2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第1页
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2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第2页
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2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第3页
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2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第4页
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2021版高考英语增分大一轮人教版课件:必修2 Unit 5 Music单元知识检测.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第5页
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1、单元知识检测单元知识检测教材回扣教材回扣.用本单元所学短语完成句子用本单元所学短语完成句子1.It is impolite to 1.It is impolite to (插话插话)while others are)while others are talking.talking.2.The little girl is 2.The little girl is (依恋依恋)her mother.)her mother.3.3.(总而言之总而言之),your essay is well-written.),your essay is well-written.答案答案:1.break in1.

2、break in2.attached to2.attached to3.All in all 3.All in all 4.These folk songs 4.These folk songs (为为所熟悉所熟悉)the local)the local people.people.5.We need money and time.5.We need money and time.(另外另外),we need),we need perseverance.perseverance.答案答案:4.are familiar to4.are familiar to5.In addition5.In a

3、ddition.课文缩写填空课文缩写填空If we are honest with ourselves,most of us have dreamed of 1.If we are honest with ourselves,most of us have dreamed of 1.(be)(be)rich and famous.Many 2.rich and famous.Many 2.(musician)form a band because of the same (musician)form a band because of the same interest in writing

4、and playing music.They may give performances anywhere interest in writing and playing music.They may give performances anywhere 3.3.(earn)some extra money as well as fulfill their dreams.However,(earn)some extra money as well as fulfill their dreams.However,the Monkees,4.the Monkees,4.started differ

5、ently,began as a TV show with the started differently,began as a TV show with the musicians 5.musicians 5.(play)jokes on each other as well as playing music in (play)jokes on each other as well as playing music in the programme.Their performances were 6.the programme.Their performances were 6.(humou

6、r)enough to be (humour)enough to be copied by other groups.After 7.copied by other groups.After 7.year or so they became more year or so they became more serious and produced their own records,becoming even 8.serious and produced their own records,becoming even 8.(popular)(popular)than the Beatles i

7、n the USA.The band once 9.than the Beatles in the USA.The band once 9.(break)up but(break)up but reunited.They produced a new record in 1996,10.reunited.They produced a new record in 1996,10.which they which they celebrated their former time as a real band.celebrated their former time as a real band

8、.答案答案:1.being1.being2.musicians2.musicians3.to earn3.to earn4.which4.which5.playing5.playing6.humorous6.humorous7.a7.a8.more popular8.more popular9.broke9.broke10.with10.with语境活用语境活用单句语法填空单句语法填空1.Some people beg by 1.Some people beg by (perform)in the street.(perform)in the street.2.We are fully 2.W

9、e are fully (confidence)that we shall win the game.(confidence)that we shall win the game.3.This hospital is 3.This hospital is (attach)to the medical college nearby.(attach)to the medical college nearby.4.He is more of a poet than a 4.He is more of a poet than a (music).(music).5.She 5.She (earn)he

10、r living by singing in a nightclub.(earn)her living by singing in a nightclub.答案答案:1.performing1.performing2.confident2.confident3.attached3.attached4.musician4.musician5.earned/5.earned/earnsearns 6.The young man6.The young man (pretend)to know what he doesnt know.(pretend)to know what he doesnt kn

11、ow.7.Theyre a team of seven volunteers,all of 7.Theyre a team of seven volunteers,all of are college are college girls.girls.8.Ice cream is 8.Ice cream is (attract)to children.(attract)to children.9.The film has some wildly 9.The film has some wildly(humour)moments.(humour)moments.10.It was very 10.

12、It was very (pain)for him to tell us about the accident.(pain)for him to tell us about the accident.答案答案:6.pretends6.pretends7.whom7.whom8.attractive8.attractive9.humourous9.humourous10.painful10.painful微写作微写作 (借助过渡性词语或句子就能把借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5 5个句子连接成一篇小短文个句子连接成一篇小短文)1.1.他梦想成为一名歌手。他梦想成为一名歌手。(dream of)(dr

13、eam of)_ _答案答案:1.He dreamed of being a singer.1.He dreamed of being a singer.2.He relied on his confidence and persistence to practise singing 2.He relied on his confidence and persistence to practise singing for 30 years.for 30 years.2.2.他依靠信心和毅力三十年如一日地练习唱歌。他依靠信心和毅力三十年如一日地练习唱歌。(rely on)(rely on)_ _

14、3.3.这为他赢得了成功。这为他赢得了成功。(earn)(earn)_ _答案答案:3.It has earned him success.3.It has earned him success.4.Now his voice is familiar to everyone./Now everyone is familiar 4.Now his voice is familiar to everyone./Now everyone is familiar with his voice.with his voice.4.4.现在现在,每个人都熟悉他的声音。每个人都熟悉他的声音。(be famil

15、iar to/with)(be familiar to/with)_ _5.5.他十分看重人们给予他的帮助。他十分看重人们给予他的帮助。(attach importance to)(attach importance to)_ _答案答案:5.He attaches great importance to the help people have 5.He attaches great importance to the help people have offered.offered.写作写作读后续写读后续写 阅读下面材料阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段根据其内容和所给段落开

16、头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为整的短文。续写的词数应为150150左右。左右。Rebecca stretched her tired back.“Thats the last seedling Rebecca stretched her tired back.“Thats the last seedling(树苗树苗),Pa.Have we planted enough?”),Pa.Have we planted enough?”Pa walked to the end of the row of cottonwood seedlings.Pa walked

17、 to the end of the row of cottonwood seedlings.“No,”he said.“We have to plant trees all the way to that rock“No,”he said.“We have to plant trees all the way to that rock over there.Well need about twenty more seedlings.”over there.Well need about twenty more seedlings.”“Ill get the seedlings,”offere

18、d Rebecca.She longed to cool Ill get the seedlings,”offered Rebecca.She longed to cool her feet in the shallow river running through the cotton field.her feet in the shallow river running through the cotton field.“Youd better let me go,Miss Petticoats,”teased her twin “Youd better let me go,Miss Pet

19、ticoats,”teased her twin brother,William.“There are dangers all over this prairie(brother,William.“There are dangers all over this prairie(牧场牧场)”.)”.“You may both go,”said Pa.“But hurry back.Id like to “You may both go,”said Pa.“But hurry back.Id like to finish before sundown.”finish before sundown.

20、”They went across the shallow river to a sandbar where small They went across the shallow river to a sandbar where small cottonwood seedlings grew.Gently,they pulled the seedlings from cottonwood seedlings grew.Gently,they pulled the seedlings from the sand.the sand.“There!Thats twenty,with a few to

21、 spare,”said Rebecca.“There!Thats twenty,with a few to spare,”said Rebecca.“OK,”said William.He led the way to the river bank,then stopped.OK,”said William.He led the way to the river bank,then stopped.“Look!Theres the dugout(“Look!Theres the dugout(防空壕防空壕)we lived in when we moved here last)we live

22、d in when we moved here last year.”He pointed to a hole in the grassy river bank.year.”He pointed to a hole in the grassy river bank.“Come on.Lets go inside.”“Come on.Lets go inside.”“No,”Rebecca said,“Pa is waiting.Besides,its hard telling “No,”Rebecca said,“Pa is waiting.Besides,its hard telling w

23、hats in there.”whats in there.”“Then you start back,”said William,handing the seedlings to “Then you start back,”said William,handing the seedlings to Rebecca.“Ill catch up.”He ran to the dugout and stepped inside.Rebecca.“Ill catch up.”He ran to the dugout and stepped inside.Rebecca tied the seedli

24、ngs into her long apron(Rebecca tied the seedlings into her long apron(围裙围裙)and began to)and began to walk.Suddenly she froze in her tracks.walk.Suddenly she froze in her tracks.A huge prairie rattlesnake(A huge prairie rattlesnake(响尾蛇响尾蛇)moved along the river bank.)moved along the river bank.It sto

25、pped right in front of the dugout and lay still,coiled up on It stopped right in front of the dugout and lay still,coiled up on the warm sunny bank.the warm sunny bank.“William!”Rebecca shouted.“Dont come out!”“William!”Rebecca shouted.“Dont come out!”“Huh?”Williams face appeared at a tiny window be

26、side the door of Huh?”Williams face appeared at a tiny window beside the door of the dugout.the dugout.Rebecca pointed toward the rattler.Williams face paled when he saw Rebecca pointed toward the rattler.Williams face paled when he saw the snake blocking the doorway.He turned desperate eyes toward

27、the snake blocking the doorway.He turned desperate eyes toward Rebecca,then he glanced behind himself.Rebecca knew what he was thinking:Rebecca,then he glanced behind himself.Rebecca knew what he was thinking:“Were there more snakes waiting in the shadowy corners of the dugout?”“Were there more snak

28、es waiting in the shadowy corners of the dugout?”Rebeccas mind raced,trying to think of a way to get William out of Rebeccas mind raced,trying to think of a way to get William out of there.An idea popped into her head.It was their only hope.It was risky,there.An idea popped into her head.It was thei

29、r only hope.It was risky,but it was the only hope.but it was the only hope.“Dont move,”she said to William in a soft voice.“When I say “Dont move,”she said to William in a soft voice.“When I say NOW,you run out of there as fast as you can.”NOW,you run out of there as fast as you can.”Rebecca removed

30、 the skirt-like petticoat(Rebecca removed the skirt-like petticoat(衬裙衬裙)from beneath her dress,)from beneath her dress,then dipped it into the river.She squeezed out some of the water,then then dipped it into the river.She squeezed out some of the water,then climbed to the top of the bank,directly a

31、bove the dugouts opening.climbed to the top of the bank,directly above the dugouts opening.Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1:“Get ready to run,William,”she said,keeping an eye on the “Get ready to run,William,”she said,keeping an eye on the motionless snake.motionless snake.Paragraph 2:Paragraph 2:“Are you OK

32、?”he asked,breathing heavily.Rebecca nodded.“Are you OK?”he asked,breathing heavily.Rebecca nodded.One possible version:One possible version:“Get ready to run,William,”she said,keeping an eye on the motionless “Get ready to run,William,”she said,keeping an eye on the motionless snake.Rebecca opened

33、the dripping petticoat(wet through with water)as much as snake.Rebecca opened the dripping petticoat(wet through with water)as much as she could.Her hands shook as she leaned over the bank.With one swift movement,she she could.Her hands shook as she leaned over the bank.With one swift movement,she d

34、ropped the heavy garment on top of the snake.“Now!”she shouted to William as dropped the heavy garment on top of the snake.“Now!”she shouted to William as the snake began to move under the petticoat.William jumped over the covered snake the snake began to move under the petticoat.William jumped over

35、 the covered snake and ran halfway back to the woods before he stopped and turned around.Rebecca was and ran halfway back to the woods before he stopped and turned around.Rebecca was right behind him.right behind him.“Are you OK?”he asked,breathing heavily.Rebecca nodded.She was glad they “Are you O

36、K?”he asked,breathing heavily.Rebecca nodded.She was glad they managed to escape.They both took a minute to catch their breath and calmed managed to escape.They both took a minute to catch their breath and calmed themselves down.Rebecca checked to make sure that the seedlings were still safe.themsel

37、ves down.Rebecca checked to make sure that the seedlings were still safe.Then William reached over and gave Rebecca a grateful hug.“Thanks,sister.Id Then William reached over and gave Rebecca a grateful hug.“Thanks,sister.Id have done the same for you back there.”Rebecca managed a grin.“You couldnt have done the same for you back there.”Rebecca managed a grin.“You couldnt have,”she said,“You dont wear a petticoat!”Laughing,they raced back to the have,”she said,“You dont wear a petticoat!”Laughing,they raced back to the woods.woods.点击进入点击进入 综合测试综合测试


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