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1、 Module 2The Renaissance Language points选修八选修八1.,which took place there at that time.在那时发生在那里(意大利)。在那时发生在那里(意大利)。take place 发生发生,无被动语态无被动语态 相当于相当于 happen或或 occur。这个故事发生于这个故事发生于20世纪世纪20年代。年代。This story took place in 1920s.This story happened in 1920s.This story occurred in 1920s.2.But there is one wo

2、rk which,perhaps more than any other,expresses the spirits of Renaissance.perhaps more than any other 作插入语作插入语。或许她而不是别的学生更应该受到表扬。或许她而不是别的学生更应该受到表扬。She,perhaps more than any other student,should be praised.3.It is believed to be the best example of a new life-like style of painting that amazed people

3、 when it was first used.它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画的最好它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画的最好代表代表,这种绘画风格一经使用就使人们惊叹这种绘画风格一经使用就使人们惊叹不已不已。第一个第一个 it 指的是指的是_.to be the best example 是不定式短语作宾语补足语是不定式短语作宾语补足语;第二个第二个it 指的是指的是 _.the Mona Lisaa new life-like style ofpaintingIt is believed that great changes have taken place in China in the

4、past ten years and that it is the Party that leads to the changes.句子开头的句子开头的it是形式主语,代替其后的是形式主语,代替其后的that 从句;第二个从句;第二个it则是构成强调句型则是构成强调句型it is/was that 。【拓展拓展】句子结构分析句子结构分析4.But the Renaissance is,of course,more than just Mona Lisa.more than 不仅仅是。不仅仅是。当然了工业革命不仅仅是指蒸汽当然了工业革命不仅仅是指蒸汽机的发明。机的发明。The Industria

5、l Revolution is,of course,more than just the invention of the steam engine.比比多。多。我比你的苹果多。我比你的苹果多。I have more apples than you.more than+形容词形容词/副词副词=very/quite/extremely我很高兴开车送你去那儿。我很高兴开车送你去那儿。Im more than happy to take you there in my car.5.The word was used to describe a period in European history w

6、hich began with the arrival of the first Europeans in America,an age of exploration,and the beginning of the modern world.这个词被用来描绘随着首批欧洲人抵达美这个词被用来描绘随着首批欧洲人抵达美洲而开始的那段历史,这是一段探险的历洲而开始的那段历史,这是一段探险的历史,也是现代世界史的开端。史,也是现代世界史的开端。be used to do 被用来做。被用来做。be/get used to doing习惯于。习惯于。木头被用来制作桌椅。木头被用来制作桌椅。Wood is

7、used to make desks and chairs.她习惯于早起。她习惯于早起。She has got/been used to getting up early.begin with 以以作为开端作为开端 end up with 以以结束。结束。这场会议以自我介绍开始,在优美的音乐中这场会议以自我介绍开始,在优美的音乐中结束。结束。This meeting began with self-introductions and ended up with beautiful songs.the first Europeans in America,an age of Exploratio

8、n 为同位关系,后者对前者补充为同位关系,后者对前者补充说明。说明。我居住在石家庄,一个离北京不远的城市我居住在石家庄,一个离北京不远的城市。I live in Shijiazhuang,a city not far from Beijing.6.This meant that people had money to spend on the arts;and it became easier for artists to find people who could afford to buy their works or employ them.也就是说人们有钱来花费在艺术上,对于也就是说人

9、们有钱来花费在艺术上,对于艺术家来说要想找到购买他们的作品或者艺术家来说要想找到购买他们的作品或者雇佣他们也更容易雇佣他们也更容易。to spend on the arts 为不定式短语作定为不定式短语作定语,修饰语,修饰money。for artists to find people 为不定式短语作句子的主语,为不定式短语作句子的主语,artists 是不是不定式短语定式短语 to find people 的逻辑主语。的逻辑主语。work 作品常用作品常用works。这作品作于这作品作于1773年。年。This works was composed in 1773.afford to do

10、有足够的钱去做有足够的钱去做/有足有足够的时间去做。够的时间去做。你现在买得起一辆车吗?你现在买得起一辆车吗?Can you afford(to buy)a car now?你能抽出时间来度假吗?你能抽出时间来度假吗?Can you afford(to have)a holiday?7.But they looked forward,too,by opening new frontiers in the arts.而他们也通过开辟新的艺术领域来展望而他们也通过开辟新的艺术领域来展望未来。未来。looked forward to n./doing 盼望,期待盼望,期待我期待着你的来信。我期待着你

11、的来信。Im looking forward to your letter.Im looking forward to receiving your letter.add to 增加增加 agree to 允许允许 amount to 总计总计 stick to 坚持坚持 come to 达到达到 get to 着手着手 devote.to 致力于致力于 apply.to 致力于致力于prefer.to 较喜欢较喜欢 be used to 惯于惯于attribute.to 归因于归因于 lead to 导致导致;通往通往reduce.to 降低降低到到 be devoted to 热爱热爱以介

12、词以介词 to 结尾的动词短语还有:结尾的动词短语还有:8.Architects preferred designing building with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages.相比较于中世纪歌特式建筑得沉重来说相比较于中世纪歌特式建筑得沉重来说,建建筑师们更喜欢光亮的建筑。筑师们更喜欢光亮的建筑。A contrast(with)B 与与对立,对立,对比;与对比;与对照。对照。把进口货与国货比比看。把进口货与国货比比看。Contrast th

13、ese imported goods with the domestic products.那轮船与蔚蓝的大海形成对照那轮船与蔚蓝的大海形成对照。The ship contrasted with the blue sea.9.The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy.这种激发艺术家的探索意识与一种新型这种激发艺术家的探索意识与一种新型的人生哲学携手共进。的人生哲学携手共进。hand in hand 手牵着手,共手牵着手,共 同地同地 晚

14、饭后他们手拉着手散步晚饭后他们手拉着手散步。After supper,they walked hand in hand.紧密相连紧密相连 肮脏和疾病紧密相连。肮脏和疾病紧密相连。Dirt and disease go hand in hand.10.After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatness of God,philosophers began asking questions li

15、ke“What is a person?”“Why am I here?”几个世纪以来,哲学家们都持有中世纪的几个世纪以来,哲学家们都持有中世纪的世界观,认为与上帝的伟大相比人的生命世界观,认为与上帝的伟大相比人的生命很渺小。现在他们提出诸如很渺小。现在他们提出诸如 “人为何物人为何物?”以及以及“我为何存在我为何存在?”这样的问题。这样的问题。be of little value 没有什么价值。没有什么价值。be+of+名词名词 相当于相当于be+相对应的形容词相对应的形容词如:如:be of use/importance/help=be useful/important/helpful 这

16、本字典很有价值。这本字典很有价值。This dictionary is of great value.This dictionary is pare A with B 把把A和和B 进行比较。进行比较。如果你把他的文章和我们老师的进行比如果你把他的文章和我们老师的进行比较,你就会发现很多不同。较,你就会发现很多不同。If you compare his article with our teachers,you will find a lot of difference.11.Leonardo,as well as being one of the greatest painters the

17、world has everknown,was also a skilled inventor.as well as 与与一样好;不仅一样好;不仅而而且且,既,既又又她工作不如你好。她工作不如你好。She doesnt work as well as you(do).他们除了吃七道菜外,他们除了吃七道菜外,还喝了七瓶酒。还喝了七瓶酒。As well as eating a seven-course meal,they drank seven bottles of wine.这男孩和你一样对电脑感兴趣。这男孩和你一样对电脑感兴趣。The boy as well as you _intereste

18、d in computer games.(is/are)is12.Wherever he went he carried a notebook around with him,in which he wrote down his ideas.不管走到哪里他都随身携带一个笔记本不管走到哪里他都随身携带一个笔记本,以便随时记录下自己的想法。以便随时记录下自己的想法。无论你去哪儿,我都会跟你去的。无论你去哪儿,我都会跟你去的。Wherever you go,Ill follow you.13.In short,Leonardo was an extraordinary genius,an examp

19、le of what has been described as“Renaissance man”;someone interested in everything and with many different talents.简言之简言之,来奥纳多来奥纳多达达芬奇是一个非凡的天芬奇是一个非凡的天才才,一个被描绘成一个被描绘成“文艺复兴人文艺复兴人”的典范:的典范:一个对凡事皆有兴趣并有诸多才能的人。一个对凡事皆有兴趣并有诸多才能的人。in short 总之,简而言之总之,简而言之近义短语近义短语:in a word简言之,我现在需要钱。简言之,我现在需要钱。In short,I need

20、money now.14.But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa,it would have been genius enough for all time.但即使他对历史的贡献仅仅是一幅但即使他对历史的贡献仅仅是一幅蒙娜蒙娜丽莎丽莎,这也已经是恒久的天才,这也已经是恒久的天才作品。作品。for all time 永远永远 近义短语近义短语:for ever莎士比亚是永远的戏剧天才。莎士比亚是永远的戏剧天才。Shakespeare is a genius in plays for all time.Homework1.Revise what you have learnt during this period of class.2.Get ready for the next period.


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