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1、必修二必修二 unit2 Words and Expressionsrevision短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1.It is convenient for parents to _(监督)their childrens net activities.2.He worked _(日日夜夜),hoping to earn more money for his family.3.His writing is so confusing that its hard to _(分清)what it is that hes trying to express.4.To protect our e

2、nvironment and live _(与和谐)animals is every citizens duty.5.He put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to _(提醒自己)his own dream.watch overday and nightmake outin harmony withremind himself ofattack 袭击;攻击He has laid himself wide open to political attack.他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。Your father is an obvious

3、candidate for a heart attack.你父亲显然是容易患心脏病的人。The man attacked him with a knife.那个男人持刀向他行凶。effective adj.有效的;生效的The new speed limit on this road becomes effective from 1 June.这条路上新的限速规定自6月1日起生效。effect n.效应;影响affect v.影响;侵袭;使感染;(感情上)深深打动;affection n.喜爱;钟爱recover vi.&vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得痊愈;恢复;重新获得搭配:搭配:熟记下列搭配。

4、熟记下列搭配。(1)recover from从从中恢复过来中恢复过来(2)recover oneself使自己恢复到正常状态使自己恢复到正常状态(3)recover ones balance恢复恢复(身体身体)平衡平衡Hes still recovering from his operation联想:联想:recovery n.恢复;复苏恢复;复苏cover v.覆盖;掩盖;走过覆盖;掩盖;走过uncover vt.揭发;暴露揭发;暴露discover vt.发现发现运用:运用:据汉语意思完成英文句子。据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1)这个年轻人手术后很快就康复了。这个年轻人手术后很快就康复了。T

5、hat young man _ after the operation.(2)学生们还没有从震惊中恢复过来。学生们还没有从震惊中恢复过来。The students have not yet _.(3)我一定要努力学习来补上失去的时间。我一定要努力学习来补上失去的时间。I must study hard to_.recovered soon recovered from the shock recover the lost time 那两名司机把两块大石头从路面搬走了。The two drivers _ the two big stones _ the road.removedfrom同学们在进

6、入教室前,去掉了鞋上的泥。The students _ the mud _ their shoes before_ into the classroom.removedfromgoingremove 移动,搬开;去除;开除;免职;打架的同学都将被学校开除。The students _ have a fight _ _ _ _ school.who/that will be removed fromremove 移动,搬开;去除;开除;免职;自从习主席上台以来,所有类似官员都已经从政府免职。自从习主席上台以来,所有类似官员都已经从政府免职。Since President Xi came to p

7、ower,all such officials _ _ _ _ the government.have been removed fromremove.from._remove from.to._remove sb.from school _remove ones doubt/trouble_把把从从移开移开 从从搬到搬到开除某人;勒令某人退学开除某人;勒令某人退学消除某人的疑虑消除某人的疑虑/烦恼烦恼 remove into.搬入搬入They re going to remove into a new building.他们准备搬进一座新楼。他们准备搬进一座新楼。Students sever

8、al desks another classroom.学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室。学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室。As far as I know,he_ school.据我所知,他被学校开除了。据我所知,他被学校开除了。removed towas removed from(1)介词填空介词填空We are removing_London_the country.Students removed several desks_another classroom.(2)完成句子意识到母亲工作一天一定很累,小女孩完成句子意识到母亲工作一天一定很累,小女孩帮助母亲把包从肩上拿下来。帮助母亲把包

9、从肩上拿下来。(江苏卷书面表达江苏卷书面表达)Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work,the girl helps to _.I am going to do all I can_(去掉你对我不好的印象去掉你对我不好的印象)fromtotoremove the bag from her shoulder to remove the unpleasant impression you have of me练习练习结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页(1)intend doing/to do sth.打算做某事打算做某事 int

10、end sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事打算让某人做某事(2)be intended to do sth./for sth.专门为专门为;专门给;专门给(3)be intended to do sth./for sth.专门为专门为;专门给;专门给(4)with the intention of 目的是目的是 intendhad intendedto hurtwas intended用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空I_(intend)to catch the early train,but I didnt get up in time.I will make an a

11、pology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I didnt intend _(hurt)anyone.The money we are raising_(intend)for the poor boy who was born with a weak heart.He has made up his mind to intend his son _(manage)the company.TV programmes,_(design)to combine learning with fun,are growing in popularity all over

12、 the world.巧巧 学学 活活 用用to managedesignedthreaten vt.&vi.恐吓恐吓;威胁威胁threat威胁威胁+en表动词表动词 威胁,恐吓威胁,恐吓The man threatened to hurt the girl.那个人威胁要伤害那个女孩。那个人威胁要伤害那个女孩。exist v.存在存在,生存生存,生活生活 existence n.存在存在 existing adj.目前的;现存的目前的;现存的 existent adj.现存现存的;存在的;生存的的;存在的;生存的 adj.不存在的不存在的eg.This kind of rare animals

13、 existed 20,000 years ago.【搭配搭配】exist in 存在于存在于中中 exist on=live on 靠靠生活生活 exist as 作为作为而存在而存在 We cant exist without water.That means our _ (exist)depends on water.【运用运用】The little boy cannot exist _ the money he is earning.Matter can exist _ a solid,liquid or gas.ononasas existenceexistence二harmony

14、n.和谐;融洽 Human life is regarded as part of nature,so the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人类生活是大自然不可分割的一部分,因此我们想生存下来的唯一方式就是与其和谐相处。goodsn.商品,货物The company ships its goods all over the world.公司把货物运往世界各地。The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods(=everything he owned).这塑

15、料袋里装着他的全部家当。creature n.生物;动物The panda is a shy creature.熊猫是一种胆小的动物。She was a creature of the emotions,rather than reason.她是个感性的人,不太理性。Shes charming,a sweet creature 她很迷人,是个可人儿。deer n.鹿The deer never became tame;they would run away if you approached them.那些鹿一直没有被驯服:你一靠近,它们就跑开。名词单复数同形:fish鱼,sheep绵羊,wo

16、rks(工厂),means手段reduce vt 减少insect 昆虫昆虫Therere many kinds of insects,such as butterflies,bees and ants.昆虫有很多种不同的种类,例如蝴蝶、蜜蜂和蚂蚁。昆虫有很多种不同的种类,例如蝴蝶、蜜蜂和蚂蚁。Kangaroo n.袋鼠The kangaroo is home to Australia.袋鼠原产于澳大利亚。dueadj.由于;因为;预期;到期;应归于由于;因为;预期;到期;应归于Most of the problems were due to human error.多数问题都是人为错误造成的

17、。President Bush is due to visit the country next month.布什总统定于下月访问该国。The ferry is due to land at 3 oclock.渡轮预定3点钟到岸。Due to the fact that they did not read English,the prisoners were unaware of what they were signing.这些囚犯由于看不懂英语,不知道自己在签什么。net n.网 adj.净得的;纯的He has a personal net worth of$10 million.他有价

18、值1千万元的个人净资产。I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。neighbourhood n.街区;邻近的地方We grew up in the same neighbourhood.我们是在同一条街上长大的。We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy.我们在附近寻找失踪的男孩儿。binocularsn.双筒望远镜We looked at the birds through binoculars.我

19、们用双筒望远镜观鸟。bird field guide鸟类图鉴I wasnt being punished and I was getting my very own bird field guide.我不仅没有受到惩罚,还拥有了自己的野生鸟儿指南。in search of=in ones search for寻找寻找search sth./sb.搜查某物搜查某物/搜身搜身search.for.为找到为找到而搜查而搜查 search forlook for 寻找寻找311)After graduation,he went to Beijing in search of a job.2)He tu

20、rned on his computer in search of the information he wanted.3)Can you help me search for my key?你能帮我找找钥匙吗?你能帮我找找钥匙吗?stir v.搅动;激发She stirred her tea.她搅了She was stirred by his sad story.他那悲惨的故事打动了她。They were trying to stir up trouble at the meeting.他们想在会上闹事。emotion n.感情;情感;情绪He lost control of his emo

21、tions.他情绪失去了控制。The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought.这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family.母亲通常是家庭的情感支柱。skin n.皮,皮肤Even if you have dark skin,you still need protection from the sun.即使你皮肤黝黑,仍需要防晒。fur n.毛皮,皮子,指带毛的兽皮,如狐狸、兔子、水貂、海狸等的毛皮。leather n.皮革,通常指经过加工的熟皮,可用于制作各种皮革制品。skin n.皮,皮肤,外皮,最普通用词,指人的皮肤或动物的皮,也可指水果、植物和种子等的外皮。unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的记忆技巧:un 不+usual 通常的 异乎寻常的Its unusual for the trees to flower so early.这种树这么早开花很不寻常。Jim was described by his colleagues as unusual.吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。Thank you for listening!


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