等 Diabetes is considered a disease that belongs to the wealthy/the rich.D.集体名词作主语时181)The writer and worker are coming to our school tomorrow.2)The writer and the worker are coming to our school tomorrow.3)Bread and butter is

19、their daily food.4)Bread and butter are their daily food.请判断句子正误并解释并列主语如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数,and后面的名词没有冠词。19the+形容词(或分词)作主语时,常指一类人,如the brave,the poor,the rich,the blind,the young,the old,the sick,the dead,the deaf,the oppressed,the injured,the wounded,the unemployed 等谓语动词用复数形式。;但也有少数的过去分词与定冠

20、词连用时指个别,则谓语动词用单数,这类形容词或分词如果要表示个体时,就要与名词man,person 或表示人的单数连用。1)The young is usually very active.2)The departed(死者)was a well-known engineer.20 1)Every boy and girl have been invited to the party.所有的孩子都被邀请参加这次聚会。2)No teacher and no student are absent today.今天没有老师和学生缺席。3)Many a students is busy with th

21、eir lessons.许许多多的学生都忙着复习他们的功课。有each,every,no,many a修饰名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式。211)Each takes a cup of tea.2)Either is correct.3)Neither of them like this picture.由each,either,one,another,the other,neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。由every,some,any,no构成的合成代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。1)Is everyone here?2)Nothing is to be done.没有什么要干的事

22、儿了。22Exercise 1.A round and a square table _ in the shop window.A.was exhibiting B.was exhibited C.were exhibiting D.were exhibited2.When he got to the fair(交易会),what were left behind _ ten empty bottles.A.was B.were C.just D.only233.Every policeman and fireman _ on the alert.A.was B.were C.have bee

23、n D.are4.Ten percent of the workers in this city _ now on strike.A.is B.are C.is to be D.are to be5.Not only you and I but Peter,the top student in our grade _ not able to solve the problem.A.are B.were C.is D.am246.Plenty of fruits,eggs,and vegetables_ needed for health.A.are B.is C.is being D.have

24、7.With the elevation of peoples standard of living,cosmetics(化妆品)_ favorite topic,especially among women.A became B become C becomes D have come258.This is the best automobiles that_ in working order.A.is B.had C.are D.have9.George is the only one of the brightest students who _ from New York University.A.is graduated B.have graduated C.has graduated D.are graduated10.Television is one of the great advances in methods of communication that _ made in the 19th century.A.was B.were C.are D.has been2627


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