2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第1页
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2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第2页
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2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第3页
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2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第4页
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2020 2021学年外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module8Unit2.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第5页
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1、Unit 2Goldilocks hurried out of the house.外研版七年级下外研版七年级下Module 8Story time习题链接习题链接1234词汇串新知提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现triedpiecesasleepreturnedcried课文对对碰6jumped一12CA习题链接习题链接答案呈现课文对对碰二123sit45smallheavywalkednothing67pointedhurried习题链接习题链接1234678910轻松夯基础51112131415答案呈现pointcryeitherreturnasleepBABADpieceswithout

2、shoutpointswriting习题链接习题链接1617181920答案呈现2122232425jumped out ofAt firstwithout sayingreturn homeAACBwait a moment轻松夯基础A2627282930DBCAD快乐做阅读3132333435BACAD习题链接习题链接快乐做阅读答案呈现3637383940C男人起床,环顾四周。男人起床,环顾四周。His things were all in the house.The dog should watch the house.D词汇串新知词汇串新知根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的

3、根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。正确形式。Goldilocks entered the room.First,Goldilocks _1(试)three chairs and she thought the small chair was very comfortable.However,she was very heavy and the chair was in _ 2(碎片).Then,she walked into the bedroom and found three beds.Soon she was _ 3(睡着的)in the small bed.tri

4、edpiecesasleep词汇串新知词汇串新知The Three Bears _ 4(返回).The little bear _ 5(大叫),“There was no food in my bowl!”They walked into the bedroom and noticed Goldilocks.She opened her eyes and _ 6(从跃起)out of bed.She went out of the house without her basket.returnedcriedjumped课文对对碰课文对对碰一、阅读一、阅读activity 2,选择正确答案。,选

5、择正确答案。1.What happened before the Three Bears returned?A.Goldilocks shouted.B.Goldilocks went out without her basket.C.Goldilocks tried the chairs.D.Nothing happened.C课文对对碰课文对对碰2.What happened after the Three Bears returned?A.They found out the little girl.B.They finished the food in the bowl.C.They

6、were asleep in the bed.D.They went for a walk.A课文对对碰课文对对碰二、阅读二、阅读 Activity 2,根据课文内容完成表格。,根据课文内容完成表格。核心素养:通过建构文本知识框架,培养在英语学习过程中的分类、归纳、概括和总结能力。FirstGoldilocks wanted to 1._ down.She tried the three chairs and she sat on the2._ chair.She was so 3._and the chair was in pieces.sitsmallheavy课文对对碰课文对对碰Firs

7、tShe 4._ into the bedroom and saw three beds.She liked the small bed.Baby Bear cried because there was 5._in his bowl.NextBaby Bear 6._ at the little girl in his bed,and said Goldilocks was a bad girl.walkednothingpointed课文对对碰课文对对碰FinallyGoldilocks woke up.She saw the bears and7._ out of the house.S

8、he didnt want to go for a walk in the forestagain.hurried轻松夯基础轻松夯基础一、单词拼写。一、单词拼写。1.Dont _(指向)at the others when you speak.Its impolite.2.Dont _(哭泣).Your mum will be back soon.3.Mary wont go there and I wont go,e .4.When can you _(归还)the book to me?5.The naughty child went to bed late,so he fell a in

9、 class the next day.pointcryitherreturnsleep轻松夯基础轻松夯基础二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Dont tear(撕)the paper into _(piece).pieces轻松夯基础轻松夯基础7.She went to school _(with)breakfast and she felt hungry.without轻松夯基础轻松夯基础8.Dont _(shout)to me.shout轻松夯基础轻松夯基础9.How many _(point)did you get in the exam?points轻松

10、夯基础轻松夯基础10.When will you finish _(write)your homework?writing轻松夯基础轻松夯基础三、单项选择。三、单项选择。11.Your sweater looks smart.Where _ you _ it?A.do;get B.did;getC.will;get D.have;gotB轻松夯基础轻松夯基础12.Its really cold outside.Dont go out _ putting your coat on.A.without B.byC.for D.overA轻松夯基础轻松夯基础13.Tom didnt go to se

11、e a film yesterday.Mary didnt go,_.A.too B.either C.also D.soB轻松夯基础轻松夯基础14.My father _ the map and told me,“Here is Hong Kong.”A.pointed at B.got toC.talked to D.shouted toA轻松夯基础轻松夯基础15.Mr Yang was very _ and he finished all the food on the table quickly.A.angry B.happyC.sad D.hungryD轻松夯基础轻松夯基础四、根据汉

12、语意思完成句子。四、根据汉语意思完成句子。16.请稍等一下。我很快就到。Please _ _ _.Ill come soon.wait a moment轻松夯基础轻松夯基础17.他从床上一跃而起,匆忙跑出去了。He _ _ _ bed and hurried out.jumped out of轻松夯基础轻松夯基础18.起初,他们并没有注意到这只小狗。_ _,they didnt notice the little dog.At first轻松夯基础轻松夯基础19.他离开了,一句话没说。He left _ _ a single word.without saying轻松夯基础轻松夯基础20.你将

13、什么时候返回家?When will you _ _?return home快乐做阅读快乐做阅读五、完形填空。五、完形填空。There was once a little monkey in the forest.He liked to _21 everyone.21.A.look at B.laugh atC.smile at D.point atB快乐做阅读快乐做阅读He _22 from tree to tree,called all the other _23 bad names and threw bananas or stones at them.22.A.jumped B.walk

14、ed C.ran D.swam23.A.animals B.monkeysC.babies D.elephantsAA【点拨点拨】由下文可知,猴子开所有动物的玩笑,所以选由下文可知,猴子开所有动物的玩笑,所以选A。快乐做阅读快乐做阅读One day he saw a _24 elephant near the river.“Hey,baby elephant.You are so _25 and youll never catch me,”said the monkey.24.A.baby B.woman C.man D.girl25.A.quick B.smart C.slow D.ugly

15、AC快乐做阅读快乐做阅读“_26 do you have to laugh at(嘲笑)me?”the baby elephant asked,“I _27 make trouble or make anyone upset.”26.A.How B.What C.When D.Why27.A.always B.sometimesC.ever D.neverDD【点拨点拨】由下文可知,这是小象问的一个问题,所以选由下文可知,这是小象问的一个问题,所以选D。快乐做阅读快乐做阅读“Its so _28,”said the monkey.The monkey _29,and jumped from t

16、ree to tree.28.A.lovely B.funC.right D.comfortable29.A.came back B.fell asleepC.went away D.sat downBC快乐做阅读快乐做阅读Then he saw a turtle(乌龟)_30 with his mouth open.30.A.sleeping B.playingC.living D.walkingA【点拨点拨】由下文可知,乌龟醒来了,所以在这里乌龟是由下文可知,乌龟醒来了,所以在这里乌龟是睡着的。所以选睡着的。所以选A。快乐做阅读快乐做阅读The monkey thought it woul

17、d be a lot of fun putting his finger_31 the turtles mouth.He did so.31.A.from B.off C.for D.intoD【点拨点拨】猴子看到乌龟嘴是张着的,所以把手伸进了乌猴子看到乌龟嘴是张着的,所以把手伸进了乌龟的嘴里,所以选龟的嘴里,所以选D。快乐做阅读快乐做阅读_32 the turtle shut his mouth just _33 that time.The monkey _34 in pain(痛苦地).32.A.Because B.But C.If D.So33.A.at B.in C.with D.to34.A.talked B.passed C.cried D.pushedBAC快乐做阅读快乐做阅读The nice turtle woke up(醒来)and let the monkey _35.The monkey climbed up a tree and cried all the way.35.A.go B.dieC.stop D.returnA【点拨点拨】乌龟醒来,把嘴张开,让猴子离开了,所以乌龟醒来,把嘴张开,让猴子离开了,所以选选A。


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