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1、中考英语必背动词高频词组2001 account for说明原因解释002 accuseof控告某人003 act on照行事 004 add up to总计为005 add up加起来006 aim at瞄准,目标是007 allow for顾及,考虑到008 answer forbe responsible for对负责009 apply for申请010 apply to应用011 baseon根据012 be attached to附属于;依恋013 be aware of知道,意识到014 be buried in埋头于015 be in the habit of有的习惯016 be

2、 lost in埋头于,迷失在中017 be occupied within忙于,从事于018 be off watch不在值班019 be on ones guard020 be on the watch for021 be on watch在值班022be(just)around the comer即将到来=be on the way023 become of发生024 beg for乞求 025 begin withstart with首先026 believe in信仰、信奉(真理、宗教、原则等);信任027 believe it or not信不信由你028 belong to属于0

3、29 benefit from得益于030 blow up吹起来031 break up打碎032 bring up抚养033 burst into突然起来034 care about关心;计较;在乎035 care for喜欢;照料;关心036 centre on/focus on 集中于037 changefor用换取038 changeinto把变成039 changewith sb和某人交换040 chargefor索价041 chargewith控告042 cheatof骗取某人某物043 clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决044 compareto把比作045 compa

4、rewith把和比较046 compared towith和比起来(常在句中作状语)047 concentrate ()on专心于,聚精会神于048 congratulateonupon祝贺049 connect with把联接起来050 consist ofbe made up of由组成051 cool off变凉,冷却,冷静052 cureof治愈;痊愈053 deal with对付;处理;论述;和做生意054 depend on依靠055 devoteto sthsb献身于;致力于056 divide into把分成057 dream ofabout梦想;想到058 drive off

5、把车开走059 drop in(on sbat a place)顺便拜访060 drop out(of)辍学;中途退出061 end up最后落得的结局下场062 end(up)with以结束063 face up to面对;承担064 fasten up固定好065 feed on以为主食066 feedon用喂养067 fit in with适合;符合068 fix ones eyes on凝视069 fix up安装070 focus on聚集于,集中于071 form the habit offall into the habit ofget into the habit of养成的习

6、惯072 get out of the habit of改掉的习惯073 hang up挂上电话;挂起来074 have trust in相信075 head for朝去076 hunt for寻找077 informof通知(某人)078 insist onpersist in坚持079 inspirewith以激发080 join in参加(活动)081 join sb in加入某人做事082 keep watch看守;值班083 know about了解084 know of听说,知道有085 lay down放下086 learn by heart背会087 leave alone别动

7、,别管,让单独呆着088 leave for动身去089 leave out遗漏;忽视,不理会090 let alone更不用说091 let down使失望092 light up照亮,点燃093 live on靠生活,以为主食094 live through活动,经历过095 live up to不辜负096 live with忍受,容忍097 lock up锁好098 long for渴望099 look up查找100 mix with同混合101 object to反对102 occur to 想起;想到103 operate on为动手术104 operate on为手术105 o

8、wefor欠的钱(债,人情)106 oweto因而感激(某人);把归功于107 pass a judgement on判决108 pass away去世109 pass by经过,流逝,忽视110 pass on传递,传给,去世111 pay attention to注意112 persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事113 presentwith赠送114 put an end to sth结束(不好的事);制止115 quarrel over为争吵116 quarrel with sb about sth为争吵117 quarrel with同争吵118 reach for

9、伸手去拿119 reach out伸出120 react to反应,反对121 recover from恢复122 refer to指;谈到;参照123 rememberto代向问好124 remindof使(某人)想起一125 reply to答复126 result from由引起127 result in导致128 rise up起立,起义129 robof抢走130 round up把聚拢131 save up储存132 seek afterfor追求,征求,寻求133 serve as担任,充当134 set foot inon踏上,走进135 set up成立136 settle

10、down定居137 share (in) sth with sb与某人共同使用138 shut up闭嘴,关门,打烊139 slow down减慢,减速,慢下来140 speed up加速141 spendon sthin doing sth在花(钱,时间等)142 spread out展开,铺开,延伸143 stand by = supporttake part withtake the side ofbe in favour(support)of/ 支持144 stand for代表145 stare at盯着,凝视146 stick to sthdoing sth坚持147 stick

11、with和在一起,保持联系148 struggle against与作斗争149 supply sth tofor向提供150 suspect sb of怀疑某151 sweep away冲走,卷走,扫除152 take notice of注意153 takeinto consideration考虑到154 tear down拆除155 tear up撕碎,连根拨起156 tell apart区分,辨别157 throw light upon阐明,使清楚158 tidy up收拾干净159 tidy up整理,收拾160 tie up绑好161 treatas把当作162 treatfor治疗;医治163 treatto以款待164 trust相信某人的品德、为人、能力等165 used to do sth过去常常166 warnof以警告(某人)167 watch out for提防168 watch over照顾;看守169 wear out(使)筋疲力尽170 wipe out消灭171 work out算出;计算出


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