人教版英语7年级下册Unit 9单元知识梳理课件.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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1、初中英语初中英语根据所给汉字或首字母写出正确的英语单词根据所给汉字或首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整使句意完整:1He is wearing a pair of _(眼镜眼镜)on his nose.2I am sure your son will grow into a _(英俊的英俊的)young man in a few years time.3Zhao Wei is a famous _(演员演员)in China.4Look!The moon tonight is so _(圆的圆的)and bright.5 Our teacher cant remember that boy.

2、Can you _(描述描述)him?glasseshandsomeactresscircledescribe6My sister is of m_ build,and she has long hair.7I usually go to the c_ with my friends on Saturday evenings.8Sit s_.Its good for your back.9This skirt is too long.Please show me a_.10The little girl has a r_ face with two big eyes.ediuminematra

3、ightnotheround1.of medium build2.of medium height 3.a little milk 4.little milk 5.a little heavy 6.go to the cinema(go to the movies)7.a round face 8.look for 9.look like 10.in the end(at last)11.at the end of the month 12.each other 13.first of all1.中等身材中等身材2.中等高度中等高度3.少许牛奶少许牛奶4.几乎没牛奶几乎没牛奶5.有点胖有点胖6

4、.去看电影去看电影7.圆脸圆脸8.寻找寻找9.外貌外貌10.最后最后11.在月末在月末12.彼此彼此13.首先首先14.short curly blonde hair 15.long straight brown hair 16.a police artist 17.see the crimes 18.be different from-19.be the same as-20.eat another apple21.another two criminals 22.at each side of the river 23.each of us 24.wear a pair of glasse

5、s 25.some glass 26.be good at(playing)soccer14.金黄色的短卷发金黄色的短卷发15.棕色的长直发棕色的长直发16.一名警察艺术家一名警察艺术家17.看见犯罪活动看见犯罪活动18.与与-不同不同19.与与-一样一样20.再吃一个苹果再吃一个苹果21.另外两名罪犯另外两名罪犯22.在河的每一边在河的每一边23.我们中的每一个我们中的每一个24.戴一副眼镜戴一副眼镜25.一些玻璃一些玻璃26.擅长踢足球擅长踢足球27.two beautiful young women teachers28.a new black Chinese car29.put it

6、in newspapers and on TV30.put up the picture on the wall 31.put on your sweater 32.wear jeans and sports shoes 33.the way(s)of teaching English 34.that woman with long blond hair 35.a really interesting job 36.draw a picture of the criminal 37.see things the same way38.show the real criminal 39.desc

7、ribe the same person differently27.两名年轻漂亮的女教师两名年轻漂亮的女教师28.一辆新的中国产的黑色小车一辆新的中国产的黑色小车29.把它放在报纸和电视上把它放在报纸和电视上30.把这张画贴在墙上把这张画贴在墙上31.穿上你的毛衣穿上你的毛衣32.穿着牛仔裤和运动鞋穿着牛仔裤和运动鞋33.教英语的方法教英语的方法34.那位有金黄色长发的妇女那位有金黄色长发的妇女35.一份真正有趣的工作一份真正有趣的工作36.画一张罪犯的画像画一张罪犯的画像37.以同样的方式看待事物以同样的方式看待事物38.显示了真正的罪犯显示了真正的罪犯39.对同一个人地描述不同对同一个人

8、地描述不同What does he look like?Hes really tall.What does she look like?She has long straight hair.What do they look like?Theyre of medium build.Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.Grammar Focus.形容词的排列顺序形容词的排列顺序 在英语中,当名词


10、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands;all his income.注解注解 2:“描绘描绘”性形容词。如:性形容词。如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。等。语法探究语法探究注解注解 3:“大、长、高大、长、高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词;表示表示大小、长短、高低等一些词;表示“形状形状”的词。如:的词。如:round、square等;等;“国籍国籍”表示一个国家或地区的

11、词。表示一个国家或地区的词。表示表示“材料材料”的词。如:的词。如:wooden,woolen,stone,silk等;表示等;表示“作用作用类别类别”的词。如:的词。如:medical,college,writing desk,police car等。等。.选择疑问句选择疑问句 结构:结构:一般疑问句一般疑问句 or 选择部分?如:选择部分?如:Is he tall or short?他个子高还是矮?他个子高还是矮?回答:回答:选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用yes/no来回答,而必来回答,而必须选择选项进行回答。如:须选择选项进行回答。如:D

12、oes he live in Beijing or Shanghai?他住在北京还是上海?他住在北京还是上海?Beijing.北京。北京。We are meeting at seven tonight.我们今晚七点见面。我们今晚七点见面。He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.他明天要前往北京。他明天要前往北京。.部分否定部分否定 在英语中在英语中not和和all,both,always,every在同一个句子中表示在同一个句子中表示“部分否部分否定定”,即:,即:否定一部分而不是否定整体。如:否定一部分而不是否定整体。如:Not everybody likes

13、soccer.不是每个人都喜欢足球。不是每个人都喜欢足球。.进行时态表将来进行时态表将来 在英语中,表示计划、安排好的事情,可以使用进行时态表示将来在英语中,表示计划、安排好的事情,可以使用进行时态表示将来要发生的动作;表示位移的动词要发生的动作;表示位移的动词(如:如:go,come,fly,leave,arrive等等)的进的进行时态也可以表示将来。如:行时态也可以表示将来。如:1.Were meeting at seven,right?我们七点见,对吗我们七点见,对吗?1)meet相当于汉语中相当于汉语中“集合;见面;碰集合;见面;碰头;聚集头;聚集”。如:如:Lets meet at

14、the school gate tomorrow at eight.让我们明天八点在校门口集合。让我们明天八点在校门口集合。2)right表示表示“对吗,是吧对吗,是吧”,用来表示,用来表示对此前陈述内容进行确认和核实。全对此前陈述内容进行确认和核实。全句为句为Is that right?口语中常用不完整口语中常用不完整的句子表达意见或想法。的句子表达意见或想法。2.,but I may be a little late.a little意为意为“有点儿有点儿”,用来修饰形容词。,用来修饰形容词。e.g.Its a little cold tonight.【拓展拓展】a little意为意为“

15、一些;少许一些;少许”后后 跟不可数名词。跟不可数名词。e.g.Theres a little meat in the bowl.碗里有点肉。碗里有点肉。3.Well,he has brown hair and wears glasses.glass作作“玻璃玻璃”讲时,是不可数名词;作讲时,是不可数名词;作 “玻璃杯玻璃杯”讲时为可数名词;而讲时为可数名词;而glasses则则 是是“眼镜眼镜”之意。之意。e.g.Glass is broken easily.玻璃很易碎。玻璃很易碎。Theres no water in your glass.你的杯子里没有水了。你的杯子里没有水了。Does

16、she wear glasses?她戴眼镜吗?她戴眼镜吗?4.He isnt tall or short.他不高也不矮。他不高也不矮。英语在受到否定概念限定的部分中一般英语在受到否定概念限定的部分中一般 不用不用and,而用而用or。e.g.I dont have any brothers or sisters.我没有兄弟和姐妹。我没有兄弟和姐妹。在以上这种用法中,在以上这种用法中,or相当于相当于and not。试比较:试比较:Sophie never cleans or even offers to wash the dishes.=Sophie never cleans and does

17、 not even offer to wash the dishes.索菲从不打扫房间,甚至从不主动洗碗。索菲从不打扫房间,甚至从不主动洗碗。5.And hes really handsome.handsome表示表示“帅;帅气帅;帅气”,多用于描,多用于描述述 男性。如:男性。如:a handsome boy pretty“漂亮;靓丽漂亮;靓丽”,多用于描述女性。多用于描述女性。如:如:a pretty little girl 6.singer 唱歌家唱歌家 artist艺术家艺术家 构词法:动词构词法:动词+er (人物)名词(人物)名词 名词名词+ist (人物)名词(人物)名词 例如例

18、如:teach(教教)teacher 老师老师 play(打打)player(运动员;播放器)(运动员;播放器)piano(钢琴钢琴)pianist(钢琴家钢琴家)violin(小提琴小提琴)violinist(小提琴家小提琴家)7.and the police put it in newspaper and on television to find him.police意为意为“警察,警方警察,警方”,与,与people用法类似,为集用法类似,为集合名词,例如:合名词,例如:The police were called.有人报警。有人报警。Several police were injur

19、ed during the rioting.数名警数名警察在暴动中负伤。察在暴动中负伤。在表述在表述“一名警察一名警察”时,要用时,要用a police officer或或a policeman/a policewoman。在英语中,在报纸上用介词在英语中,在报纸上用介词in,不用不用on。在电视里用介。在电视里用介词词on,不用不用in。8.He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal each强调强调“个别个别”,可单独使用,也可修饰,可单独使用,也可修饰单数名词;单数名词;而而every修饰单数名词,强调修饰单数名词,强调“整体整体”;

20、相;相当于汉语中的当于汉语中的“每个都每个都”。例如:。例如:Each boy has a kite.每个男孩都有一只风筝。每个男孩都有一只风筝。Every student in the class likes English.班里的每个学生都喜欢英语。班里的每个学生都喜欢英语。9.Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.1)same和和different是一对反义词,前者表示是一对反义词,前者表示“相同相同的,同样的的,同样的”,后者表示,

21、后者表示“不同的;有区别的。不同的;有区别的。”same作为形容词时往往用在名词前,且之前往往作为形容词时往往用在名词前,且之前往往有定冠词有定冠词the。例如:。例如:the same way 相同的方法;同样的路相同的方法;同样的路 子;同样的方式子;同样的方式 the same person同样的人;同一个人同样的人;同一个人2)differently是是different的副词形式,在的副词形式,在 句中修饰动词,表示句中修饰动词,表示“不同地;有区别不同地;有区别 地地”。3)people和和person people表示表示“人,人们人,人们”,为复数名词;,为复数名词;perso

22、n为单个的人,有复数形式。为单个的人,有复数形式。10.another adj.意为意为“另一另一”e.g.This sweater is too small.Please give me another big one.另外,另外,another还可作代词,意为还可作代词,意为“另一另一个个”e.g.We dont like this room.Lets ask for another.11.Also,they dont always remember well.当当also用于句首时,其后往往有逗号与用于句首时,其后往往有逗号与句子其他部分隔开。这时,句子其他部分隔开。这时,also用于修

23、用于修饰整个句子,相当于汉语的饰整个句子,相当于汉语的“同时;同时;还;而且还;而且”。e.g.Mr.Lis class is interesting.Also,he makes it easy to understand.also也常表示也常表示“也也”,往往位于,往往位于be动动词词 后,行为动词前。后,行为动词前。e.g.My father can speak English.He can also speak French.我爸爸会说英语,他也会讲法语。我爸爸会说英语,他也会讲法语。12.,the real criminal is a short and heavy old man,r

24、eal adj.意为意为“真正的;真实的真正的;真实的”Its not a real ring.这不是个真戒指。这不是个真戒指。【拓展拓展】really adv.意为意为“真正地真正地”看看!那个女演员真漂亮。那个女演员真漂亮。Look!That actress is really beautiful.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1The boy is of medium _(high)2Its _(real)hot today.3Johnny Dean is my favorite pop _(sing)4Does your father often wear

25、 a pair of _(glass)?5The girl is good at drawing.She want to be an_(art).heightreallysingerglassesartist6.Sun Yue,my favorite musician,_(have)long straight hair.7.Mr Green enjoys _(work)in China.8.Look!The boys _(play)football over there.9.Different people think about it _(different)10.He wants _(be

26、)an English teacherhasworkingare playingdifferentlyto be1.Michael Jackson is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ does Michael Jackson _ like?2.I think Mary is cool.(改为否定句改为否定句)I _ think Mary _ cool.3.Peter is fat.(用用thin改为选择疑问句改为选择疑问句)_ Peter fat _ thin?4.My sister isnt tall or short.(改为同义句改为同义句)My sist

27、er is _ _ _.5.What does the girl look like?(改为同义句改为同义句)_ the girl _?句型转换句型转换What look dont isIs orof medium heightWhats like1.最后,他找到了那本书。最后,他找到了那本书。_ _ _,he found that book2.你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗?Can you tell me what your sister_ _3.许多人并不总是用相同的方法来看待事物。许多人并不总是用相同的方法来看待事物。Many people dont always

28、see things_ _ _.4海伦擅长画画。海伦擅长画画。Helen _ _ _ drawing5首先,他又高又瘦。首先,他又高又瘦。_ _ _,hes tall and thin.根据汉语意思完成英语句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子In the end looks like the same wayis good atFirst of all1.Is this a Chinese book or an English book?Oh._.A.Yes,it is B.No,it isnt C.An English book D.A music book2.Lets discuss the pl

29、an,shall we?Not now.I_ to an interview.A.go B.went C.am going D.was going单项选择单项选择CC3.The boy _ tall and _ short black hair.Ahas;has Bhas;is Cis;is Dis;has4?She has big eyes and a small nose.A.How old is sheB.What does she doC.What does she look likeD.How is sheDC5.There is _ milk in the glass and it

30、s _ bad.Aa little;a little bit Ba little;a bit ofCa little bit;a bit of Da little;little6.Lily is _ medium build _ long blonde hair.Ain;of Bin;with Cof;of Dof;withAD7.This pair of shoes _ white.A.be B.is C.are D.has8.When you feel tired,you can stop _ rest.A.having B.to have a C.have had D.are havin

31、gBB9.Paul is _his mother.He _reading,too.A.likes,likes B.like,like C.likes,like D.like,likes10.Our math teacher always _an old shirt.A.wear B.wears C.put on D.puts onDB11.Do you know the way _ the Sunshine Hotel?Sorry.You can ask the girl _ glasses about it.A.to;in B.of;with C.of;in D.to;with 12.Hu

32、Ge is a great _.My sister likes his TV shows very much.A.actressB.singerC.actorD.artist DC13.Each of them _ some fruit for free.A.getB.getsC.gettingD.to get 14.How about going to the _ tonight?Why not?I love movies!A.cinema B.hospital C.restaurant D.bank BA15.I dont like this jacket.Could you please

33、 show me _?OK.Here you are.A.other B.another C.the other D.the another 16.Can you _ the criminal to us?Yes.Let me think first.A.putB.describe C.wear D.speak BB17.-What does your father look like?-_.A.Hes thirty-fiveB.He is a teacherC.Hes heavyD.Hes reading on the sofa18.-When do you come back,Lucy?-

34、I _ be back at nine.Im not sure.A.mustB.needC.mayD.have toCC19.The students stop_ and listen to the teacher carefully.A.saying B.to say C.talking 20.His mother often _ him a story before he goes to sleep.A.tells B.speaksC.talksCA根据提供的信息写一篇根据提供的信息写一篇3050词的短文。汤姆高高的个子,中等词的短文。汤姆高高的个子,中等身材,金色的直发,会讲英语和一点儿

35、汉语,喜欢打篮球,最身材,金色的直发,会讲英语和一点儿汉语,喜欢打篮球,最喜欢的动物是熊猫和海豚。他认为熊猫很可爱,海豚很聪明。喜欢的动物是熊猫和海豚。他认为熊猫很可爱,海豚很聪明。1.Medium build2.Straight blonde hair3.Speak English and a little Chinese4.pandas,cute5.dolphins,clever Tom is tall and has a medium build.He has straight blonde hair.He can speak English and a little Chinese.H

36、e likes reading books and playing basketball.His favorite animals are pandas and dolphins.He thinks pandas are cute,and dolphins are very clever.【参考范文参考范文】假如你是张霖,你们班来了一位新同学朱莉假如你是张霖,你们班来了一位新同学朱莉(Julie)。请根据表格提示描述她的长相、爱好、个性等,并在英请根据表格提示描述她的长相、爱好、个性等,并在英语角活动中讲给同学们听。语角活动中讲给同学们听。名字名字 Juile Miller年龄,年龄,14岁岁

37、外貌,金黄色的长发,圆脸,大眼睛外貌,金黄色的长发,圆脸,大眼睛性格,友好的性格,友好的爱好,唱歌、跳舞爱好,唱歌、跳舞要求:要求:1.语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确;语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确;2.包含所给提示,并可适当发挥包含所给提示,并可适当发挥;3.不少于不少于60词。词。We have a new classmate in our class._ We have a new classmate in our class.Her name is Julie Miller and she is fourteen years old.She comes from America.What does she look like?Well,she is a beautiful girl.She is of medium height.She has long blonde hair,a round face and big eyes.Julie is friendly.She can also sing and swim very well.We all like making friends with her.【参考范文参考范文】


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