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1、 1 2020 年 1 月高考英语浙江卷真题解析 试卷导航 语篇 话题 体裁 词数 难度 阅读理解 A 人与自我:回忆童年的阅读经历 记叙文 294 + 56 = 350 易 阅读理解 B 人与自然: 威斯康星州用奶酪盐水给道路除 冰 说明文 311+98 = 409 易 阅读理解 C 人与自我:父亲影响孩子学习毅力 议论文 250+128=378 中 阅读七选五 人与自然:饮水问题 说明文 268+94=362 易 完形填空 人与自我:一棵树的生活启示 记叙文 272 中 语法填空 人与社会:老龄化人口 说明文 203 中 应用文写作 人与社会:邀请信 应用文 80(左右) 中 读后续写 人

2、与自然:关爱动物 记叙文 150(左右) 中 试题解读 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 A I never knew anyone whod grown up in Jackson without being afraid of Mrs. Calloway, our librarian. She ran Jacksons Carnegie Library absolutely by herself. SILENCE in

3、 big black letters was on signs hung everywhere. If she thought you were dressed improperly, she sent you straight back home to change your clothes. I was willing; I would do anything to read. My mother was not afraid of Mrs. Calloway. She wished me to have my own library card to check out books for

4、 myself. She took me in to introduce me. “Eudora is nine years old and has my permission to read any book she wants from the shelves, children or adults,” Mother said. Mrs. Calloway made her own rules about books. You could not take back a book to the library on the same day youd taken it out; it ma

5、de no difference to her that youd read every word in it and needed another to start. You could take out two books at a time and two only. So two by two, I read library books as fast as I could go, rushing them home in the basket of my bicycle. From the minute I reached our house, I started to read.

6、I knew this was extreme happiness, knew it at the time. My mother shared this feeling of mine. Now, I think of her as reading so much of the time while doing something else. I remember her reading a magazine while taking the part of the Wolf in a game of “Little Red Riding Hood” with my brothers two

7、 daughters. Shed just look up at the right time, long enough to answer in character “The better to eat you with, my dear,” and go back to her place in the magazine article. 21. Which of the following best describes Mrs. Calloway? A. Quiet. B. Strict. C. Humorous. D. Considerate. 22. What do the unde

8、rlined words “this feeling” refer to in the last paragraph? A. Desire to read. B. Love for Mrs. Calloway. 2 C. Interest in games. D. Fear of the library rules. 23. Where is the text probably from? A. A guidebook. B. An autobiography. C. A news report. D. A book review. 语篇解读 关键词 library, books, readi

9、ng 主旨概要 本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了她早年的图书馆阅读经历,母亲在阅读方面对她产生了 很大的影响。 百科知识 Eudora Welty:尤多拉韦尔蒂是美国著名女作家(19092001),长于描写美国南方 生活,她的作品经常出现在各种美国文学的作品集和美国学校英文课的课本里。在美国 文学界,尤多拉韦尔蒂被人们誉为短篇小说大师,人们常把她和俄罗斯作家契诃夫相 提并论。其代表作乐天者的女儿获得了美国文学界的重要奖项普利策奖。 尤多拉 韦尔蒂的父亲是一家保险公司的高级职员;母亲是学校老师。韦尔蒂的父母很爱 读书, 所以在韦尔蒂姐弟三个成长过程中, 书籍从来都是他们生活中不可分割的一部分。 韦尔

10、蒂晚年时曾在哈佛大学举办系列演讲,回忆她的人生经历,并据此出版了她的自传 一个作家的开端。韦尔蒂在回忆录里写道:在她还不识字的时候,她就下决心要读 遍天下所有的书了。韦尔蒂是这样想的,也是这样做的。家里的书不够读了,她就去当 地的图书馆。当时的韦尔蒂也许没想到:几十年后,那所图书馆改建,新图书馆就被命 名为尤多拉韦尔蒂图书馆。 原文出处 选自尤多拉韦尔蒂自传一个作家的开端,这本自传讲述了她的家庭和她的周遭环 境是如何打磨她的性格和她的写作的。原文收录在 2000 Advanced Placement Program Free-Response Questions 中。 https:/secur

11、e-edia.collegeboard.org/apc/eng_lang_00.pdf 语言知识 重难点词 run 一词多义 管理,经营;absolutely 完全地;hang 悬挂;improperly 派生词 不得 体地,不合适地;straight adv 直接,径直,立即;rush 熟词生义 迅速带走 (此处为及 物动词) ; reach 到达, 抵达; while 当的时候, 和同时; character 一词多义 角 色;place 熟词生义 (书中读到的) 地方,点 重难点词块 by oneself 独自地, 独立地; in letters 用字母; change (ones) c

12、lothes 换衣服; check out (从图书馆等) 借出; wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事; have (sbs) permission to do sth 经 (某人) 许可做某事; it makes no difference to sb that 对某人而言没什么差别; at a time 每次; at the / that time 当时, 那时候; think of . as . 认为 / 觉得是; take the part of 扮演 (part = role);look up 抬头看;at the right time 在适当的时候 答案与解析 21

13、. B 推理判断题 根据第一段中的 If she thought you were dressed improperly, she sent you straight back home to change your clothes. 可知 Mrs. Calloway 对衣着严格要求以及第三段中她对图书借阅严格规定可知,Mrs. Calloway 是一位严格的图书管理员。 22. A 推理判断题 根据第三段最后 I read library books as fast as I could go, rushing them home I knew this was extreme happin

14、ess, knew it at the time. 可知,作者那时候如饥似渴地阅读;根据本段 Now, I think of her as reading so much ,可知作者的母亲也很渴望阅读。 23. B 推理判断题 通读全文可知,作者是在回忆自己童年时代的阅读经历,最可能出自自传。 3 B Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is road testing a new way to keep winter roads ice-free by spreading on them cheese brine, the salty liquid used to make soft

15、cheeses, like mozzarella. Wisconsin, also called “Americas Dairyland,” is famous for its cheese. The state produced 2.8 billion pounds of cheese last year! As a result, there was a lot of leftover cheese brine. Disposing of (处置) the brine can be expensive. So what should cheese makers do with the wa

16、ste? Normally, towns use rock salt to de-ice streets. The salt lowers waters freezing point, causing ice to melt (融化). But using cheese brine could help both cheese producers and cities save money, while keeping roads safe. Cheese brine has salt in it, which, like the rock salt, helps lower waters f

17、reezing point. In addition to saving money, cheese brine could also be a more eco-friendly option. Many people suspect that all the rock salt used every winter is harming the environment. Rock salt is made of sodium chloride, the same compound (化合物) in ordinary table salt. Sounds harmless, right? Bu

18、t while you probably add only a small amount of salt to your food, road crews spread about 20 million tons of salt on U.S. roads every year! The chemical washes off roads and goes into the ground. There it can pollute drinking water, harm plants, and eat away soil. By spreading cheese brine on stree

19、ts before adding a layer of rock salt, Milwaukee may be able to cut its rock salt use by 30 percent. Cheese brine has a downside too a smell similar to that of bad milk. “I dont really mind it,” Emil Norby told Modern Farmer magazine. He works for one of Wisconsins county highway commissions and cam

20、e up with the idea of using cheese brine. “Our roads smell like Wisconsin!” he said. 24. Why can cheese brine help keep winter roads ice-free? A. It is soft. B. It contains salt. C. It is warm. D. It has milk in it. 25. What is a benefit of using cheese brine on roads? A. Improving air quality. B. I

21、ncreasing sales of rock salt. C. Reducing water pollution. D. Saving the cheese industry. 26. Milwaukees new way to de-ice streets may be an example of _. A. barking up the wrong tree B. putting the cart before the horse C. robbing Peter to pay Paul D. killing two birds with one stone 语篇解读 关键词 Wisco

22、nsin, ice-free, cheese brine, road 主旨概要 本文是说明文,介绍了美国威斯康星州用剩余的奶酪盐水为道路除冰。 百科知识 威斯康星州 (Wisconsin),西北濒苏必利尔湖,东临密歇根湖,面积 14.53 万平方千米,州府 是麦迪逊 (Madison)。威斯康星州 45%为森林区,土地肥沃,是美国花旗参 (西洋参) 的主要 产地。对美国人来说,威斯康星州的农产品名气最大的不是人参,而是它的乳牛和奶制品, 因此该州被人们称之为美国的乳业基地 (Americas Dairyland)。威斯康星州的奶酪,占到全美 产量的一半左右,所以人们也把它叫做奶酪之州 (Che

23、ese State)。威斯康星生产的奶酪在美国 4 名气很大,特别是它的 60 多家手工奶酪厂家,出产 600 多种奶酪,还有数百家农场出产自己 独一无二的品牌奶酪,包括许多有机产品。 岩盐 (rock salt):岩盐是由咸水湖经由长期蒸发干涸后堆积固化成盐矿,把这些盐矿磨碎后就 是岩盐。 氯化钠 (Sodium chloride):一种无色立方结晶或细小结晶粉末,味咸。外观是白色晶体状,其 来源主要是海水,是食盐的主要成分。 原文出处 本文改编比较大, 主要来自 New York Times 2013 年 12 月 24 日一篇名为 Pouring Cheese on Icy Roads

24、in (Where Else?) Wisconsin 的文章和 sustaiablebrands 网站 2013 年名为 Cheese Brine Helping De-Ice Milwaukee Roads, Make Them Smell Like Wisconsin的文章。 ml em-smell-like-wisconsin 语言知识 重难点词 road test 合成词 v 路测; ice-free 合成词 无冰的; brine 盐水; mozzarella 莫泽雷勒干酪 (一 种色白味淡的意大利干酪);leftover 合成词 剩余的;normally 句子副词 通常;de-ice

25、 派 生词 除去上的冰 (de-前缀表示“除掉,去掉”);lower 形容词动词化 减少,降低; eco-friendly 合成词 环保的;downside 合成词 缺点,不利方面 重难点词块 spread sth on sth 将某物涂 / 敷 / 洒在某物上;as a result 结果;do with 处理;rock salt 岩盐; freezing point 冰点;in addition to 除以外 (还);be made of 由构成;table salt 食盐; add . to 给添加;wash off 被冲洗掉;eat away 侵蚀,腐蚀,逐渐破坏;(be) simil

26、ar to 与类似的;come up with 想出,提出;be barking up the wrong tree 习语 把方法搞错, 走错路线;put the cart before the horse 习语 本末倒置;rob Peter to pay Paul 习语 借新债还 旧账,拆东墙补西墙;kill two birds with one stone 习语 一石二鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得 长难句分析 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is road testing a new way to keep winter roads ice-free by spreading on

27、them cheese brine, the salty liquid used to make soft cheeses, like mozzarella. 句意为:威斯康星 州,Milwaukee正在道路测试一种使冬季道路无冰的新方法将用于制作类似莫泽雷勒干酪 一样的柔软奶酪的盐水洒在上面。句子主干为Milwaukee is road testing a new way;在作方式 状语的介词by短语中,the salty liquid是cheese brine的同位语,used to make soft cheeses作后置 定语修饰the salty liquid。 答案与解析 24.

28、B 事实细节题 根据第三段 Normally, towns use rock salt to de-ice streets . Cheese brine has salt in it 可知,奶酪盐 水含有盐,可以化冰。 25. C 推理判断题 根据第四段 cheese brine could also be a more eco-friendly option 及第六段 it can pollute drinking water 可知,用岩盐化冰看似无污染,实际却污染饮用水,而奶酪盐水更环保,可减少水污染。 26. D 推理判断题 根据第二段 As a result, there was a

29、lot of leftover cheese brine 及第四段 In addition to saving money, cheese brine could also be a more eco-friendly option. 可知威斯康星州有很多剩余的奶酪盐水, Emil Norby 想出了用 这些剩余的奶酪盐水来给道路除冰的主意,既解决了剩余的奶酪盐水问题,节约开支,同时也环保,可谓一举两 得。 C Todays world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. A key skill set for success is pers

30、istence (毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence. 5 BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and Randal Day arrived at these

31、findings after following 325 American families over several years. And over time, the persistence gained through fathers led to higher achievement in school. “There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers,” Padilla-Walker said. “This research also helps to prove that charac

32、teristics such as persistence which can be taught are key to a childs life success.” Researchers determined that dads need to practice an “authoritative” parenting style. Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian: rigid, demanding or controlling. Rather, an authoritative parenting style includes

33、some of the following characteristics: children feel warmth and love from their father; responsibility and the reasons behind rules are stressed; children are given an appropriate level of autonomy (自主权). In the study, about 52 percent of the dads exhibited above-average levels of authoritative pare

34、nting. A key finding is that over time, children raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistence, which leads to better outcomes in school. This particular study examined 11 to 14-year-olds living in two-parent homes. Yet the researchers suggest that single pa

35、rents still may play a role in teaching the benefits of persistence, which is an avenue of future research. 27. What is special about the BYU professors study? A. It centered on fathers role in parenting. B. It was based on a number of large families. C. It analyzed different kinds of parenting styl

36、es. D. It aimed to improve kids achievement in school. 28. What would an authoritative father do when raising his children? A. Ignore their demands. B. Make decisions for them. C. Control their behaviors. D. Explain the rules to them. 29. Which group can be a focus of future studies according to the

37、 researchers? A. Single parents. B. Children aged from 11 to 14. C. Authoritarian fathers. D. Mothers in two-parent homes. 30. Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Three Characteristics of Authoritative Fathers B. Key Skills for Young Adults to Succeed in Future C. Children Tend

38、 to Learn Determination from Father D. Family Relationship Influences School Performance 语篇解读 主题句 Fathers are in a unique position to help their children to learn persistence. 主旨概要 本文是一篇议论文,论述的是父亲在孩子的成长中极大地影响孩子毅力的养成,因而呼吁 父亲多给予孩子适当的自主权。 百科知识 杨百翰大学 (Brigham Young University,缩写:BYU) 成立于 1875 年,学校坐落于美国犹

39、 他州的普罗沃市(Provo),是一所美国著名的私立研究型大学。 6 原文出处 选自 Psych Central, 2012 年 6 月 18 日名为 Children Tend to Learn Determination From Father 的文章。 01.html 语言知识 重难点词 adjustment n 调节,适应;follow v 熟词生义 关注;stress v 熟词生义 强调;determine v 正式用语 查明, 确定; practice v 正式 经常做; authoritative adj 学术词汇 权威式的, 命令式的 (authority + -ative);

40、 parenting n 养育, 育儿; authoritarian adj 专制的 (authority + -an); rigid adj 学术词汇 固执的, 僵化的; demanding adj (人) 要求严格的, 苛求的; rather adv 相反,反而;appropriate adj 合适的,恰当的;exhibit 正式 表现,显出 (display); above-average 高于平均水平的; significantly adv 显著地, 明显地; develop v 熟词生义 形 成;suggest v 显示,表明 (近 indicate);avenue n 熟词生义 方

41、法,途径 重难点词块 set sth for sth 为某事物安排某事物;be heavily influenced by 深受影响;in a good / strong / unique position (to do sth) 处于 (做某事的) 有利 / 独特地位; arrive at 达成, 得出; over time 渐渐地, 慢慢地; lead to 导致; the key to success 成功的关键; be (more) likely to do sth (更) 有可能做某事;play a role in doing sth 在做某事中起作用;centre on 集中于;

42、be based on 建立在的基础上;aim to do sth 力求做某事;tend to do sth 往往会做某事 长难句分析 A key skill set for success is persistence (毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. 句意为: 毅力是成功的关键技能, 而研究人员认为这一特征的形成深 受父亲的影响。本句的主干为 A key skill is persistence, set for success 修饰 skill,a character

43、istic 作 persistence 的同位语,that 引导定语从句,指代先行词 characteristic,并在 定语从句中作宾语从句的主语。 This research also helps to prove that characteristics such as persistence which can be taught are key to a childs life success. 句意为:这项研究还有助于证明,毅力等特征是孩子一 生成功的关键,这些特征是可以教会的。非限制性定语从句 which can be taught,修饰先行 词 persistence。 A k

44、ey finding is that over time, children raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistence, which leads to better outcomes in school. 句意为:一项重要的发 现是,随着时间的推移,由权威型父亲抚养长大的孩子更有可能培养出坚持不懈的精神, 从而在学校取得更好的成绩。本句的主干是主系表结构,that 引导一个表语从句;表语从 句中的主语是 children,raised by an authori

45、tative father 修饰主语 children,which 引导一个 非限制性定语从句,修饰的是前面整个句子 children were more likely to 答案与解析 27. A 推理判断题 根据第一段最后一句 Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.可知,该大学研究的是父亲在家庭中对孩子毅力品 格的养成起着重要作用。故选 A 项。

46、 28. D 推理判断题 根据第四段可知,“权威式的”父亲并不专断,而是要让孩子感受到温暖和责任,要强调规则 背后的缘由,要给予孩子适当的自主权。故推断出,一个“权威式的”父亲会做的事情是给孩子解释规则。 29. A 事实细节题 根据最后一段最后一句 the researchers suggest that single parents , which is an avenue of future research. 可知,未来研究的方向是单亲父母。 30. C 主旨大意题 文章主要论述了父亲的行为会影响孩子毅力的养成。 故 C 项 Children Tend to learn Determi

47、nation from Father 是文章的最佳标题。 7 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Lets take a minute to think about the water we use. The human body is 60% water and we need to drink lots of water to be healthy. When we are thirsty we just go to the kitchen and fill a glass with c

48、lean water. 31 For example, farmers, who produce the food we eat, use water to make the plants grow. When we turn on a light or switch on a TV or a computer we use energy and we need water to produce this energy. The truth is that we are lucky enough to have clean water whenever we want, but this is

49、 not the case for many people around the world. 32 Thats around one in 10 people in the world. If we drink dirty water, we can catch diseases from the bacteria and become ill. Every year over 500,000 children die from diarrhoea (腹泻) from dirty water. Thats around 1,400 children every day! Also, in some countries children walk many kilometres every day to get water. 33 Therefore, they dont have time to learn


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