Unit 3 Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、understand the use of ellipsis in English3 3Unit 3 Discovering Useful StructuresStep 1 Lead-inWhat grammatical phenomenon(语法现象)语法现象)is it?You must fasten safety belt.You cannot smoke here.You cannot take photos here.You cannot fish here.No smoking.No parking.No photos.No fishing.7EllipsisWhat is ell

2、ipsis?What is the function of it?Step2:Definition and function of Ellipsis 省略省略是一种修辞手法,用于是一种修辞手法,用于避免重复避免重复、突突出新信息出新信息并使上下文连接紧密并使上下文连接紧密。省略的作用(省略的作用(Three Cs)Three Cs):可使语言更加简洁:可使语言更加简洁(conciseconcise),意思更加明确(),意思更加明确(clearclear),句),句子结构更加紧凑(子结构更加紧凑(compactcompact)。)。0.09 Step3:PresentationObserve t

3、he sentences and find out what is omitted in these sentence patterns.1 simple sentences(简单句)2 coordinate sentences(并列句)3 compound sentences(复合句)4 infinitives(不定式)5 其他省略讨论归纳一:在祈使句中,_语通常被省略。101(You)Must fasten safety belt.2(You)Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing.3.(Would you lik

4、e)Something to drink?4.Why(do you)not take a camera and record the fireworks show?5.(You come)This way,please.讨论归纳二:有时句子还可以省略_语和_语的一部分。在某些具体场合,主谓语明在某些具体场合,主谓语明确,为了简化或显得更亲切。确,为了简化或显得更亲切。11 6.Are you excited?Yes,I am(excited)!)!讨论归纳三:有时句子还可以省略_语。7.I Cant wait(to go there)!8.Do you know Miss Gao?I dont

5、 know(Miss Gao)讨论归纳四 句子还可以省略_语。有重复内容,为了避免罗嗦有重复内容,为了避免罗嗦1.Are you thirsty?Yes,I am(_).2.(_)Have a piece of cake?3.遵守规则,否则你会收到惩罚。(用省略结构),or you will get punished.thirstyWill youObey the rules1.若主语或宾语相同,省略共同的主语或宾语。若主语或宾语相同,省略共同的主语或宾语。Tom picked up a book on the floor and(Tom)handed it to his teacher.2.

6、若主语不同,省略后面谓语部分相同的系动词、若主语不同,省略后面谓语部分相同的系动词、助动词或情态动词。助动词或情态动词。Some of the buildings were designed in Chinese traditional styles while others (were designed in)European styles.3.若主语与谓语动词相同,则省略后面的主谓成分。若主语与谓语动词相同,则省略后面的主谓成分。His advice made me happy,but(his advice made)Jim angry.He has a knowledge of firs

7、t aid but his friend doesnt(have a knowledge of first aid).4.若主语不同,但主要动词及后续部分相同,则省若主语不同,但主要动词及后续部分相同,则省略主要动词及后续部分。略主要动词及后续部分。讨论归纳:两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与 前一分句中_的部分。相同相同1.The boy picked up a wallet in the road and(_)handed it to a policeman.2.The nurse was born in 1959 and her husband(_)in 1963.the boywas b

8、orn1.1.宾语宾语从句中的省略从句中的省略1.Ive learnt(that)we can meet all Disney Cartoon characters there and that there is a fascinating fire-works show above the sky of Beauty Castle.讨论归纳1:宾语从句中常省略连词_,但当有两个并列的宾语从句时,第_个that则不能省略。that 二 2.I know he was late,but I dont know why(he was late).讨论归纳2:由 引导的宾语从句,可全部省去,只保留引

9、导词。which,when,where,why,how2.2.定语从句中的省略定语从句中的省略 1.Hongkong is a city(that/which)Ive dreamt about visiting for many years.2.Li Qiaozhi was a great doctor (that/who/whom)many people admire very much.3.The musicians in whom we have great interest youred Euorpe.讨论归纳1:在限制性定语从句中,作_语的关系代词可以省略,但在介词前置或非限制性定语

10、从句中不可省略。宾18讨论归纳2:在定语从句中,the way 作先行词时,关系代词可用that,in which或者可以省略。2.2.定语从句中的省略定语从句中的省略I dont like the way in which you talk with your parents 不填 that 3.3.状语从句中的省略状语从句中的省略讨论归纳1:在以when,while,once引导的时间状语从句 以if,unless引导的条件状语从句 though,although引导的让步状语从句 as,than,as if等引导的比较状语从句或方式状语从句中,如果主从句的主语一致或从句主语为如果主从句的

11、主语一致或从句主语为itit,且从,且从句中含有句中含有bebe动词时动词时,从句中可省去_部分。主语+be 1)1.While(I was)sitting in the cable car,I heard people speak Mandarin,English and Cantonese.0.0202.If(you are)asked,you may come in.3.The fireworks show was much dreamy than(it had been)expected.讨论归纳2:在时间、地点、条件状语从句中常省略 it is。常见的有 wherever possi

12、ble,where necessary,where possible,if necessary等。3.3.状语从句中的省略状语从句中的省略2)Whenever(it is)possible he will come to my help.If(it is)necessary Ill explain to you again.1.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.(2020.新高考III卷D篇)Dr.Jubilado first met the Bajau while _ (grow)up on Samal Island in the Philippines.2.He had a wonderful

13、time when_ (travel)with his mother to all corners of the world.3.Video games can be a poor influence if _(leave)in the wrong hands.4.Though _(tire),they went on working in order to finish the task on time.growingtravellinglefttired 2.翻译句子翻译句子1.这家博物馆初建时富丽堂皇。(when状语从句省略)2.我昨天买的那本书在我回家的路上丢了。(定语从句省略)The

14、 museum looked splendid when first built.The book I bought yesterday was lost on the way home.归纳总结1:动词不定式中为了避免重复,省去与前面出现的相同部分,只保留 ,但如果在省略的不定式结构中含有be,have,have been时,要 这些词。1Do you want to go to Hongkong?Yes,Id like to 2 He hasnt finished the task yet.Well,he ought to have.233-Are you a farmer?-No,but

15、 I used to be.归纳总结2:当不定式在be going to,be able to,have to,ought to,used to后作复合谓语时,不定式可省略。讨论归纳3.使役动词及感官动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去 ,但在 语态中须将to复原。一感,二听,三让,四看+宾语+宾补(do)feelhearlisten tolethave makeseewatchnotice observe3 I heard people speak Mandarin,English and Cantonese in the cable car.4 He was seen to go int

16、o the classroom just now.0.024感官动词有哪些呢?口诀帮助你:The boy did nothing but play.讨论归纳5.两个或两个以上的不定式并列时,第一个带to,后面省去 。但若两个不定式之间表示对比关系,不能省略to。讨论归纳4.介词but,except前若有实义动词do,后面不定式不带不带to。1.His dream is to earn a lot of money and buy a big house for his mother.2.He believes it important to study rather than to make

17、friends.You cant force him to answer the question if hes not ready(to answer the question).讨论归纳6.当不定式在形容词afraid,anxious,eager,glad,happy,ready,willing等后作状语时,to后的内容常省略。一些与动词、名词或形容词搭配的介词常常一些与动词、名词或形容词搭配的介词常常可以省略。常见的结构有可以省略。常见的结构有:have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sthbe busy(in)doing sthspend some time(

18、in)doing sthstop/prevent sb(from)doing sthThere is no sense/point(in)doing sthShe spent much time(in)practicing piano.There were plenty of empty seats(on)that night.表示时间的介词at,on和in在next,last,this,these,yesterday,tomorrow,one,any,every,each,some等词前时,一般省略介词的省略使用so,not 等时的情况在英语中,可以用在英语中,可以用so,not或其他方式来

19、省或其他方式来省略上文或问句中的一部分或整个句子。略上文或问句中的一部分或整个句子。-Can you finish your work today?-(我认为能。我认为能。)-(我认为不能。我认为不能。)Attention:hope,guess,be hope,guess,be afraidafraid的否定形式只能用的否定形式只能用notnot的的形式,不能用形式,不能用notsonotso的形式。的形式。I think so.I dont think so./I think not.用适当的词填空用适当的词填空1.-Are you a volunteer now?-No,but I use

20、d to _.I worked for the City Sports Meeting last year.2.-Will the flight to Rome take off on time?-Im afraid _.3.We can do nothing but (give)up.4.He was noticed (leave)the office.补全省略的介词:补全省略的介词:1.He has trouble speaking in public.2.We have to go to school every day except Sunday afterdays.be not to

21、 giveto leaveinon Step 4:Read for fun Here is an interesting conversation between Mr Green and his good friend Mr Smith,a fisherman.Do you know what they are talking about?Mr Green:Going?Mr Smith:Been.Mr Green:Any?Mr Smith:Some.Mr Green:Big?Mr Smith:Small.30Are you going fishing?No,Ive just been fis

22、hing.Did you get any fish?I got some fish.Are they big?Oh,they are all small.Step 6 Homework1.Please finish Exercise一、单选题一、单选题1Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?Ahe explained Bwhat he explainedChow he explained Dwhy he explained.2What annoys me is the way _ he is a

23、lways showing off his good grades.AwhichBhow Cwhere D/3While _ in the street,he came across his old friend.Ato walk Bwalking CwalkedDhe walk4Though _ the dangers of smoking to their health,smokers still find it hard to give up smoking.AawareBaware of Care aware of Dbe aware of5This is an illness tha

24、t can result in total blindness if _.Ato leave untreatingBleft untreatedCleaving untreatingDis left untreated6Generally speaking,when according to the directions,the medicine has no side effect.AtakenBtakingCto takeDto be taken7Though _to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.AsurprisingBwas s

25、urprisedCsurprisedDbeing surprised8The boy want to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _.Anot toBnot to doCnot do it Ddo not to.单句语法填空1.This is a terrible disease that can result in total blindness,left untreated.(用适当的词填空)2She discovered so many amazing things while (explore)the n

26、ew city.3Children,when (accompany)by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.(单词的适当形式填空)4He arrived earlier than (expect).5In the film,the actor threw himself off the horse as if (shoot)to death.6The skills,once (gain),will be of great use to English study.7If (admit)to the company,you will receive strict training before you start to work.8The staff have been working day in and day out.However,unless (give)another week,they cant accomplish the task.9He looked backward constantly as if (follow)by someone.ifexploringaccompaniedexpectedshotgainedadmittedgivenfollowed


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