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1、A Little BoyA Little BoyInterpretation of the Text 文本解读文本解读A storyhowwherewhenwhywhowhatInterpretation of the Text 文本解读文本解读a little boyan old mansell magazinesInterpretation of the Text 文本解读文本解读The boy knocked on the door and waited,sweating from fear of the old man.Dust found the boy lingering on a

2、nd hesitating what to do.The little boy was very afraid.got up the courage and said.The little boy was sad that.He was also sad for the old man.frightenedhesitatingbravesympatheticTip 1:Describe what a character does in detail to show his personalities or feelings vividly.读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】

3、读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Interpretation of the Text文本解读文本解读.a house that people rarely visitedThe house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came outThe boys parents told him to stay away from the house,and.neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.the old man

4、said impatientlyThe old man just stared.without a word.The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said.hard to get on withunfriendly读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读划线词和续写首句解读(G-N Strategy)1.Interpreta

5、tion of given information首句解读:Para.1 The little boy headed back down to the old mans house.Plotdevelopment:Emotional development:the old man became very angrythe little boy presented his dog figurine as a gift to the old manthe old man was moved by the boys kindness读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英

6、语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读划线词和续写首句解读(G-N Strategy)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 From that day on something changed inside the old man.PlotDevelopment:Emotional development:the old man went out of his house and greeted his

7、 neighbors with a bright smileoptinistic about lifenever felt lonely anymore 读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】2.Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:magazines,neighbors,the door,the old man,the little boy,quota,dog figurines,collections,lonely soul,real live dogCharactersPla

8、ceOthersneighbors,the old man,the little boythe doormagazines,quota,dog figurines,collections,lonely soul,real live dogInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读划线词和续写首句解读读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Interpretation of writing ideas写作思路解读写作思路解读angrypre

9、sent the dog figurine as a giftmovedoptimistic&happyIdea 1:读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读写作思路解读Idea 2:angrypresent the dog figurine as a giftmovedTip 2:Make an outline by using a mind map(思维导图).读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-P

10、PT执教课件【推荐】The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能:表达微技能:inanimate subject 无灵主语无灵主语Para.3:Dust found the boy lingering on and hesitating what to do.Tip 3:Use the inanimate subject to describe the surroundings&the charaters feelings vividly.读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】英语里主

11、语往往采用人称和非人称两种表达形式。用非人称主语表达时,往往注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”,这种修辞方式称之为“无灵主语(无灵主语(inanimate subject)”。“无灵主语”常用来表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等,谓语动词却时常用“有灵动词(animate verb)”表达人或社会团体的动作和行为,如:see,witness,find,bring,take,know,give,send,escape,surround,kill,deprive,serve,tell,permit,stop,invite,drive,preventfrom等,这类句子往往带有拟人化(pers

12、onification)的修辞色彩。The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能:表达微技能:inanimate subject 无灵主语无灵主语读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】Have a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换1.花园里百花盛开,温和的气候在邀请人们参加多样的户花园里百花盛开,温和的气候在邀请人们参加多样的户外活动。外活动。Gardens are in full bloom,_.(运用无灵主语增加语言的表现力)Gardens are in full bloom,

13、_.(运用独立主格结构增强语言的生动性)and the mild climate is inviting people to various outdoor activitiesthe mild climate inviting people to various outdoor activities读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】2.夜幕降临,小男孩饿了,就在大街上哭起来。夜幕降临,小男孩饿了,就在大街上哭起来。Dust _ in the street because he was hungry.(运用无灵主语增加语

14、言的表现力)The night was falling and the boy was hungry,_.(运用定语从句提高语言的多样性)found the boy cryingwhich made him cry in the street The night was falling and the boy was hungry,_.(运用分词短语作状语提高语言的丰富性)_,the boy was hungry and cried in the street.(运用独立主格结构增强语言的生动性)making him cry in the streetThe night falling读后续写

15、高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】3.20世纪世纪90年代,电脑的普及使人们的沟通方式发生了巨年代,电脑的普及使人们的沟通方式发生了巨大变化。大变化。The 1990s _ in the way people communicated because computers became more and more popular.(运用无灵主语增加语言的表现力)_,the way people communicated differed a lot in the 1990s.(运用独立主格结构增强语言的生动性)saw great

16、changesWith computers becoming increasingly popular读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】4.和煦的阳光宣告春天的来临,游客们躺在草地上享受大和煦的阳光宣告春天的来临,游客们躺在草地上享受大自然之美。自然之美。A warm sunshine _.(运用无灵主语增加语言的表现力)Visitors lie on the grass _.(运用连动句增加语言的表现力)A warm sunshine _.(运用无灵主语增加语言的表现力)Visitors lie on the gras

17、s,_.(运用分词短语作状语提高语言的丰富性)announces the approach of springand enjoy the beauty of natureannounces the approach of springenjoying the beauty of nature读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】读后续写高考英语作文新题型10-PPT执教课件【推荐】5.一想到要再次敲开老人的门,小男孩感到非常害怕。一想到要再次敲开老人的门,小男孩感到非常害怕。The thought of knocking at the old mans door _ the b

18、oy _.(运用无灵主语增加语言的表现力)_,the boy felt very frightened.(运用分词短语作状语提高语言的丰富性)_,the boy felt very frightened.(运用状语从句提高语言的丰富性)filledwith fearThinking of knocking at the old mans doorThe instant/moment he thought of knocking at the old mans door6.老人从不和邻居说话,这使得他成为一个孤独的人。老人从不和邻居说话,这使得他成为一个孤独的人。The old man neve

19、r talked with his neighbors,_.(运用定语从句提高语言的多样性)7.小男孩跑到老人家门前,满脸是汗。The boy rushed to the old mans house,_.(运用独立主格结构增强语言的生动性)which made him a lonely soulhis face covered with sweat8.老人生气地盯着小男孩,朝他大吼起来。老人生气地盯着小男孩,朝他大吼起来。_,the old man shouted at him.(运用分词短语作状语提高语言的丰富性)9.小男孩有一个狗雕像,是他几年前在一个姑姑那拿到的小男孩有一个狗雕像,是他

20、几年前在一个姑姑那拿到的。The boy had a little dog figurine _.(运用定语从句提高语言的多样性)Staring at the boy with angerthat/which he got some years ago from an aunt10.小男孩站在门口一动不动,手里紧紧握着一个狗雕像。小男孩站在门口一动不动,手里紧紧握着一个狗雕像。The boy stood motionless at the door,_.(运用独立主格结构增强语言的生动性)11.老人被小男孩的行为深深打动,走上前去紧紧抱住孩老人被小男孩的行为深深打动,走上前去紧紧抱住孩子。子。

21、_,the old man went up to hug the boy tightly.(运用分词短语作状语提高语言的丰富性)his hands clutching a dog figurineDeeply moved by the boys behavior12.老人在对待邻居的方式上发生很大的变化,赢得邻居老人在对待邻居的方式上发生很大的变化,赢得邻居们的赞许。们的赞许。The old man changed a lot _,winning their praise.(运用定语从句提高语言的多样性)13.那个过去曾经孤僻的老人,现在和邻居相处融洽。那个过去曾经孤僻的老人,现在和邻居相处融

22、洽。The old man,_,is now fitting in well with his neighbors.(运用定语从句提高语言的多样性)in the way he treated his neighborswho used to be a lonely soulTip 4:Practice writing a sentence with different ways to promote the diversity of expressions.Possible version 1 The boy headed back down to the old mans house.The

23、 thought of knocking at the old mans door filled the little boy with fear(无灵主(无灵主语)语),though,he still knocked on the door,waiting breathlessly(分词短(分词短语作伴随状语)语作伴随状语).Finally,it opened,and out came the old man(完全倒(完全倒装结构)装结构).Seeing the boy holding a well-wrapped dog figurine(分词(分词短语作时间状语)短语作时间状语),he

24、looked very astonished but still glared at him without a word.Determined to break the ice(分词短语作原因状语)(分词短语作原因状语),the boy gave the old man the gift with a precious card attached(独立主(独立主格)格),expressing his care(分词短语作伴随状语)(分词短语作伴随状语).Deeply moved by all the boy did(分词短语作伴随状语)(分词短语作伴随状语),the old man coul

25、d say nothing but to hug him tightly,the tears of appreciation welling up(独立主格)(独立主格).Out of gratitude,he bought a magazine from the boy and saw him off.From that day on something changed inside the old man.He adopted a real live dog and treated him as his child.It seemed that it was the company of

26、the dog that led the lonely soul out of darkness and loneliness.Gradually,he was willing to greet others and wear a bright smile,expressing his appreciation to life(分词短语作伴随状语)(分词短语作伴随状语).Indeed,only when we open up the door of our heart,can we be bathed in the brilliant sunshine and enjoy the warmth

27、 of love and care(部分倒装结构)(部分倒装结构).评点:无灵主语的合理运用增加了语言的感情色彩,分词短语和独立主格的交替使用,使小男孩的各种情绪表达地淋漓尽致,也让老人的感激之情跃然纸上。最后的运用倒装结构的说理性总结,升华主题,为整个故事画上了圆满的句号。Possible version 2The boy headed back down to the old mans house.The dog figurine witnessed the little boys ending up opening the door once more(无灵主语)(无灵主语).Upon

28、seeing the boy for a second time,the old man couldnt bring his anger under control any longer.“Havent I told you I need no magazines at all?”He snapped at the boy.“Yes,sir.”said the little boy with an uneasy expression on his face,“But I think you will like the figurine.”Then he handed it to the old

29、 man.Taking the figurine from the boys hands(分词短语(分词短语作时间状语)作时间状语),the lonely soul was so astonished that words failed to convey his emotions(无灵主语)(无灵主语),tears welling up in his eyes(独立主格)(独立主格).“Thank you so much!”he said to the boy tenderly.From that day on something changed inside the old man.The

30、 neighborhood always found the old man hanging out and smiling at everyone(无灵主语)(无灵主语).He showed his precious collections to children who were now very willing to play with him.He used to collect figurines in memory of a real live dog which had kept company with him for a long time before it died.But now,he wasnt drowned in the sorrows and loneliness anymore.He had realized the true spirit of life!评点:无灵主语的恰当运用增加了语言的丰富性,分词短语和独立主格的交替使用加强了肢体语言的表现力。文章最后对比老人的从前和现在,突出体现了小男孩使他产生的巨大变化,升华了主题,也带给故事一个完美的结局。Continue the story with the skills we have learnt today.


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