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1、广东省英语中考口语听说练习材料(1)问候1. 你好。Hi.Hello.2. 你过得怎么样?How are you?Hows it going?3. 你的父母过得怎么样?How are your parents?4. 我很好。Im fine.Im good.5. 那你呢?How about you?6. 很高兴遇见你。Nice to meet you.Glad to see you.7. 很高兴再次遇见你。Nice to meet you again.Glad to see you again.(2)介绍1. 你叫什么名字?Whats your name?2. 我叫Tom。My name is

2、Tom.3. 你今年几岁?How old are you?4. 我今年15岁。Im fifteen.5. 你是学生吗?Are you a student?6. 我是一名中学生。Im a middle school student.7. 你来自哪里?Where are you from?Where do you come from?8. 我来自中国。Im from China.I come from China.9. 你住在哪里?Where do you live?10. 我住在小榄。I live in Xiaolan.11. 你的爱好是什么?Whats your hobby?12. 我的爱好的

3、看书。My hobby is reading.13. 你喜欢做什么?What do you like doing?14. 我喜欢打篮球和弹钢琴。I like playing basketball and the piano.15. 你通常在周末做什么?What do you usually do at weekends?16. 我通常去游泳。I usually go swimming.17. 你一周看多少次电视?How often do you watch TV every week?18. 我通常一周看一次电视。I usually watch TV once a week.19. 你经常去购

4、物吗?Do you often go shopping?20. 你怎么上学?How do you go to school?21. 我坐公交回家。I take a bus to school.I go to school by bus.22. 请打123456找我。Please call me at 123456.23. 你做什么工作。Whats your job?What do you do?24. 我是一名医生。Im a doctor.25. 我在图书馆工作。I work at the library.26. 我从周一到周五上班。I work from Monday to Friday.(

5、3)告别1. 再见。Bye.Goodbye.See you.2. 待会见。See you later.3. 明天见。See you tomorrow.4. 保重。Take care.(4)致谢1. 谢谢。Thanks.Thank you.2. 非常感谢。Thanks a lot.Thank you very much.3. 谢谢你帮助我。Thanks for helping.Thanks for your help.(5)道歉1. 抱歉。/对不起。Sorry.Im sorry.2. 抱歉我迟到了。Sorry, Im late.Im sorry for my being late.(6)邀请1.

6、 我想邀请你到我的生日派对。Id like to invite you to my birthday party.2. 你想要来我的生日派对吗?Would you like to come to my birthday party?3. 你可以来我的生日派对吗?Can/Could you come to my birthday party?4. 我没有被邀请。I wasnt invited.5. 你想邀请谁?Who would you like to invite?(7)请求允许1. 我可以坐这里吗?Can/Could/May I sit here?2. 你介意我开窗吗?Would you m

7、ind my opening the window?3. 我可以借你的笔吗?Can/Could/May I borrow your pen?4. 是的,你可以。Yes, you can.5. 是的,有请。Yes, please.6. 不,不行。No, you cant.7. 抱歉,不行。Sorry, you cant.(8)祝愿和祝贺1. 生日快乐!Happy birthday!2. 恭喜!Congratulations!3. 新年快乐!Happy new year!4. 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas!5. 祝你玩得开心!Have fun!Have a good time!6. 祝

8、你好运!Good luck!(9)请求与提供帮助1. 救命。/帮忙。Help.2. 请帮帮我。/请救救我!Please help me.3. 你能帮我学英语吗?Can/Could you help me with my English?4. 我能再要一个吗?Can/Could/May I have another one?5. 我能要一点水吗?Can/Could/May I have some water?6. 需要帮忙吗?Do you need some help?7. 我能帮到你吗?Can/Could/May I help you?8. 我能为你做点什么?What can/could I

9、do for you?9. 我可以帮你。I can/could help you.10. 让我帮你吧。Let me help you.11. 你可以用我的。You can use mine.12. 我现在去拿给你。Ill take it for you right now.(10)约会1. 我们在学校大门口见吧。Lets meet at the school gate.2. 我们早上八点见吧。Lets meet at 8 a.m.3. 我们去看电影吗?Shall/Will we watch a film?Will we watch a film?Shall we see a movie?Wil

10、l we see a movie?4. 那么去野餐怎么样?How about having a picnic?5. 我明天有空。Ill be free tomorrow.6. 我明天没空。I wont be free tomorrow.7. 今天或明天可以。Either today or tomorrow is OK.8. 今天和明天都可以。Both today and tomorrow are OK.9. 今天和明天都不可以。Neither today nor tomorrow is OK.(11)打电话1. 喂,我是Jack。Hello, this is Jack.Hello, Jack

11、speaking.2. 你是哪位?Whos that?3. 我找Tom。Can/Could/May I speak to Tom?4. 你是Mary吗?Is that Mary?5. 请让他给我回个电话。Please ask him to call me back.6. 你能让他给我回个电话吗?Can/Could you ask him to call me back?7. 我想要给她留个口信。Id like to leave her a message.8. 我能给她留个口信吗?Can/Could/May I leave her a message?9. 请帮我带个口信。Please tak

12、e a message for me.10. 你能帮我带个口信吗?Can/Could you take a message for me?11. 你这么做真的太好了。 Its so kind of you to do so.12. 请别挂电话。Please dont hang up. / Hold on, please.13. 请稍等一下。Please wait a minute.Please give me a second.14. 他现在不在家。Hes not at home now.15. 她现在在忙。Shes busy now.16. 要我给你捎口信吗?Can/Could/May/Ne

13、ed I take a message for you?(12)就餐1. 需要什么吗?What would you like?2. 想要点什么吗?Would you like to order something?3. 我想要一点水。Id like some water.4. 我能要一些水吗?Can/Could/May I have some water?5. 能给我点水吗?Can/Could you give me some water?6. 我想要一个汉堡。Id like a hamburger.7. 你还需要别的什么吗? Would you like something else?Wha

14、t else would you like?8. 你订桌子了吗?Have you got a table?Have you booked a table?Have you ordered a table?9. 我想订一张10人桌。Id like a table for ten.10. 你们有四人桌吗?Do you have a table for four?11. 我能看看菜单吗?Can I have the menu?Could I have the menu?May I have the menu?Can I have a look at the menu?Could I have a l

15、ook at the menu?May I have a look at the menu?12. 甜品想吃什么?What would you like for dessert?13. 早餐想吃什么?What would you like for breakfast?14. 午餐想吃什么?What would you like for lunch?15. 晚餐想吃什么?What would you like for dinner?16. 麻烦结账Check, please.May I have the bill?(13)就医1. 你应该去看医生。You should see a doctor.

16、2. 你最好看医生。Youd better see a doctor.3. 你怎么了? Whats the matter with you?4. 我不舒服。 I feel sick.I dont feel well.5. 你现在感觉怎么样? How do you feel now?6. 我感冒了。I have a cold.7. 我发烧了。I have a fever.8. 我头痛。I have a headache.9. 我喉咙痛。I have a sore throat.10. 我牙痛。I have a toothache.11. 我背痛。I have a sore back.I have

17、 a backache.12. 我摔断腿了。I broke my leg.I broke my legs.13. 什么时候开始的?When did it start?When did it begin?14. 昨晚开始的。It started last night.15. 你这样多长时间了? How long have been like this?16. 已经两天了。It has been two days.17. 你吃过任何的药吗?Have you taken any medicine?18. 你量体温了吗?Have you taken your temperature?19. 让我量一下

18、你的体温。Let me take your temperature.20. 是不是很严重?Is it serious?21. 不是很严重。Its not serious.Nothing serious.22. 不久就会好。Youll be better soon.23. 别担心。Dont worry.Dont be worried24. 一天吃三次药。Take the medicine three times a day.25. 你最好卧床休息。Youd better stay in bed.26. 我生病住院了。Im ill in hospital.27. 听到这件事我很遗憾。Im sorr

19、y to hear that.(14)购物1. 需要帮忙吗?Do you need some help?2. 我能帮到你吗?Can I help you?May I help you?3. 我能为你做点什么?What can I do for you?4. 我想要一件外套给我的儿子。Id like a coat for my son.5. 你要哪个尺寸?What size would you like?6. 请给我L码。Size L, please.7. 你要哪个颜色?Which colour would you like?What colour would you like?8. 你喜欢这个

20、吗? Would you like this one?9. 你认为这个怎么样?What do you think about this one?How do you like this one?10. 那这个呢? How about this one?11. 我觉得这个太贵了。 I think its too expensive.12. 可以便宜一点吗? Could it be cheaper?13. 你们还有别的吗?What else do you have?14. 你可以给我看另一个吗?Could you show me another one?15. 我能试穿一下吗?Can I try

21、it on?Could I try it on?May I try it on?Can I try them on?Could I try them on?May I try them on?16. 这个多少钱? How much is it?17. 这些多少钱?How much are they?18. 这个我买下了。Ill buy it.Ill take it.19. 给你。Here you are.20. 这是找给您的钱。Here is the change.(15)问路1. 打扰了。/不好意思。 Excuse me.2. 你能再说一遍吗?Can you say it again?Cou

22、ld you say it again?3. 银行在哪里?Where is the bank?4. 你能告诉我银行在哪里吗?Can/Could you tell me where the bank is?5. 我怎样才能到医院?How can I go to the hospital?6. 你能告诉我怎样才能到医院吗?Can/Could you tell me how to go to the hospital?7. 这是去公园的路吗?Is it the way to the park?8. 沿着这条路走到第二个十字路口。Go along the road to the second cros

23、sing.9. 直走到尽头。Go straight to the end.10. 在第三个十字路口左转。Turn left at the third crossing.11. 过马路,书店就在拐角处。Cross the road, the bookshop is at the corner.12. 过桥,然后穿过那个森林。 Cross the bridge and go through the forest.13. 警察局就在邮局旁边。 The police station is next to the post office.14. 学校在商场前面。The school is in fron

24、t of the shopping mall.15. 书店在杂货店的对面。 The bookshop is across from the grocery store16. 你会看到它的。 Youll see it.17. 离这里有多远? How far is it from here?18. 离这里远吗? Is it far from here?19. 离这里大概一千米远。 Its about one kilometre from here.20. 大概要走五分钟的路。 Its about a five-minute walk.Its about five minutes walk.21.

25、大概要骑五分钟的自行车。Its about a five-minute ride.Its about five minutes ride.22. 大概要花你五分钟。Itll take you about five minutes.23. 我应该坐哪路车? Which bus should I take?24. 你最好坐1路车。 Youd better take the number one bus.25. 你可以坐地铁。You can take the subway.26. 你应该坐2号线。You should take the number two line.You should take

26、line two.27. 3路车会把你带到那。The number three bus will take you there.Bus number three will take you there.28. 你会发现它在你的左边。Youll find it on your left.(16)天气1. 今天天气怎样?Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather today?2. 澳大利亚的天气怎么样?Whats the weather like in Australia?Hows the weather in Australia?3. 昨天的天气怎

27、么样?What was the weather like yesterday?How was the weather yesterday?4. 明天的天气怎么样?What will the weather be like tomorrow?How will the weather be tomorrow?5. 天气不冷也不热。It isnt cold or hot.Its neither cold nor hot.6. 多糟糕的天气啊!What bad weather!How bad the weather is!7. 很快就会晴天了。It will be sunny soon.8. 看那些乌

28、云,肯定很快要下大雨了。Look at the dark clouds, it must rain heavily soon.9. 天气预报说明天天气干燥。Its reported that itll be dry tomorrow.10. 气温是多少?Whats the temperature?11. 你觉得会变冷吗?Do you think it will be cold?12. 已经连续下了半小时的雨了。It has rained for half an hour.(17)语言交际困难1. 我不擅长讲英文。Im not good at speaking English.2. 这个用英文怎

29、么说?Whats this in English?3. 你能说英文吗?Can you speak English?Can you say it in English?4. 你如何练习英文?How do you practise English?5. 我通过练习提高我的英文。I improve my English by practising.6. 你能在我的英文口语上帮我吗?Can you help me with my spoken English?Could you help me with my spoken English?7. 你知道怎么用英文说这个吗?Do you know how

30、 to say it in English?8. 你能说慢一点吗?Can you speak more slowly?Could you speak more slowly?9. 你能再说一遍吗?Can you say that again?Could you say that again?10. 你能教我说英文吗?Can you teach me English?Could you teach me English?(18)提醒注意1. 小心。Be careful.2. 小心缝隙。Mind the gap.3. 你最好带把伞。Youd better take an umbrella.4. 你

31、应该遵守校规。You should follow the school rules.5. 如果你不走快点,你就会迟到。If you dont walk quickly, youll be late.6. 你会考试不及格的,除非你努力学习。Youll fail the exam unless you study hard.7. 努力学习,不然你会考试不及格的。Study hard, or youll fail the exam.(19)警告和禁止1. 禁止抽烟。No smoking.Dont smoke.Smoking is not allowed.2. 不要在走廊奔跑。No running i

32、n the hallway.Dont run in the hallway.Running in the hallway is not allowed.3. 图书馆内禁止大声喧哗。No talking aloud in the library.Dont talk aloud in the library.Talking aloud in the library is not allowed.(20)劝告1. 医生劝告我马上住院。The doctor advises me to be in hospital right now.2. 父母劝告我不要和陌生人说话。Parents advise me

33、 not to talk with strangers.(21)建议1. 我建议你出门时带伞。I suggest you to take an umbrella when you go out.2. 朋友建议我不要想太多。My friend suggests me not to think too much.3. 你能给我建议吗?Can you give me some suggestions?Could you give me some suggestions?(22)接受与拒绝1. 我接受你的道歉。I accept your apology.2. 他不接受我们的礼物。He doesnt a

34、ccept our gift.3. 你为什么不接受我的邀请?Why dont you accept my invitation?(23)假期/旅游1. 你的假期过得怎么样?How was your vacation?2. 你在假期去了哪里?Where did you go in/during the vacation?3. 你上周末做了什么?What did you do last weekend?4. 我去北京玩了。I went to Beijing for vacation.5. 我住在一个很棒的旅馆里。I stayed in a good hotel.6. 你周末通常做什么?What d

35、o you usually do at weekends?7. 你和谁去了悉尼?Who did you go to Sydney with?8. 你将和谁去东京?Who will you go to Tokyo with?9. 你假期打算做什么?What are you going to do in the vacation?10. 你寒假有什么计划吗?Do you have a plan for your winter vacation?11. 我计划和家人去加拿大。I am going to Canada with my family.I plan to go to Canada with

36、 my family.12. 你怎么去香港?How do you go to Hong Kong.13. 我坐飞机去日本。I go to Japan by plane.I take a plane to Japan.14. 你去过韩国吗?Have you ever been to Korea?15. 我从未去过新加坡。Ive never been to Singapore.16. 我已经在马来西亚待了一个星期了。Ive been in Malaysia for a week.17. 我不知道。你有什么建议吗?I dont know. Do you have any suggestions?18

37、. 你决定了要去哪吗?Have you decided where to go?19. 你打算什么时候去意大利?When are you going to Italy?20. 你要在欧洲待多久?How long will you stay in Europe?21. 你在非洲待了多久?How long have you been in Africa?22. 你将什么时候回来?How soon/When will you come back?23. 我将在两天后回来。Ill be back in two days.24. 我去过两次泰国。Ive been to Thailand twice.25

38、. 祝你玩得开心!Have a good time!Have fun!Enjoy yourself.(24)其他1. 你的职业是什么?Whats your job?What do you do?2. 你想成为什么?What do you want to be?3. 现在几点?What time is it?What is the time?4. 今天星期几?What day is it today?5. 昨天星期几?What day was it yesterday?6. 明天星期几What day will it be tomorrow?7. 今天几月几号?Whats the date to

39、day?8. 昨天几月几号?What was the date yesterday?9. 明天几月几号?What will the date be tomorrow?10. 你多久看一次电视?How often do you watch TV?11. 这条河有多宽?How wide is the river?12. 这座桥有多长?How long is the bridge?13. 你有多高?How tall are you?14. 你什么时候出生?When were you born?15. 你的生日在什么时候?When is your birthday?16. 你的体重是多少?How mu

40、ch you weigh?17. 你如何备考?How do you prepare for the exam?18. 你最喜欢的电影是什么?Whats your favourite films?19. 中国有多少人口?Whats the population of China?20. 你家有多少人?How many people in your family?21. 你的爱好是什么?Whats your hobby?22. 我习惯早睡早起。Im used to getting up and going to bed early.23. 我以前常吃垃圾食品。I used to eat junk food.24. 我会踢足球和弹钢琴。I can play football and the piano.25. 你来自哪里?Where are you from?Where do you come from?26. 他长什么样?What does he look like?27. 他是个怎么样的人?What is he like?28. 他讲什么语言?What language does he speak?第 21 页 共 21 页


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