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1、给爷爷的礼物目录 Contents解读续写文本抓伏笔自问式思路启发范文及下水作文小细节构建及可读性细节描写相似“礼物”类考题对比解读续写文本1A GIFT FOR GRANDPA Summer vacation was coming.Jack and his brother Berlin were filled with excitement as they thought of visiting their grandparents again.The big day came at last.After the happy family got ready,they set out for

2、 the grandparents eagerly.On the way,the brothers were excitedly talking about the fun they had with grandparents.A little blue house with a tall white chimney finally appeared.Behind the property was the forest carrying their good memories with Grandpa.They arrived at the driveway,at the end of whi

3、ch Grandma was waiting for them joyfully.Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the living room,shouting excitedly“Grandpa,we are back!”Seeing his grandsons,Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all his strength from the chair but in vain.A helpless expression fla

4、shed on his face.Grandma explained that his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldnt stand up on his own forever.But Grandpa declared stubbornly(倔强地),“I can!”Certainly,he was stuck in his boyish way.Mum and grandparents were happy to meet again after a long time.They sat together and chatted a

5、bout what happened recently.The brothers were soon bored with adult conversation,went out and wandered into the forest.Tall trees stretched up to the heavens with large branches crossing each other,while young ones rose straight like soldiers.Grandpa was once a great explorer full of wisdom.He could

6、 tell where the birds came from only by their calls and songs.The trees,birds,lizards,lots of bugs.How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom!But now Grandpa couldnt get up.This made them worried.Wed think out a way to cheer him up.Jack said.Grandpa is a bird lover,and we can catc

7、h him a bird.Berlin suggested.“But he hates birds being caged!Jack shook his head.Then a bright idea came to Jacks mind.Why not make a cane(拐杖)out of a young tree!记叙文5 5要素分析法Read for main idea故事的主题语境为“人与自我”中的“生活与学习”主题群,内容指向的是“个人、家庭、社区及学校生活”。故事中兄弟俩Jack和Berlin因要回到爷爷家而非常兴奋与激动,爷爷却因病不能站立而感到无望。兄弟俩回想起与爷爷一起

8、在森林中玩耍的甜蜜时光而更加为此感到担忧,于是决定想办法让爷爷高兴起来,最终两人决定给爷爷做个拐杖当做礼物送给爷爷。A GIFT FOR GRANDPA Summer vacation was coming.Jack and his brother Berlin were filled with excitement as they thought of visiting their grandparents again.The big day came at last.After the happy family got ready,they set out for the grandpar

9、ents eagerly.On the way,the brothers were excitedly talking about the fun they had with grandparents.A little blue house with a tall white chimney finally appeared.Behind the property was the forest carrying their good memories with Grandpa.They arrived at the driveway,at the end of which Grandma wa

10、s waiting for them joyfully.Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the living room,shouting excitedly“Grandpa,we are back!”Seeing his grandsons,Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all his strength from the chair but in vain.A helpless expression flashed on his f

11、ace.Grandma explained that his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldnt stand up on his own forever.But Grandpa declared stubbornly(倔强地),“I can!”Certainly,he was stuck in his boyish way.Mum and grandparents were happy to meet again after a long time.They sat together and chatted about what hap

12、pened recently.The brothers were soon bored with adult conversation,went out and wandered into the forest.Tall trees stretched up to the heavens with large branches crossing each other,while young ones rose straight like soldiers.Grandpa was once a great explorer full of wisdom.He could tell where t

13、he birds came from only by their calls and songs.The trees,birds,lizards,lots of bugs.How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom!But now Grandpa couldnt get up.This made them worried.Wed think out a way to cheer him up.Jack said.Grandpa is a bird lover,and we can catch him a bird.

14、Berlin suggested.“But he hates birds being caged!Jack shook his head.Then a bright idea came to Jacks mind.Why not make a cane(拐杖)out of a young tree!Read for conflictWhat is the problem to be solved in the story?Grandpa1.his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldnt stand up on his own forever

15、2.helpless3.Grandpa declared stubbornly(倔强地),“I can!”Grandsons1.How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom2.This made them worriedVSto think out a way to cheer him upPara 1.How did they make a cane out of a young tree?Para 2.Was Grandpa cheered up?This worried the brothers so they

16、 decided to make a cane as a gift for Grandpa to cheer him up.Jack and Berlin were excited to visit their grandparents again Grandpa was wild with joy,but hopless because his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldnt stand up forever.Read for plot and predict the continuation writing抓伏笔自问式思路启发2

17、01010203衔接句1.What did they do to set about making a cane?情节推进:How did they cooperate with each other during the process?衔接句2:Having made a cane,how did they feel and where did they hand it to Grandpa?Then a bright idea came to Jacks mind.Why not make a cane(拐杖)out of a young tree!Berlin thought it w

18、as a good idea.Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.02010203衔接句3.How did Grandpa respond?(feeling?words?action?)情节推进:What did Grandpa do with the cane?结尾:Did they successfully cheer Grandpa up?Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.参考范文及下水作文3参考范文Berlin thought it was a good idea.They set a

19、bout making a cane for Grandpa immediately.The moment theya young tree of moderate size,they and then the branches and skins with a knife.With a small wood fastened on the top as a handle,a fashionable cane came into being(with复合结构表伴随).To make the handle feel comfortable,they a soft cloth around it.

20、Berlin,full of innovative ideas,(制作拐杖的动作链)words Gift To Grandpa on the cane.What a cool cane!Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.Staring at the fancy cane,Grandpa was so happy with smiles on his face shining like a diamond(高兴的心理描写).He thanked his grandsons for the wonderful gift with affectio

21、n,You brothers are really great creators!Supporting himself with the cane,Grandpa couldnt contain himself and went to the forest step by step.(拐杖发挥作用,爷爷来到森林)Watching the trees and grass around,he emotionally said he would forever cherish the fond moments they were together in the forest(场景复现,共同回忆甜蜜时

22、刻).chosecut it downremoved wrappedcarved下水作文:Berlin thought it was a good idea.(衔接句1)With the tools fetched from the bakdyard,they returned to the forest to search for an approriate young tree for a cane.(准备工作)情节发展:Hardly had they selected one when they get started with their BIG PROJET.(迫切的心情)Jack,

23、the elder brother,took on the job of cutting it down,while Berlin,who was younger and more creative,was responbile for decoration.(分工合作)Hard as it might seem to them,they never failed to make it.(困难但不放弃)After what seemed a long time,an elegant and tough cane appeared.(成功)(衔接句2)Both of them were more

24、 than satisfied with their work and couldnt wait to rush home.(冲到家+递给爷爷)Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.下水作文:Berlin thought it was a good idea.(衔接句1)With the tools fetched from the bakdyard,they returned to the forest to search for an approriate young tree for a cane.(准备工作)情节发展:Hardly had

25、 they selected one when they get started with their BIG PROJET.(迫切的心情)Jack,the elder brother,took on the job of cutting it down,while Berlin,who was younger and more creative,was responbile for decoration.(分工合作)Hard as it might seem to them,they never failed to make it.(困难但不放弃)After what seemed a lo

26、ng time,an elegant and tough cane appeared.(成功)(衔接句2)Both of them were more than satisfied with their work and couldnt wait to rush home.(冲到家+递给爷爷)Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.(衔接句3)The instant he saw it,he knew what it was all about.(递+看到+知道一

27、切)情节发展:Deeply touched by the grandsons gift,he took it with great excitement(语言协同心理描写)and knocked on the ground several times.(感动+激动+接过+试用)Obviously,he attempted to stand up with it.(拐杖应发挥作用+试图站立)With the encouragement of the two brothers,he struggled to get up,rooted on the ground like a determined

28、 soldier(鼓励+站立+修辞协同,比喻突出性格).结尾句:A cheerful and joyful expression(语言协同心理描写),which Jack and Berlin had expected of their Grandpa,flashed on his face.(冲突解决)升华:It was at that moment that they literally felt all the efforts to make the cane were all worth it.相似“礼物”类考题对比4(2021新高考I卷)A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISE

29、The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day.How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed.They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge.They had watched their mother in the kitchen.There was nothing

30、to it.Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.The big day came at last.The alarm rang at 6 a.m.The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen.They decided to boil the porridge first.They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast.Jeff broke two eggs i

31、nto a plate and added in some milk.Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture.Next,Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread.The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds.Jenna

32、 threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread.This time,she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake.The next minute,the porridge boiled over and put out the fire.Jenna panicked.Thankfully,Jeff s

33、tayed calm and turned off the gas quickly.But the store was a mess now.Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge.But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain.Jenna made him put his hand in cold water.Then she caught the smell of burning

34、.Oh dear!The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.Para1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment,their father appeared.Para2:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.They hugged her and

35、yelled Happy Mothers Day,darling Mummy!(衔接句3唤醒妈妈+拥抱,祝福)Mother hugged the twins.Her eyes widened at the sight of the breakfast tray.She shook Father who was pretending to snore(打呼噜).He feigned(佯装)astonishment when he saw the breakfast.Mother bit into a sandwich and said it was the best she had ever t

36、asted.Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite.Jenna caught her fathers eye and they winked at each other secretly(结尾句:父子俩心照不宣).(76 words)As the twins looked around them in disappointment,their father appeared.One look and he knew what they were up to.(衔接句1父亲出现,明白一切)Seeing their crestfallen(沮丧的)faces,

37、he told them to clean up the kitchen while he helped them make breakfast for Mother.(指导+协助)The twins cheered up and did as told.(孩子高兴起来+照做)Within an hour,the kitchen was cleaned,and Father had made some egg sandwiches and cooked some oat porridge.(早饭成功)Then he sneaked(溜走)back to bed.Meanwhile,the twins prepared the breakfast tray(托盘),added a card they had made and walked out of the kitchen.(衔接句2 走出厨房)(82 words)谢谢观看


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