Unit2 Reading and Thinking2 语言点(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Travelling aroundPeriod 2 Reading and thinking 2Learning AimsBy the end of the period,you will be able to1.master the usage of such important words and expressions;2.learn the method of constructing knowledge mindmap through self-study&cooperative exploration.3.enjoy the fun of expressing you

2、rself using English and participate in class with passion.Our hometowns beautiful summer is coming!You are planning to go hiking next weekend with Amy.Write an email to introduce it before travelling.Ying Lake Lujia Village Nangong Mountain Dear Amy,Yours,xxNow,lets learn some useful expressions!观察思

3、考This is where the river narrows.这条河就是在这里变窄的。即学活用a.She slowed the car and began driving through the towns _ streets.b.We need to _ the gap between the rich and poor.c.The gap between the two main parties has _.narrownarrownarrowed1.narrow nradj.vi.&vt.狭窄的(使)变窄 narrowly adv.勉强地;差点儿(没)The car narrowly

4、 missed a cyclist.汽车差点儿撞上一位骑自行车的人。2.powerful pafl adj.powerpa e to/into power beyond ones power 即学活用 a.His speech was a _ attack against the enemy.b.As is known to us,knowledge is _.c.His grandfather once was a rich and _ man.d.The Republican Party came _ power in 2016.e.China is wealthier and more

5、_ than ever before.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的 力量;能力;政权;能源 上台执政 powerfulpowerpowerfulto/into超出某人的能力 powerful3.empireempa(r)n.emperorempr(r)n.The Thirty Years War caused the end of the empire.30 年的战争导致帝国的灭亡。即学活用a.Qinshihuang was the first _of China in history.b.When the emperor died,his three sons shared the _.帝

6、国 皇帝 统治皇帝女皇帝国帝国的专横的强制的emperorempire4.Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century.【词块】take control of in control of lose control out of control【单词】control kntrlvt.&.n.即学活用a.His son is being trained to _ the family business.b.You can act to change and _ your life;and the procedure,the process,is it

7、s own reward.词根词缀:contr(相反)+rol(滚轮):从反方向使滚轮停下来控制控制;管理;抑制 控制;接管 take control ofcontrol控制 失控失控5.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.【词块】for this reason_ 观察思考 His mother was ill.And for this reason,he was late for school yesterday.他妈妈病了。由于这个原因,他迟到了。He was late for s

8、chool yesterday.The reason for that was that his mother was ill.他迟到了。因为他妈妈病了。归纳总结_的原因_由于这个原因由于这个原因the reason for for the reason联系拓展reason vi _vt._与某人讲理_ 的原因是即学活用完成句子a.The reason _he was late was _his mother was ill.b._(reason)with them is a waste of time.推理;劝说推断;推论 reason with sb The reason whyis th

9、at thatReasoningwhy【单词】official adj.officer n.officially adv.即学活用a.English is used as an _ language in many countries.b.The college is not an _ recognized English language school.c.The President made a four-day_ visit to Mexico.d.The title will be _ given to me at a ceremony in London.(2016全国卷I)e.Hi

10、s grandfather is an _ in the army while his father is an _ in the government.officialofficiallyofficialofficiallyofficerofficial官方的;正式的;公务的 政府官员 官方地;正式地 6.recognise rekgnaz vt.recognitionrekgnn n.recognise _ 把当做;承认 为辨别出;承认;认可 知知道,认识知识知道,认识知道,认识认出;认可承认;认可诊断忽视,忽略无知无知的承认;认可 as/to be即学活用a.She passed clo

11、se by me without a sign of _.b.Though they hadnt met for many years,they _ each other at the first sight.c.The doctor tried to get his work_ in the medical circles.d.At last,her fathers work has received popular _.e.We recognise Xi Jinping _ a great leader.recognitionrecognizedrecognizedrecognitiona

12、s/to be7.You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.在接下来的三天里,您可以在当地导游的陪同下,深入雨林进行探索,欣赏雨林特有的动植物。【词块】_ 花时间/金钱干某事 _ 对来说是独特的 spend time/money(in)doing sthbe unique to sth【单词】unique juni:kadj.即学活用a.Dollywood is one

13、 of the most _ theme parks in the world.b.Everyones fingerprints are _.唯一的;独特的;特有的 单元;小节;个体单一;一致联合;团结联合;联盟团聚;重聚宇宙普遍的;通用的大学统一n.制服 a.一致的唯一的;独特的团聚;重聚 unique unique8.Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.印加的建筑工人

14、将石头切割成精确的尺寸,仅仅凭着石头间的完美契合,即可稳固墙体。【词块】other than _ 观察思考There is nobody here other than the teacher.这里除老师外再无别人了。The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself.该表除了你本人,别人不能代签。除了归纳总结other than除了(不包括在内),相当于_。另外,besides也是“除了”的意思,但往往是_。试比较:Last night all the other students went to the cinema beside

15、s Tom.昨天晚上除了汤姆其他学生也去看电影了。(汤姆也去看电影了,包括在内)All are present except/other than Helen.除海伦外,大家都到了。(海伦未到,不包括在内)即学活用a.He usually goes to work on his bike _on rainy days.b.Two others were on duty _Helen.except包括在内exceptbesides9.For more brochures about other package tours around Peru,contact us at tourinfotra

16、velperu.org.如 需 更 多 关 于 秘 鲁 其 他 旅 游 套 餐 的 宣 传 册,请 发 电 子 邮 件 至tourinfotravelperu.org与我们联系。【单词】contact v._ n._ 观察思考Keep eye contact in conversation to build trust.谈话中保持目光接触以建立信任。The pilot lost contact with the control tower.飞行员与指挥塔失去了联络。The Internet helps me to get/keep/stay in contact with my friends

17、.互联网便于我与朋友们保持联系。联系接触;碰触;联络归纳总结_目光交流 _ 与某人取得/保持/保持联系_失去与某人的联系(表动作)_失联(表状态)即学活用a.我和朋友已经失联多日了。(汉译英)_b.但昨日我们偶然取得了联系。(汉译英)_ eye contactget/keep/stay in contact with sblose contact with sbout of contact with sbI have been out of contact with my friends.But we got in touch with my friends.10.admire dma(r)v

18、t.admiring dma r adj.admirable dmrbl adj.admiration dmre nn.欣赏;赞赏;钦佩 钦佩;欣赏;赞赏钦佩;欣赏令人钦佩的爱慕者;崇拜者镜子奇迹奇迹般的奇迹赞赏的;钦佩的 令人钦佩的;值得赞扬的 欣赏;赞赏;钦佩 惊异了不起的,非凡的1.It is for this reason that Spanish in the main official language of Peru.也正是也正是因为这段历史,西班牙语成了秘鲁的主要官方语言。因为这段历史,西班牙语成了秘鲁的主要官方语言。For this reason,Spanish in the

19、 main official language of Peru.因为这段历史,西班牙语成了秘鲁的主要官方语言。因为这段历史,西班牙语成了秘鲁的主要官方语言。【分析分析】去掉去掉_,不影响不影响_,影响影响_ It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+原句剩余部分原句剩余部分it is that语法结构语法结构句意句意根据原句时态判断根据原句时态判断根据被强调部分判断根据被强调部分判断现在现在/将来将来 is 过去过去wasthat 通用通用 指人用指人用who【语境应用语境应用】句型改写句型改写The attractive parade in the Disneyland m

20、ade deep impressions on me this summer.强调强调主语主语_ _强调宾语强调宾语_ _强调地点状语强调地点状语_ _强调时间状语强调时间状语_ _It was the attractive parade that in the Disneyland made deep impressions on me this summer.It was in the Disneyland that the attractive parade made deep impressions on me this summer.It was me that/who the at

21、tractive parade in the Disneyland made deep impressions on this summer.It was this summer that the attractive parade in the Disneyland made deep impressions on me .今年夏天迪士尼乐园里吸引人的游行真是给我留下了深深的印象!强调谓语怎么做?【强调谓语强调谓语】1.The attractive parade in the Disneyland made deep impressions on me this summer.The att

22、ractive parade in the Disneyland did make deep impressions on me this summer.2.I,an addict of cartoons recognises it as the best destination.I,an addict of cartoons does recognise it as the best destination.rule:_强调谓语动词时,强调谓语动词时,V.还原且在前面加上对应的助动词还原且在前面加上对应的助动词do/does/did即学活用a.All those who knew him a

23、dmired him _ his work.b.The school is widely _ for its excellent teaching.c.He gave her an _ glance.d.He was an _ chairman.e.Her devotion to her work was _.f.I have great _ for her as a writer.foradmiredadmiringadmirableadmirableadmiration 巩固提升I.根据所给汉语及提示,完成下列句子。1.He raised a question _(不同于我的).He ra

24、ised a question which _.She has no close friends _(除了)himI was so glad that I _(联系上)one of my old friends.different from mineis different from mine other thangot in contact withII.选词填空 other than/besides1.He knew nobody here _Tom.2.All the others went to the cinema _the teachers.get/keep/stay in con

25、tact with lose contact with out contact with 3.Once arriving there,Ill_ you.4.She was very sad because she _his son.I have been _ her for three years.other than/exceptbesidesget in contact withlost contact without of contact with III.英汉互译1.这就是她提出问题的原因_2.她来北京的原因是她想接受最好的教育。_ _3.出席大会的都是重要人物。_4.就是由于这个原因

26、老师才病倒的。_That was why she raised the question.The reason why she came to Beijing was that she wanted to receive the best education.Present at the meeting were all leading figures.It was for this reason that the teacher fell ill.Summarynarrowpoweruniquerecognizetake control ofother thanadmirecontactIt is/was.that/who.do/did/doesHomeworkIntroduce one of An Kangs beautiful sites to Amy,using knowledge in the class.(80-100words)Dear Amy,Yours,xx


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