1、第第五章五章:修辞与翻译(:修辞与翻译(1 1)修辞与翻译(一)修辞与翻译(一)明喻 暗喻(隐喻)转喻(借代)夸张 反语 反复 排比 拈连 头韵 尾韵 递升;递降明喻明喻 simile simile 明喻的定义 明喻的构成 明喻的文化内涵明喻的定义明喻的定义 Simile:a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another,in such a way as to enhance an image.明喻:把甲事物比作乙事物,两者既不同类,又不同质,只是在某一点上有相似之处。明喻的构成明喻的构成 1)组成 I wandered a
2、lone as a cloud.(“I”是Object/tenor本体,“lonely”是sense喻意,“a cloud”是image/vehicle喻体)2)比喻词 英语:asas,like,as,as if/though 汉语:像,好像,如,犹如,若,宛若,宛如,仿佛,如同,跟一般明喻的文化内涵明喻的文化内涵 1 1 共性(universals)她的脸色苍白而带光泽,仿佛大理石似的;一双眼睛又黑又大,在黯淡的囚房中,宝石似的闪着晶莹的光。Her face was pale and yet as lustrous as marble,and her large,black eyes spa
3、rkled like jewels in that murky cell.He drove as if possessed by the devil.他着魔似地驾车狂奔。明喻的文化内涵明喻的文化内涵 2 2个性(peculiarities)1.喻意相同,喻体相同或略异2.喻意相同,喻体相异3.无对应喻意相同,喻体相同或略异喻意相同,喻体相同或略异 know sth./sb.like the palm of ones hand as light as a feather as cold as ice as busy as a bee as cheerful as a lark 了如指掌 轻如鸿毛
4、 冰冷 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 像云雀一样快活喻意相同,喻体相异喻意相同,喻体相异 as stupid as a goose as timid as a rabbit as hoarse as a crow as bold as a lion as mute as a fish as proud as a peacock as strong as a horse drink like a fish 蠢的象猪 胆小如鼠 公鸭嗓 勇如猛虎 噤若寒蝉;守口如瓶 骄傲得像公鸡 体健如牛 牛饮无对应无对应 as poor as a church mouse as cool as a cucumber as ti
5、ght as a drum as sharp as a needle as sure as a gun 一贫如洗 非常镇静 非常不肯花钱 十分精明 一点不错;千真万确暗喻暗喻 metaphor metaphor 暗喻的定义 英汉对应暗喻的定义暗喻的定义 Metaphor:a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another,thus making an implicit comparison.暗喻:又称隐喻。把要说明的事物比喻成
6、另外一种具有鲜明的同一特点的事物,从而更形象、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力和感染力。暗喻的构成暗喻的构成 1)组成 After the long talk,he became the sun in her heart.这次长谈之后,他成了她心中的太阳。(英汉的暗喻都不露比喻的痕迹,直接把甲说成了乙,正是在这一点上有别于前面所讲的明喻。)2)比喻词 英语:be,become,turn into 汉语:是,成了,成为,当作等英汉对应英汉对应 完全对应 Our blood boils.我们热血沸腾。部分对应 draw water in a sieve 竹篮打水 无对应 be tied to s
7、bs apron-strings 受人控制比喻的翻译比喻的翻译 保留原语形象(直译)转换原语形象(替换)舍弃原语形象(意译)直译法直译法 Joe,a clumsy and timid horseman,didnt look to advantage in the saddle,“Look at him,Amelia my dear,driving into the parlor window.Such a bull in a china shop I never saw”.乔胆子小,骑术又拙,骑在鞍子上老不像样。“埃米丽亚,亲爱的,快看,他骑到人家客厅的窗子那儿去了,我一辈子也没见过这样的,真
8、是大公牛闯到瓷器店了”。(杨必名利场)替换法替换法 put all the cards on the table 打开天窗说亮话 go for wool and come back shorn 偷鸡不成蚀把米意译法意译法 By the winter of 1942 their resistance to the Nazi terror had become shadow.到了1942年冬季,他们对于纳粹恐怖活动的抵制已经名存实亡。转喻转喻 metonymy metonymy;借代;借代synecdochesynecdoche 转喻定义 英汉对比 翻译方法转喻定义转喻定义 Metonymy:a
9、figure of speech in which the name of an attribute or a thing is substituted for the thing itself as in the use of Washington for US government.转喻:也叫借代。不直接把所要说的事物名称说出来,而用跟它有关系的另一种事物的名称代替它。例如用华盛顿来指代美国政府。转喻:英汉对比转喻:英汉对比 投笔从戎 throw away the pen and take up the sword in defense of the country Pen is migh
10、tier than sword.笔威于剑。His wife spent all her life on the stage.(theatrical profession)他的妻子在舞台上渡过了一生。(戏剧工作,表演艺术)转喻:翻译方法转喻:翻译方法 汉语和英语里的转喻内容丰富,有借人或事物的特征或标志来指人或事物;有借与人或事物有关的工具或材料代指人或事物;有借与人或事物有关的所属或所在代指人或事物。一般而言,可以对这种辞格采用直译,但有时因为两种语言的不同表达习惯,需要采用意译。转喻译例转喻译例 Only a knife can save the patients life now.要拯救病
11、人只能动手术。Paper and ink cut the throats of men,and the sound of a breath may shake the world.纸墨能割断人的喉管,嗓音能震动整个世界。(写几个字,说几句话)Gray hair should be respected.(graying China/aging China)老人应该受到尊重。夸张夸张 hyperbole hyperbole 定义 译例夸张定义夸张定义 Hyperbole:a figure of speech which contains an exaggeration for emphasis.夸
12、张:指凭借丰富的想象,用铺饰张大的语言,对事物的某些方面进行夸大或缩小,进行艺术渲染。夸张译例夸张译例 夸张一般直译,对夸张的内容不需改变,也不能改变,但涉及语言习惯时,可略作调整。Thanks a million.万分感谢。I have told you fifty times.我告诉过你好多次了。反语反语 irony irony 定义 译例反语定义反语定义 Irony:the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.反语:使用同本意完全相反的词句
13、来表达本意,明显含有嘲弄讽刺的意思,从而使本意更加突出。反语译例反语译例 1 1 It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in his pocket.在异国他乡,身无分文,那才叫“绝”呢!他浑身上下毫无缺点,连肚脐眼都没有!He doesnt have a single defect in his whole body.Why,he doesnt even have a belly-button!反语译例反语译例 2 2 If people keep telling you to qu
14、it smoking cigarettes,dont listen They are probably trying to trick you into living longer.如果有人苦口婆心劝你戒烟,不要理他们 他们是想骗你活得长久些!-It is raining cats and dogs!-Lovely weather,isnt it?(太好了!)反复反复 repetition repetition 定义 译例反复定义反复定义 反复:通过重复同一单词、词组或语句使人加深印象,重复部分往往含有强烈的情感或优美的节奏。译例译例 1 1:直译:直译 It is no use doing
15、what you like;you have to like what you do.(Winston Churchill)做你喜欢的不重要,重要的是喜欢你所做的。Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do for your country.(J F Kennedy)不要问国家能够为你做什么,问问你能够为国家做什么。译例译例 2 2:变通:变通 It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming
16、down can make it.It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land.(Ray Bradbury,The Vacation)绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新可爱。蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声咽,大地音沉,这日子是如此安静。排比排比 parallelism/parataxis parallelism/parataxis 定义 译例排比定义排比定义 Parallelism:the use of identical or equivalent syntactic constr
17、uctions in corresponding clauses.排比:指用结构相似、语气一致、关系并列的一组语句,接连表达几个相关意思的一种修辞方式。排比译例排比译例 1 1I came,I saw,I conquered.我只身前往,我明察秋毫,我旗开得胜。Reading maketh a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。排比译例排比译例 2 2 延安的歌声是黑夜的火把,雪天的煤炭,大旱的甘霖。Songs of Yanan are torches in dark ni
18、ght,charcoal fire in the snowy weather,and timely rainfall in the severe drought.拈连拈连 zeugma zeugma 定义 译例拈连定义拈连定义 zeugma:a construction in which a single word,especially a verb or an adjective,is applied to two or more nouns when its sense is appropriate to only one of them or to both in different w
19、ays,as in He took my advice and my wallet.拈连:在说甲乙两事物时,把适用于说甲的词顺便也用来说乙,达到语言凝练、含义深刻、幽默风趣的效果。拈连译例拈连译例 1 1She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.(敞开)In fact,I was to organize my fathers tools,my mothers kitchen utensils,and my sisters boyfriends.(安排)拈连译例拈连译例 2 2 She lost her heart and nec
20、klace at a ball.舞会上她丢了项链也丢了魂她坠入爱河了!He took photographs and other things.他不仅将画面摄入镜头,还将其它东西摄入私囊。拈连译例拈连译例 3 3 The girl he loved was Laura Merton,the daughter of an army officer who had lost his temper and health in India,and never found either of them again.(Oscar Wilde Model Millionaire)身体坏了,脾气也坏了;一个都
21、没再好起来 On his fishing trip,he caught three trout and a bad cold!他外出钓鱼,得鲑鱼三条,也得了感冒!拈连译例拈连译例 4 4The new president took his oath and seat.(宣誓;就座)A candidate is one who shakes your hand before election and your acquaintance afterwards.头韵头韵 alliteration 1 alliteration 1 It was a splendid population-for al
22、l the slow,sleepy,sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.(Mark Twain)出来的这批移民个个出类拔萃,因为凡是呆板、呆滞、呆头呆脑的呆子都呆在家乡。头韵头韵 alliteration 2 alliteration 2 fair and foul 好与坏 safe and sound 安然无恙 forgive and forget 不念旧恶 tit for tat 一报还一报 sink or swim 好歹试试看,不管是沉是浮 忐忑 慷慨 芬芳 坎坷 驰骋 琳琅尾韵尾韵 rhyme rhyme 饭来张口,衣来伸手。to have o
23、nly to open ones mouth to be fed and hold out ones hands to be dressed When the cat is away,the mice will play.猫不在,鼠作怪。递升与递降递升与递降climax and anti-climax climax and anti-climax Threaten him,imprison him,torture him,kill him:you will not induce him to betray his own country.威胁他,监禁他,拷打他,处死他:这些都不能使他背叛自己的国家。The explosion completely destroyed a church,two houses,and a flowerpot.The soldiers fought for glory,and a shilling a day.参考书目参考书目 冯庆华,英汉互译实用翻译教程,上海外语教育出版社 方梦之,译学辞典,上海外语教育出版社