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1、HubbleTrouble with the Hubbleastronaut eight planets many comets(彗星彗星)other objects(asteroids小行星小行星,debris 碎片碎片etc.)太空旅行:飞往冥王星Which one of the planets has life on them?How did life begin on the earth?The origin of life on earth is a question t hat interests not only astronomers but also ancient peop

2、le.Are we alone(孤单的孤单的)in the universe?in the universe=in spaceThe Hubble telescope 望远镜望远镜Galaxy 星系星系comets 彗星彗星space shuttles 航天飞机航天飞机Planets&stars 行星行星the Great Wall?aliens?It is above the earths_.atmosphereabove=outsideIt costs over a billion dollars.over=than It was launched into space by NASA N

3、ASA:美国美国国家航空和国家航空和宇宇宙宙航航行行局局astronaut宇航员宇航员The shuttle Endeavour will take the astronauts to the Hubble.galaxyThe galaxy is very _from us.distantn Hubble n 哈勃哈勃n telescope n 望远镜望远镜n launch v 发射发射n space n 空间(指宇宙空间)空间(指宇宙空间)n billion n.10亿亿n faulty adj 有错误的有错误的n astronaut n 宇航员宇航员Key words expression

4、sn shuttle n 航天飞机航天飞机n Endeavour n“奋进奋进”号号 n Robot-arm n 机器手机器手n grab v 抓抓n atmosphere n 大气层,氛围大气层,氛围n distant adj 遥远的遥远的n galaxy n 星系星系n universe n 宇宙宇宙n eagle eye n 鹰眼鹰眼Key words expressions telescope n.(单筒)望远镜Key words expressionslaunch l:nt,l:nt 发射 n launch the HubbleKey words expressions space

5、speis n.太空 spaceman,spaceship空地,空处 Is there a space for the car?n同义词room n.空间(不可数);房间(可数)Could you make room for me?Key words expressions billion biljn 十亿 nseveral billion 几十亿 nhundred/thousand/million/billion/trillionnhundreds of 成百上千 nthousands of 成千上万miljn百万triljn 万亿Key words expressions faulty f

6、:lti 错误的错误的 faulty decision 错误的决定 fault n.错误错误 Its all my fault.我的过错 mistake 错误错误 by mistake 错误地 I picked up your bag by mistake.Key words expressions grab rb v.紧紧地抓;抢 nThe thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it.nDad grabbed some breakfast and went off to work.nGrab a seat and make yourself at

7、 home.Key words expressions distant distnt adj.遥远的(+from)The sun is distant from the earth.非近亲的,远亲的 He is my distant relative.n Hubble n 哈勃哈勃n telescope n 望远镜望远镜n launch v 发射发射n space n 空间(指宇宙空间)空间(指宇宙空间)n billion n.10亿亿n faulty adj 有错误的有错误的n astronaut n 宇航员宇航员Key words expressionsn shuttle n 航天飞机航天

8、飞机n Endeavour n“奋进奋进”号号 n Robot-arm n 机器手机器手n grab v 抓抓n atmosphere n 大气层,氛围大气层,氛围n distant adj 遥远的遥远的n galaxy n 星系星系n universe n 宇宙宇宙n eagle eye n 鹰眼鹰眼Whats the trouble with the Hubble?nThe pictures it sent us were very disappointing!nIts main mirror was faulty!Photographs taken by Change Questions

9、 on the text.n1.When was the Hubble launched into space by NASA?n2.How much did it cost?n3.How is NASA going to put the telescope right?n4.How will the Hubble be repaired?n5.What is the special importance of the Hubble?Put the following sentences into correct ordernThe Hubble telescope was launched

10、into space.nThe Hubble sent us disappointing pictures.nThe Hubble was above the earths atmosphere.nThe astronauts make necessary repairs.nThe shuttle Endeavour takes the astronauts to the Hubble.nThe Hubble sent us wonderful pictures.123456Special Difficulties 难点nNouns:cost,price,valueVerbs:cost,pri

11、ce,value费用,成本价格价值花费问价评价,尊重Key structures 将来完成时、将来进行时和将来完成进行时将来完成时、将来进行时和将来完成进行时 n将来完成时will have done,表示到将来某一时刻已经完成已经完成的动作,必须和某个时间状语连用,强调到将来某一点时间动作的结束结束。Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.n将来进行时:will be doing,表示将来某个时候正在进行正在进行的动作或表示计划好计划好的事,陈述将来的事实。They will be arriving

12、here tomorrow.n将来完成进行时:will have been doing,表示某种状况一直持续到持续到说话人所提及的时间,从某一点发生,一直延续到将来的某一点,并且将可能延续下去,强调到将来某一点时强调到将来某一点时间动作可能结束或延续间动作可能结束或延续。By this time next week,I will have been working for this firm for twenty years.Exercisesl1.By the summer,Elizabeth_ here for ten years.A.will work B.works C.will ha

13、ve worked D.has workedl2.I hope you _the instructions ready before I come tomorrow.A.to get B.shall get C.will get D.will have gottenl3.The Blacks_ with us for the time being.A.will stay B.would stay C.have been staying D.will be stayingl4.I_ my boss at three this afternoon.A.shall be picking up B.s

14、hall be picked C.shall have been picking up D.shall have pickedl5.By the end of the month he_ here for ten years.A.will have worked B.has worked C.will have been working D.has been workingCDDACn命名(命名(be named after)爱德温爱德温哈勃哈勃 Edwin Powell Hubble n外太空探索外太空探索outer space explorationnThe Bible:God is th

15、e creator of universe.nThe Bigbang TheorynHe saved his daughter from the fire but at the cost of his own life.n我的汽车(发动机)有问题。(trouble)n 明天记得把灯修好(putright)n抓住(这个机会)n这是我所看过的书中最长的一部。n By the end of last year,he had written about 5 books.nBy this time tomorrow,you will have received your parcel.TranslatenFrom now on,I will expect nothing,and just take what I get.THANK YOU!36 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!


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