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1、1本单元的写作项目属于新课标中应用文体类别中的学习反思。学习反思属于应用文,一般是用简洁、生动的语言把对所学知识的反思准确、完整地表达出来,以使自己能有所提高。学习反思主要包括对过去知识的反思、反思从中学到了什么、如何提高自己。Section Writing学习反思2.Pre-writing()Learn to write after the modelMy reflection on“The Secrets of Your Memory”“The Secrets of Your Memory”has helped me better understand how my memory work

2、s.Before reading the text,I didt know that there are so many interesting things about our memory.3Now I understand why we remember the events in childhood better than those that happened recently.I also learnt some people have amazing memories.These people can remember things better than most others

3、.For me,its good to know that no one has a photographic memory.That is to say,most of us will have to make an effort when trying to remember things.Whats more,it is amazing to know how a persons memory changes with age.Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25!Isnt that surprising?This mean

4、s my memory is at its best state at the moment.I should make the best use of it.4Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it,but also the ways to improve it.I think I will follow the advice provided and try to strengthen my memory.When acquiring new knowledge

5、,Ill try to make connections with what I have already learnt.Moreover,I must also learn to do“spaced review”,especially during the first day after learning.For example,this means going over what Ive learnt soon after learning and before going to bed.In addition,it is important for me to make plans f

6、or the work I need to do.Im sure these methods will help me improve my learning.5篇章结构The first part:the reflection on my past knowledge about memoryThe second part:the reflection on what I learnt from the lessonThe third part:what I can do to improve my memory6()Preparation for writingWords and phra

7、ses_ v理解;明白_ n.记忆,记忆力 _ adj.有趣的_ v.记得;牢记_ adv.最近_ adj.令人惊异的_ n.努力_ n.力量,能力understandmemoryinterestingrememberrecentlyamazingeffortpower7_ adj.令人惊讶的_ v.改善;增进_ n.方法_ 就是;即_ 此刻;当时_ 充分利用_ adv.而且;此外_ 另外;此外surprisingimprovemethodthat is to sayat the momentmake the best use ofmoreoverin addition8.While-writ

8、ing你读过少年维特的烦恼吗?年轻的维特来到一个小镇,这里的自然风光、淳朴的民风、天真快乐的儿童给予他极大的快乐。一次舞会上他认识了一个叫绿蒂的少女,她的一颦一笑、一举一动都让他倾倒;绿蒂也喜欢他,却不能予以爱的回报,她已与维特好友订婚。维特陷入了尴尬和痛苦,他毅然离开此地,力图从事业上得到解脱,有所成就,然而鄙陋的环境、污浊的人际关系、压抑个性窒息自由的现存秩序,都使他无法忍受,当他怀才不遇地重返绿蒂身边时,发现绿蒂已结婚,决定以死殉情,遂用一支手枪结束了自己的生命。读完之后你有什么收获,根据你的思考写一篇学习反思。注意:1.词数150左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。9Step 1L

9、ist the outline of the passage.1首段:_2中段:_3尾段:_简介书的主要内容及我的感受从书中学到了什么启发及如何面对生活10Step 2List the words,phrases and sentences.1Words and phrases_ adv.大声地_ adv.勇敢地_ v.拒绝_ n.选择_ n.态度_ 爱上 _ 迷失在中_ 即使;虽然_ 为了;以便_ 事实上;实际上loudlybravelyrefusechoiceattitudefall in love withbe lost ineven ifso thatin fact112Sentenc

10、es面对爱情,我们应该保持冷静,这样我们才能做出正确的选择。(现在分词作状语;so that引导目的状语从句)_有时候,并不是所有的事情都是我们想要的,也许有些事情是我们无法改变的。(部分否定;宾语从句)_ _Facing love,we should keep calm so that we can make right choices.Sometimes,not everything is about what we want them to be,and maybe there are somethings we couldnt change.12Step 3Draft the arti

11、cle by using the following words.My reflection on The Sorrows of Young WertherThe Sorrows of Young Werther written by the famous German author Goethe describes that Werther happened to meet Lotte and fell in love with her,butLotte had engaged with another man.Werther loved Lotte very much but he dar

12、ed not tell his love to her.Finally,he shot himself with his sorrows.When I finished reading this book,I felt sad and sorry about his death.Werther was lost in the world of love,he couldnt go out and stop loving lotte,and he buried himself in his sorrows.13Now I understand love should be said out lo

13、udly and bravely even if we are refused by others.Facing love,we should keep calm so that we can make right choices.Werther is a good man that he didnt want to break up the relationship between Lotte and her fiance.But others didnt treat him well.He felt lonely as well as painful.But I dont think he

14、 had to kill himself.Being alive is a great thing.Sometimes,not everything is about what we want them to be,and maybe there are some things we couldnt change.However,we can change our attitudes toward life.Werther could make a better choice,but in fact he didnt.We should choose our lives on our own,

15、but we shouldnt hurt the people we love.14.Post-writingpolishing the passageExchange your passage with your partner,and pay attention to the following points.1.Is the format of the learning reflection appropriate?2.Are there any spelling mistakes?3.Are there any grammatical mistakes like the tenses(

16、时态)?4.Does the earning reflection include all the main contents?5.Is written English correctly used?15亮点表达精彩开头语1When it comes to learning,every one is not unfamiliar with it.说到学习,每个人都不陌生。2Bullying is a serious problem.Whether its verbal,cyber or physical,bullying can change a persons life in many wa

17、ys.欺凌是一个严重的问题。无论是口头上的、网络上的还是身体上的,欺凌可以在很多方面改变一个人的生活。3There is no doubt that to learn English well we must master skills in five aspects:listening,speaking,reading,writing as well as translating.毫无疑问,要学好英语,我们必须掌握听、说、读、写、译五个方面的技能。16精华结尾语1Traditionally,academic ability is an important factor to measure

18、a student.传统上,学术能力是衡量学生的一个重要因素。2I must say that there is no shortcut in learning English.我必须说学习英语没有捷径。3The purpose we learn a language actually is to understand what a foreigner says and convey our ideas to them.我们学习一门语言的目的实际上是理解外国人所说的话,并把我们的想法传达 给他们。174.Im sure these methods will help me improve my

19、 learning.我相信这些方法会帮助我提高我的学习。5However,we can change our attitudes toward life.然而,我们可以改变我们对生活的态度。6Spread the word about bullying,so it will stop.传播关于欺凌的信息,这样它就会停止。18写作技巧1确定主题句归纳出要写的文章的几个要点,提炼出一句具有概括性的话。2巧用连接词要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词。3句式的多样化句式就是句子的结构方式,也就是句子的式样或格式。不同的思想内容要用不同的句式来表达;而同一思想内容也可以用不同的句式来表达。句式不同,表达效果也就不同。只有句式多样化,文章才会生动有趣,充满活力。


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