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1、黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 1 / 15 黑龙江省安达七中 2020 届高三英语上学期寒假考试试题(1) 一、阅读理解一、阅读理解 1.Four Places to Visit Before You Die1.Four Places to Visit Before You Die Santorini, GreeceSantorini, Greece It is actually an island of Cyclades. There are a lot of islands in this city and sunbathing around any of these wo

2、uld be an unforgettable experience. The most ideal period of the year to go to this miracle is from April to September. SydneySydney It is the most populous city of New South Wales in Australia. Its Harbor Bridge is the most famous tourists place in the world. Every year, the celebrations of new yea

3、r take place at this bridge where millions of people gather from the world to welcome the new year. RomeRome It is also called the center of Western civilization. The Colosseum (罗马圆 形大剧场)which is the worlds most iconic monument is also in Rome. There is no one who wishes to return from Rome without

4、seeing this monument. Moreover, The Pantheon and Piazza Navona are also worth visiting in Rome. Taj MahalTaj Mahal Taj Mahal, located in the city of Agra in India is also called the monument of love. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jehan in love of his wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1932. It is located at

5、 the South bank of Yamuna River. Its ivory white color attracts the tourists from a distance. 1.Which of the following is a natural wonder? A.Santorini, Greece. B.Sydney. C.Rome. D.Taj Mahal. 2.What can we learn from the passage? A.The best time to visit Santorini is spring. B.Sydney is the most pop

6、ulous city in Australia. C.The Colosseum is a must-see of visitors to Rome. 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 2 / 15 D.All the four amazing places mentioned arc in Europe. 3.Whats the main purpose of this passage? A.To persuade people to travel before dying. B.To introduce four amazing places worth a visit. C.

7、To make some comparisons of four amazing places. D.To advertise four amazing places for a travel agency. 2.People have always been defined by their generation. We had the baby boomers of the 1960s, followed by Generation X and then Generation Y, often referred to as millennials, and the new kids on

8、the block are Generation Z - aged between 16 and 22. Its easy to classify these young people as all being the same, sharing the same attitudes towards lifebut is that fair? People from Generation Z, informally called “Z-ers“, may be viewed by others as digital natives, incapable of real-world friend

9、ships. But they actually view themselves as hardworking, ambitious and about to change the world for the better. The previous generation, born between the mid-1980s and late 1990s - the millennials were also thought to have these characteristics. But many people view this new generation as “mini-mil

10、lennials“ because Z-ers are different and they have their own set of values and preferences which consumer brands need to cater for. Its true to say that technology is playing an important part in the lives of Generation Z, particularly in the area of social media. In fact, they have not known life

11、without it and using it to communicate, share ideas and campaign is second nature. It means they have more of a say on what we eat, drink and buy than any generation before them. These young people certainly need to be listened to by retailers (零 售商) and businesses - they are the people with time on

12、 their hands and money. But being a Z-er comes with pressure. One young person says “Many people in Generation Z have mental health issues because theyre unsure what the future will bring.“ The future always brings uncertainties but maybe there is pressure for this generation to be the most successf

13、ul ever. 1.When was a Z-er likely to be born? A.In 1964. B.In 1975. C.In 1987. D.In 1999. 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 3 / 15 2.What do Z-ers see themselves as? A.Diligent and ambitious. B.Hardworking and incapable. C.Promising and different. D.Stressed and successful. 3.Whatre Paragraphs 2 2.只允许修改 10 处,多

14、者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 All students from our class go to an exhibition displaying Chinas outstanding achievements in last month. Influencing deeply by my parents, I was eager waiting for the opportunity. As soon as we arrived, a guide gave us unusual introduction to the exhibition and we made some notes ca

15、refully. When the visit started, we were both inspired by various exhibits, including models of newly-invented spaceships. Beside, we took a lot of photo and were proud of the achievements of our country. The next day, they decided to have a class meeting to present which we had seen. Immediately we

16、 devoted ourselves to preparing the presentations. 六、书面表达六、书面表达 9.假定你是李华,准备高三毕业后外出旅游,但你发现依然存在许多不文明旅游现象。 请你给 21 世纪报写一封信,呼吁人们提高素质,文明出游。 内容包括:1. 你所看到的的不文明行为及危害; 2. 为建设美丽中国,提出你的倡议(至少两点) 注意:1. 词数 100-120; 2. 开头和结尾已写好,不计入总数。 Dear editor, Im writing to tell you something about the immoral behavior in trave

17、lling in our country. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 11 / 15 Yours, Li Hua 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 12 / 15 参考答案参考答案 1.答案:1.A; 2.C; 3.B 解析: 2.答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.D; 4.A 解析: 3.答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.D; 4.C 解析: 4.答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.B; 4.B 解析: 5.答案:A C G B F 解析:1.根据该段主题句“Assess your activity.”以及关键词 activity 可知 A 项与

18、此 处匹配。A 项与“How much physical activity do you get in a typicalweek?“及“How much variety do you get in your activ-ity, and how much do you enjoy it?“为并列问句。 2.根据空前的“Write down everything you eat for a day and no fair skipping the items youre em-barrassedabout.”可知,空处应讲的是不做评判地记下一天要吃的食物。 所以 C 项正确。 3.空前一句“H

19、ow has your mood been lately?“中的关键词 mood 与 G 项中的“any symptoms ofdepression or anxiety”相呼应;G 项与空后的“Do youusually sleep well for seven to eight hours a night?“为并列问句。 4.根据空后的“How strong are your connections with family and friends? Are you plugged into so-cial or spiritual groups that enrich your life?

20、“ 和“People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting re-lationships“可知,本段主要讲述的是要 有社交活动,B 项中的“social network“与此呼应。所以选 B。 5.根据空 前的“Its not about being good orbad , rightor wrong.”可知, 选 F 项“意识到你自身的健康状况是很重要的”。 6.答案:1.D; 2.C; 3.A; 4.C; 5.B; 6.D; 7.B; 8.D; 9.C; 10.A; 11.D; 12.B; 13.A; 14.D; 15.C; 1

21、6.B; 17.B; 18.C; 19.A; 20.C 解析:1.考查动词.A.keeping 保持; B.protecting 保护; C.loving 喜爱; D.raising 抚养; 妈妈独自一人抚养我们几个孩子长大很辛苦.raise 意为“抚养“.故答案为 D. 2.考查介词.A.in 在里面; B.on 在上面; C.through 穿过; D.over 超过;回首往事时,“ 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 13 / 15 我“意识到为了供我们几个孩子上学,妈妈经历了怎样的困难.go through 意为“经历,遭受“. 故答案为 C. 3.考查名词.A.cardbo

22、ard 纸板; B.paper 纸; C.cloth 布; D.handkerchief 手帕; 每天妈妈 都会往我们的鞋底塞一块硬纸板,因为我们的鞋底磨坏了.根据第三段中的“a pair of new boots, which were with no cardboard in the soles“可知选 A 项.故答案为 A. 4.考查动词短语.A.found out 查明; B.tired out 试验;C.worn out 穿破,精疲力 尽;D.given out 发出;因为我们的鞋底磨坏了,故答案为 C. 5.考查动词.A.delighted 高兴的; B.forced 强迫; C.

23、honored 荣幸的;D.frightened 害怕 的; 在那些日子里,我们不停地搬家是很平常的事.故答案为 B. 6.考查名词.A.food 食物; B.shelter 避难所; C.expense 消费; D.rent 房租; 房子的租金 是一一个月 25 美元.根据第二段中的“she would use the money to pay back the rent“ 提示可知此处选 rent.故答案为 D. 7.考查动词.A.leaving 离开; B.approaching 到达; C.celebrating 庆祝; D.advancing 提 前; 根据第三段中的“many ho

24、uses with Christmas lights and decorations“可知选 B 项. 故答案为 B. 8.考查固定搭配.A.in spite of 尽管;B.because of 由于; Cregardless of 不管;D.instead of 代替;妈妈说不买食物,要用这笔钱付房租,确保我们能有房子住.根据下文可知,作者买 了很多食物,可知此处应选 D 项.故答案为 D. 9.考查名词.A.sky 天空; B.house 房子; C.roof 屋顶; D.protection 保护; 根据本空后面 的“overourheads“可知,应该选 roof,而非 house.

25、故答案为 C. 10.考查动词.A.buy购买; B.sell卖; C.donate 捐赠;D.exchange交换; 妈妈不知道的是,“ 我“直打零工赚钱想买一双新靴子.根据第四段中的“Here I was going to buy a pair of new boots“可知选 A 项.故答案为 A. 11.考查动词.A.admired 钦佩; B.envied 嫉妒;C.watched 观察; D.noticed 注意到; 在去 商场的路上,“我“注意到很多房子都挂着圣诞彩灯和装饰品.故答案为 D. 12.考查动词.A.guessed猜测; B.realized意识到; C.imagin

26、ed想象; D.expected期望; 那 时“我“才意识到我们家没有彩灯,没有装饰品,甚至没有钱买圣诞食物.故答案为 B. 13.考查形容词.A.guilty 内疚的; B.surprised 惊讶的; C.nervous 紧张的; D.relieved 放松的; “我“继续往前走,感到很内疚.guilty 意为“内疚的“.故答案为 A. 14.考查连词.A.where 哪里; B.though 尽管; C.if 如果;D.while 然而; “我“想买一双新靴 黑龙江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 14 / 15 子而我妈妈在家垂泪.while 在句中表示对比.故答案为 D. 15

27、.考查动词.A.persuade 说服; B.manage 设法做成; C.explain 解释; D.tell 告诉; 她一 定正想办法向我们解释为什么我们没有圣诞礼物. 故答案为 C. 16.考查动词.A.decided 决定; B.changed 改变; C.lost 失去; D. kept 保持;根据下文 I should do something for my mom 可知,所以“我“改变了主意.故答案为 B. 17.考查名词.A.sadness 伤心; B.excitement 激动; C.depression 沮丧; D.wonder 想知道; “我“走进杂货店,内心充满了兴奋.

28、作者感到能为家里做点事,让妈妈高兴,为此而感到兴奋. 故答案为 B. 18.考查副词.A. quietly 静静地; B.anxiously 焦急地; C.hardly 几乎不; D.quickly 快速 地; “我“迫不及待地想看看妈妈的表情.can hardly wait to do sth.意为“等不及要做某事 “.故答案为 C. 19.考查动词.A. fell摔倒; B.piled 堆叠; C.threw 扔掉; D.packed 打包; 根据 some of the groceries(19)down onto the floor 可知,妈妈打开门,一些物品掉在了地板上.故答案为 A

29、. 20.考查固定搭配.A.down 向下; B.up 向上; C.back 向后; D.off 离开; 忍住泪水,“我“大声 说:“妈妈,圣诞快乐!“hold back 意为“抑制住“;hold on 意为“停住“;hold off 意为“不开始; 延迟“; hold down 意为“按住某人;剥夺自由或权利“.故答案为 C 7.答案: 1. improvements 2. comparing 3. printing 4. on 5. were asked 6. to use 7. daily 8. that/who 9. which 10. convenience 解析: 8.答案: 黑龙

30、江安达七中高三英语上册寒假考试试卷(1) 15 / 15 All students from our class to an exhibition displaying Chinas outstanding achievements in last month. deeply by my parents, I was waiting for the opportunity. As soon as we arrived, a guide gave us unusual introduction to the exhibition and we made some notes carefully.

31、 When the visit started, we were inspired by various exhibits, including models of newly-invented spaceships. , we took a lot of and were proud of the achievements of our country. The next day, decided to have a class meeting to present we had seen. Immediately we devoted ourselves to preparing the

32、presentations. 解析: 9.答案: Dear editor, I am writing to tell you something about the immoral behavior in travelling in our country. I was surprised to see so much immoral behavior in public places. Some people spit and litter everywhere they want; some scratched their names on the street walls or othe

33、r scenic spots, which did great harm to them. In my opinion, its high time we took action to help improve the situation. First, certain laws should be passed to ensure people wont damage the environment. Second, our media should also take responsibility to guide people to protect the environment. Last but not least, we travelers should learn to be more responsible and careful for what we do. Only by making joint efforts can we make our country become more and more beautiful and harmonious! Yours, Li Hua 解析:


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