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1、 2 Seasons 四川成都高新实验小学:杨玲四川成都高新实验小学:杨玲 一、文本一、文本分析:分析: 本篇短文选自人教版(PEP)五年级下册第二单元。短文是有关 Zoom 和 Zip 的故事,故事以对 话的形式呈现。短文向孩子们介绍了 Zoom 和 Zip 到加拿大和澳大利亚去度假的故事。假期将即, Zoom 和 Zip 根据加拿大和澳大利亚的季节特点,带了相应的衣服,但由于粗心,两人拎错了箱子, 而闹出了笑话。故事情节生动、有趣,而且在故事的语境中出现了 Im going to .Its there now. I can.等几个句型。这些是孩子们可能乐意去学习并感兴趣的内容和话题。而不同

2、 国家的不同天气特点以及那里人们的相应活动是与孩子们生活密切相关的内容。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 我上课的是五年级的学生,他们三年级开始学习英语。通过两年多系统学习,孩子们已初步掌 握了学习的方法,有了一定单词、句型的积累,能独自阅读一些较短、较简单的文章。这个班是 30 人的小班,学生在课堂上应该通过不同形式的小组活动,获得更多的英语说的机会。因为我是 借班上课, 我对学生具体的关于季节、 季节特点以及在不同的季节从事的活动以及加拿大和澳大利 亚相关地理信息的知识储备情况不是很了解。对学生学习能力、习惯、方法也不是很清楚。因此, 如何在课堂上根据学情调整我的教学内容和教学活动是对我最大

3、的挑战。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1.知识目标: (1) 词汇:从听、说、读、写四个方面掌握运用核心单词。 season spring summer fall winter skate swim winter coat ice skates bathing suit sunglasses and so on. (2) 句型:能听懂、会说、会用主要句型。 Im going to . Its now. I can . (3) 短文:能听懂、理解、朗读短文,并体会故事的趣味性。 (4) 能根据核心单词、句子,简单的复述故事。 2技能目标: (1) 听:学生能听懂、理解短文,并能抓住所听内容的关

4、键信息,体会故事的趣味性。 (2) 说:学生能够在师生的示范下,通过小组对话,运用核心句型进行交流。 (3) 读:学生能通过阅读找出短文中的新单词,抓住重要信息,理解短文并能分角色较流利 的朗读短文。 (4) 写: 能根据核心单词、句子复述故事。 3.情感态度目标: (1)培养学生了解大自然和热爱大自然的情感。 (2)培养学生善于认真观察,积极思考,发现规律,体验生活,表达情感的良好学习品质。 (3)培养学生乐于与人交流,会与人合作的好习惯。 3 (4)引导学生养成做事认真的好习惯,善于表达歉意和原谅他人错误的好品质。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 1. 听懂、理解并能分角色较流利朗读故事

5、。 2. 运用故事的核心单词、句型复述故事。 3了解学生已有知识对新授课的储备,并及时调控课堂教学内容和教学行为。 五、教学设计:五、教学设计: 教学流程教学流程 教学活动教学活动 学生活动学生活动 设计意图设计意图 GreetingGreeting T: Good morning, everyone. Im happy to see you again. How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang. Im fine, thank you. 营造和谐师生 氛围。 W Warmarminging- -upup T: Lets say a chan

6、t. OK? Hands up. Ss chant together with actions. 营造欢乐的学 习氛围。 P Prere- -readingreading (1)T: Today we are going to learn a story about the seasons. (2)T: Fingers up. Lets write. sea-sons. Seasons. (3)T: There are 4 seasons in a year. Listen and guess, What are they? Its very hot. We wear T-shirts. We

7、 can fly kites. Its very cold. We wear winter coat. Its yellow everywhere. Its cool. (4)T: Look, Which season is it now? What do you wear in winter? What can we do in winter? (4)T: How about summer? (1)Ss listen. (2)Ss show their fingers and write the words. (3)Ss say the seasons in a year together.

8、 (4)Ss talk about winter. (5)Ss talk about summer. 巩固复习已学 的四季单词, 以及相应季节 的 衣 服 和 活 动。为新课做 好铺垫。 PresentationPresentation (1)T: I have 2 new friends. They want to skate and swim. Lets see who they are. Look, one is strong. Who is he? The other is thin. Who is he? Zoom and Zip are good (1)Ss listen and

9、read their names. 讲解故事背 景,帮助学生 更好地理解故 事。 让学生带着 问题听故事, 4 friends. (2)T: They are talking about the vacation in the classroom. Now lets listen and find out: Where are they? Where is Zoom going? Where is Zip going? (2)Ss read the questions. And then listen and find out the answers. 充分体现任务 型教学。 Telling

10、Telling the the storystory (1)T show P1 . T: Where are they now? Where is Zip going ? And then T write the keywords . Do the same for Zoom as step (1). (2)T: Which season is it in Australia? What can Zip do? Do the same for Zoom as step (2) (3)T: Look, this is a plane. Zoom and Zip are at the airpor

11、t. Look, Zoom has a case. Zip has a case, too. What color is it? They are the same color and the same style. So they look the same. Guess whats in Zooms bag? T show the words, find S1 wearing a winter coat and say: He/She is wearing a winter coat. Do the same for Zip as step (3). T show sunglasses a

12、nd wear them. T: How do I look? (1)Ss think and answer. (2)Ss look ,think and answer. (3)Ss look and answer. Then guess then T write the key words on board. Ss look and answer. (4)Ss answer the questions. Ss repeat the sentences. (5)Ss read the story in roles. 不带文字, 逐 幅 讲 解 故 事。培养学生 仔细观察,捕 捉信息的学习 品质

13、和开放性 的英语思维。 在每组图的 讲解中不断地 给出任务,让 学生在一个个 小任务的驱动 下更好的理解 故事和表达自 己的观点。 5 (4)T show Picture 5 and 6.T: Look, Zip is in Australia. Is he happy? How is he? Why? Whats in his bag? Whose case is it? Can he swim with winter coat? Do the same for Zoom as step (4). PracticePractice (1)T: Do you like the story? N

14、ow lets read the story. But here are some questions for you. (2)T: Lets listen and repeat. (3)T ask questions. (4)T: Lets read the story in roles. Would you like to be Zip? Lets read the story in roles. (1)Ss read the questions. (2)Ss listen and repeat the story sentence by sentence. (3) Ss answer.

15、(4)Ss read the story in roles. 听并跟读, 让学生再次完 整 地 理 解 故 事,帮助学生 能正确流畅地 读故事。 让学生分角 色朗读故事, 鼓励学生模仿 人物的表情, 体会人物的内 心感受。让学 生入情入境地 体会英语的语 言魅力。 ConsolidatConsolidationion (1)T: Lets retell the story. (2)T: Zoom is sad. He writes a postcard, lets read it: Dear Zip, How are you going? Im very sad. Im so sorry I

16、take YOUR case. There is no winter coat and ice skates. I cant skate in the vacation. How about you? Your friend, Zoom (1)Ss tell the story with the key words. (2)Listen and read the postcard together. 将黑板上的 关键词串成一 个小短文。培 养学生的口头 表达能力。 通 过 朗 读 Zoom 的明信 片,培养学生 综合运用语言 的能力。 HomeworkHomework (1) Would yo

17、u please help Zip to write a postcard to Zoom? (1) Ss listen and are happy to do todays homework. 让学生在课 余能更好的巩 6 固、运用所学 内容。如果时 间充裕,可在 课堂上完成。 SummarySummary (1)T: Lets count how many circles you have got. Which group is the winner? (2)T: You did wonderful job today. Thank you, boys and girls. Please

18、turn back. Say Good-bye to the teachers. (1)Ss count the circle they have got. (2)Ss say Good-bye to all the teachers. 通过对小组 学习过程的评 价,激发学生 的学习热情和 竞争意识,培 养他们的团结 协作精神,培 养他们的学习 成就感。 六、板书:六、板书: seasons spring summer fall winter Zoom Canada winter skate winter coat ice skates cold sad winter China Zip Au

19、stralia summer swim bathing suit sunglasses hot angry 7 Homework: Please help Zip write a postcard to Zoom. Canada is a place to see beautiful clear skies, Canada Sunsets and wild-plants. Dear Zip, How are you going? Im very sad. Im so sorry I take YOUR case. There is no winter coat and ice skates. I cant skate in the vacation. How about you? Your friend, Zoom Australia is a place to see beautiful clear skies, Australia Sunsets and lovely kangaroos. Dear Zoom, Your friend, Zip Avery Postcards. P.O. Box 20346 Avery Postcards. P.O. Box 20346 2008 (KS) 2008 (KS) POST CARD POST CARD


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