Unit4 Discovering useful structures公开课(ppt课件) (2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、2019新人教高中英语必修一新人教高中英语必修一unit4 Natural DisastersDiscovering Useful StructuresRead and appreciate the attributive clause.“On coming back a few days afterwards,I found they had christened him Heathcliff:it was the name of a son who died in childhood,and it has served him ever since,both for Christian a

2、nd surname.”Stp1 Lead-in the origin of the name the influence on his personality to imply his destiny Whats the function of the attributive clause?Step2:Task1.Find and underline the restrictive relative clauses in the sentences below.What function do the restrictive relative clause have?1.The Tangsh

3、an earthquake was a terrible experience that my great-grandma cannot forget.2.The couple who live next to us volunteered to help after the volcano erupted.3.The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.4.Mr.Li is an architect whose designs for the new

4、town have won praise.5.A doctor with whom James used to work died in the 2016 earthquake in Ecuador.6.There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.Task1.Find and underline the restrictive relative clauses in the sentence below.What function do the restrictive relative clause have?1.The Tan

5、gshan earthquake was a terrible experience that my great-grandma cannot forget.2.The couple who live next to us volunteered to help after the volcano erupted.3.The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.4.Mr.Li is an architect whose designs for the n

6、ew town have won praise.5.A doctor with whom James used to work died in the 2016 earthquake in Ecuador.6.There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.1.1.定语从句:定语从句:是指在复合句中,修饰是指在复合句中,修饰名词名词或或代词代词的从句,的从句,充当充当形容词形容词使用。使用。2.2.先行词:先行词:被定语从句所修饰的被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词名词或代词。3.3.关系词关系词(引导词引导词):引导引导定语从句的词叫关

7、系词,关系词分为定语从句的词叫关系词,关系词分为关系代词关系代词和和关系副词关系副词。Task 2 Explanation1.who引导的定语从句The children who were injured in the car accident are being treated in the hospital now.目前目前,在车祸中受伤的孩子们正在医院接受治疗。,在车祸中受伤的孩子们正在医院接受治疗。Danny was the man who we rescued from the ruins.丹尼是我们从废墟中救出来的那个人。丹尼是我们从废墟中救出来的那个人。who指人,在定语从句中可

8、以充当指人,在定语从句中可以充当_。主语、宾语2.whom引导的定语从句Rose is the person(who/whom)you should care about.罗丝是你应该关心的人。罗丝是你应该关心的人。The boy(whom)the teacher often praises is their monitor.老师经常表扬的那个男孩是他们的班长。老师经常表扬的那个男孩是他们的班长。whom指人,在定语从句中作指人,在定语从句中作_,可省略,也可用,可省略,也可用_代替。代替。宾语who3.whose引导的定语从句I know the person whose house was

9、 destroyed in the earthquake.我认识那个人,他的房子在地震中被摧毁了。我认识那个人,他的房子在地震中被摧毁了。He lives in a room whose window faces north.他住在一个窗子朝北的房间里。他住在一个窗子朝北的房间里。whose既可以指人,也可以指物,表示既可以指人,也可以指物,表示“所属所属”关系,关系,whose在定语从句中作在定语从句中作_。定语4.which引导的定语从句The young man was very happy to get back the gold ring(which)he had lost on t

10、he train.那个年轻人领回了在火车上丢失的金戒指,非常高兴。那个年轻人领回了在火车上丢失的金戒指,非常高兴。The little girl is having an apple which is big and red.小女孩正在吃一个又大又红的苹果。小女孩正在吃一个又大又红的苹果。which指指_,在定语从句中作主语、宾语,作宾语时可省略。,在定语从句中作主语、宾语,作宾语时可省略。物5.that引导的定语从句The number of people that/who come to visit this city each year reaches one million.每年每年来

11、参观这座城市的人数达来参观这座城市的人数达100万。万。(that指人,作主语指人,作主语)The suitcase that/which lies on the ground is hers.地上放的那个手提箱是她的。地上放的那个手提箱是她的。(that指物,作主语指物,作主语)that既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作_,作宾语时可以省,作宾语时可以省略。习惯上指人多用略。习惯上指人多用_替代,指物多用替代,指物多用_替代。替代。主语、宾语或表语 who/whomwhichTask 3.Discuss in groups to use a table to

12、 summarize the classification and usage of attributive clauses.1.The Tangshan earthquake was a terrible experience that my great-grandma cannot forget.2.The couple who live next to us volunteered to help after the volcano erupted.3.The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected

13、 from around the country.4.Mr.Li is an architect whose designs for the new town have won praise.5.A doctor with whom James used to work died in the 2016 earthquake in Ecuador.6.There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.先行词 作主语 作宾语 作定语 人who,thatwho(m),that whose 物which,thatwhich,that who

14、se Task4 Summary关系词只能用关系词只能用that而不用而不用which的情况的情况1.当先行词为all,little,few,some,none,something,everything,nothing,anything,much等不定代词时。Have you taken down everything that Mr.Li said?李老师讲的你都记下来了吗?All that can be done has been done.所有能做的都做了。2.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。The first place that they visited in London wa

15、s the Big Ben.在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。This is the most delicious food that I have ever had.这是我吃过的最美味的食品。3.先行词被all,every,the only,the very,the last等修饰时。Ive read all the books that are not mine.我已经读了所有那些不是我的书。The only thing that she could do was to go to the police for help.她唯一能做的事就是去求助警察。I have found the v

16、ery pen that I lost yesterday.我已找到昨天丢的钢笔。4.当先行词既指人,又指物时。We often talk about the persons and things that we remember.我们常常谈起我们记得的那些人和事。Task4.Complete each sentence with suitable relative pronouns.Then translate the sentences into Chinese.1.Here are some of the people _ homes were destroyed by the typh

17、oon.2.The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people _ were asleep.3.The next day,people put up shelters in the open air using anything _ they could find.4.Several days later,most of the buildings _ had been damaged by the hurricane were repaired.5.The injured boy _ mother was lost in t

18、he disaster was taken to the hospital.6.The woman wrote a thank-you letter to the soldier by _ she was rescued.7.Is this the young boy _ saved several other students trapped and buildings?whosewhothat/不填that/whichwhosewhomwho/that翻译:翻译:(1 1)有些人的家园被台风摧毁了。)有些人的家园被台风摧毁了。(2 2)建筑物可怕的摇晃把人们从睡梦中惊醒。)建筑物可怕的摇晃

19、把人们从睡梦中惊醒。(3 3)第二天,人们用能找到的一切物品在空地上搭建起避难所。)第二天,人们用能找到的一切物品在空地上搭建起避难所。(4 4)几天以后,大多数被飓风破坏的建筑物得到了修缮。)几天以后,大多数被飓风破坏的建筑物得到了修缮。(5 5)那个在灾难中失去了母亲的受伤男孩被送去了医院。)那个在灾难中失去了母亲的受伤男孩被送去了医院。(6 6)这位女士给营救他的战士写了一封感谢信。)这位女士给营救他的战士写了一封感谢信。(7 7)这就是那个从楼里就出了好几位被困同学的男孩吗?)这就是那个从楼里就出了好几位被困同学的男孩吗?Task5.Complete each sentence wit

20、h suitable relative pronouns.Do you know the man _ is talking with your mother?This is the person _ you should thank for helping your son.The girl _ graduated from Cambridge University is called Amanda.I like those books _ topics are about history.Any student _ family is too poor to go to school can

21、 get help from the government.Look,here are some people _ I want you to meet.whowho/whom whowhosewhosewho/whom/that Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago?The picture _ was about the accident was terrible.(2)判断正误判断正误昨天晚上我们看的那部电影非常吓人。昨天晚上我们看的那部电影非常吓人。The film(that/which)

22、we saw it last night is very frightening.()The film(that/which)we saw last night is very frightening.()that/whichwhich/thatFTStep 3 Discuss in groups Summarize the usage of relative pronouns.定语从句四步法:定语从句四步法:找出先行词:是人还是物。找出先行词:是人还是物。找出定语从句。找出定语从句。确定关系词在从句中的成分。确定关系词在从句中的成分。确定关系词。确定关系词。Step 4 Use restri

23、ctive attributive clauses to describe pictures of disasters.Work with a partner.Take turns to ask each other about the pictures.Make sentences with restrictive relative clause using that,which,who,whose,or whom.Example.A:Whats the rescue worker doing?B:She is feeding the baby who survived the earthquake.Homework:Translate the short passage into English using restrictive attributive clauses.台风是发生在西太平洋上的一种极其强烈的风。台风过后,救援人员必须小心地在被碎瓦片覆盖的地上行走。志愿者给被困在村子里的人送去了食物和其他补给品。这些村民将会记得一起度过灾难的救援人员和志愿者。父母没有找到的孩子会被邻居照看。央视记者正在采访一位家人从台风中幸存的女孩儿。


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