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1、Chapter NineHealth and Fitness 健康保健健康保健Part I Background ReadingDeepen China-Africa Health Cooperation for the Humanitys Cause of Health PromotionTo develop better health services and ensure the health of our citizens is not only the goal to be achieved through China-Africa cooperation but also the

2、common aspiration of the international community.Health is defined as a basic human right in both the Constitution of the World Health Organization(WHO)and the International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights.The UN“Human Development Index”uses three key indicators,namely,life expectanc

3、y,years of schooling and per capita GDP,as the yardstick for measuring the progress of member states in economic and social development.The Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)initiated by the UN in 2000 also places health-related indicators at the heart of its agenda.Chinas health promotion endeavor

4、over the past six decades is guided by the following principles:First,we take ensuring the health of the public as the fundamental task of our health services,and place it at the heart of our efforts to improve peoples livelihood.We have taken steps to keep the non-profit nature of public health ser

5、vices,provided the basic medical and health system to the people as public goods,and made utmost efforts to develop health services to the satisfaction of our people.Second,we work to meet peoples needs for basic medical and health services in ways consistent with Chinas national conditions,and give

6、 priority to the countryside,poverty-stricken areas and remote regions as well as disadvantaged groups in allocating medical and health resources.Third,we have stayed committed to strengthen the building of primary and basic medical facilities with a focus on rural and community medical institutions

7、,enhance the capacity of medical and health institutions,and develop a health service network covering both rural and urban communities.Fourth,we have stayed committed to reform the medical and health system,update our thinking,promote institutional innovation and innovation in management approach a

8、nd science and technology,and develop a medical and health system with a balance between non-profitability and efficiency and the ability to meet varying needs of the people.Fifth,we have stayed committed to opening-up and cooperation.We have conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation with the re

9、st of the world,honored our international responsibilities,and participated in the making of relevant international rules.Part II Interpretation Lead-inA.重点词汇重点词汇 Vocabulary Previewacne 痤疮,粉剌active sleep 积极睡眠aerobics 有氧运动allergy 过敏Alzheimers disease 老年痴呆症anti-aging 抗衰老antibiotics 抗生素backache 背痛bioen

10、gineering 生物工程bird flu 禽流感bleeding 出血blood circulation 血液循环bruise 瘀伤,擦伤,青紫burp 饱嗝儿,打嗝carbohydrate 碳水化合物cholesterol 胆固醇chronic 慢性的coma 昏迷cough 咳嗽coughing fit 咳嗽发作deadly 致命的dehydration 脱水eating disorder 食欲紊乱elasticity 弹力,弹性embryo 胚胎epidemic 流行的,传染的;时疫,流行病euthanasia/mercy killing 安乐死extrovert 性格外向的(人)f

11、atal 致命的fever 发烧fitness center 健康中心fitness 健康foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄疫genes 基因genetic information 遗传信息genome 基因组health care products 保健品 herbal medicine 草药heart attack 心脏病发作heart failure 心力衰竭HIV-positive 艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性hoarseness 嘶哑,刺耳hormone 荷尔蒙,激素immunity 免疫性insomnia 失眠,失眠症introspective 内省,内向的,introve

12、rt 性格内向的(人)isolation 隔离itchy 使人发痒的,不安静的,神经质的maternity leave 产假mental disorder 精神紊乱metabolism 新陈代谢mortality rate 死亡率nutrient 有营养的,养分obesity 肥胖症outbreak (疫情等)暴发paralysis 瘫痪pimple 丘疹,面泡,青春豆plague 瘟疫pulse 脉搏regenerate 再生remedy 药物,治疗,矫正SARS-affected area 非典疫区SARS epidemic 非典型性肺炎sneeze 打喷嚏snore 打鼾,鼾声sore

13、throat 喉咙痛soreness 痛,痛楚spasm 痉挛stem cell 干细胞sterile 不育的,无结果的,消毒过的,无菌的stiff neck 落枕stress 压力,焦虑transplant 移植trauma 外伤,(心理)创伤vaccine 疫苗wrinkle 皱纹万物人为贵 nothing compares to a human life 救死扶伤 healing the sick and saving the dying 相生相克 mutual generation and restriction 对立制约 mutually opposing and constrain

14、ing 互根互用interdependent and mutually promoting 相互转化mutually transformational 针灸 acupuncture 推拿 medical massage 综合医院 general hospital 中医部 TCM section/department 理疗 physical therapy 切脉 feeling the pulse 偏方folk prescription 祖传秘方 secret prescription handed down from ones ancestorsB.句子精炼句子精炼 Sentence in F

15、ocus1.运动有助于放松。Playing sports can help us(to)relax.2.环境和遗传也可能增加人们增重的几率。The environment and genetics may increase the risk of putting on weight as well.3.因为武术能强身健体,锻炼意志,所以在中国深受欢迎。As wushu builds build strong bodies and tempers the willpower,it is immensely popular in China.4.紧张了一天之后,你可以泡一个热水澡或者舒舒服服地看本

16、好书。You might try relaxing in a warm bath or with a good book after a stressful day.5.通过参加户外活动,我们能更接近大自然,更多地呼吸新鲜空气。By taking part in outdoor sports,we are closer to nature and we can take in more fresh air.6.练太极拳有助于放松精神,减少压力,并可培养良好的平衡和站姿。Practicing shadow boxing aids relaxation,reduces stress,and ass

17、ists with good balance and posture.7.健康的关键在于告诉你自己你是最重要的 你是你自己最重要的资本。The key to health is to remind yourself that youre the most important one you are your most important resource.8.健康的身体对于健康的头脑是很必要的。众所周知,人不但要有健全的头脑,更要有健康的身体,这是至关重要的。A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind.As is known to all,to

18、 have a sound mind,we must first have a sound body.This is of vital importance.9.We shall spare no efforts to strengthen prevention so as to check the spread of the disease.我们要全力加强预防,控制疫情蔓延。10.Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.超重和肥胖可定

19、义为异常或过量的脂肪积累,可损害健康。11.We shall establish an epidemic contingency mechanism and enhance the capacity for emergency management.我们要建立突发疫情应对机制,提高应急处理能力。12.Making time for your priorities keeps you focus on the fundamental things in your life,such as your health and your family.抽空做你认为最重要的事,你就不会忽略生命里诸如健康、

20、家庭这样的基本要素。13.It the body does not burn off the extra calories consumed from larger portions,fast food,or soft drinks,weight gain can occur.如果身体不能消耗由大份量食品、快餐或软饮料带来的多余卡路里,体重就会增加。14.As with all exercises,technique is very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to seek out a reputab

21、le teacher.像所有的练习一样,技巧很重要,因此建议起步者找个有名的老师。15.Yoga,developed by the ancient sages of India,is a system of personal development encompassing body,mind,and spirit that dates back more than 5,000 years.瑜伽是古代印度智者开创的,是个人躯体、思想、灵魂三者的协调运动。到今天,它已经有5,000多年的历史了。16.Among U.S.adults aged 20-74 years,the prevalence

22、 of overweight has increased an estimated 4 percent since 1980,increasing from 33 percent to the 35 percent of the population in 2019.在20-74岁年龄段的美国成年人中,超重的普遍率从1980年开始估计增长了4%,从33%上升到了2019年人口的35%。C.段落视译段落视译 Sight Interpretation1.对那句太过平常的话,“我没时间锻炼”,不管怎样,你得找出时间,不然身体就要出问题了,患上心脏病或糖尿病。治病可比锻炼要多花更多的时间。2.我们要努


24、,两个人口大省的的有关统计数据显示,新生缺陷儿的数量增长迅速。专家介绍,遗传病、细菌感染、环境污染、不健康的生活方式和营养不良是导致出生缺陷的几大主要诱因。5.Welcome to the discussion on the effects of music on patients.According to our findings,hearing relaxing music and encouraging words while undergoing operation may ease patients recovery after surgery.People who listen t

25、o relaxing music and sounds of ocean waves experience less pain.6.Because the reform of health care system concerns the peoples health-related rights and interests,we need to improve leadership,make plans and arrangements carefully,progress vigorously yet prudently,and effectively solve the problem

26、of medical services being unaffordable and inadequate,in order to provide safe,effective,convenient and affordable medical and health care services for the people.7.AIDS is a challenge to all humanity.The international community needs to enhance cooperation to effectively address the problem and pre

27、vent it from deteriorating worldwide.Its the spirit of international cooperation that the Chinese delegation will attend the conference.We hope that we can find ways to handle the problem more effectively by exchanging experiences and information with other participants.8.Activities such as swimming

28、,jogging or running are sometimes called“aerobic”.Thats to say the body uses oxygen to produce the energy needed for the activity.But you dont have to train like a professional sportsman to become more physically fit.Any activity that gets you moving around,even if its done for just a few minutes ea

29、ch day is better than none at all.For inactive people,the trick is to get started.One great way is to take a walk for 10-15 minutes during your lunch break.Part III Field InterpretationA.汉英口译汉英口译 Chinese-English Interpretation运动与科技讲座 大家知道,随着现在科学技术的发展,人们生活水平提高了,很多的体力劳动都被机器所替代。我们很多的地方解决了温饱,但是,随着社会竞争越来

30、越激烈,一些影响到健康的因素也越来越多,特别是肥胖、心理因素、糖尿病、高血压等等,这些都是现代文明疾病。1.科学技术的发展the advances in/development of science and technology2.体力劳动human labor3.解决了温饱basic food security has been solved4.激烈的竞争intense competition5.肥胖obesity6.糖尿病diabetes7.高血压high blood pressure/hypertension8.现代文明疾病modern ailment/disease这些因素是社会发展的

31、产物,比如我们现在出门都坐车,上楼坐电梯,到哪都吃香的、喝辣的,每天摄入的糖量比以前多的多。9.坐电梯take elevators10.摄入糖量take in sugar在2019年的时候,我们刚到北京的时候感觉很惊奇,北京有很多的小胖墩,我们开始数,后来数不过来了,现在实际上就是说肥胖是一个现代文明的疾病。体育成了解决这个问题的最好的方式。有的人把这个东西当成一种手段,只是一种简单的措施。最近我胖了,我要减肥,等身体改变了之后又不锻炼,过几天胖了又减肥,这个时候人像吹气球一样涨了缩了,这样对人的身体健康有影响。1.小胖墩little stout(s)2.最 好 的 方 式 t h e bes

32、t/optimum way3.像吹气球一样涨了缩了swells and then shrinks like a balloon我们最近在做一个项目,就是北京市体育局、科协和我们学校、北京出版社准备搞一个“体育科普送万家”的活动,这个活动是把体育对健康的影响正确的知识以书本的形式送到千家万户。在做这个的时候,实际上我们体育的普及工作做的非常的少,往往是把体育看成都是运动、都是比赛,体育实际上涉及到我们每个人的日常生活。大家回去想想,我是不是参加体育锻炼了,我的身体健康怎么样。1.做一个项目work on a campaign2.北京市体育局Beijing Municipal Bureau of

33、Sports3.科协Association of Science and Technology4.北京出版社Beijing Publishing House 5.体育科普送万家promote and popularize sports science into every household6.参加体育锻炼take part in physical exercisesB.英汉口译英汉口译 English-Chinese Interpretation Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.In a minute Im going to speak about t

34、he harmful effects of insufficient sleep.According to my recent survey studying the effects of insufficient sleep on my students at San Diego University,over 95%of the respondents slept less than five hours a night!1.insufficient sleep 睡眠不足2.the respondents被调查人,调查对象I think that sleep deprivation,tha

35、t is having insufficient sleep,is also getting more and more common in a busy city such as Hong Kong.I want to warn those who dont have enough sleep that insufficient sleep has harmful effects in their health.It affects the balance of several hormones.When we dont have enough sleep,our muscle tissue

36、s will be weakened.If our muscle tissues are weakened,well find it very difficult to do all those things that require physical strength,such as moving heavy objects or even walking upstairs.1.sleep deprivation 睡眠丧失2.hormones荷尔蒙3.muscle tissues肌肉组织 With weakened muscles,the body needs less energy and

37、 stores excessive calories intake as fat.As a result,well put on weight.However,thats not the only problem.Sleep debt also affects our immune system.Those who dont sleep enough are more vulnerable to infectious disease.In other words,theyre more likely to become sick.1.stores excessive calories inta

38、ke as fat储存过量的热量摄入形成脂肪2.put on weight越来越胖3.sleep debt缺乏睡眠4.immune system免疫系统5.vulnerable to易受的伤害,攻击6.infectious disease 传染病 Additionally,when you havent slept well the night before,you often feel a bit more nervous the next day.Right.I see some of you nodding your heads.Research has shown that insuf

39、ficient sleep affects ones thinking and ability to make decisions.That means if you dont have enough sleep,you may not be able to make quick,sensible decisions and youll find it hard to concentrate on your work.Therefore,if you want to be intelligent and efficient,make sure you have enough sleep!1.m

40、ake quick,sensible decisions做出快速合理的决定2.concentrate on集中注意力3.be intelligent and efficient既聪明又有效率Part IV Simulation ExercisesA.词组短语词组短语 Phrases and Expressions1.体检2.传染病 3.禽流感4.对症下药 5.被动吸烟 6.公共卫生 7.个人卫生 8.中西医结合 9.普及卫生知识 10.改善卫生环境B.句子段落句子段落 Sentences and Paragraphs 1.武术,即功夫或一种搏击艺术,是中国传统运动项目。千百年来,中国人民一直在

41、习练武术,用于自卫、强身健体、修身养性和文化审美。2.许多人花些时间定期锻炼并参加一些体育活动。有的人去健身房健身,每周去三个晚上。他们做的运动有助于使他们保持体型,并且使他们放松。3.世界传播了中国经过5 000年历史长河沉积下来的传统医疗保健知识。现在,医疗保健方式如太极拳、气功、按摩等正逐渐显现其重要性。世界各地越来越多的人学习太极、气功、按摩,因为他们不仅对人体健康有益,而且对心、脑、减肥都有益处。4.医药卫生改革发展稳步推进。参加新型农村合作医疗的人口8.14亿,参保率91.5%。城镇居民基本医疗保险试点城市由上年的88个增加到317个,参保人数增加7359万,总计达到1.17亿。5

42、.Physical activity also helps to control weight,contributes to healthy bones,muscles,and joints;reduces falls among the elderly;and helps to relieve the pain of arthritis.6.Governments,international partners,civil society and nongovernmental organizations and the private sector have vital roles to p

43、lay in shaping healthy environments and making healthier diet options affordable and easily accessible.7.Health insurance is a vital issue not only facing China but many countries including the United States.In fact in a recent poll,Americans listed health care the most important issue in next years

44、 presidential election.China is taking steps to improve health care for its citizens and is currently introducing health reforms.8.Research suggests that the brain may be more aware of what happens during surgery than previously thought.Patients may overhear the remarks of doctors and nurse which co

45、uld lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction after surgery.To protect patients from inappropriate or misinterpreted comments overheard during surgery,we found that taped music could be provided to all patients undergoing surgery.We must say,however,the findings need to be confirmed in additional studies.Part V Interpretation Skills数字口译数字口译 1.1.数字的记录数字的记录(1)(1)填空记录法填空记录法(2)(2)分节号记录法分节号记录法2.2.小数的译法和读法小数的译法和读法3.3.分数、代分数的译法和读法分数、代分数的译法和读法 代分数的译法和读法代分数的译法和读法复杂的或数字较大的分数的译法和读法复杂的或数字较大的分数的译法和读法4.4.百分数的译法和读法百分数的译法和读法5.5.模糊数字的译法模糊数字的译法 6.6.常用的度量衡单位(国际公制常用的度量衡单位(国际公制)Thank you!


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