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1、2024年中考英语复习押题作文必背范文汇编健康对于我们每个人来说是非常重要的,但你的父母天天忙于工作而忽略了这个问题,你很为他们的身体担忧。请你以此为话题,并结合提示写一篇英文日记。提示:1. 父母的工作情况; 2. 他们的锻炼习惯; 3. 他们的饮食结构; 4. 你能为他们做些什么。要求:1. 短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;2. 80-100词左右;3. 开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。June 13, 2024Today, Im worried about my parents health. They work very hard every day and

2、often forget to take care of themselves.My dad is a busy doctor and he often stays up late at the hospital. My mom is a teacher and she spends a lot of time preparing lessons and grading papers. They dont have time to exercise or eat healthy meals.I want to help them. I can remind them to take break

3、s and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. I can also cook simple meals for them when theyre too tired. Maybe we can go for a walk together after dinner.I hope my parents will start taking better care of themselves. Their health is very important to me.June 14, 2024I am very concerned about

4、 my parents health conditions. They often work late into the night. I totally understand that they are working hard for a better life, but it is a vicious circle. The extensive working hours and lack of regular exercise contribute to this cycle. Encouraging them to add short walks or a simple exerci

5、se into their routine could be beneficial. Ive also suggested a healthier diet, like having more fruits and vegetables.I want to talk to them about it and work with them to make positive changes. Whether its doing some exercise together or preparing healthier meals, I want to help them lead a happie

6、r and healthier life.假如你是Jimmy,你的好友 Alice 在微信朋友圈发文说最近很烦恼,因为父母对她的要求过高。请你给 Alice 写一封email,提出建议鼓励她振作起来。要点:1.多和父母沟通,合理表达自己的感受:2.通过体育锻炼减少压力;3.适当增加娱乐活动;4.给予她祝福和鼓励。提示词:恰当地properly娱乐entertainment要求:1. 词数 80 左右(开头结尾给出,不计总词数); 2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;4条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。Dear Alice,I am writing to tell

7、you some ways on how to release your pressure. After reading your letter, I know you are under too much pressure because of your parents high expectation. Here are some suggestions on improving the relationship between your parents and you.First, communication plays an important role in family life.

8、 You should talk with your parents more often. For example, you must learn to express your feeling properly so that your parents can understand you better. Besides, taking regular exercise can bring many benefits to your mental healthy. When you feel stressed , try to do some sports. Last but not le

9、ast, you can also relax yourself by doing some activities for entertainment with your parents or friends, such as reading and watching TV.All in all, you need to face the problems in your life bravely. If you always try to solve this problem instead of escaping , you will live a better life.Yours,Ji

10、mmy最近你收到了台湾好友Emily的一封倾诉信,请根据来信要点写一封回信并给出建议。问题建议家庭方面父母经出差,感到孤独和父母分享你的感受学习方面英语学习困难,不敢在同学面前发言1.多向老师求助2.人际方面和好朋友吵架了.参考词汇: 争吵 quarrel要求:1. 词数 80 左右(开头结尾给出,不计总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;3.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;4条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。Dear Emily,I feel sorry to hear of your problems. In your letter, you said that your parents

11、are often on business and do their own personal things, so you feel lonely when they are away from home. I suggest that you share your feelings with them so that they will know what you feel and spend more time with you.To solve the problem of your English learning, you are supposed to ask your teac

12、hers for help if you can t speak in front of your classmates. Whats more, you ought to face your weakness bravely.As for the quarrel with your best friend, you had better find some time to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Remember: communication is the key to a close relationship.Ho

13、pe the above suggestions can help you. We are waiting for your good news.Yours,Jerry尊老、敬老、爱老、助老是中华民族的传统美德。如今,人口老龄化现象加剧,关爱老人刻不容缓。请根据以下图文写一篇关于“Caring for the Old”的短文。要点:1.面临问题: 感到孤单;缺乏娱乐活动;.2.解决办法: 多和老人交流;.; .3.你的看法.参考词汇:人口老龄化aging of population基础设施infrastructure要求:1.词数80 左右(开头结尾给出,不计总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥

14、;3.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;4条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。Caring for the OldNowadays, there are more than 200 million elderly people in China and the aging population is drawing more and more attention. Some elderly people complain that they feel lonely and lack enough ways of entertainment. Others are worried about th

15、eir health condition. As a student, I would like to share some suggestions to help solve these problems.First, we can talk with elderly people more often. When getting into trouble, we can turn to them for advice, because they are always experienced and knowledgeable. Besides,more infrastructure ,su

16、ch as old peoples home and the elderly activity center, should be built, so that they can join in more social activities and improve their physical health. Third, family members should spend more time with the elderly. After all, accompanying is the best way to show our love and care for them. Perso

17、nally, its our responsibility to ensure a happy life for the elderly people in their later years. Lets join hands together to care for them and contribute to building a harmonious world. 为了激励学生持续关注环保问题,积极维护健康生存环境,指导更多同学减少碳足迹,我校举办英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇题目为“Act now to reduce our carbon footprints 的演讲稿。要点如下:1.介绍减

18、少碳足迹的重要性;2.介绍如何才能减少碳足迹:食物购物电器多吃蔬菜,水果和谷物尽量不买过度包装物品吃当季食材.3. 号召大家团结合作,为环保做出自己应有的贡献。提示词:环保的green过度包装的over-packaged要求:1. 词数 80左右(开头结尾给出,不计总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;3.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 4条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。Act now to reduce our carbon footprintsGood morning, everyone. Id like to give a speech here. As we all know, t

19、he problem of the greenhouse effect is becoming more and more serious, so we have to take action to reduce our carbon footprints. And here are my suggestions.First, we can take in more fruit, vegetables and grains instead of meat, because it can save large amounts of energy. Besides, having local fo

20、od in season helps lower our carbon footprints too. Second, its wise to reduce the cost on shopping. If necessary. try not to buy over-packaged products. Third, in order not to waste electricity, wed better choose LED lights and turn down the temperature of the heater.Finally, I sincerely hope every

21、one involves in environmental protection. If all the people put the Earth, our home, in the first place and contribute to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, we can surely build a greener world.某报社正在向学生征稿,题目是 “My favorite movies/music ”。假如你是李华,请你写一篇英语短文向该报社投稿,谈谈你最喜欢的电影或者音乐并说明理由。提示: 1. What is you

22、r favorite movie/music? 2. Why do you like it ?要求: 1. 短文须包含所有提示内容,可适当发挥。 2. 条理清晰,语言流畅。词数不少于80。Dear editor,My name is Li Hua. My favorite song changes depending on how I feel that day. Usually, I like songs with great lyrics (歌词) or rhythm (韵律).When Im feeling down and tired, I prefer songs that can

23、cheer me up. Songs like Big Big World are my first choice because they are delightful (令人愉悦的) and easy to follow. The lyrics are simple but very cheerful, and so is the rhythm. When I sing along with them, I feel refreshed (恢复精神的) and relaxed. But if Im stressed out or feel uneasy, I love to listen

24、to songs that are gentle (轻柔的) and quiet. After listening to them, I calm down and regain (重获) my strength.Life without songs would be empty and meaningless. If you feel like listening to something, choose a song that you like best.Yours sincerely,Li Hua初中生活临近尾声,我们即将告别熟悉的校园和朝夕相处的老师同学,这4年中一定有很多美好的回忆,

25、请以“My best memory in middle school”为题写一篇不少于100词的书面表达,讲述你印象中最深刻的初中生活片段。My Best Memory in Middle SchoolMy best memory in middle school is the school trip to the Great Wall. That day, we all gathered early with excitement in our eyes. The journey was filled with laughter and games. When we finally reac

26、hed the Wall, its grandeur(n.壮丽,雄伟) took our breath away.Climbing the steps, feeling the ancient stones beneath our feet, was an unforgettable experience. We took photos, shared stories, and bonded as a class. The view from the top was breathtaking, but the best part was sharing it with my classmate

27、s and teachers.This trip was impressive because it brought us together, not just as students and teachers, but as friends. I learned the importance of teamwork and appreciation for our rich cultural heritage(文化遗产). That memory will always be special to me.My Best Memory in Middle SchoolMy four-year

28、school life is made up of wonderful and unforgettable memories. Among them, there is one that is most memorable.As a newcomer in Grade 6, I showed great interest in learning English, but I found it really hard to learn it well. No matter how hard I tried, I made little progress, which frustrated me

29、a lot. As soon as my best friend found out about the problem, she came to help without hesitation and shared some great ways of learning English. She has always encouraged me since then, and with her help, I am now better at English and feel more confident. I feel so lucky to be one of her friends.

30、Her words are like a hidden treasure that helps me through the hard times.What I learned from this experience is that you should face difficulties bravely if you want to succeed. There is no doubt that I will keep all these special memories in my mind forever.My Best Memory in Middle SchoolOver the

31、past three years, Ive had a lot of sweet memories. Among them, the most unforgettable one is an accident.One afternoon a few months ago, I was playing soccer with my classmates in the sports field. Suddenly, I was knocked down, and my leg was seriously hurt. The worst thing was I couldnt move at all

32、. I was in pain and didnt know what to do. Luckily, several of my classmates helped me get to the hospital immediately. Whats more, they stayed with me until my parents came. With their encouragement, I soon got better and came back to school.The experience taught me that we should be ready to help

33、people in need. I also learned that a friend in need is a friend indeed. Ill treasure this experience and try my best to help others.在我们的生活中,总会有那么一两个人,他们的言行举止、品格精神成为我们学习和效仿的榜样。请以“My role model”为题,写一篇短文,描述你心目中的榜样,并解释为什么他或她会成为你的榜样。提示问题:1. Who is a role model to you?2. How has he or she influenced you?

34、3. What does he or she encourage you to do?要求:1. 必须包含所有提示信息,可以适当发挥,补充细节;2. 表达清晰,逻辑连贯,语言规范。3. 词数80词左右。My role modelMy role model is my older sister, Lisa. Shesalways been there for me, guiding me throughthe ups and downs of life.One time when I was struggling with my mathhomework. I was feeling disco

35、uraged and aboutto give up. But Lisa sat down with me andpatiently explained the problems until I finallyunderstood them. Her kindness in helping me notonly improved my grades but also taught me thevalue of support from others.Lisas influence has sparked a desire (渴望)within me to help others just as

36、 she has helpedme. I want to become a volunteer and helpyounger students who are struggling with theirstudies. I believe that by following in herfootsteps, I can make a difference in the livesof others.假设你是 Lily, 你的朋友 Li Hua 即将面临升学考试, 她深感压力巨大, 情绪低落, 影响学习。请你写一封信, 给她提一些有用的建议。1. 学会放松:体育锻炼,听音乐;2. 健康饮食:少

37、吃垃圾食品,多吃水果蔬菜;3. 充足睡眠:课上不困,大脑活跃;4. 学会沟通:遇到问题向师长寻求建议,和朋友分享。注意:1. 短文应该包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; 2. 词数80100,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Li Hua,Im told that you are facing an important exam and that you feel stressed and upset. This has had an impact on your studies as a result. As your friend, Id like to offer you so

38、me suggestions.First of all, you can relax yourself through exercise, listening to music and going for a walk. Meanwhile, you should also keep a healthy diet. Junk food will bring your health and mood down, so youd better eat less junk food. Instead, eat more fruit and vegetables. At the same time,

39、you must have plenty of sleep so that you wont feel sleepy in class. This will make sure your brain is active as well. Above all, youd do well if you learn how to communicate your feelings. You can ask your parents and teachers for help when you have trouble. You can also share your happiness, sadne

40、ss and other feelings with your friends.I sincerely hope that you can achieve success and stay healthy.Yours,Lily成长伴随着我们一生,从呱呱坠地的婴儿到白发苍苍的老人,我们一直在体验成长,完善自我。无论是容貌还是心理,习惯还是能力,每个人都在不断变化着。请你反思自己进入初中以来的变化,以 “I have changed” 为主题写一篇英语作文。I have changedIve realized that Ive changed a great deal in my living h

41、abits since I started middle school.I was excited when I learned I would go to a beautiful boarding school. However, my school is so far away that I must live in the school dormitory (宿舍). As a 12-year-old child, I wanted to be independent, but taking care of myself was not easy at first. So I looke

42、d for advice from my parents and learned some basic life skills such as making my bed and keeping the living space tidy.Over the years, my hard work has paid off. I have not only learned to communicate well with my roommates but have also kept our shared living space clean and organized. Changes has

43、 always been with me, encouraging me to grow and be strong.生活中有欢笑,有泪水,有感动,有遗憾 .总有一些经历让我们印象深刻、颇为感触。请你写一篇英语作文,叙述这段经历和当时的感受以及自我的收获。要点: What happened at that time? How do you feel about it? What have you learned from it?要求:1. 适当增加细节;2. 词数:不少于100。I still remember the experience that helped me discover my

44、 great potential (潜力).Despite (尽管) being proficient (熟练的) in Chinese, I couldnt speak in public for a long time due to shyness. In the early days of middle school, I was afraid to speak in class. One day, my English teacher came to me and said I was thoughtful. She encouraged me to express myself br

45、avely. My chance came the next day when she asked us to draw pictures and write down our ideas. Hoping to prove (证明) myself, I carefully drew a boy searching for light in the dark. The teacher praised and gave me the opportunity to showcase (展示) my work. The whole class clapped (鼓掌) for me, which ma

46、de me delighted (高兴的) and confident.Thanks to my teacher, I became brave enough to step out of my comfort zone (舒适区) and try something new. In fact, we all have great abilities. We must try to discover them; theyll light up our lives.【中国风俗礼仪】假如你是李华,你的外国笔友 Yolanda 受邀,要来中国跨年并和中国朋友们一起吃年夜饭。为更好地融入其中,他特地发

47、来邮件向你了解中国人的社交习俗。请你根据以下提示内容给他回复邮件。内容包括: * What to do when visiting others * How to greet each other * What kinds of table mannersthere are * How to express gratitude forhospitality注意:短文不少于100词,必须包括以上内容,可适当发挥。Dear Yolanda,Im delighted to hear that youre coming to China to celebrate the New Year with u

48、s! Here are some suggestions to help you better understand and adapt to Chinese social customs during your stay.When visiting others, its polite to bring a small gift, such as flowers, fruit, or a box of candies. Upon arrival, please greet the host warmly with a handshake and a smile. Traditional gre


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