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4、同时连声说着对不起。不料,她自己也吐了起来,雪上加霜,又是一阵忙乱。听得出,她们是外地不料,她自己也吐了起来,雪上加霜,又是一阵忙乱。听得出,她们是外地乘客,乘客,Discovering Since then,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him.-ing form used as the subject(主语主语)Practise Ex.2rewrite

5、 the sentences using-ing form p13 1.Helping people in need of help is nice.2.Growing super hybrid rice is not easy.3.Learning more about farming is not difficult.4.In the countryside doing research is not as easy as in the city.5.Getting rid of hunger is very important in some African countries.6.Ex

6、plaining this again is important or we will confuse the students.1.As a young man,he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.2.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.3.He enjoys listening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and r

7、eading.4.Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.Read the sentences from the text and try to find some rules.-ing used as the object(宾语宾语)both of verb or preposition.Look at the following sentences.What have you found?1.He suggested_ it in a

8、 different way.(do)2.The president tried to avoid_.(answer)the reporters questions.3.I admit _your letter.(read)4.Mom agreed_ me some money.(lend)5.Jack pretended _me when he passed.(not see)6.My friend offered_ when I was in trouble.(help)doingansweringreadingto lendnot to seeto helpPractice:Ex3 P1

9、3Are they followed by doing or to do or both?manageexpectdecideseemofferimaginesuggestavoidadmitpractisehatelovepreferrememberregret+doing+to do+to do/doingpromisefailhopeaffordplanenjoyfinishmindmisskeeptrystopbeginforgetlikestart用作宾语用作宾语只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep

10、,finish,suggest,dislike,delay,escape,cannot help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,cannot stand等。如:等。如:我不能不去。我不能不去。I cant avoid _你是否考虑过找一位挚友你是否考虑过找一位挚友?Have you considered _one special friend?goinglooking for+doingvconsider,suggest/advise,look forward to,excuse,pardon vadmit,delay/put off,vavoid,miss,keep/

11、keep on,practise vdeny,finish,stop,enjoy/appreciate vcant help,mind,allow/permit,escape vforbid,risk,imagine 用作宾语用作宾语既接既接-ing,又接,又接to dorememberforgetregrettrymeango on stop _(学习新单词)学习新单词)is very important for me(learn)=It is important for me_.说比做容易。说比做容易。Talking is easier than doing.Learning new wo

12、rdsto learn new words提示:当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词提示:当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。和名词所有格构成。我姐姐病了,使我很担心。我姐姐病了,使我很担心。_being ill made me worried.你正确未必就意味着我错了。你正确未必就意味着我错了。_being right doesnt necessarily mean my being wrong.他逃走了让我很伤心。他逃走了让我很伤心。_running away made me very sad.Would you mind _ here?I sug

13、gest _.My sistersYourHismy/me smokinghis/him giving up动名词与不定式做主语时的比较:动名词与不定式做主语时的比较:动名词表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定动名词表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。如:式则通常表示具体的动作。如:v一直不做就是作恶。一直不做就是作恶。Doing nothing is doing illv他说:他说:“继续这样下去是无用的。继续这样下去是无用的。”He said,“To go on like this is no use”v我很荣幸被邀请参加这个晚会。我很荣幸被邀请参加这个晚会。Its

14、 an honor for me to be invited to the party 下列短语中的下列短语中的to都是介词,所以后面跟都是介词,所以后面跟名词或名词或-ing形式:形式:devote to,object topay attention toget down tolead tolook forward tostick tobe used to+doingIt is useless _(和和争论争论)TomIt is no good _(在太阳下看在太阳下看书书).(read)There/It is no use _(劝他劝他)give up the chance.(persua

15、de)There is no sense(in)_ him.(criticise)There is no point(in)_ the reason now.(explain)There is no need _her.(tell)arguing withreading in the suntrying to persuade him to criticising to tell explaining Practise Ex.4 on P131.It was good to see the young man working with his father in the field.2.Pau

16、l clearly enjoyed learning about how to farm well.3.When I talked to him,he told me he dreamed of having his own farm.4.He wanted to experiment with scientific methods of farming.5.He will keep trying out new ideas so he can help farmers around China.6.I am quite interested to find out what will hap

17、pen to Pauls farm in the future.7.Someday,he hopes to develop super wheat like Yuan Longpings super rice.8.He is not afraid to fail,because he knows failure will help him learn more.9.He cares little about owning a big house and a car.10.His father says that he has regretted sending his son to study

18、 abroad.2作介词宾语作介词宾语Weve got to think of ways of _.(改变人们的习惯改变人们的习惯)(change)I apologize_(对你那样粗鲁)(对你那样粗鲁)you.(rude)_(没有笑容没有笑容),each of them made a face(instead)changing peoples habitsfor being so rude withInstead of smilingSeeing is believing./To see is to believe.Would you mind my/me opening the windo

19、w?Oh,dear!I forget to lock the door.I am looking forward to(receiving)your reply.Keys to Ex.1(P50)1.Smoking2.Paying3.Getting4.Learning5.Playing6.Doing7.Using8.Dancing9.exchanging10.supplyingKeys to Ex.2(P50)to dieto makefightingto encourageto manageto leaveto spend/spendingworkingploughingturningto

20、findworking1._ such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.(2004全全国国)A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.That D.Suffered精析:精析:根据句意根据句意“it may now be too late to”和和“already”可知可知“河流已经被严重污河流已经被严重污染染”,应用完成时。答案,应用完成时。答案A。高考链接2._ the general state of his health,it may take him a

21、while to recover from the operation.(全国全国2002)A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given解析:解析:本题考查过去分词作状语的用法。分本题考查过去分词作状语的用法。分析题干,前一部分相当于一个条件状语从析题干,前一部分相当于一个条件状语从句,即句,即If he is given,因为主句是,因为主句是 it,从句应含被动意义,这恰是过去分词作状从句应含被动意义,这恰是过去分词作状语的基本含义即含被动意义。答案语的基本含义即含被动意义。答案 A。3.-The picture _ on the wall is pa

22、inted by my niece.(2001上海上海)A.having hung B.hangingC.hangs D.being hung解析:本题考查过去分词作定语的用法。分析题目可知,谓语是is painted,那么选项部分应是充当定语的。A项是现在分词的完成式,其一般不作定语,只作时间或原因状语;C项动词“第三人称单数”显然也不能作定语,只作谓语;分析 the picture与动作 hang之间的关系,其不含被动意义,D项排除;B项是现在分词的一般式,相当于定语从句which is hanging。答案B。Lets talk about our friends!Remember to

23、 use Verb-ing as much as possible.is his/her job every day.He/She enjoys He/She is interested in He/She dreams of He/She hates makes him/her happy/sad.He/She cares about Write about a person you love or respect very much.Here is a sample for you.Changchang is a smart boy.Playing model cars is his fa

24、vourite.he also likes running.It seems playing is his job every day.,he enjoys talking so much that it seems that he never stops talking until he goes to sleep.Maybe that is why he is good at telling stories.And BesidesHomework1.Summary:*Which verbs should be followed by verb-ing form as object?*Whi

25、ch verbs should be followed by“to do”?*Which verbs can be followed by both forms?2.Finish your writing if you dont finish.常跟动词ing作宾语的动词歌诀:考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想,避免错过继续练,否认完成停能赏,不禁介意准逃亡,不准冒险凭想象。consider,suggest/advise,look forward to,excuse,pardon admit,delay/put off,fancy avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practise d

26、eny,finish,stop,enjoy/appreciate cant help,mind,allow/permit,escape forbid,risk,imagine 常跟不定式作宾语的动词歌诀:三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝,设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。想要拒绝命令,需要努力学习,期望同意帮助,希望决定开始。hope;wish;want;agree;promisedemand;ask;refusemanage;learn;decide pretend;choose want;refuse;order need;try;learn expect;agree;help hope;wish;decide;begin;start


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