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1、 专有名词 5名词 个体名词 普通名词 集体名词 物质名词 抽象名词1.专有名词(1)人名 例:.(2)地名和地理名称 例:Europe The United States Today is Saturday.例:a useful dictionary an honest man 例:book books s cup cups s bag bags z例:bus buses box boxes dish dishes watch watches 例:leaf leaves thief thieves half halves knife knives 巧学妙记妻子wife拿刀knife去宰狼wo

2、lf,小偷thief吓得发了慌;藏在架shelf后保已self命life,半片树叶leaf遮目光。例:city cities country countries family families university universities例:day days boy boys key keys radio radios piano pianos potato potatoes tomato tomatoes hero heroes 例:foot feet goose geese tooth teeth man men woman women mouse mice(2)词尾发生变化例:chil

3、d children ox oxen 公牛(3)单复数同形例:fish fish sheep sheep deer deer 鹿 (4)表示某国人的名词复数例:a Chinese Chinese a Japanese Japanese an Englishman Englishmen a Frenchman Frenchmen an American Americans a German Germans an Australian Australians(5)复合名词的复数例:story-teller story tellers grown-up grown-ups son-in-law so

4、ns-in-law man doctor men doctors woman teacher women teachers Exercise:1.The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many there.A.bird B.duck C.sheep D.rabbit2、I have two in my pencil-box.A.knife B.knifes C.knives D.a knifeExercise:3、Youre not a rich man or a famous person.But in my heart,you

5、 are one of the greatest in the world.A.businessmen B.man C.men D.person4.Whats in the?There are some and in them.A.photos;potatos;radios B.photos;potatoes;radios C.photoes;potatos;radios D.photos;potatoes;radioes 1.不可数名词所表示的事物一般不能用数来计 算,没有词形变化。例:advice 建议 furniture 家具 fun 乐趣 homework家庭作业 paper 纸 su

6、gar 糖 work 工作 fruit 水果 news 消息 trouble 麻烦 wealth 财富 weather 天气 rain 雨 2.2.不可数名词的量的表达不可数名词的量的表达不可数名词若表示数量,需要加适当的单位名词。(1)(1)用用some,much,a little,a lot of,plenty of some,much,a little,a lot of,plenty of 等等词词 修饰,表示修饰,表示大概的大概的量。量。例:much water a little butter a lot of food plenty of time (2)(2)表示表示具体的具体的量

7、。量。结构为:数词/冠词+量词+of+不可数名词 例:a piece of advice a meter of cloth a ton of coal a pound of meat a bag of rice two cups of tea three bottles of water a drop of rain a bar of chocolate a gust of wind a flash of lightning a crowd of people a group of children3.3.可数名词和不可数名词的转化可数名词和不可数名词的转化例例:A A glass glass

8、 is made of is made of glassglass.玻璃杯是由玻璃做的。玻璃杯是由玻璃做的。She broke two She broke two glassesglasses.None of his family likes None of his family likes chickenchicken.鸡肉鸡肉 A dog is running after A dog is running after a a chickenchicken.小鸡小鸡 注意:注意:有些不可数名词也可以作可数名词,但意义发有些不可数名词也可以作可数名词,但意义发 生了变化。生了变化。例:例:cl

9、oth cloth(布)(布)clothes(clothes(衣服衣服)good good(益处)(益处)goods goods(货物)(货物)work work(工作)(工作)works (works (著作著作)paper paper(纸)(纸)papers(papers(报纸、证件、试卷报纸、证件、试卷)wood wood(木头)(木头)woods(woods(小树林小树林)room room(空间)(空间)roomroom(房间)(房间)life life(生活)(生活)lives lives(生命)(生命)time time(时间)(时间)times times(次数、倍数,时代)(

10、次数、倍数,时代)fruit fruit(水果)(水果)fruits(fruits(各种水果各种水果)要点三:名词所有格要点三:名词所有格 名词所有格表示名词所属关系的形式。名词所有格表示名词所属关系的形式。1.1.表示有生命的名词的所有格表示有生命的名词的所有格.(1)(1)一般情况下在名词词尾加一般情况下在名词词尾加 s.s.例:例:the student the student s s book book 这个学生的书这个学生的书 Miss Green Miss Green s s coat coat (2)(2)以以-s-s或或-es-es结尾的复数名词,直接在其后加结尾的复数名词,直

11、接在其后加.例:例:my parentshope my parentshope Teachers Day Teachers Day (3)(3)不以不以-s-s或或-es-es结尾的复数名词,在词尾加结尾的复数名词,在词尾加 s.s.例:例:Children s Day Children s Day Women s Day Women s Day (4)(4)两人或多人共同拥有一样东西时,只需在最后一个两人或多人共同拥有一样东西时,只需在最后一个名词后加名词后加s;s;如果不是共有的,则两个词后都要加如果不是共有的,则两个词后都要加s.s.例:例:This is Susan and my li

12、ttle sisters room.共有共有 They are Jims and Johns father.2.2.表示店铺、医院、住宅及公共建筑等地点时,名词表示店铺、医院、住宅及公共建筑等地点时,名词所有格后常常省略它所修饰的名词。所有格后常常省略它所修饰的名词。例:例:at the tailors(shop)near the grocers at the butchers(shop)at the Greens(home)3.3.表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等的名表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等的名词也可以加词也可以加ss构成所有格。构成所有格。例:例:yesterday

13、s food a weeks time two hours walk six minutes drive Chinas weather Beijings scenery the moons light the suns center 4.4.特殊的所有格形式特殊的所有格形式(1)(1)表示无生命事物的名词,通常用表示无生命事物的名词,通常用“名词名词+of+of+名词名词”结构来构成所有格。结构来构成所有格。例:例:the windows of the classroomthe windows of the classroom the legs of the desk the legs of

14、the desk the title of the book the title of the book (2)(2)双重所有格由双重所有格由“of+of+名词所有格名词所有格”或或“of+of+名词性物名词性物主代词主代词”构成。构成。用法:双重所有格带有s所有格的名词必须是一个明确限定的指人的名词,同时of前面必须是不确指的名词。例:例:a brother of my fathers a novel of Lu Xuns 1.马力喜欢这部电影。Mary loves this movie.2.穿黑色衣服的那个女生是杨幂。The girl in black is Yangmi.3.郭敬明不是一

15、个基佬。Guo Jingming isnt a gay.1.你喜欢这部电影吗?Do you like this movie?2.郭敬明多高?How tall is Guo Jingming?3.郭敬明是个基佬,难道不是吗?Guo Jingming is a gay,isnt he?1.多忙的电影啊!(以what&how引导)What a busy movie!How busy the movie is!2.不要在电影院里放屁(fart)!Dont fart at the cinema!3.请关门.Please close the door.句子种类你造吗!:说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式

16、和否定式。语序是主语在前,谓语在后。Mary loves this movie.The girl in black is Yangmi.Guo Jingming isnt a gay.肯定句式:否定句式:She cant swim.Mary doesnt like this movie.The children didnt go to school yesterday.在一般现在时和一般过去时中,当句子谓语动词是实义动词是,否定句式要用合适的助动词 dont,doesnt,didnt.按使用目的可分:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句。1)一般疑问句:用来询问一件事,答案通常是yes或 no,注意

17、语序。Are you a pig?Do you love me?Isnt she a beautiful teacher?Can you fly?2)特殊疑问句:常用的特殊疑问词 what,where,who,when,why,which,howWhat day is it today?Where are you going?How are you?Who are you?3)选择疑问句:要求对方对两种或两种以上的情况选择其一的问句,叫选择疑问句。选择问句的两种或多种情况用or连接,语调先升后降,回答时不用yes或no。-Are you a boy or a girl?-Im a girl.-

18、Where are you going,Shenzhen orThailand?-Im going to Thailand.4)反意疑问句:陈述句之后加上一个与之意思相反的简短问句,这种结构的句子叫反意疑问句。原则:前肯后否,前否后肯。-You are a dog,arent you?-No,Im not.-She likes eating Mc Donald,doesnt she?-Yes,she does.表示强烈感情或情绪的句子,一般由what或how引导。What a handsome boy he is!1.他是一个多么帅的男孩啊!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】How

19、 handsome the boy is!2.这是一只多么可爱的狗啊!What a lovely dog it is!How lovely the dog is!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】表示说话人直接向听话人发出命令、请求、邀请或提出劝告、建议等的句子。祈使句的主语经常省略。No smoking!不要抽烟!Dont fart at the cinema!不要在电影院放屁!Never give up!永不言弃!Let it go!随它吧!按句子结构可分:简单句、并列句和复合句。1.盗墓笔记很受欢迎。The Lost Tomb is very popular.2.吴邪和张起灵

20、都很帅。Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling are handsome.3.吴邪起立然后向我走过来。Wu Xie stands up and walks to me.基本句型一:+(主谓)基本句型二:+O (主谓宾)基本句型三:+P (主系表)基本句型四:+IO+DO (主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:+O+OC (主谓宾宾补)把两个或几个简单句,用并列连词连接起来成为并列句。He was tired.He went to bed.He was tired so he went to bed.Im ugly.Im gentle.Im ugly but Im gentle.常用的并列连词 a

21、nd,bothand,平行并列连词 not onlybut also,neithernor but,however转折并列连词 while yet because 因果并列连词 so for,therefore or选择并列连词 otherwise eitheror1.Mary is thirsty,_ she needs a glass of water.2.He is an actor,_ his wife is a singer.3.He was so tired,_ he had to go to school.4.Dont be late,_ there is a meeting.5

22、.Hurry up,_youll be late.6.He works hard _ his brother is a lazy bone.soand/whilebutbecauseorwhile/but主句+从句He says something.宾语成分(由一个词语充当)He says that they are family.宾语成分(由一个句子充当)vI hope that everything is all right.vShe was reading the newspaper when I came in.vShe is the girl who sings best of al

23、l.1.He has found out.She was late.(why)请用括号中所给的词把每组句子连接为一个复合句。2.I still remember the day.I first came to Aixuetang on that day.(when)3.This is Mary.Mary is a pig.(who)TNANK YOU1.马力喜欢这部电影。Mary loves this movie.2.穿黑色衣服的那个女生是杨幂。The girl in black is Yangmi.3.郭敬明不是一个基佬。Guo Jingming isnt a gay.1.你喜欢这部电影吗?

24、Do you like this movie?2.郭敬明多高?How tall is Guo Jingming?3.郭敬明是个基佬,难道不是吗?Guo Jingming is a gay,isnt he?1.多忙的电影啊!(以what&how引导)What a busy movie!How busy the movie is!2.不要在电影院里放屁(fart)!Dont fart at the cinema!3.请关门.Please close the door.句子种类你造吗!:说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式。语序是主语在前,谓语在后。Mary loves this movie

25、.The girl in black is Yangmi.Guo Jingming isnt a gay.肯定句式:否定句式:She cant swim.Mary doesnt like this movie.The children didnt go to school yesterday.在一般现在时和一般过去时中,当句子谓语动词是实义动词是,否定句式要用合适的助动词 dont,doesnt,didnt.按使用目的可分:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句。1)一般疑问句:用来询问一件事,答案通常是yes或 no,注意语序。Are you a pig?Do you love me?Isnt sh

26、e a beautiful teacher?Can you fly?2)特殊疑问句:常用的特殊疑问词 what,where,who,when,why,which,howWhat day is it today?Where are you going?How are you?Who are you?3)选择疑问句:要求对方对两种或两种以上的情况选择其一的问句,叫选择疑问句。选择问句的两种或多种情况用or连接,语调先升后降,回答时不用yes或no。-Are you a boy or a girl?-Im a girl.-Where are you going,Shenzhen orThailand

27、?-Im going to Thailand.4)反意疑问句:陈述句之后加上一个与之意思相反的简短问句,这种结构的句子叫反意疑问句。原则:前肯后否,前否后肯。-You are a dog,arent you?-No,Im not.-She likes eating Mc Donald,doesnt she?-Yes,she does.表示强烈感情或情绪的句子,一般由what或how引导。What a handsome boy he is!1.他是一个多么帅的男孩啊!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】How handsome the boy is!2.这是一只多么可爱的狗啊!What

28、 a lovely dog it is!How lovely the dog is!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】表示说话人直接向听话人发出命令、请求、邀请或提出劝告、建议等的句子。祈使句的主语经常省略。No smoking!不要抽烟!Dont fart at the cinema!不要在电影院放屁!Never give up!永不言弃!Let it go!随它吧!按句子结构可分:简单句、并列句和复合句。1.盗墓笔记很受欢迎。The Lost Tomb is very popular.2.吴邪和张起灵都很帅。Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling are handsom

29、e.3.吴邪起立然后向我走过来。Wu Xie stands up and walks to me.基本句型一:+(主谓)基本句型二:+O (主谓宾)基本句型三:+P (主系表)基本句型四:+IO+DO (主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:+O+OC (主谓宾宾补)把两个或几个简单句,用并列连词连接起来成为并列句。He was tired.He went to bed.He was tired so he went to bed.Im ugly.Im gentle.Im ugly but Im gentle.常用的并列连词 and,bothand,平行并列连词 not onlybut also,neit

30、hernor but,however转折并列连词 while yet because 因果并列连词 so for,therefore or选择并列连词 otherwise eitheror1.Mary is thirsty,_ she needs a glass of water.2.He is an actor,_ his wife is a singer.3.He was so tired,_ he had to go to school.4.Dont be late,_ there is a meeting.5.Hurry up,_youll be late.6.He works har

31、d _ his brother is a lazy bone.soand/whilebutbecauseorwhile/but主句+从句He says something.宾语成分(由一个词语充当)He says that they are family.宾语成分(由一个句子充当)vI hope that everything is all right.vShe was reading the newspaper when I came in.vShe is the girl who sings best of all.1.He has found out.She was late.(why)请用括号中所给的词把每组句子连接为一个复合句。2.I still remember the day.I first came to Aixuetang on that day.(when)3.This is Mary.Mary is a pig.(who)TNANK YOU


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