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1、奥迪奥迪 A6L PAA6L PA南部区上市推广方案南部区上市推广方案Audi A6L PA South Area Launching and Promotion Plan 广州国云风广告有限公司广州国云风广告有限公司GAAC.GZGAAC.GZ目目 录录Contents q 区域市场分析区域市场分析 Regional Market Analysis q A6L PA上市整合传播策略上市整合传播策略 A6L PA launching integrated propaganda strategy q A6L PA投放活动投放活动 A6L PA launching activity q A6L P

2、A上市媒体传播上市媒体传播 A6L PA launching activity q 整体报价及费用分配整体报价及费用分配 general quotation and fees list GAAC.GZ区域市场分析区域市场分析Regional Market Analysis GAAC.GZ区域特征分析区域特征分析Area characteristics analysis q南区地域辽阔,区域特征复杂,经济发展水平不一;华南小区、中南小区、东南小区三地的消费观念、生活习惯以及品牌认知度等存在较大差异;South Area has wide area with complicated charact

3、eristics and unbalanced economic development,South China area,central China area and Southeast China area have different consumption concept,life habit and brand cognizance;q南区尤其华南毗邻港、澳、台,率先开放,受整体经济环境影响,创新和进取是生存发展的基本条件,更容易接受新观念、新事务;华南本地客户受日系车的影响很大,消费观念务实,追求性价比;South Area,particularly for South China

4、,neighbors Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan with earlier opening,and can easily accept new concept and new affairs with innovation and striving as the basic conditions of survival and development due to the general economic environment;South China clients are powerfully influenced by Japanese cars with pr

5、actical consumption thought and pursue cost performance;q随着粤港澳经济圈的建成和东盟合作的深入,南区沿海省份特别是广东省仍具有巨大增长空间,是南区的推广重点;As the construction of Canton,Hong Kong and Macau economic ring and the deepening of ASEAN,the coastal provinces in South Area,particularly for Guangdong Province,has the enormous increasing s

6、pace as the key for promotion in South Area;GAAC.GZ销售分析销售分析Sales analysis q08年至今奥迪A6L在南部区C级车中仍占据领先位置,这与长期积累的豪华车品牌、严谨的德系工艺、卓越的性能等因素相关;Since 2008,Audi A6L has kept leading in CLASS C in South Area,which is related with the deluxe car brand,precise Germany technique and outstanding performance;qA6L同时也面

7、临着严峻的市场挑战,08年总体市场份额下滑,除了宝马、奔驰等传统竞争对手外,雷克萨斯对A6L的威胁也越来越大;A6L is also facing sharp challenge,in 2008,the general market share is dropping,besides such traditional competitors as BMW and BENZ,Lexus also shows higher and higher threaten to A6L;q在南区重点销售区域广东,A6L已失去明显竞争优势,不但和宝马、奔驰的距离慢慢拉近,甚至被雷克萨斯赶超;In the ke

8、y sales area in South China-Guangdong,A6L has lost obvious competitive advantages,and the advantages with BMW and BENZ is lightly shortened,and it is even surpassed by Lexus;GAAC.GZ竞争分析竞争分析q今年以来BMW、MB、Lexus 在南部区的市场活动非常活跃,保持着较高的品牌声量;9月8日 华晨宝马推出”零利率”购车方案7月6日 宝马523Li标准型上市售价43.36 万元7月4日 未来的”N”种可能 BMW”GI

9、NA”炫 目发布7月3日 创新BMW X6全轿跑车中国上市6月5日 宝马携手中华慈善总会设立宝马 爱心基金6月10日 全新宝马1系登陆中国5月29日 BMW 320i 进取型上售价人民币 30.9万元4月23日 BMW&MINI Experience Day 感受完美3月14日 宝马3系新车路试新车型今夏 将现身展厅1月16日 新BMW5系长轴距版试驾鉴赏日 .9月2日 奔驰C200K标准型上市售价34.8 万元8月6日 网动佛山 奔驰青少年网球总员7月14日 新一代梅赛德斯-奔驰CLS轿跑 车正式上市5月28日 悠游生活 海外深度试驾梅赛德 斯奔驰SLK350 5月3日及 “奔驰E级轿车安心

10、如E”深圳5月10日 品鉴试驾会4月7日 梅赛德斯-奔驰S 600 Guard Pullman发布3月21日 图兰朵首演助兴国产新奔 驰C级轿车成功上市3月15日 国产新奔驰C级上市 .8月23日 2008奥运国际顶级马术体验日7月1日至 LEXUSIS300盛情免息优惠7月31日 活动6月10日 “悠之畔,行之悦”LEXUS雷 克萨斯江南品鉴会正式启动4月25日 2008LEXUS中国精英赛完美收杆3月15日 大兴雷克萨斯315诚信宣言-买车送 车活动1月10日 雷克萨斯LX570全国正式上市 售价129.8万元 .GAAC.GZCompetition AnalysisBMW8th Sept

11、ember Brilliance BMW promotes”Zero Interest”Car Purchasing Plan 6th July BMW 523Li standard type launches with sales price reaching RMB433,600 4th July “N”kinds of possible in the future BMW“GINA”launching 3rd July Innovative BMW X6coupe launching 5th June BMW cooperated with China Charity Federatio

12、n to set up BMW Benevolent Fund10th June brand new BMW 1 launched China29th May BMW 320i striving type launches and the sales price is RMB309,00023rd April BMW&MINI Experience Day14th March BMW 3 new car test drive-new car will launch in exhibition hall in this summer 16th January New BMW5long shaft

13、 wheelbase test drive appreciation day qSince 2008,BMW,MB and Lexus have promoted various activities in South Area and kept a high brand awareness;MB2nd September BENZ C200K standard type launches with price reaching RMB348,000 6th August Foshan BENZ Youth Tennis starts 14th July new generation Merc

14、edes-BENZ CLS coupe launches 28th May Leisure life foreign test drive Mercedes BENZ SLK3503rd and 10th May“BENZ E“Shenzhen Appreciation Test Drive”7th April Mercedes-BENZ S 600 Guard Pullman issuance 21st March “Turandot”performance for homemade new BENZ CLASS C launches successfully 15th March home

15、made new BENZ CLASS C launching .Lexus23rd August 2008 Olympic World Top Equestrianism Experience Day 1st-31st July LEXUSIS300 Interest Free Preferential activity 10th June “Enjoy Leisure,Enjoy Travel”-Lexus Jiangnan Appreciation starts 25th April 2008 LEXUS China Elite Golf Finished 15th March Daxi

16、ngLexus 315 Credit Proclamation Activity of Buying Car and Sending Car 10th January Lexus LX570 launches with sales price reaching RMB1.298 million .GAAC.GZ目标客户分析目标客户分析Target client analysis q奥迪A6L车主人生观、生活观、工作观汇总qSummary of viewpoint on life and work for Audi A6L car owners q南区A6L目标客户多为企业主、政府和外资企业中高

17、阶主管;South Area A6L target clients are mostly enterprises owners,administration,middle and senior chargers of foreign enterprises;q根据南区经济和地域环境的不同客户的文化水平、生活习惯等方面也存在较大差异;Theres differences for the economic and geographic environment as well as the culture and life habit of clients in the South Area;GAA

18、C.GZ区域市场分析区域市场分析Regional Market Analysis 消费者:消费者:区域环境复杂,客户认知度存在差异;Consumers:Complicated area environment,different clients cognizance;受经济改革开放影响较大,具备创新、进取精神,容易接受新事物;With high influence from economic opening with innovative and striving spirit,easy for accepting new things;奥迪奥迪A6LA6L区域区域市场分析市场分析Audi A

19、6LRegional Market Analysis 品牌品牌:Brand:仍处于豪华车领先地位 Keep leading status as deluxe car 受传统日系车观念干扰 Interfere by the traditional Japanese car concept 市场竞争激烈,受竞品影响较 大,品牌关注度减弱 Sharp competitive market,high I nfluence from competitive products,weak brand attention 产品产品:Product:缺乏新的产品竞争力;without new product c

20、ompetitive force;缺乏新的销售话题;with new sales topic;GAAC.GZA6L PA上市传播策略上市传播策略A6L PA launching propaganda strategy GAAC.GZ 区域上市推广目标区域上市推广目标Area Launching and Promotion target q 通过奥迪A6L PA的上市传播,持续提升奥迪在南部区的品牌形象;Through the Audi A6L PA launching propaganda,constantly improve the brand image of Audi in South

21、Area;q 通过不同层面的传播方式,精准定位目标客户,增加潜在客户以及提高区域销售;Through different layers of propaganda,precise positioning target client,develop potential clients and increase regional sales volume;GAAC.GZ(区域支持(区域支持Support by Support by area area)区域上市推广策略区域上市推广策略Area launching and promotion strategy 投放行程投放行程launching tr

22、avel 覆盖范围覆盖范围Coverage 影响对象影响对象Objects ,media (总部支持(总部支持Support by Support by head officehead office )(区域支持(区域支持Support by Support by area area)GAAC.GZ区域上市推广策略区域上市推广策略Area Launching and Promotion strategy 分区域投放、根据区域特色生动塑造品牌形象以及诠释产品特性Launch in different areas,develop the brand image and explain the pr

23、oduct features according to the characteristics of different areas 上市投放上市投放Launching A6L PA上市上市A6L PA launching 配合总部全面的媒介攻势进行区域分众媒体投放,进一步扩大事件影响力,渗透目标客户Support head office media strike for launching in different areas,powerfully expand the event force,and attract target client 媒介组合媒介组合Media combinati

24、on 配合投放主题进行终端发布和产品体验,进一步发掘潜在客户Support the launching theme for terminal issuance and product experience,powerfully develop potential client 终端建设终端建设Terminal construction自上而下统一上市视觉主题,整合区域资源准确传递品牌以及产品信息Apply consolidated launching visual theme,integrate area resources and accurately pass the brand and

25、product information 广告管理广告管理Advertisement management GAAC.GZ奥迪奥迪A6L PA上市传播主画面上市传播主画面Audi A6L PA launching propaganda main menu GAAC.GZGAAC.GZGAAC.GZGAAC.GZA6L PA投放活动投放活动A6L PA launching activity GAAC.GZA6L PA投放活动策略投放活动策略A6L PA launching activity strategy 深圳深圳q一个勇于求变,敢于尝试的城市,正是这种创新精神成就了它成为南区以至是全国最具经一

26、个勇于求变,敢于尝试的城市,正是这种创新精神成就了它成为南区以至是全国最具经济活力和投资经营优势的城市之一;济活力和投资经营优势的城市之一;A bravely innovative city,it is the innovative spirit which promotes it as one of the cities with highest economic activity and investment advantages in South Area and even entire China;q不断创新、进取变革也是深圳企业走在国内同行业前端的核心理念,与奥迪不断创新、进取变革也

27、是深圳企业走在国内同行业前端的核心理念,与奥迪A6L PA“变,变,以驭万变以驭万变”的传播定位相吻合;的传播定位相吻合;Constant innovation is also the core thought for Shenzhen enterprises to keep leading at home,which meets the propaganda positioning of Audi A6L PA“optimizing for meeting different changes”;q深圳在南区销售城市中占有举足轻重的地位,市场潜力巨大,在此投放将直接抗击竞争对深圳在南区销售城市

28、中占有举足轻重的地位,市场潜力巨大,在此投放将直接抗击竞争对手的市场活动;手的市场活动;Shenzhen is important in South Area with high market potential,it can directly resist the competitors market activity to launch here;GAAC.GZ产品层面产品层面Products 南区企业的变革精神,体现奥迪A6L的商务定位。Innovative spirit of enterprises in South Area,show the business positioning

29、 of Audi A6L 主题“变,以驭万变”,更深层次的是释放一种奥迪基因的创新和进取。The theme“Change,to drive the changes”,release the innovation and striving of Audi gene企业层面企业层面Enterprise精神层面精神层面Spirit 充分感受奥迪A6L PA的34项改变。Completely feel the 34 optimizations of Audi A6L PA 解决思路:结合南区特点,分三个层面完美诠释Solution thought:Combine South Area charact

30、eristics,perfectly show in three layers The theme“Change,to drive the changes”主题主题“变,以驭万变变,以驭万变”Change,to drive the changes策略思路:策略思路:如何使传播主题如何使传播主题“变,以驭万变变,以驭万变”在南区落地在南区落地Strategy thought:How to highlight the propaganda theme“Change,to drive the changes”in South Area GAAC.GZ晚宴晚宴Evening banquet 发布会发布

31、会Issuance conference 新车揭幕新车揭幕New car unveiling“变时代”广东 大事件倒计时“Change Times”Guangdong event counting down 奥迪A6L PA“蜕变”亮相Audi A6L PA“Change”launches“蜕变之美”新功能服装秀Beauty of Change New functions fashion show“因思而变”名人访谈“Thinking up Makes Looking up”famous gentries interview 蝶变广东奥迪成果展Change of GuangdongAudi a

32、chievements exhibition 创意美食展示 “变”的内涵Original foods exhibits the connotation of“Change”“梦幻之变”表演节目“Dream Change”performance 活动亮点活动亮点规划规划 Activity bright spot planning 紧扣传播主题紧扣传播主题“变,以驭万变变,以驭万变”,在活动中全方位贯穿主题。,在活动中全方位贯穿主题。Follow the propaganda theme“Change,to drive the changes”,completely show the theme

33、in the activity.(产品层面、企业层面、精神层面)(产品层面、企业层面、精神层面)(Products、Enterprise、Spirit)GAAC.GZ 发布会即将开始前,大屏幕上亮起约1分钟的从10倒数至1的倒计时短片。Before the start of launching conference,the screen plays about 1-2 minutes film to count down from 10 to 1.适逢今年是广东改革开放三十年,所以短片每倒数一下,会出现广东的一个敢为人先的重要变化事件,到最后倒数到1的时候,出现奥迪A6L PA,上市仪式正式开

34、始。2008 is the 30th year of Guangdong opening,count down once,one important change plays on the screen,when counting down to 1,Audi A6L PA launching ceremony is formally started.亮点一:亮点一:“变变时代时代”广东大事件广东大事件倒计时倒计时Bright spot 1:“Change Times”Guangdong event counting down 举例:举例:For Example:倒数到“10”时,出现78年广

35、东成为全国最早对外开放的省份之一。When counting down to“10”,show the picture that Guangdong became one of the earliest opening provinces in China in 1978.倒数到“5”时,出现92年邓小平南巡深圳的情景。When counting down to“5”,show the picture thatDeng Xiaopings tour to Shenzhen in 1992.倒数到“1”时,出现08年奥迪A6L PA正式上市,喻意奥迪上市正引领着一种新的变化和打开新的格局。如同不

36、断发展的广东,奥迪A6也在不断地进步和创新。When counting down to“1”,show the picture that Audi A6L PA formally launches into the market in 2008,and implies that Audi leads the new times GAAC.GZ 与线上TVC的“蜕变篇”相呼应,达到传播上的整合一致性,以破茧而出从创新概念让奥迪A6L PA亮相,震撼全场。Echo with the TVC“Change”,with integrated and accordant propaganda,thus

37、launching Audi A6L PA launches with the innovative concept.嘉宾和媒体来到会场,舞台配合现场展具出现一个巨大的茧的图案,制造悬念猜测里面的是什么 Guests and media enter the site,and exhibit a big picture of cocoon on the stage,produce the suspense and guess what is inside 发布仪式开始,在期待中,茧从中间向两边打开,配合绚丽的灯光特效,全新的奥迪A6L PA新车闪亮登场 Start issuance ceremo

38、ny,in the expectation,the cocoon opens with the splendid light,brand new Audi A6L PA new car launches 亮点二:亮点二:奥迪奥迪A6L PA“蜕变蜕变”亮相亮相Bright spot 2:Audi A6L PA“Change”launches GAAC.GZ几位嘉宾和主持人圆桌轻松访谈,带出“变,以驭万变”的主题精神。Several guests and the presider are easily chatting along the round table,show the spirit

39、of“optimizing for meeting different changes”嘉宾:Guests:访谈形式:Interviewing mode 1位奥运冠军2名企业家1 Olympic champion+2-3 enterprisers 亮点三:亮点三:“因思而变因思而变”名人访谈名人访谈Bright spot 3:“Thinking up Makes Looking up”famous gentries interview 变,以驭万变变,以驭万变Change,to drive the changes 招商银行行长马蔚华谈其品牌理念“因您而变”,如何从一间区域性银行发展成市值800

40、多亿美元的全国性银行。President of China Merchants Bank Ma Weihua talks about the brand thought“Change for you”,and how to develop from the regional bank into the national wide bank with the value exceeding USD80 billion.腾讯董事长马化腾讲述10年来在变化万千的互联网世界,如何通过自身变革和创新,来保持高速的增长。Chairman of Tencent Ma Huateng talks how to

41、 keep fast increase through innovation in the changing Internet work for 10 years.奥运冠军马琳亲述在奥运总决赛中,如何通过不断变化的球路抑制对手,最终取得这一枚宝贵的乒乓球男单金牌。Olympic champion Ma Lin talks how to inhibit the competitor through changed ball route in the Olympic Final,and then win the precious table tennis gold medal.GAAC.GZ传统做

42、法:只有声没有形,平面化,沉闷 Traditional method:theres only sound without shape,focus on newspaper and magazine,which is boring 创新做法:把变的DNA更形象化展示出来Innovative method:exhibit the changed DNA visually 产品技术讲解是发不会必不可少可一环,常规的做法是以产品图为背景,技术人员逐项讲解,效果平面化,气氛较为沉闷,难以吸引嘉宾和媒体的注意力。Product technical explanation is the necessary

43、content,conventional method is to take the product picture as background,technical staffs explain item by item,and the atmosphere is boring,which is difficult to attract guests and media.既然这次活动以既然这次活动以“变变”为主题,所以在这一重要环节也尝试加入一些变化的元素为主题,所以在这一重要环节也尝试加入一些变化的元素Since the activity has the theme of“Change”,i

44、n this important step,we try to add some new elements在技术讲解的基础上,加入模特走秀衣服的独特造型来演绎奥迪A6L PA新的外观和内饰的变化元素,形象化。On the basis of technical explanation,highlight the elements of new appearance and interior decoration of Audi A6L PA through fashion show 亮点四:亮点四:“蜕变之美蜕变之美”新功能服装秀新功能服装秀Bright spot 4:“Beauty of Ch

45、ange”new functions fashion showGAAC.GZ 第一部分:奥迪历史服装秀 Part 1:Audi history fashion show 第二部分:奥迪A6L PA变化元素服装秀 Part 2:Audi A6L PA elements fashion show 以奥迪历史上具里程碑意义的车型做成服装展现。Fashion show with the type of Audi cars 衣服是两层的,模特走出来时观众看到的一层是旧奥迪A6L的元素,通过翻开或折叠等多种形式可展现新奥迪A6L PA改变的新元素。如新的A6L PA的头灯图案,又如A6L PA使用了新的真

46、皮Milano,可用这种皮革制成模特的配饰腰带。The fashion has 2 layers,the audiences see the first layer which is the old Audi A6L elements,and then the new Audi A6L PA elements after reversing and folding.Such as new A6L PA headlight pattern,A6L PA new leather Milano,make the waist band of model with this kind of leathe

47、r.亮点四:亮点四:“蜕变之美蜕变之美”新功能服装秀新功能服装秀Bright spot 4:“Beauty of Change”new functions fashion show GAAC.GZ 舞台后方设展示区,供嘉宾和媒体参观,里面摆放了蝶形展板,一边是广东变化的伟绩图,一边是奥迪在中国的变化及取得豪华车保有量第一、A6L PA新功能的展示。After the issuance conference,set exhibition area behind the state for guests and media,exhibit butterfly-shaped exhibition b

48、oard,one side of it is the achievements drawing of Guangdong,and the other side of it shows the change of Audi in China and first rank of Audi,exhibit the new functions of A6L PA.蝶形展览,与最初开始的破茧而出相呼应,喻意新车奥迪A6L PA会取得好的销售成绩。Butterfly-shaped exhibition,echoes the cocoon breaking,and implies the excellent

49、 sales achievement of new car Audi A6L PA.亮点五:亮点五:蝶变广东奥迪成果展蝶变广东奥迪成果展Bright spot 5:Butterfly Change Guangdong-Audi Achievements Exhibition GAAC.GZ结合本次活动的主题“变,以驭万变”,从而创新变化出形、色、味俱备的且与主题吻合的创意菜式。Combine the theme of the activity“optimizing for meeting different changes”,provide dishes with excellent appe

50、arance,color and taste which meet the theme.参考:Reference:菠菜汁而成的奥迪四环logo Audi logo made of spinach juice 魭鱼片砌成的蝴蝶图案 Butterfly pattern sliced salmon A6L PA汽车型的甜品蛋糕 Desert cake with A6L PA car shape 在每一处细节充分让嘉宾及媒体感受到我们这次活动的主题,在意想不到的地方给他们带来惊喜。Let guests and media to feel the theme of the activity from e


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