选修七 Unit Under the sea一轮复习课件.pptx

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1、Unit 3 Under the seaUnit 3 Under the sea基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.H e1.H e (逃 跑逃 跑)t o L o n d o n a f t e r a n)t o L o n d o n a f t e r a n argument with his family.argument with his family.2.Hotel 2.Hotel (住宿住宿)is included in)is included in the price of your holiday.the price of your holiday.3.She

2、has a very close 3.She has a very close (关系关系)with her sister.with her sister.4.The old man lived on a 4.The old man lived on a (退休金退休金).).fledfledaccommodationaccommodationrelationshiprelationshippensionpension5.We 5.We (拖拖)the fallen tree clear of)the fallen tree clear of the road.the road.6.The c

3、aptain gave orders to 6.The captain gave orders to (舍弃舍弃)the ship.the ship.7.She stressed the importance of good7.She stressed the importance of good t t .8.Her face was 8.Her face was r r in the mirror.in the mirror.9.The fence marks the 9.The fence marks the b b between my between my property and

4、hers.property and hers.10.There was only a 10.There was only a n n gap between the gap between the bed and the wall.bed and the wall.draggeddraggedabandonabandoneamworkeamworkeflectedeflectedoundaryoundaryarrowarrow.重点短语再现重点短语再现 1.1.(表示空间)在(表示空间)在前面;(表示时前面;(表示时 间)先,预先间)先,预先2.2.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事3.3.向向瞄准

5、瞄准4.4.在此期间;与此同时在此期间;与此同时5.5.帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助助6.6.对对知道、明白;意识知道、明白;意识到到7.7.上下翻转;颠倒的(地);乱七上下翻转;颠倒的(地);乱七八糟的(地)八糟的(地)8.8.吓死了吓死了ahead ofahead ofstop sb.(from)doing sth.stop sb.(from)doing sth.aim ataim atin the meantimein the meantimehelp.outhelp.outbe/become aware ofbe/become aware ofupsi

6、de downupside down(be)scared to death(be)scared to death重点单词重点单词1.urge“Man overboard!Turn the boat around!”_ _ _ _ _ _ G e o r g e,s h o u t i n g l o u d l y.P20)She urged him to stay.。The report urged that all children be taught to swim.He urged his horse forward.他策马前他策马前行行。urgedurged归纳总结归纳总结urge

7、极力主张;极力主张;驱策驱策(1)urge sth./sb.on催促某物催促某物/某人前进某人前进urge sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事urge sb.into doing sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事(2)urge that.极力主张,强调,从句谓语形极力主张,强调,从句谓语形式为式为(should)+动词原形动词原形It is(strongly)urged that.坚决要求坚决要求,从句谓语形式为(从句谓语形式为(should)+动词原形动词原形vt.vt.催促催促即学即用即学即用(1)他要求所有学生参加这次活动。)他要求所有学生参加这次活动。He al

8、l the students _ take part in this activity.(2)我督促他要尽自己最大的努力。)我督促他要尽自己最大的努力。I that he his best.(3)有人极力主张他应受到惩罚。)有人极力主张他应受到惩罚。he .urgedurged(should)doIt was urged that (should)be punishedto2.accommodation .,as I was sorting out my accommoda-tion,.(回归课本回归课本P20)观察思考观察思考 Can we find accommodations at a

9、hotel for tonight?This hotel has accommodations for 500 guests.归纳总结归纳总结accommodation ;食宿供应;食宿供应(pl.)(1)make accommodations for.为为提供膳宿提供膳宿book accommodation at a hotel向旅馆预订房间向旅馆预订房间arrange sb.s accommodation给某人安排住处给某人安排住处n.住处住处(2)accommodate vt.向向提供住宿(或膳提供住宿(或膳宿);容纳;适应(新情况)宿);容纳;适应(新情况)accommodate.to

10、=adapt.to使使适应适应accommodate oneself to=adapt(oneself)to适适应;顺应应;顺应accommodate sb.with sth.=supply sb.with sth.给某人提供给某人提供即学即用即学即用(1)客座艺术家们只好自掏腰包支付食宿费)客座艺术家们只好自掏腰包支付食宿费用。用。Guest artists have to pay for their own and meals.(2)旅馆房间不足。)旅馆房间不足。The hotel is scarce.(3)这幢房子可容纳两家人居住。)这幢房子可容纳两家人居住。The house can

11、.accommodationsaccommodationaccommodate two families(4)银行将提供一笔贷款给你。银行将提供一笔贷款给你。The bank will (5)你必须使自己适应形势。你必须使自己适应形势。You will have to the situation.accommodate you with a loanaccommodate yourself to3.abandon From Jamess face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.(回归回归 课本课本P21)观察思考观察

12、思考 The crew abandoned the burning ship.水手们离弃了燃烧着的船。水手们离弃了燃烧着的船。I abandoned my dream of being a doctor.我放弃了当医生的梦想。我放弃了当医生的梦想。归纳总结归纳总结abandon vt.;n.。abandon ones post/wife放弃职位放弃职位/抛弃妻子抛弃妻子abandon doing sth 放弃做某事放弃做某事abandon oneself to.纵情;沉溺于纵情;沉溺于with abandon放纵地,放任地放纵地,放任地abandoned adj.废弃的废弃的;无度的;放荡的;

13、无度的;放荡的遗弃遗弃,放弃放弃放任,放纵放任,放纵即学即用即学即用(1)这孩子被父母遗弃了。这孩子被父母遗弃了。The child by his parents (2)她陷入了绝望之中。她陷入了绝望之中。She despair.(3)他无所顾忌地乱开支票。他无所顾忌地乱开支票。He signed cheques .was abandonedabandoned herself towith abandon4.reflect Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the da

14、y.(回归课本回归课本P24)观察思考观察思考 That choice reflects your good taste.那个选择反映了你的高雅品味。那个选择反映了你的高雅品味。She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision.由她负责考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。由她负责考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well.回家的路上,他想着这次面试非常顺利。回家的路上,他想着这次面试非常顺利。归纳总结归纳总结reflect

15、 vt.;vi.&vt.;(1)reflect sb./sth.in sth.(指镜子等)映出(指镜子等)映出某人某人/物的影像物的影像reflect sth.from sth.从某物(表面)反射从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声等)(光、热、声等)reflect on/upon sth.思考某事思考某事(2)reflection n.反射,反照,反映;映像反射,反照,反映;映像be lost in reflection陷入沉思中陷入沉思中映射映射反射反射思考思考即学即用即学即用(1)她坐着,在思考自从他买下这个农场以来发她坐着,在思考自从他买下这个农场以来发生了多少变化。生了多少变化。She s

16、at how much it had changed since hed bought the farm.(2)这种材料吸音,而不产生回音。这种材料吸音,而不产生回音。This material absorbs the sound,and .(3)这一事件给所有相关人士都造成了恶劣影响。这一事件给所有相关人士都造成了恶劣影响。This incident everyone involved.(4)The moon looks bright because of the of light.reflecting ondoesnt reflect itreflects badly onreflecti

17、on5.scare I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment!(回归课本回归课本P24)观察思考观察思考 He doesnt scare easily.他不轻易害怕。他不轻易害怕。The high price is scaring away possible buyers.高昂的价格把有意光顾的买主给吓跑了。高昂的价格把有意光顾的买主给吓跑了。Dont let the noise scare you;its only the wind.

18、别让那声音把你吓住,那不过是风声罢了。别让那声音把你吓住,那不过是风声罢了。The thunder scared the children.雷声使孩子吓了一跳。雷声使孩子吓了一跳。归纳总结归纳总结scare vt.;vi.。(1)scare sb.(away/off)把某人吓到(跑)把某人吓到(跑)scare sb.into/out of sth.(doing sth.)吓吓得某人做得某人做/不敢做某事不敢做某事(2)scared adj.惊恐的,恐惧的惊恐的,恐惧的be scared of害怕害怕be scared to do sth.害怕干某事害怕干某事be scared to death

19、吓死吓死(3)scary adj.恐怖的;吓人的恐怖的;吓人的受惊吓受惊吓恐吓恐吓即学即用即学即用(1)那声音把我吓坏了。那声音把我吓坏了。That noise .(2)他动不动就害怕。他动不动就害怕。He .(3)他们点起火来把狼吓跑。他们点起火来把狼吓跑。They lighted a fire to the wolves.(4)有些父母试图用吓唬的法子使孩子守规矩。有些父母试图用吓唬的法子使孩子守规矩。Some parents try to their children .scared mescared easilyscare off/awayscareinto behaving well

20、6.be/become aware of The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me purples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.(回归课本(回归课本P24)观察思考观察思考 He said that the government was aware of the problem.他说政府已意识到这个问题。他说政府已意识到这个问题。She was aware of the fact,but she could not face it yet.

21、她已认识到这一事实,然而她还不能面对它她已认识到这一事实,然而她还不能面对它。归纳总结归纳总结be/become aware of意为:意为:_。(1)be(well/much)aware of/that (清楚地清楚地)知道;知道;体会到体会到make sb.aware of/that.提醒某人注意提醒某人注意as far as Im aware据我所知据我所知(2)raise/arouse awareness of.唤起对唤起对的意的意识识对对知道,明白;知道,明白;意识到意识到即学即用即学即用(1)大多数人知道酒后开车的危险。)大多数人知道酒后开车的危险。Most people the

22、dangers of driving after drinking.(2)我想你没有意识到这对我有多重要。)我想你没有意识到这对我有多重要。I dont think how important this means to me.(3)她发觉东西被偷了。)她发觉东西被偷了。She something had been stolen.are aware ofyoure aware ofbecame aware that7.help.out What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?(回归课本回归课本P21)观察

23、思考观察思考 Can you help me out with the maths problem?你能帮我解决这道数学题吗?你能帮我解决这道数学题吗?He helped the old man out of the car.他帮助那位老人从汽车里出来。他帮助那位老人从汽车里出来。I cant help wondering what happened to that little girl.我忍不住想那个小女孩出了什么事。我忍不住想那个小女孩出了什么事。归纳总结归纳总结help out意为:意为:。with the help of 在在的帮助下的帮助下help sb.with sth.帮助某人

24、做某事帮助某人做某事help sb.(to)do sth.帮某人做某事帮某人做某事help(to)do sth.帮忙做某事帮忙做某事cannot help doing sth.禁不住做某事禁不住做某事cannot help to do sth 不能帮忙做某事不能帮忙做某事cannot help/choose but do sth.不能不不能不/不得不不得不做某事做某事help oneself(to sth.)自用;自取所需(食物自用;自取所需(食物等)等)帮助帮助摆脱困境或危难摆脱困境或危难即学即用即学即用(1)在我失业时,没有人帮助我。)在我失业时,没有人帮助我。(2)简帮助他摆脱了经济困难

25、。)简帮助他摆脱了经济困难。(3)我只能等。)我只能等。(4)我情不自禁地笑起来。)我情不自禁地笑起来。(5)随便吃点鱼)随便吃点鱼 Nobody helped me out when I lost my job.Jane helped him out of his financial difficulties.I cant help/chose but waitI cant help laughing.Help yourself to some fish.8.It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,.我们花了半个小时我们

26、花了半个小时 才把船调转过头来,回到詹姆斯落水的地才把船调转过头来,回到詹姆斯落水的地 方方,to finish it.她用了整个下午才完成这项工作。她用了整个下午才完成这项工作。to walk from here to the bus station.我们从这儿步行到车站要用我们从这儿步行到车站要用30分钟。分钟。to finish their homework.学生做完作业要用两个小时。学生做完作业要用两个小时。It took her all afternoonIt takes us thirty minutesIt will take the students two hours归纳总结

27、归纳总结(1)在在It takes(sb.)some money/some time/sth.to do sth.(2)it作形式主语时,还可构成以下句型:作形式主语时,还可构成以下句型:强调句型:强调句型:It is+被强调部分被强调部分+who/that.It is the first/second time that.某人第几某人第几次做某事次做某事It is(high)time that sb.did/should do sth.是某人该做是某人该做的时候了的时候了Its said/reported/thought that.据说据说/报报道道/认为认为Its a pity/a sha

28、me/a wonder that.可惜可惜/奇怪的是奇怪的是It happens/appears/seems that.恰巧恰巧/好好像像It seems/looks as if.看起来好像看起来好像Its up to sb.to do sth.该某人做某事该某人做某事即学即用即学即用(1)汤姆每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。)汤姆每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。(2)写书要花很多时间。)写书要花很多时间。(3)这次旅行用了我三天时间。)这次旅行用了我三天时间。It takes Tom three hours to do hishomework everyday.It takes a great

29、deal of time to write books The journey took me three days.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.This was the call that announced there 1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.was about to be a whale hunt.这是宣告捕鲸这是宣告捕鲸 行动马上就要开始的号角。行动马上就要开始的号角。be about to dobe about to do表示打算或即将发表示打算或即将发 生的动作,但它

30、不与表示生的动作,但它不与表示 或其或其 他具体他具体 连用。但可以与连用。但可以与whenwhen连连 用,构成固定句型。用,构成固定句型。考点提炼考点提炼将来时间的副词将来时间的副词将来时间状语将来时间状语be doing sth when某人正在干某事这时 I was thinking about my new plan whan a good idea occurred to me.be(just)about to do sth when,某人就要 干某事这时 They were just about to set out when it began to rain.在这个句型中,be

31、(just)about to do 可以换成sb was/were on the point of doing sth when,whenhad just done sth when某人刚干完某事这时 I had just lain down when the telephone rang.2.“In the meantime,Old Tom,and the others 2.“In the meantime,Old Tom,and the others are having a good feed on its lips and are having a good feed on its l

32、ips and tongue,”.tongue,”.在这段时间里,老汤姆和其他虎在这段时间里,老汤姆和其他虎 鲸会饱餐一顿的,鲸唇和鲸舌就是它们的美鲸会饱餐一顿的,鲸唇和鲸舌就是它们的美 食食 in the meantime in the meantime意为意为“,”,其同义词是,其同义词是meanwhilemeanwhile。考点提炼考点提炼在在期期间间同时同时4.It seemed there was a surprise waiting 4.It seemed there was a surprise waiting for me around every corner.for me

33、around every corner.看起来好像每看起来好像每 个角落里都有惊喜在等着我个角落里都有惊喜在等着我 It seemed that.It seemed that.意为意为“看起来像看起来像,似,似 乎乎,好像,好像”。考题回扣考题回扣 【例例1 1】that she was going off to sleep,that she was going off to sleep,I asked if shed like that little doll I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed.on her bed.(北京高考)

34、(北京高考)A.Seeing A.Seeing B.To seeB.To see C.See C.SeeD.SeenD.Seen 解析解析 seesee这一动作由句子的主语这一动作由句子的主语“I I”发出发出,故故 空格处须用现在分词。空格处须用现在分词。课文原文课文原文 We ran down to the shore in time to see We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us an enormous animal opposite us throwing throwing it

35、self out of the water and then crashing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.down again.A【例例2 2】The little girl who got lost The little girl who got lost decided to remain decided to remain she was and wait she was and wait for her mother.for her mother.(山东高考)(山东高考)A.whereA.whereB.wh

36、atB.what C.how C.howD.whoD.who 解析解析 remainremain在此意为在此意为“留下,逗留留下,逗留”,where where she was she was在句中作地点状语。句意为:这个迷路在句中作地点状语。句意为:这个迷路 的小女孩决定待在她原来的地方等待她妈妈。的小女孩决定待在她原来的地方等待她妈妈。课文原文课文原文 The water was quite shallow but The water was quite shallow but wherewhere the the reef ended,there was a steep drop to

37、the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.sandy ocean floor.A【例例3 3】Did you watch the basketball match Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?yesterday?Yes,I did.You know,my brother Yes,I did.You know,my brother in the match.in the match.(安徽高考)(安徽高考)A.is playingA.is playin

38、gB.was playingB.was playing C.has played C.has playedD.had playedD.had played 解析解析 句意为:句意为:你昨天看篮球赛了吗?你昨天看篮球赛了吗?看了。你要知道看了。你要知道,我的弟弟在那场比赛中上场我的弟弟在那场比赛中上场 打球。故此处应该用过去进行时态。打球。故此处应该用过去进行时态。B 课文原文课文原文 On the afternoon I arrived at the station,On the afternoon I arrived at the station,as I as I was sorting

39、outwas sorting out my accommodation,I my accommodation,I heard a loud noise coming heard a loud noise coming from the bay.from the bay.【例例4 4】As nobody here knows what is wrong As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an with the machine,we must send for an engineer to en

40、gineer to the problem.the problem.(湖北高考)(湖北高考)A.handleA.handleB.raiseB.raise C.face C.faceD.presentD.present 解析解析 句意为:因为这儿没有人知道机器出了句意为:因为这儿没有人知道机器出了 什么故障,所以我们必须去请一位工程师来解什么故障,所以我们必须去请一位工程师来解 决这个问题。决这个问题。handlehandle处理处理,解决;解决;raiseraise抬高;抬高;饲养;养育;提出(问题等);饲养;养育;提出(问题等);faceface面对,面面对,面 临;临;presentpre

41、sent呈现;介绍;赠送。呈现;介绍;赠送。课文原文课文原文 The sea was rough that day and it was The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to difficult to handle handle the boat.the boat.A【例例5 5】During the period of recent During the period of recent terrorist activities,people terrorist activities,people not to not to t

42、ouch any unattended bag.touch any unattended bag.(上海高考)(上海高考)A.had always been warnedA.had always been warned B.were always being warned B.were always being warned C.are always warning C.are always warning D.always warned D.always warned 解析解析 由句意可知,由句意可知,peoplepeople与与warnwarn之间是被动之间是被动 关系,故排除关系,故排除

43、C C、D D两项;两项;A A项是过去完成时,表项是过去完成时,表 示示“过去的过去过去的过去”,而语境中没有这种时间提,而语境中没有这种时间提 示,故选示,故选B B项,即项,即“人们一直被警告不要去触动人们一直被警告不要去触动 任何无人看管的包裹任何无人看管的包裹”。B课文原文课文原文 From Jamess face,I could see he was From Jamess face,I could see he was terrified of being terrified of being abandonedabandoned by us.by us.写作技能写作技能议论文的

44、语篇连接词议论文的语篇连接词 在议论文中,列举事实、陈述理由或说明原在议论文中,列举事实、陈述理由或说明原因时,常用因时,常用for one thing.and for for one thing.and for another.,in the first place,to begin another.,in the first place,to begin with,first(ly),second(ly),third(ly),in with,first(ly),second(ly),third(ly),in addition,besides,first and most important

45、,addition,besides,first and most important,last but not least,last but not least,等。这类连接词在近几年高等。这类连接词在近几年高考的写作中运用十分广泛。考的写作中运用十分广泛。以下是以下是20062006年广东高考英语写作题的参考范文,年广东高考英语写作题的参考范文,在谈到通讯工具变化所带来的负面影响时,作者就在谈到通讯工具变化所带来的负面影响时,作者就用到了用到了firstly.secondly.last but not firstly.secondly.last but not least.least.来列举

46、三条理由。请欣赏:来列举三条理由。请欣赏:However,this change has bad as well as However,this change has bad as well as good effects,especially dependence on the good effects,especially dependence on the Internet.Internet.,as we lack enough practice,as we lack enough practice,we are losing the beauty of hand written we

47、are losing the beauty of hand written Chinese words which express the writer Chinese words which express the writer better while machine words all have the same better while machine words all have the same looks.looks.,our spelling becomes worse,our spelling becomes worseFirstlyFirstlySecondlySecond

48、lyif we rely on the machine too much.if we rely on the machine too much.,the PC screen does harm to our,the PC screen does harm to our eyes.I prefer the old way of communication eyes.I prefer the old way of communication even though it is much too slow in the eyes even though it is much too slow in

49、the eyes of many people.of many people.Last butLast butnot leastnot least即时练习即时练习 以下是选自以下是选自20082008年福建高考英语试题写作题的范文。年福建高考英语试题写作题的范文。请在文章的空白处填入适当的语篇连接词请在文章的空白处填入适当的语篇连接词 As a boy of 17,I am outgoing,good at English As a boy of 17,I am outgoing,good at English and have experience of working well with

50、and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12.I think it is a kind children aged from 7 to 12.I think it is a kind of winof winwin activity.win activity.,I can help,I can help take care of the children.take care of the children.,I,I can improve my English,make more friends,and


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