2020安徽省中考英语三轮题型攻略-完形填空课件 .pptx

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1、考情概览考情概览1 1微技能讲练微技能讲练2 2目录考情概览分析安徽近分析安徽近6年中考真题可知,完形填空题型呈现以下特点:年中考真题可知,完形填空题型呈现以下特点:1.文体文体:记叙文:记叙文(6年年8考考)、说明文、说明文(6年年3考考)、应用文、应用文(2019年年A篇篇);2.话题话题:教育引导:教育引导(6年年6考考)、生活故事、生活故事(6年年3考考)、人际交流、人际交流(2019年年B篇篇)、中西方文化、中西方文化(2014年年A篇篇)、热点、热点(2017年年B篇篇);3.词数词数:记叙文词数为:记叙文词数为150220词,说明文词数为词,说明文词数为170190词,生词词,生

2、词3个以内并给出汉语释义;个以内并给出汉语释义;考情概览4.段落段落:25段;段;5.考查方向考查方向:考查同一词性的词义辨析。必考点:名词:考查同一词性的词义辨析。必考点:名词(25个个)、动词、动词(24个个)、形容词、形容词(14个个);高频考点:动词;高频考点:动词短语短语(02个个)、副词、副词(02个个)、连词、连词(01个个);偶考点:代词、;偶考点:代词、介词、形容词短语。介词、形容词短语。微 技 能微 技 能 1 1 语 境 推 断语 境 推 断微 技 能微 技 能 2 2 词 汇 复 现词 汇 复 现微 技 能微 技 能 3 3 逻 辑 推 理逻 辑 推 理微 技 能微 技

3、 能 4 4 生 活 常 识生 活 常 识微 技 能微 技 能 5 5 固 定 搭 配固 定 搭 配微技能讲练微技能讲练微技能微技能1 1 语境推断语境推断(必考:每年1018道)语境推断是指根据上下文的语境提示或暗示,身临其境地理语境推断是指根据上下文的语境提示或暗示,身临其境地理解句子所处的语境,体验语境和作者的情感态度,并推断出符合解句子所处的语境,体验语境和作者的情感态度,并推断出符合场景的最佳选项。场景的最佳选项。例例1(2019安徽完形A节选)When you first started to learn Chinese,I 48it was nothing but a passi

4、ng fad(一时的狂热).However,you didnt give up halfway,but kept on learning and did a good job in HSK(汉语水平考试)()A.thought B.agreed C.forgot D.added A 典例剖析典例剖析剖析:根据下一句剖析:根据下一句“However,you didnt give up halfway,but kept on learning and did a good job in HSK(汉语水平考汉语水平考试试)”可知可知Michael的做法与作者认为的相反,因此的做法与作者认为的相反,因

5、此thought符合题意。故选符合题意。故选A。例 2(2019安徽B篇节选)Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy.Growing up 58 ,they often play by themselves.()58.A.quicklyB.happily C.alone D.abroad C 剖析:根据上句中的剖析:根据上句中的“Children with no brothers and sisters”以及空后以及空后“they often play by themselves”可知此处主要是描可知此处主要是描述独自长大的孩子们,因此

6、述独自长大的孩子们,因此alone符合题意。故选符合题意。故选C。例 2(2019安徽B篇节选)Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy.Growing up 58 ,they often play by themselves.()58.A.quicklyB.happily C.alone D.abroad C 微技能训练微技能训练 Cloze 1(2019河北节选)My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 1 me.He showed me how to turn my ideas into

7、 plans and then into new thing()1.A.mistook B.refused C.chose D.encouraged D Cloze 2(2019广东节选)Cindy and Anna were best friends.Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument,but other days they just could not 2 on what to do.()2.A.agree B.live C.depend D.try A Cloze 3(2019温州节

8、选)Over the next month,I went through a lot of 3 .I began making new friends.I developed my own opinions and never again followed the crowd(大众)()3.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles C Cloze 4(2019绵阳节选)When I was a child I always wanted to be“important”.I wanted to make my parents 4 by doing some n

9、otable achievements that would surprise the rest of the world.()4.A.angry B.upset C.proud D.satisfied C微技能微技能2 2 词汇复现词汇复现 (6年20考)词汇复现指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过这种复现关系达到了相互衔接。例 1(2019安徽完形B节选)Are you shy?If you are,you are not alone.In fact,nearly 50%of people are shy,and almost 80%fee

10、l shy at some point in their lives.Why are people 56?()A.excited B.shy C.happy D.brave B 典例剖析典例剖析剖析:根据剖析:根据“In fact,nearly 50%of people are shy,and almost 80%feel shy at some point in their lives.”可知文章主可知文章主要探讨人们感到害羞的原因,因此要探讨人们感到害羞的原因,因此“shy”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选B。例 2(2019安徽完形B节选)It is found that family si

11、ze might cause people to be shy.Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy.Growing up alone,they often play by themselves.They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big 59 ()A.countries B.cities C.teams D.families D 剖析:根据剖析:根据“It is found that family size might cause

12、people to be shy.”可知家庭的大小可能会导致人们害羞,大家庭的可知家庭的大小可能会导致人们害羞,大家庭的小孩更容易培养社会技能,因此小孩更容易培养社会技能,因此“families”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选D。微技能训练微技能训练 Cloze 5(2019成都节选)One day in class,the teacher held up an apple.She stood on the platform(讲台)and said,“Please 5 it in the air,and.”One student raised his hand and said,“I can s

13、mell it.It is the smell of an apple.”()5.A.watch B.feel C.smell C Cloze 6(2019宿迁节选)Seeing the dirtyfaced cat,the cleanfaced one thought its own face was also dirty,so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its 6 ()6.A.mouth B.tail C.nose D.face D ()7.A.basket B.toy C.lantern D.bagC 文章详见面对面文章详见面对

14、面 P185P185 Cloze 7 Cloze 7微技能微技能3 3逻辑推理逻辑推理(6年7考)完形填空是一篇有具体内容的文章,各段落之间必然有着逻辑上的联系。考生在答题时,可以通过对故事的线索、文章前后各段之间的逻辑关系、文章前后内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展来分析和理解文章,以此推断答案。逻辑关系主要有:并列关系(and.);转折关系(but,however,though,yet,otherwise,while.);顺序关系(before,after,then,finally.);让步关系(although);因果关系(so,thus,for.);条件关系(if,in case.);

15、递进关系(moreover,besides,furthermore,whats more,in addition to,as well as.)等。例(2017安徽完形A节选)When he finished the work,he received his pay.Then he went to another place for the same purpose,and then to another,53 he had earned(挣得)enough to buy a grammar book.()53.A.if B.because C.since D.until D 典例剖析典例剖析

16、剖析:根据剖析:根据“Then he went to another place for the same purpose,and then to another,”可知前半句强调他一直用可知前半句强调他一直用此方法去赚钱,与此方法去赚钱,与“he had earned(挣得挣得)enough to buy a grammar book”存在时间上的先后逻辑关系。因此存在时间上的先后逻辑关系。因此“until”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选D。微技能训练微技能训练Cloze 8(2019杭州节选)She was born without the lower half of her leg and

17、 has worn prosthetic(假体)ones all her life.She grew up in Alabama,US and had an active childhood.She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool.She feels lucky 8 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members.()8.A.though B.unless C.before D.because D Clo

18、ze 9(2019绍兴节选)It turns out that the 12 year olds family is so poor that they couldnt pay for electricity(电),so they just depended on a candle during the night.Unluckily,Victor Martin could seldom finish his homework before the sun went down,and recently he couldnt stand the weak candlelight any more

19、.“One day,my son said 9 I continue with the candle,I will be crazy!Id better go outside to finish my homework,”Rosa Angulo Cordoba told Panamericana TV.()9.A.Although B.BecauseC.If D.Until C 微技能微技能4 4生活常识生活常识(6年3考)在解答此类试题时,考生要联系在日常生活中总结出来的常识、科学知识、真理、事实等各方面的内容,再结合选项选出答案。例 1(2018安徽完形B节选)When the rain

20、got lighter,I thanked him and rushed to a 60 nearby to buy my suitcases.()A.store B.hall C.lab D.school A 剖析:根据剖析:根据“buy my suitcases”可知和购物有关。结合常识可知和购物有关。结合常识可知,是去商店或者超市购物,因此选项中的可知,是去商店或者超市购物,因此选项中的“store”符合符合题意。故选题意。故选A。典例剖析典例剖析例 2(2017安徽完形B节选)The love for shared bikes is not only among 61 people,w

21、ho were born in the 1980s and 1990s,but also among people over sixty.()A.strong B.weak C.old D.young D 剖析:根据剖析:根据“who were born in the 1980s and 1990s”可知此可知此处是指年轻人,与处是指年轻人,与“people over sixty”形成对比,因此选项形成对比,因此选项中的中的“young”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选D。微技能训练微技能训练Cloze 10(2019重庆B卷节选)Run and shout if you feel unsafe.

22、Run away as fast as you can towards a police station,hospital,or nearby business for 10 .Shout as loudly as you can to get the attention of people nearby.()10A.help B.drink C.money D.medicine A Cloze 11(2019乐山节选)Finally,Jones told the village leader to kill a cow and give him its skin(皮).He would 11

23、 the skin and pretend(假装)to be a cow so that the lion would come out.()11.A.wear B.use C.eat A Cloze 12(2019娄底节选)One morning,I was getting up when I 12 the sound of the little birds.I ran out of my bedroom and found two babies eating food on the ground in the garden.()12.A.heard B.smelt C.saw A 微技能微

24、技能5 5固定搭配固定搭配(6年3考)固定搭配需要结合语境并利用常用句型及习惯表达来直接选择答案。考生平时应积累动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、固定句型等固定搭配。例 1(2019安徽完形A节选)Ever since you returned,you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of 47 into learning Chinese.()47.A.difficulty B.success C.effort D.space C 剖析:结合语境可知此处考查固定搭配剖析:结合语境可知此处考查固定搭配“put e

25、ffort into sth.”意为意为“在某事上付出努力在某事上付出努力”。故选。故选C。典例剖析典例剖析例 2(2015安徽完形A节选)The head teacher at the school said,“Im proud 50 her.She is loved by every pupil.They all want to learn and play with her.”()A.for B.with C.of D.in C 剖析:结合语境可知此处考查固定搭配剖析:结合语境可知此处考查固定搭配“be proud of”意为意为“为为而骄傲而骄傲”。故选。故选C。微技能训练微技能训练C

26、loze 13(2019宁波节选)She tried to finish the song,but the audience(观众)began to whistle and got angry.Mrs.Chaplin could not continue any longer and walked 13 the stage crying.()13.A.onto B.off C.towards D.around B Cloze 14(2019金华节选)Mom took a look at me.Then she said,“Will you take these magazines to Grandma,please?”As I walked down the street,a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me,smiling.But I just went 14 her.Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.()14.A.to B.past C.with D.against B


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