新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册词组、高频短语 整理 素材(全册4份打包).rar

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    • Unit1词组、高频短语 整理 素材_2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit2 词组、高频短语 整理 素材_2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit3 词组、高频短语 整理 素材_2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit4 词组、高频短语 整理 素材_2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.docx--点击预览


Unit1Food mattersWelcome to the unit&Reading1be in a good mood心情不错2be in a bad moodbe in a mood 情绪不好3befeel in the mood for sthto do sth有心情做某事4be in no mood for sthto do sth没心情做某事5a combination of sth的结合6in combination with与联合7combine.against联合起来以对付8combine.andwith把和结合起来9in aone sense 在某种意义上10in no sense绝不11a strong sense of强烈的感12give sb a sense of sth给某人感13a sense of belonging 归属感14make sense有道理,讲得通15make no sense没有意义,讲不通 16make sense of sth理解,弄懂17it makes sense(for sb)to do sth对于某人来说)做某事是明智的18in association with sbsth与.合作19associate sbsth with sth把.和联系在一起20be associated with sbsth与有关21vary withby sth随而变化22vary according to sth根据而有所变化23vary from A to B从 A 到 B 变化 24vary between A and B在 A 和 B 之间变化25vary in sth在方面有差异26link A towith B把 A 和 B 联系起来27be linked towith sth与有关联28be closelydirectly linked with sth与紧密直接关联29link up with sbsth与联合30to ones relief令某人安心的是31the bond between A and B在 A 和 B 之间的联系32the bond with sbsth与的联系33the bond of friendship友谊的纽带34for security reasons 出于安全考虑35generate interest引起兴趣 36lower ones voice 压低声音37lower the level of sth降低的水平 38lower ones eyes下看39the lower lip下嘴唇40the lower reaches下游Grammar and usage41enhance their friendship 增进他们之间的友谊42enhance the chance to get a job 增加找到工作的机会43throw oneself into投身于,热衷于44throw away扔掉,丢弃45throw off摆46throw at投向,掷向47throw in额外赠送48impress sb withby sth 某事给某人留下深刻印象49be impressed withby sth对某事印象深刻50impress sth onupon sb 使某人意识到51leave an impression on sb 给某人留下印象52make an impression on sb对某人产生影响53theones best bet 最好的办法54makehave a bet on sth打赌55placeputlay a bet on sth在上下赌注56bet onagainst sth赌.57bet sth on sth把下在上58you bet的确,当然59an atmosphere of sth的氛围 60create a good atmosphere营造好的氛围61in the atmosphere空气中Integrated skills62out of this world(或美等)得不得了,非凡,呱呱叫63out of condition身体不好,情况欠佳64out of place不在适当的位置;不适宜65a newdifferent version新版本不同版本66bake sth for sbbake sb sth 为某人烤67adore(doing)sth喜欢(做)某事68a bitter disappointment 伤心失望的事extented reading&project69letsetturn sthsb loose放开,让自由,释放70a loose connection接触不良71loose tea散装茶叶72breakcut loose from摆脱,从挣脱出来73hangstay loose保持镇静,不着急74expand onupon sth详述,充分叙述,详细阐明75expansion in sth在方面的扩张76an expansion of sth的扩张77plain to see 显而易见78it is plain(to sb)that.(对于某人)是清楚的79be estimated to do sth被估计做某事 80it is estimated(that).据估计81hit the spot使人满意,正合需要82in a(tight)spot处于困境 83on the spot当场,当下;在现场;在原地84be essential forto sbsth对是极其重要的85it is essential to do sth 做某事是完全必要的 86it is essential that.是完全必要的87the essentials 要点,要素88stimulate ones appetite刺激食欲,开胃89have an appetite 有胃口90an appetite for sth对的欲望91putlayplace emphasis on sth强调重视某事 92shift the emphasis转移重点93onat the edge of.在的边缘94on the edge of sth 某事快要发生95havegain an edge onover.略胜过,略占优势96take apart拆卸,拆散,拆开(机器等)97fall apart破碎;崩溃98tear apart撕毁,撕碎99pull sb apart把拉开 100 one month apart 相差一个月101apart from除以外 102 tell apart 识别,区分103 set apart使与众不同,使突出单元高频词组单元高频词组Unit1Food matters Unit1Food matters1combine.andwith1把和结合起来2in combination with2与联合3associate sbsth with sth3把.和联系在一起4in association with sbsth4与.合作5vary from A to B5从 A 到 B 变化 6vary withby sth6随而变化7link A towith B7把 A 和 B 联系起来8be linked towith sth8与有关联9lower ones voice 9压低声音10generate interest10 引起兴趣 11throw oneself into11投身于,热衷于12be impressed withby sth12 对某事印象深刻13impress sth onupon sb 13 使某人意识到14bet sth on sth14 把下在上15out of this world 15(或美等)得不得了,非凡,呱呱叫16bake sth for sbbake sb sth 16 为某人烤17adore(doing)sth17 喜欢(做)某事18expand onupon sth18详述,充分叙述,详细阐明19hit the spot19 使人满意,正合需要20on the spot20当场,当下;在现场;在原地21putlayplace emphasis on sth21 强调重视某事 22onat the edge of.22 在的边缘23havegain an edge onover.23 略胜过,略占优势Unit1Food mattersWelcome to the unit&Reading1 心情不错2 情绪不好3 有心情做某事4 没心情做某事5 的结合6 与联合7 联合起来以对付8 把和结合起来9 在某种意义上10 绝不11 强烈的感12 给某人感13 归属感14 有道理,讲得通15 没有意义,讲不通 16 理解,弄懂17 对于某人来说)做某事是明智的18 与.合作19 把.和联系在一起20 与有关21 随而变化22 根据而有所变化23 从 A 到 B 变化 24 在 A 和 B 之间变化25 在方面有差异26 把 A 和 B 联系起来27 与有关联28 与紧密直接关联29 与联合30 令某人安心的是31 在 A 和 B 之间的联系32 与的联系33 友谊的纽带34 出于安全考虑35 引起兴趣 36 压低声音37 降低的水平 38 下看39 下嘴唇40 下游Grammar and usage41 增进他们之间的友谊42 增加找到工作的机会43 投身于,热衷于44 扔掉,丢弃45 摆46 投向,掷向47 额外赠送48 某事给某人留下深刻印象49 对某事印象深刻50 使某人意识到51 给某人留下印象52 对某人产生影响53 最好的办法54 打赌55 在上下赌注56 赌.57 把下在上58 的确,当然59 的氛围 60 营造好的氛围61 空气中Integrated skills62(或美等)得不得了,非凡,呱呱叫63 身体不好,情况欠佳64 不在适当的位置;不适宜65 新版本不同版本66 为某人烤67 喜欢(做)某事68 伤心失望的事extented reading&project69 放开,让自由,释放70 接触不良71 散装茶叶72 摆脱,从挣脱出来73 保持镇静,不着急74 详述,充分叙述,详细阐明75 在方面的扩张76 的扩张77 显而易见78(对于某人)是清楚的79 被估计做某事 80 据估计81 使人满意,正合需要82 处于困境 83 当场,当下;在现场;在原地84 对是极其重要的85 做某事是完全必要的 86 是完全必要的87 要点,要素88 刺激食欲,开胃89 有胃口90 对的欲望91 强调重视某事 92 转移重点93 在的边缘94 某事快要发生95 略胜过,略占优势96 拆卸,拆散,拆开(机器等)97 破碎;崩溃98 撕毁,撕碎99 把拉开 100 相差一个月101 除以外 102 识别,区分103 使与众不同,使突出Unit2 The Universal langguageWelcome to the unit&Reading1be composed of sth1 由某物组成 2compose a letterpoemspeech2 写信诗歌讲稿3compose oneself3(生气、烦躁或激动后)极力使自己平静下来4deserve to do sth4 应该做某事5deserve doing sth 5 应该做某事6tear sb apart6使(关系密切的人)分离,分开7tear sb apart7 使分崩离析,使分裂8tear away8 迫使离开9tear down9 推倒,拆毁10be torn(between A and B)10(在两者间)难以选择,左右为难11tear up11 把撕碎;推倒12whisper about sth12 低声说13whisper sth to sb13 小声跟某人说 14whisper(to sb)that14(向某人)小声说15in a whisper15 窃窃私语 16speaktalk in whispers 16 窃窃私语17a dramatic changeshifimprovement17 巨大变化改变改进18a local dramatic society18 地方剧团19be overcome withby sth19受控制,对产生影响20transform into sth20 变成21transform sbsth(from sth)into sth21 把(从)转变成22combine sth andwith sth22 把和融合起来23combine sth with sth23 把和结合起来24combine to do sth24结合起来做;联合起来做.25rely heavily onupon sbsth 25 非常依赖依靠.26rely on sbsth to do sth26 依靠依赖做某事27rely onupon it that.27 指望;信任,信赖28in tune 28 在调上29in tune with sbsth29 与协调一致30out of tune with sb sth与.不协调一致30 与.不协调一致31tune in to sth 31 收看;收听32tune sth up32 给调音33be suggestive of sth33 使人联想到34guarantee to do sth 34 保证做某事35guarantee sb sth 35 保证某人.36give a guarantee of sth36 保证37there is no guarantee of sth37 无法保证.38there is no guarantee that38 无法保证.39come withcarry a guarantee39 有保修期40under guarantee40 在保修期内41defend sbsthoneself againstfrom sbsth41 保护免受42defend ones interests42 维护自己的利益43defend sbsthoneself43 为.辩解44defend the right to do sth44 捍卫做某事的权利45in defence of45 为保护.;为辩护46come to sbs defence 46马上保护某人;马上为某人辩护Grammar and usage48cash flow48 现金流49a flow chart49 流程图 50go with the flow50 随大溜51the endless flow of cars51 源源不断的车流人流people52go against the flow52 逆潮流而动53greet sb with sth53 用迎接某人54greet sb with open arms54 热情地欢迎某人55greet sb with a smile55 微笑着向某人打招呼56be suitable for sbsth56 适合.57be suitable to do sth 57 适合做某事58in the distant past58 在很久以前 59in the not too distant future 59 在不久的将来60be distant from sb 60 疏离某人 61keep ones distance 61 保持距离62in the distance 62 在远处Integrated skills64stare(at sb)in disbeliefamazementhorror 64难以置信惊讶恐惧地町着(某人)65stare updown at sbsth65 抬头低头注视66give sb a blank stare66 面无表情地直视某人67hold ones breath 67 屏住呼吸 68take a breath 68 吸一口气69let ones breath out 69 呼气 70be out of breath 70 喘不过气来71catch ones breath 71 歇口气,喘息72be short of breath 72 呼吸困难73take a breath of fresh air 73 吸一口新鲜空气74lake ones breath away 74 令某人惊叹,让人叹绝75dont waste your breath 75 别浪费口舌76turn the volume updown76 把音量调大调小77speak volumes aboutfor sbsth77(不用言语)充分说明,清楚表明78verymosthighly unusual 78verymosthighly unusual 79extremely rather quite unusual79 相当不寻常80somewhat unusual 80 有些不寻常81an unusual featureexperience81 一个不寻常的特性经历82it is usual for sb to do sth 82 某人做某事是惯例83grab sth from sbsth83 从抓住某物84grab the precious opportunitychance84 抓住珍贵的机会85sweep sb along85使某人醉心,驱使某人专注,深深吸引某人使某人醉心,驱使某人专注,深深吸引某人86sweep sb away86使某人醉心,驱使某人专注,深深吸引某人使某人醉心,驱使某人专注,深深吸引某人87swept over 87 向她袭来88swept through88 席卷89be accompanied by sth89 伴随着 90accompany sb aton sth90 用.为某人伴奏91have highlow expectations for.91 对期望值高低92fall short of ones expectations 92 辜负某人期待93beyond ones expectations93 超越期待94againstcontrary to(all)expectations94出乎所有人的意料,意想不到的是95set realisticunrealistic expectations 95 设定实际不切实际的期待96 extended reading&Project96 97be remarkable for97 以著称98be famousknown for98 以著称99it is remarkable that99 是令人惊讶的100a remarkable talent for art100 对艺术的卓越才华101make remarkable progress101 获得显著的进步102make a remark onabout sth102 就发表评论103remark onupon sth103 对发表评论104stream from sth104 从流出来105be enthusiastic about(doing)sth105 对(做)某事热心106have a reputation for sth 106 因而著称107earn/establishbuild a reputation107 赢得确立树立名声108lose ones reputation108 失去名誉109live up to its reputation109 名副其实110it is extraordinary that.110 是意想不到的111it depresses sb to do sth 111 做某事让某人感到沮丧112it depresses sb that112 让某人感到沮丧113be upset aboutatover(doing)sth113 为(做)某事难过或烦恼114be upset with sb114 生某人的气,对某人恼怒115it upsets sb to do sththat.115 让某人心烦的是.116be possessed of sth116 具有(某种品质、能力等)117abandon oneself to.117 陷入118express ones determination to do sth118 表达做某事的决心表达做某事的决心119be desperate for sth119 渴望得到某物 120be desperate to do sth 120 渴望做某事121in desperate need of sth121 极其需要.122a desperate shortage of122 极度缺乏123for ease of sth123 方便方便124with ease124 轻易,毫不费劲125for ease of applicationuse125 使用方便126ill at ease126 不自在,局促不安不自在,局促不安127putset sb at ones ease127 使某人放松使某人放松128ease the pain128 缓解疼痛单元高频词组单元高频词组Unit2 The Universal langguage1be composed of sth1由某物组成 2deserve to do sth2应该做某事3deserve doing sth 3应该做某事4whisper sth to sb4小声跟某人说 5whisper about sth5低声说6be overcome withby sth6受控制,对产生影响7transform into sth7变成8combine to do sth8结合起来做;联合起来做.9rely on sbsth to do sth9依靠依赖做某事10in tune with sbsth10 与协调一致11be suggestive of sth11使人联想到12guarantee to do sth 12 保证做某事13under guarantee13 在保修期内14defend sbsthoneself againstfrom sbsth14 保护免受15in defence of15为保护.;为辩护16greet sb with sth16 用迎接某人17be distant from sb 17 疏离某人 18stare updown at sbsth18 抬头低头注视19grab sth from sbsth19 从抓住某物20be accompanied by sth20 伴随着 21accompany sb aton sth21用.为某人伴奏22have highlow expectations for.22对期望值高低23be remarkable for23 以著称24stream from sth24 从流出来25be enthusiastic about(doing)sth25 对(做)某事热心26have a reputation for sth 26 因而著称27be upset aboutatover(doing)sth27为(做)某事难过或烦恼28be upset with sb28生某人的气,对某人恼怒29it upsets sb to do sththat.29 让某人心烦的是.30be possessed of sth30具有(某种品质、能力等)31abandon oneself to.31 陷入32be desperate for sth32 渴望得到某物 33be desperate to do sth 33 渴望做某事34for ease of sth34 方便方便35with ease35 轻易,毫不费劲Unit3 the art of paintingWelcome to the unit&Reading2wander freelyat will2 随意闲逛;四处走动3wander the streets3 在街头闲荡4wander awayoff4 迷路5allow ones attentionmind to wander 5 走神6make the deepest impression on sb6 给某人留下最深刻的印象7gives anthe impression of7 留下的印象8a generalan overall impression 8 总的整体印象9get a goodbad impression of sbsth9 对的印象好不好10impress sb with sbsth10 给某人留下深刻印象11be impressed bywith11 对印象很深12be struck byonwith.12 被打动,迷恋13it strikes sb that.13某人突然想到.,某人突然意识到.14be struck by sth14 被某物撞击15strike at sbsth15 向打过去16strike sbsth with sth16 用.打.17strike for sth17 为罢工18strike a balance(between A and B)18(在对立两者之间)找到折中办法19strike a deal 19 达成交易20go on strike20 举行罢工21a strike against sth21 反对的罢工22a strike for sth22 为了的罢工23an air strike23 空袭24a beautiful setting24 优美的环境25a delightful setting25 宜人的环境26in thean ideal setting26 在理想的环境中 27be set in sth27 以为背景28broad-minded28 心胸开阔的29narrow-minded29 心胸狭窄的30minded person30 做研究的人31Career-minded women 31 有事业心的女人32as opposed to32(表示对比)而,相对于33be opposed to sth33 反对某事物,不赞成某事物34oppose doing sth34 反对做某事35employ a methodtechnique35 运用方法技巧36employ sth to do sth36 运用做某事37employ sb as sth37 雇用某人当38employ sb to do sth38 雇用某人做某事39be employed in doing sth 39 从事某事忙于做某事40a realistic painting40 逼真的绘画41be realistic about sth41 对要现实42it is not realistic to do sth42 做某事是不实际的43the essence of sth43.的本质44in essence44 本质上45be of the essence45 必不可少,至关重要46an essential skill46 一项必不可少的技能47it is essential to do sth 47 做某事是完全必要的 48it is essential that.48 是完全必要的49a man of great vision49 高瞻远瞩的人50political vision50 政治上的远见51have perfectnormal vision51 视力极佳正常52block ones vision52 挡住了某人的视线53ones fieldline of vision53 某人的视野54display sth(to sb)54(向某人)展示某物55on display 55 在展出中56a display of strength56 实力的显示57a firework display57 烟火表演58be worthy of sth58 值得的59be worthy of notenotice59 值得注意60be worthy of the name60 名副其实61a worthy employee61 一位优秀的雇员62it is worthwhile doingto do sth 62 某事值得做Grammar and usage64in the shade64 在背阴处65inunder the shade of sth65 在的背阴处66a deeplight shade of green66 深绿色浅绿色67putleave sbsth in the shade67使黯然失色,使相形见绌68bathe sth in sth68 使某物沐浴在里69be bathed in lightsunshine69 沐浴在光线阳光中70be bathed in sweat70 大汗淋漓 71be bathed in tears71 泪流满面72havetake a bath72 洗澡73run a bath73 放洗澡水74aan personalartisticprofessional touch74个人风格艺术韵味专业特色75puthe finalfnishing touches to75 给做最后的润色76a touch of sth76 一点少量.77be reduced to77 沦落为,陷入困境78reduce sb to doing sth78迫使某人做某事,使某人沦落到做某事的地步79reduce sb to tearssilence79 使某人流泪沉默80reduce sth to ashesruins80使某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬夷为废墟81reduce sth to sth81 将概括成(或简化为)82wage war onagainst.82 对发动战争83wage a campaignstrugglebattle83 发起运动斗争战斗84a highlow wage84 高薪低薪85a wage increaserise85 加薪86a wage cut86 减薪87earngetmake a wage87 挣薪水88a campaign foragainst.88 支持反对的运动89wageconductrun a campaign89 开展运动90campaign foragainst sth90 发起运动赞成反对.Integrated skills92make toast92 烤面包片93drink a toast to.93 为干杯94makepropose a toast to94 向祝酒95toast.with95 以庆贺96lay sth out96 铺开,摆开,展开97arrange to do sth97 安排好做某事98arrange with sb about sth98 和某人安排好某事99make arrangements for sb to do sth99 为某人安排做某事100live on100 继续活着,继续存在extended reading&Project102gain(an)insight into.102 洞悉103provide insights into103 对提出深刻见解104a brief insight104 简要的了解105wind(ones way)throughalong sth 105 沿着蜿蜒伸展106wind up106结束,完成(某事);以告终107go about sth107 忙于做某事108go after 108 追赶;追求109go ahead109 先走;开始做;发生110go down with110 患病;被接受111go against111 违反;反对112go along 112 进展,发展113go over 113 仔细检查;反复研究114go through114经历,遭受;仔细察看;详细研究;通读115have an ambition to do sth115 有志向做某事 116ones ambition of doing sth116 某人做某事的志向117achieverealizefulfill ones ambition117 实现某人的抱负118a comprehensive accountreport of118 对.详尽的描述报告119a comprehensive range of119.全面的.120alan musicartfilmtheatreliterary critic120音乐艺术电影戏剧文学评论家121be(stronglyhighly)critical of121 对提出(强烈的)批评122be critical tofor122 对至关重要 123criticize sb for sth123 因批评某人124criticize sb as sth124 批评某人为.125on closecloser inspection125 经仔细更仔细的检查126carry outconduct an 126 进行检查inspection127expose sth to sb127 向某人显露 128be exposed to sth128 遭受129expose sb to sth129 使某人接触130in crisis130 处于危机之中131in declineon the decline131 在下降132fallgo into decline132 衰落133be down to133 归因于134be down to134 是(某人的)责任135down to earth135 务实的,切合实际的136bego down with136 患(病)137on exhibition137 在展示中 138a historic event138 具有历史意义的事件139a historic occasiondecision139 历史性的时刻决定140go down in history140 载入史册,名垂青史单元高频词组单元高频词组Unit3 the art of painting1wander freelyat will1随意闲逛;四处走动2it strikes sb that.2某人突然想到.,某人突然意识到.3a beautiful setting3优美的环境4be set in sth4以为背景5be opposed to sth5反对某事物,不赞成某事物6oppose doing sth6反对做某事7employ sb to do sth7雇用某人做某事8be employed in doing sth 8从事某事忙于做某事9in essence9本质上10block ones vision10 挡住了某人的视线11display sth(to sb)11(向某人)展示某物12on display 12 在展出中13be worthy of sth13 值得的14it is worthwhile doingto do sth 14 某事值得做15bathe sth in sth15 使某物沐浴在里16reduce sb to doing sth16迫使某人做某事,使某人沦落到做某事的地步17wage war onagainst.17 对发动战争18makepropose a toast to18 向祝酒19lay sth out19 铺开,摆开,展开20arrange with sb about sth20 和某人安排好某事21make arrangements for sb to do s
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