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1、History and TraditionsHistory and Traditions Word study Word studyWord formations1.similar adj.相似的_adv.相似地_n.相似处2.confuse vt.使.困惑;使.迷惑_adj.困惑_adj.令人困惑的_n.困惑3.puzzle n.迷;智力游戏_vt.迷惑;使困惑_adj.困惑的4.create v.创造 _adj.有创造力的_n.创造力_n.发明物5.add v.增加_n.增加 _adj.增加的;额外的 _adv.另外;更加6.short adj.短的_v.缩短_adj.缩短的7.curre

2、ncy n.通货;货币_adj.当前的_adv.当前地8.defend v.防御;保卫_n.9.legal adj.合法的_adj.非法的similarlysimilarityconfusedconfusingconfusionpuzzlepuzzledcreativecreativitycreationadditionadditionaladditionallyshortenshortenedcurrentcurrentlydefenceillegal Word formations10.tradition n.传统_adj.传统的_adv.传统地petition n.竞赛;比赛_n.竞争者

3、_adj.比赛的;竞争的12.explore v.探索_n.探索_n.探索者13.surround v.包围;围绕_n.环境_adj.周围的14.achievement n.成就_v.实现,获得成就15.conquer v.占领;征服;控制_n.征服者,占领者16.capital adj.首都的,省会的_adj.大写的,资本的_n.资本_n.资本主义traditionaltraditionallycompetitorcompetitiveexplorationexplorersurroundingssurroundingachieveconquerorcapitalcapitalcapital

4、ismWord formations17.fascinate v.吸引_adj.有吸引力的,迷人的_n.吸引18.history n.历史_adj.跟历史有关的_adj.有历史意义的19.notice n.通知;告知_adj.显眼的_v.看到,注意20.individual adj.个人的;单独的_n.个人_ adv.各自地21.lose v.失败;丢失_n.损失;失败_过去式_过去分词22.breathe v.呼吸_n.呼吸_adj.喘不上气来的23.charge v.充电;收费_n.负责;指控;收费24.announce v.宣布;通知 _ n.宣告;通知25.generous adj.慷

5、慨的 _n.慷慨fascinatefascinationhistoricalhistoricnoticeablenoticeindividuallossbreathchargeannouncementgenerositylostlostbreathlessindividuallyWord formations26.eager adj.热切的_n.热切;渴望27.influence n&v.影响 _adj.有影响力的28.poet n.诗人_n.诗_adj.诗集;诗歌的总称29.roll v.滚动,翻滚_adj.滚动的,翻滚的30.coast n.海岸_adj.海岸的31.greet v.问候,

6、迎接_n.问候,迎接32.custom n.习俗_n.海关33.draft v.起草_n.草稿34.crowd n.人群_ adj.拥挤的35.presentation n.陈述;展示,赠送_ n.礼物_ v.送礼;展现_ adj.目前的;当前的;在场的_ n.出席 eagernessinfluentialpoempoetryrollingcostalgreetingcustomsdraftcrowdedpresentpresentpresentpresence1.individual1.individual(1).adj.(只用于名词前)单独的;个人的:1.Each individualEa

7、ch individual leaf on the tree is different.2.It is difficult for a teacher to give individualindividual attention to children in a large class.(2).adj.独特的;与众不同的:an individual way of sth./doing sth.(独特的)做某事的方式3.Shes got a very individualindividual way of dressing.(3).n.个人;个体;人4.Together,individualsi

8、ndividuals can make a difference.高考链接:1.(2020北京阅读理解)Interestingly,this trend isnt evident in baseball,where additional individual individual talent keeps improving the teams performance.2.(2019北京)In baseball,the performance of individual individual players is less dependent on teammates.2.belong2.be

9、long(1)属于(某人)1.The soccer ball belongs tobelongs to Dan.(2)是(俱乐部、组织等)的成员2.He belongs tobelongs to the badminton club.他是羽毛球俱乐部的成员。(3)是(某族类或纲目)的一部分,属于3.Lions and tigers belong tobelong to the cat family.狮子和老虎属于猫科。【误区警示误区警示】(1)belong to 既不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。This bike belongs to me.()This bike is belonge

10、d to me.()This bike is belonging to me.()(2)to 是介词,后面可跟名词或代词作宾语。(3)可用 belong to 的现在分词形式作后置定语。The apartment belonging tobelonging to me is in the center of the city.【词语积累词语积累】belongings n.(pl.)所有物;财产,财物(表达此意时必须用复数)personal belongings 个人财物,私人用品单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)As an author,he really belongs the 18th cen

11、tury.(2)I dont know whom this computer belongs.(3)The old house(belong)to my grandfather was still in good condition.(4)I just escaped from the flood and all my(belong)were swept away.totototobelongingbelongingbelongingsbelongings3.charge3.charge(1)n.&v.charge sb.some money for sth.因某事而(向某人)收费搭配char

12、ge sb.with(doing)sth.指控/指责某人(做)某事1.He forgot to charge charge the battery.2.How much/What do you charge forcharge for the repairs?3.The restaurant chargedcharged(meme)$20 for$20 for dinner.4.He was charged withwas charged with hunting Yangtze River dolphins.(2)n.主管,掌管;费用,收费;指控,控告take charge of负责,掌管(

13、短语动词)in charge of负责,掌管(短语介词)搭配in the charge of=in ones charge由负责/掌管free of charge免费5.The company was badly organized until she took charge oftook charge of it.6.My uncle is in charge ofis in charge of an art gallery.=An art gallery is in the charge of in the charge of my uncle.7.There is a charge fo

14、ra charge for using the application.You can play soccer in the stadium free of chargefree of charge.8.He is facing a charge of facing a charge of destroying cultural relics.写出句中写出句中 charge charge 的词性和词义的词性和词义(1)The charge for transport will be increased because the price of petrol is going up.(2)I w

15、onder how much you charge for your service._(3)The police charged the young man with car theft._(4)He is charging a storage battery._(5)The company used to be in his direct charge._单句语法填空单句语法填空(6)How much do you charge me._ it?No.In fact it is free _ charge at the weekend.(7)He was charged _ murder

16、and sentenced to death.(8)Mother puts the baby in _ charge of the baby-sitter while she is out.n.n.费用费用v.v.收费收费vt.vt.充电充电vt.vt.指控指控n.主管主管forforofofwithwiththethe4.announce4.announceannounce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth.向某人宣布某事announce that.宣布As is announced.据报道.It is announced that.据报道.1.Everyone w

17、as silent as he announced announced the winner of the competition to to us.当他向我们宣布比赛的获胜者时,大家都沉默了。2.They announced thatannounced that a cold wave would come soon.他们宣布说不久寒潮就要来。3.It was announced thatIt was announced that all prisoners would be set free.已宣布全部囚犯都将获释。【误区警示】announce sb.sth.()announce sth.

18、to sb.()用法相同的动词还有 suggest,explain,report,say 等。【词语辨析】announce 与 declare(1)announce 指把人们关心或感兴趣的事公布于众;(2)declare 指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度等。【词语积累】announcement n.宣告,宣布;通知make an announcement 宣布通告单句语法填空(1)The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news the reporters.(2)We are pleased (announce)that all

19、five candidates were successful.tototo announceto announce(3)is announced in todays newspaper,they have succeeded in solving many problems about the new technique.(4)The president made an unexpected (announce)this morning.(5)At the end of their meeting,was announced that an agreement had been reache

20、d.辨析填空:辨析填空:announce/declareannounce/declare(6)We have launched another man-made satellite,which is in todays newspaper.(7)Jane that she would rather resign than change her decision.AsAsannouncementannouncementit itannouncedannounceddeclareddeclared5.approach5.approach(1)vt.接近;接洽;着手处理 vi.靠近1.As you

21、approachapproach the town,youll see the college on the left.2.Whats the best way of approachingapproaching this problem?3.The editor heard footsteps approachingapproaching.4.Spring is approachingapproaching.(2)n.接近,靠近;方法,方式;通路,路径the approach of.的来临/临近at the approach of在快到的时候an approach to(doing)sth.

22、(做)某事的方法方式5.In my view,the best approach to working outapproach to working out is to go jogging every day.(1)What we need are new approaches solving the problem.(2)Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to(work)things out.(3)this way,we can get along with

23、each other happily and peacefully.(4)However,there are also some problems this teaching method.totoworkingworkingInInwithwith6.ensure6.ensurevt.接近;接洽;着手处理 vi.靠近ensure the safety of.确保的安全搭配ensure(that).确保ensure the welfare and safety of the students 确保学生的福利和安全1.I will ensure thatensure that the car a

24、rrives by six oclock.2.The teachers spared no effort to ensure(that)ensure(that)all students would be given an equal chance.3.Go and ensureensure the place and time.=Go and makemake suresure of the place and time.vt.保证;确保;担保(=make sure)7.generous7.generousbe generous to sb.对某人慷慨/大方be generous with s

25、th.不吝惜某物It is generous of sb.to do sth.某人做某事是大方的。1.Although he was not rich,he waswas very generousgenerous toto his needy friends.2.Jim is is very generousgenerous withwith his time.3.It was generous of them to inviteIt was generous of them to invite Anna along.a generousgenerous mind 宽阔的胸怀generous

26、ly adv.慷慨地,大方地 generosity n.慷慨,大方 mean adj.吝啬的,小气的反义词(1)The volunteers are very generous the kids.(2)They are very generous their money.(3)It was generous him to offer to pay for us both.(4)Those people,in turn,will connect better with others and treat them more(generous).totowithwithofofgenerouslyg

27、enerously8.position8.positionin/out of position 在/不在适当的位置put/place sb.in a good/an awkward position 使某人处于有利的/尴尬的境地sitting/standing/lying positionposition 坐姿/站姿/卧姿take up her positionposition as chief editor of the publishing house当 position,situation,point,case,stage 等表示抽象地点的名词作先行词且关系词在从句中作状语时,定语从句常

28、用 where 引导。1.They are now in a better position whereposition where they can be very successful this year.(1)Ensure that everything is position when we come back to the room.(2)We were put in a position we had to either accept we were less important,or fight the government.(3)I have reached a point in my life I am supposed to make up my mind.(4)As soon as his officers were (就 位),the police commander walked up the path towards the house.(5)One of the cups is (位置不对).Put it back in place.ininwherewherewherewherein positionin positionout of positionout of position


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