1、1.1.Be a coach當教練Be a boss 當老板2.2.Motivate them激勵員工Force them逼迫員工3.3.Ask for their opinions徵詢員工的意見Make your own decisions自己做決定4.4.Admit your mistakes容讓錯誤Achieve perfection吹毛求疵5.5.Be accessible平易近人Protect your privacy保護自己的私隱6.6.Be a good listener 當個好聽眾Talk the talk盡量講7.7.Ask good questions 詢問有益的問題Hav
2、e all the answers 知道所有答案8.8.Welcome complaints 歡迎發牢騷Stifle gripes 不准員工抱怨9.9.Coach one-on-one一對一地指導Lecture the masses 向眾人演講10.10.Watch your language注意譴詞用句Use that big vocabulary 冠冕堂皇地講話11.11.Celebrate the differences鼓勵求新求變Coach for conformity 一個模子訓練人12.12.Empower independent employees 培養獨立自主的員工Make y
3、ourself indispensable令人沒有你不行13.13.Make the call做決定Reserve judgment 保留判斷14.14.Solve problems together合力解決問題Provide all the answers 提供所有答案15.15.Deliver the bad news personally 親自宣佈壞消息Be the bad guy只扮黑臉16.16.Dont act out of anger不要亂發脾氣Get mad只顧生氣17.17.Avoid memo mania 避免公文泛濫Put it in writing 一切公文化18.18
4、.Manage meeting進行會議管理Abolish meetings 取消開會制度19.19.Train them訓練員工Expect them to know只期待員工自己學會20.20.Stress the positive 使用正面的措辭Give them hell臭罵員工21.21.Reward what you want 給予適當的獎勵Money talks只給金錢獎勵22.22.Provide positive feedback提供積極的反饋Overpraise 太多讚美23.23.Advocate for your employees當員工的靠山Be just a cheerleader 只做啦啦隊長24.24.Just get started 立即行動Start late 遲疑開始