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1、中考英语热点句型一、网红带货网红:social media influencerHe is not only a social media influencer, but also a teacher.他不只是个网红,还是个教师。很多时候,我们都会把某个行业的意见领袖简称为:KOL,也可以表达网红的意思。eg:Belling says influencer marketing was critical from day one, when popchips was just a little indie brand that could.Belling 说,网红带货从第一天起就至关重要,当时

2、popchips 还只是一个小的独立品牌。二、直播直播:live streamThis is a wonderful live stream.这是一场精彩的直播。相关词汇:网红直播:live video streaming/ network broadcast网络主播:network anchorlive stream 直播live 表示:现场直播stream 表示:流量eg:Lets watch the live stream together!我们一起看直播吧!【相关热词】e-commerce live streaming 电商直播direct broadcasting room 直播间o

3、nline platform 网络平台social media 社交媒体Tik Tok 抖音purchasing power 购买力fan economy 粉丝经济live streaming economy 直播经济limited edition 限量发售anchorman /kmn/ 男主播anchorwoman /kwmn/ 女主播streaming online 在线直播key opinion leader 网红KOLnew media 新媒体follow / unfollow 关注 / 取关hit the LIKE / thumbs up 点赞reward function 打赏功能

4、flood / explode the screen 刷屏social network / networking 社交网络attract followers 圈粉【小拓展】“明星代言”英语可以说成 celebrity endorsementendorse /nds/ v.代言;宣传endorsement n.代言开箱直播:unboxing live stream美妆直播:beauty live stream穿搭直播:fashion live stream【相关人物】口红一哥李佳琦The 27-year-old Li Jiaqis maverick sales technique has won

5、 him the nickname Lipstick Brother No 1.Once an unassuming shop assistant earning a modest salary in Nanchang in south-east China, he now has more than 40 million followers on Douyin.27岁的李佳琦特立独行的销售技巧为他赢得了“口红一哥”的称号。他曾经是南昌某商店一个不起眼的店员,挣着微薄的薪水,而现在他在抖音上有4000多万粉丝。In one of his live-streaming sales session

6、s he sold 15,000 lipsticks within five minutes.Unlike many beauty bloggers he always demonstrates the lipsticks hes selling on his lips, rather than his arms.It seems to be paying off, as he now reportedly has a net worth of up to $5m.李佳琦在一次线上直播销售活动中,五分钟内就卖出了15000支口红。与许多美妆博主不同的是,李佳琦展示口红时总是涂抹在嘴唇上,而不是

7、手臂上。付出终有回报,据报道,他现在的净资产高达500万美元。带货女王薇娅There is also 33-year-old Wei Ya, whose 1 April sale of a $6m rocket launch on Taobao amazed the nation and attracted international publicity.So much so that Taobao had to issue a statement confirming the sale was real and not an April Fools joke.33岁的薇娅4月1日在淘宝直播间

8、售出了一枚价值4000万元的火箭,轰动全国,引发了国际关注。淘宝不得不发表一份声明,确认这次销售是真实的,而非愚人节玩笑。The official China Daily says this was the worlds first live broadcast of a rocket sale.More than 620,000 Weibo users have used the hashtag #WeiYaSellsARocket and more than two million online viewers tuned in to watch the sale.中国日报表示,这是“世界

9、首次直播卖火箭”。超过62万微博用户参与了话题#薇娅卖火箭#, 200多万观众在线观看了这场销售直播。【相关作文】假如你是李华,因为新冠疫情( the COVID-19 epidemic)的影响,你的英国笔友May家开办的农场农产品滞销,写信向你求助。请你给她回封信,鼓励她参照中国的经验,自己做网络主播( network anchor),在家直播带货( promote goods sales through livestreaming)。内容包括1.直播推销的设备;2.直播推销的优势;3.直播推销的建议。参考词汇1.拼单: share the bill;:2.秒光:sell out withi

10、n seconds;3.网红营销:social Influencer marketing。 参考范文Dear Mary, How are you getting along these days? Knowing that the produce on your farm is hard to sell during the COVID-19 epidemic, I really feel as worried as you.So, Im writing to share some successful Chinese experience to help you.Chinese farmer

11、s came across the similar problem not long ago, but they came up with a creative solution:promoting goods sales through livestreaming.What you need are a computer or a cellphone with access to the Internet and a live stream platform or application for broadcasting.By taking advantage of social influ

12、encer marketing, the sellers can introduce the goods more efficiently and the buyers can watch the products visually in real time, thus, making the online trade more convenient.To ensure the quality of live streaming, make sure the equipment and the Internet are of good quality and the surroundings

13、are quiet and free of disturbance.I do hope that it will be helpful to you.Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 三、百搭词组1.努力做某事try ones best to do sthspare no effort to do sthmake joint/combined efforts to do sth 共同努力做某事go to great lengths to do sthdevote/commit/dedicate oneself to doing sthcommit one

14、s whole being to doing sth 全身心投入做某事do sth with every fibre of ones being 全身心投入做某事反:face up to sth and never shrink from doing sth 直面某事,做某事不退缩2.尝试做某事 try to do sth attempt to do sth =make an attempt to do sthhave a go at doing sth3.采取有效/立即/具体/相关/强有力的行动(措施)做某事Take effective/immediate/concrete/relevant

15、/forcefulaction/measures/steps to do sth被动也不错:Immediate measures should be taken to address the problem.Measures should betaken to address the problem without delay.4.某事很重要play an important/vital/essential role (in sth)be of vital importance to sb/sth 类似be of great value/benefit to sb/sth双重否定表强调:Not

16、hing is of more importance than sth.5.某人重视某事sb attach(much)importance/significance to sthlay emphasis/stress on sthstress the importance of sthgive priority to sth 优先考虑,优先处理双重否定:We can never lay too much emphasis on sth某事做主语:Sth should be high on ones list of priorities/be at the top of ones agenda6

17、.(不能)忽视某事turn a blind eye to sth; turn a deaf ear to sthBy no means should we ignore/neglect/overlook the importance of sth7.倾向于做某事sb tend to do sth have a tendency to do sthThere is a tendency for sb to do sth8.某人可能做某事;某事可能发生sb be likely to do sthIt is likely that sb/sth will do sth.There is a high

18、 possibility that = Chances are that9.某人一定会做某事,某事一定会发生be bound/sure to do sth10.不得不做某事have no choice/alternative but to do sth = cant choose but do sth某事使某人别无选择sth leave sb with no choice but to do sth11.将某事考虑进去take sth into consideration/accounttake it into consideration/account that 从句12.将某事牢记在心ke

19、ep sth in mindkeep it in mind that 从句13.认为某事理所当然take sth for grantedtake it for granted that 从句14.产生积极/消极/深远影响/副作用A have positive/negative/far-reaching/side effects on BA do/cause (great)harm/damage to B15.有做某事的权利/自由/机会/动力/渴望/魔力have the right/freedom/opportunity/motivation/desire/magic to do sth16.做

20、某事有困难have (great)trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth17.给某人树立榜样A set a good example to BA act/serve as a role model to B18.向某人学习,效仿某人B follow the example of AB follow in the footsteps of A19.呼吁某人做某事call on sb to do sthappeal to sb to do sth = make an appeal to sb to do sth20.提高某人对某事的意识raise ones awaren

21、ess of sth = make sb aware of sthmake sb have a better understanding of sth反面:The lack of awareness of sth will stand in the way of doing sth 意识的缺乏会阻碍21.做某事前三思think twice before doing sth22.设身处地,为某人着想put oneself in sbs shoes23.从另一个角度看待某事see sth from another angle/a different angle24.某事使某人想起sth remin

22、d sb of sth25.某事使人深思sth set sb thinking 注:set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟26.在一定/很大程度上to a certain/a large degree/extent27.短/长期看来,(但辨证阐述问题)in/over the short/long term28.变得越来越流行 become more and more popularbecome increasingly popular = gain increasing popularitysth has become a hit 已经变成风靡一时的流行/成功29.问题变得日

23、益严重 The problem is becoming increasingly serious sth is becoming more of a problemsth has become a headache 成为令人头疼的问题30.随着某物的发展with the rapid development of the Internet/peoples living standardsas the internet is developing at a fast rate【注:with+名词短语,as+句子;with短语用得好可以很高级,表独立主格】31.in a world of infor

24、mation explosion 在一个信息爆炸的世界in the era of globalization 在全球化时代in a society where money is valued most 在一个(如金钱至上)的社会32.发自内心地from the bottom of ones heart33.全心全意地wholeheartedly=heart and soul34.毫无疑问/毫不犹豫/毫不耽搁/毫无保留地/不失热情/不失信心地Without doubt/hesitation/delay/ reservation/loss of enthusiasm/loss of confide

25、nce35.whatever the situation/circumstances/reason, 不管是什么情况/理由regardless of any possible difficulties 不顾任何困难36.关于个人发展broaden ones horizons and expand ones scope of knowledge 开阔视野,拓展知识面boost ones confidence and inspire ones motivation 增强信心,激发动力enhance ones willpower and contribute to ones future succe

26、ss 增加意志力,促进未来成功form correct values and morals 形成正确的价值观与道德观37.关于该做什么overcome difficulties and conquer obstacles/challenges 克服困难,征服阻碍/挑战resist the temptation and stick to our principles 抵制诱惑,坚持原则share our sorrows and double our joys 分担悲伤,分享喜悦drive away our loneliness and get rid of our tiredness 驱走孤独,

27、摆脱劳累keep a positive attitude and pursue our dream with diligence and persistence 保持积极的态度,勤奋坚持得追求梦想cherish what weal ready possess and pursue what we truly need 珍惜我们已经拥有的,追求我们真正需要的reflect on our mistakes and give thought to ways to correct them 反思错误,思考改正方法we should first take a deep breath to calm down before.在做某事前首先深呼吸冷静下来Recognizing (the seriousness/gravity of) the problem is the first step (that we should take)towards solving it.6


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