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1、九年级全册Units 12目录123语法突破 精讲精练知识盘点 夯基提能考点梳理 过重难点1知识盘点 夯基提能上一页下一页返回导航1.conversation n.交谈;谈话2.sentence n.句子3.patient adj.有耐心的n.病人4.discover v.发现;发觉5.secret n.秘密;秘诀adj.秘密的;保密的6.repeat v.重复;重做7.increase v.增加;增长8.speed n.速度9.partner n.搭档;同伴重 点 单 词Unit 1上一页下一页返回导航10.born v.出生adj.天生的11.create v.创造;创建12.brain

2、n.大脑13.connect v.(使)连接;与有联系14.review v.&n.回顾;复习上一页下一页返回导航Unit 215.relative n.亲属;亲戚16.dessert n.(饭后)甜点;甜食17.garden n.花园;园子18.admire v.欣赏;仰慕19.tie n.领带v.捆;束20.treat n.款待;招待v.招待;请(客)21.Christmas n.圣诞节22.novel n.(长篇)小说23.dead adj.死的;失去生命的24.business n.生意;商业25.warn v.警告;告诫26.present n.现在;礼物adj.现在的上一页下一页返

3、回导航1.ask sb.for help 向某人寻求帮助2.as well 也3.the secret to.的秘诀4.look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看5.take notes 做笔记6.be born with 天生具有7.pay attention to 注意;关注8.connect.with.把和连接或联系起来重 点 短 语上一页下一页返回导航9.put on 增加(体重);发胖10.wash away 冲走;清洗掉11.in the shape of 呈的形状12.lay out 摆开;布置13.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物14.as a

4、result 结果15.dress up as 装扮成16.play a trick on sb.捉弄某人上一页下一页返回导航17.end up 最终成为;最后处于18.remind sb.of.使某人想起上一页下一页返回导航1.pronounce v._ n.发音;读音2.patient adj._ n.耐心3.express v._ n.表情;表示;表达方式4.discover v._ n.发现;发觉5.able adj._ n.能力;才能6.act v._ adj.活跃的;积极的7.connect v._ n.连接;联系 词汇拓展pronunciation patienceexpress

5、iondiscoveryabilityactiveconnection上一页下一页返回导航8.know v._ n.知识;学问9.wise adj._ adv.明智地;聪明地10.strange adj._ n.陌生人11.steal v._(过去式)偷;窃取 _(过去分词)12.tradition n._ adj.传统的;惯例的13.punish v._ n.处罚;惩罚14.warm adj._ n.温暖;暖和15.spread v._(过去式/过去分词)传播;展开knowledgewiselystrangerstolestolentraditional punishmentwarmthsp

6、read上一页下一页返回导航1._ _ you read,_ _ youll be.你读得越多,你就读得越快。2.But _ _ _ you can do this well _ _ your learning habits.但是你能否做好取决于你的学习习惯。3._ _ you learn something well,you will _ it _ you use it.即使是你学得很好的东西,如果你不使用它,你就会忘记它。重 点 句 型Themore thefasterwhetherornotdependson Evenif forget unless上一页下一页返回导航4._ _ the

7、 Water Festival is!泼水节是多么有趣啊!5._ _ the dragon boat teams were!龙舟队是多么棒呀!6.I _ _ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.我想知道六月是否是游览香港的好时节。7.I believe _ April is _ _ month in Thailand.我认为四月是泰国最热的月份。WhatfunHowfantasticwonder whetherthatthehottest上一页下一页返回导航谈论如何学习1.How do you learn English?你如何学英语?I learn

8、by studying with a group.我通过小组学习来学英语。情 景 交 际上一页下一页返回导航2.Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声朗读来学英语吗?Yes,I do.It helps my pronunciation.是的。它有助于我的发音。3.How can I improve my pronunciation?我如何才能提高我的发音?One way is by listening to tapes.一个方法是通过听磁带。上一页下一页返回导航询问与介绍某一事物的情况4.What have you learned about H

9、alloween?关于万圣节前夕你了解些什么?Oh,I know its a popular festival in North America and its on October 31st.哦,我知道它是北美一个很受欢迎的节日,在10月31日。上一页下一页返回导航5.What do you like most about this festival?关于这个节日你最喜欢的是什么?I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters!我认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣!上一页下一页返回导航语 法话 题1.by+doing sth.2.that,if,wh

10、ether引导的宾语从句3.感叹句Unit 1 学会如何学习Unit 2 节日2考点梳理 过重难点上一页下一页返回导航 How do you study for a test?你是如何备考的?I study by working with a group.我通过小组合作来学习。(Unit 1 P1)考点1上一页下一页返回导航【点拨】by doing sth.作方式状语,表示“以某种行为方式”。对其提问用疑问词how。如:The little girl earns her living by selling newspapers.小女孩靠卖报纸为生。How do you learn new wo

11、rds?你如何学习新单词?By making word cards.通过制作单词卡片。上一页下一页返回导航【辨析】by,with,in与on用法例句表示方式、方法、手段等,意为“靠;凭借;通过”;by后常跟无冠词的名词或动名词。I will contact you by letter.我会给你写信联系的。表示“用工具、材料、身体的某一部分或器官”。People often eat with chopsticks in China.在中国人们通常用筷子吃饭。上一页下一页返回导航用法例句by时间,意为“不迟于;到时为止”,常用于一般将来时或完成时。By this time next week we

12、ll be in London.下星期的这个时候我们将在伦敦。How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term?到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英文歌曲?by位置,意为“靠近;在旁”。The plant is by the window.植物在窗户旁边。上一页下一页返回导航用法例句by+动作的执行者,意为“由;被”,常用于被动句中。These flowers were planted by my mother last year.这些花是我妈妈去年种的。【辨析】by,with,in与on(考点讲解详见P41考点3)上一页

13、下一页返回导航()1.(2020黔西南)The children here improve their English _ listening and speaking every day.Aon BthroughCwith Dby()2.(2020天水)We can overcome all the difficulties by _ together.Awork BworksCworking Dworked学以致用D C 上一页下一页返回导航()3._ do you practice English speaking?By having conversations with friends

14、.AWhen BHowCWhy DWhoB上一页下一页返回导航I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。(Unit 1 P3)【辨析】discover,create,invent与find out考点2上一页下一页返回导航单词/短语名词形式含义及用法Discover(n.discovery)指“发现或找到”早已存在而未为人知的事物或情况,尤指科学上的新发现。Columbus discovered America in 14

15、92.1492年哥伦布发现了美洲。Create(n.creation)强调从无到有的“创造或创作”,如艺术作品、理论等。Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。上一页下一页返回导航单词/短语名词形式含义及用法Invent(n.invention)强调通过研究和实验而“发明或创造”出本来不存在的东西,尤指科技上的发明创造。Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了灯泡。find out指通过观察、分析和研究等“发现,找出,查明”真相、原因等。We must find out the tru

16、th.我们必须查明真相。上一页下一页返回导航【图解助记】上一页下一页返回导航用discover,create,invent或find out的适当形式填空。1.We need to do some research _the answer.2.The telephone _by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.3.We hope that scientists _more secrets of the universe in the future.4.The government plans _more jobs for young people.to find o

17、utwas inventedwill discoverto create学以致用上一页下一页返回导航One Christmas Eve,Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley,his dead business partner.一个圣诞节前夕,斯克鲁奇看见了他那位死去的商业伙伴雅各布马利的鬼魂。(Unit 2 P14)考点3上一页下一页返回导航单词含义及用法例句die(v.)“死;死亡;去世”,指因为生病、年老、负伤等原因而死,是非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。His grandfather died last week.他的(外)祖父上周去世

18、了。【辨析】die,dead,dying与death上一页下一页返回导航单词含义及用法例句dead(adj.)“死的;无生命的”,表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,常用作表语或定语。如果表达“死了多长时间”可以用“have/has been dead for 时间段”或“died时间段ago”。His father has been dead for two years.(His father died two years ago.)他父亲已经去世两年了。(他父亲两年前去世了。)上一页下一页返回导航单词含义及用法例句dying(adj.)“垂死的;奄奄一息的”,die的现在分词,用作定语

19、或表语。This is a dying bird.这是一只快死的鸟。death(n.)“死;死亡”,用作主语或宾语。He died a slow and painful death.他缓慢而痛苦地死去了。上一页下一页返回导航【一言辨异】The dying captain looked at his dead soldiers and said,“When we die for the people,it is a worthy death.”那位奄奄一息的上尉看着他死去的士兵说:“我们为人民而死,死得其所。”上一页下一页返回导航1.Her husband _(去世)suddenly last

20、week.2.Although he is _(die),his soul(灵魂)is still alive.4The dying(die)old man spoke out his last wishes.()5.William Shakespeare _ for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.ADiedBwas dyingChas diedDhas been dead学以致用deaddieddeathD上一页下一页返回导航He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he

21、doesnt want to end up like him.他告诫斯克鲁奇,如果他不想最终像他一样,就要改变他的行事方式。(Unit 2 P14)【点拨】warn意为“警告;告诫”,其常见用法如下:考点4上一页下一页返回导航The doctor warned him not to smoke.医生警告他不要吸烟。I warned you of the danger,didnt I?我提醒了你有危险,不是吗?He warned us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防小偷。The guidebook warns against walking alone at night

22、.这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。上一页下一页返回导航()1.(2020铁岭、葫芦岛)Parents always _ us not to swim in the river in summer.Apromise BtrainCwarn Dshow()2.David said that the glass was broken and warned me _ it.Adont touch Bto not touchCnot to touch Dnot touchingC学以致用C3语法突破 精讲精练上一页下一页返回导航感叹句感叹句是表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤、哀伤等强烈感情的句子。通常由Wha

23、t或How引导,What后以名词为中心,How后以形容词或副词为中心,句末常用感叹号。上一页下一页返回导航类型结构例句What型Whata/an形容词可数名词的单数形式(主语谓语)!What a beautiful girl she is!她是多么漂亮的女孩啊!What形容词可数名词的复数形式/不可数名词(主语谓语)!What important jobs they have done!他们做了多么重要的工作啊!What sweet water it is!多么甜的水啊!上一页下一页返回导航类型结构例句How型How形容词a/an可数名词的单数形式(主语谓语)!How beautiful a

24、picture it is!多么漂亮的一幅画啊!How形容词/副词(主语谓语)!How cute the dog is!这只狗多么可爱啊!How主语谓语!How time flies!时间过得多么快啊!上一页下一页返回导航1(2020常德)_ a clever boy he is!2(2020新疆)Hollys mother made delicious zongzi yesterday.(改为感叹句)_ _ zongzi Hollys mother made yesterday!3(2020黔南)What beautiful flowers they are!(改为同义句)_ _ the f

25、lowers are!What学以致用delicious How beautiful What 上一页下一页返回导航4(2020随州)通往成功的道路是多么艰难!_ difficult the road to _ is!5(2020广州)流溪河的水多么清澈啊!_ _ the water in the Liuxi River is!How success How clean 上一页下一页返回导航()1.(2020抚顺、本溪、辽阳)Look!The children are playing in the swimming pool._ great fun they are having!AWhatB

26、HowCWhat a DHow a()2.(2020郴州改编)Look!The elephants are dancing to music._ smart they are!AWhat BHowCWhat a DHow a语法专练A B 上一页下一页返回导航()3.(2020益阳改编)_ beautiful city!Yes.Tourists from all over the world come to visit it every year.AHow BWhatCWhat a DHow a()4.(2020滨州)The little boy is only three years old

27、,but he can memorize about 50 poems._ talented boy he is!AHow BHow aCWhat a DWhatCC上一页下一页返回导航()5.(2020海南改编)Look,that is Tower Bridge!Wow,_ great bridge it is!Awhat BhowCwhat a Dhow a()6.(2020乐山改编)_ terrible mess you have made!Sorry,Mum.I will clear it up right now.AWhat a BWhatCHow DHow aC A上一页下一页返回

28、导航()7.(2020株洲改编)_ wonderful the movie is!I want to see it again.AHow BWhatCWhat a DHow a()8.(2020玉林)Look,the plants are green and the flowers are opening.Yes,its spring now._ nice season!AHow BWhatCWhat a DHow aA C 上一页下一页返回导航()9.(2020扬州)_ exciting news!The Chinese team successfully arrived at the pe

29、ak of Qomolangma.AWhat BWhat anCHow DHow an()10.(2020昆明)_ rapid progress our country is making in science and technology!So it is.We are enjoying the convenience of modern technology.AHow BWhatCWhat a DWhat anA B 上一页下一页返回导航()11.(2020龙东改编)Its reported that Leishenshan Hospital was built in 2 weeks._

30、amazing it is!It shows Chinas speed to the world.AHowBWhatCWhat anDHow an()12.(2020黔东南)Chinese government has successfully stopped the virus from spreading in China._ proud we Chinese feel!AHow BHow aCWhat DWhat aAA上一页下一页返回导航()13.(2020绥化改编)_ interesting stories they are!AWhat an BHowCWhat DHow an()1

31、4.(2020宿迁)_ useful dictionary it is!I want to buy one.AWhat BWhat aCHow DHow aCB上一页下一页返回导航()15.(2020恩施改编)Can you imagine all these are made by an 8yearold girl?_ clever girl!AHowBHow aCWhat aDWhat()16.(2020淮安)Dina,a theme park will be built in our city next month._ good news!AWhat a BHow aCWhat DHowCC上一页下一页返回导航()17.(2020菏泽改编)He can pick up the table with one hand._ strong boy he is!AHow BWhatCWhat a DHow aC谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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