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1、循环系统 Circulatory system,内容,检查方法的选择 正常心脏三位片 后前位片心脏轮廓观察 常见心脏病和肺血管改变的影像表现,检查方法的选择,透视 平片 MSCT MRI 超声心动图,英文缩写,PA位(Posterior-anterior view)后前位 RAO(right anterior oblique view)右前斜位 LAO(left anterior oblique view)左前斜位 LA (left atrium)左房 LV(left ventricle)左室 RA (right atrium)右房 RV (right ventricle)右室,第一部分:正常

2、心脏三位片,L,R,胶片,球管,2米,横位心 斜位心 垂位心,小儿球形心,升主动脉,左房大时,用以观察双房影,右房,左室,心腰(左房),肺动脉段,主动脉结,The Cardiac Contours,上腔静脉,下腔静脉,RAO view,主要观察左房 (右斜左房 右斜右室),LA,RA,Ascending aorta,Pulmonary arterious cone,RV,LAO,左室 (左斜右房 左斜左室),Ascending aorta,RV,LV,LMB,RA,LA,第二部分:后前位片各轮廓观察,升主动脉,左房大时,用以观察双房影,右房,左室,心腰(左房),肺动脉段,主动脉结,The Ca

3、rdiac Contours,上腔静脉,下腔静脉,Aortic knob should measure 35mm,Aortic Knob,The first bump on the left-side is the aortic arch. We can measure the knob from the lateral border of air in the trachea to the edge of the aortic knob.,42mm,Enlarged with: Increased pressure Increased flow Changes in aortic wall,

4、主动脉结突出,Important,肺动脉段,If we draw a tangent line from the apex of the left ventricle to the aortic knob (red line) and measure along a perpendicular to that tangent line (yellow line),The distance between the tangent and the main pulmonary artery (between two small green arrows) falls in a range betw

5、een 0 mm (touching the tangent line) to as much as 15 mm away from the tangent line,Increased pressure Increased flow,肺动脉段膨隆,27,Small pulmonary artery Tetralogy of Fallot,肺动脉段凹陷 -法洛氏四联症,靴形心,Left ventricle and/or aortic knob push the tangent away Common,29,肺动脉段凹陷 -高血压性心脏病,主动脉型心脏,?,?,Left atrium sits

6、in middle of heart posteriorly,Left atrium forms no border of normal heart in PA view,LA,Nomal left atrium,“Double Density” of left atrial enlargement,When the LA enlarges,Straightened left heart border,Left Ventricle,Normal left ventricle,心尖,右心室,左室增大,主动脉型心脏,Left ventricle enlargement,主动脉型心脏,右室增大,Ca

7、rdio-thoracic Ratio,50%,Low density, almost straight edge represents size of ascending aorta,升主动脉,Small,Prominent,Ascending Aorta,Left atrium sits in middle of heart posteriorly,Left atrium forms no border of normal heart in PA view,LA,Nomal left atrium,“Double Density” of left atrial enlargement,Wh

8、en the LA enlarges,Straightened left heart border,Right atrium enlargement,RA,RV enlargement,pulmonary arterial hypertension Atrial septal defect,第三部分: 心脏各腔改变,LA enlargement LV enlargement RV enlargement RA enlargement,常见原因: 二尖瓣病(狭窄、左房粘液瘤 ) 左心室衰竭 动脉导管未闭 室间隔缺损,左心房增大,Left atrium sits in middle of hear

9、t posteriorly,Left atrium forms no border of normal heart in PA view,LA,左房,“Double Density” of left atrial enlargement,左房增大,Straightened left heart border,This enlargement causes the contour change often termed the mitral silhouette, in which the appendage produces a considerable convexity of the le

10、ft-upper cardiac margin,Left Atrial Appendage,支气管夹角增宽,Left atrial enlargement,LA,RV,LV enlargement. MPA big=mitral valve stenosis+mitral valve incompetence,RAO,LAO,PA,Straightened left heart border,食管左房段压迹明显,向后移位,增大的左房,使食管局限后移,增大左房使左主支气管上移、变窄,左心房增大总结,P-A: 四弓现象,双心缘,双心影,食管右移(钡餐) R-O:食管后移(钡餐) L-O:心后上缘突

11、出,支气管角增大45,左心室增大,常见原因: 高血压病 主动脉瓣关闭不全或狭窄 二尖瓣关闭不全 动脉导管未闭,左室增大,主动脉型心脏,心缘向后凸出,左前斜位转到60时左室仍与脊椎重叠,室间沟前移,If Heart Is Enlarged, And Aorta is Big,50%,Which Ventricle is Enlarged?,Then Left Ventricle is Enlarged,左室增大总结,P-A:左室增大左下心缘左移心尖下移、胃泡 内看到心影 L-O:心脏与脊柱重叠1/3椎体、心后间隙变小 R-O:心前间隙变小 继发改变:主A迂曲,常见原因: 二尖瓣狭窄 慢性肺原性心

12、脏病 肺动脉狭窄 肺动脉高压 房间隔缺损 Fallot四联症,右心室增大,RV enlargement,PA,LAO,RAO,LA,RV,LV enlargement. MPA big=mitral valve stenosis+mitral valve incompetence,右室前缘呈弧形、前凸,心前间隙缩小和下部闭塞,肺动脉圆锥隆起,右心室增大,肺动脉圆锥突出,心前下间隙 变窄或消失,右前斜位2,右室膈段增长,室间沟后上移,右心室增大,If Heart Is Enlarged, And Main Pulmonary Artery is Big,50%,Which Ventricle i

13、s Enlarged?,Then Right Ventricle is Enlarged,右心室增大总结,P-A:肺A段突出,心腰消失,心缘向两侧扩大,心脏隔面增宽,心尖圆钝 R-O:肺A圆锥突出,心前间隙明显缩小,前下缘前突 L-O:心前间隙变小,心后缘后突,但心后间隙保存,Which ventricle is enlarged?,The best way to determine which ventricle is enlarged is to look at the corresponding outflow tract for each ventricle Aorta for the

14、 LV MPA for the RV,常见原因: 房间隔缺损 右心衰竭 三尖瓣病变,右心房增大,心右缘膨隆、延长,右房大伴肺动脉段突出,右心房增大,后前位1,心胸比率 大于0.5,肺动脉段平直,心缘右房段延长、凸出,右房增大总结,P-A:心缘右突,位置相对稍高 O-L:后下缘后突 L-O:前上缘前突,可呈水平状,心脏各腔综合观察,思考: 二尖瓣狭窄 高血压性心脏病,附:心脏形态异常,二尖瓣型,主动脉型,普大型,二尖瓣型心脏(图),主动脉结小 心尖上翘、肺动脉段突出 右/和左心缘向外膨出,RV enlargement,二尖瓣型心,主动脉型心脏(图),主动脉弓突出 肺动脉段凹陷 左心缘向外下沿伸

15、高血压病 主动脉瓣病变,普遍增大型(图),较对称的向两侧增大 心肌炎 心包积液 严重贫血,Cardio-thoracic ratio 65%,1. Pericardial effusion 2. Cardiomyopathy,普大型,第四部分:肺血,肺血流异常,1. 肺充血(Increased flow) 2. 肺血减少 (Decreased flow) 3. 肺淤血 肺静脉高压 间质性肺水肿 肺泡性肺水肿 含铁血黄素沉着症 骨化 4. 肺动脉高压,What Were Going to Evaluate,Right Descending Pulmonary Artery Distributio

16、n of flow in the lungs Upper versus lower lobes Central versus peripheral,肺血正常,Right Descending Pulmonary Artery,Serves right middle and lower lobes,1. Right Descending Pulmonary Artery,RDPA 15 mm,2. Normal Distribution of Flow Upper Versus Lower Lobes,In erect position, blood flow to bases than flo

17、w to apices,Size of vessels at bases is normally than size of vessels at apex,Normal tapering of vessels from central to peripheral,Central vessels give rise to progressively smaller peripheral branches,3. Normal Distribution of Flow Central versus peripheral,1. 肺充血,1 、肺充血指肺动脉内血流量增多 (1)肺门增大,肺动脉及分支成比

18、例增粗,搏 动增强,出现“ 肺门舞蹈” (2)右心室增大,肺动脉段突出 常见病:左向右分流的先心病;甲亢;贫血。,Increased Flow,RDPA usually 15 mm,All of blood vessels everywhere in lung are bigger than normal,Increased Flow,Normal,2.肺血减少,肺血减少指肺血流量的减少 (1)肺野透亮度增加 (2)肺门动脉变细,严重时出现网状纹理,为侧支循环 (3)肺纹理细少。稀疏 常见病:三尖瓣狭窄;肺动脉狭窄 。,不易观察,Small hila,Fewer than normal blo

19、od vessels,Decreased Flow,3 、肺淤血静脉高压,肺淤血指肺静脉回流受阻,血液淤滞于肺内。 (1)肺静脉普遍扩张,继而反射性 痉挛导致下肺静脉变细,上肺静脉增粗 (2)肺纹理增多模糊,肺野透明度降低 (3)肺门增大模糊,无搏动 (4)可见柯氏B线,胸腔积液,肺静脉高压 间质性肺水肿 肺泡性肺水肿 含铁血黄素沉着症 骨化,间质性肺水肿 多为慢性 两上肺静脉分支增粗 肺纹理和肺门血管影模糊 支气管套袖征: 肺门区支气管的环形影增厚,外缘模糊 正常时肺段支气管壁厚mm,肺泡性肺水肿 腺泡实变的结节影或小叶实变,很快融合(从下、内很快向上、外发展 ) ,有含气支气管征 蝶翼征:

20、两肺的中、内带, 受重力影响,与体位有关。 短期内阴影变化快 胸腔积液、多与间质性肺水肿并存,RDPA usually 15 mm,Upper lobe vessels equal to or larger than size of lower lobe vessels,Venous Hypertension,间质性肺水肿,支气管套袖征,肺门区支气管的环形影增厚,外缘模糊 正常时肺段支气管壁厚mm,支气管套袖征,支气管套袖征:肺门区支气管的环形影增厚,外缘模糊 正常时肺段支气管壁厚mm,间隔线 Kerley line,间隔线,间隔线 Kerley line A线,A图:间隔线 Kerley l

21、ine A线 B图:短期内复查A线消失,A图:间隔线(Kerley line B 线) B图:短期内复查B 线减少,间隔线,间隔线 Kerley line B线,肺泡性肺水肿,肺泡性肺水肿,Rheumatic heart disease,LA,RA,RV enlargement,hemosiderin,附,鉴别诊断 肺水肿发生迅速, 密度比肺炎均匀 肺水肿有间质异常,如间隔线 动态变化快 (在几天或数小时内 ) 肺水肿不具备肺炎的临床表现,4. 肺动脉高压,原因: 左向右或右向左分流、心排血量增加 肺小动脉阻力增加、胸肺疾患 X线: 肺动脉段明显突出 肺门动脉扩张、搏动强、外围血管细小 右心室

22、增大,Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension,RDPA usually 15 mm,Main Pulmonary Artery projects beyond tangent line,23,Rapid cutoff in size of peripheral vessels relative to size of central vessels,Central vessels appear too large for size of peripheral vessels which come from them = Pruning,Pulmonary Arterial

23、 Hypertension,31,convulsive movement of the peripheral vessels,PAH,Increased Flow,综合分析: 心影 肺血,肺淤血含铁血黄素沉着,二狭LA,RV轻度增大,PA,RAO,LAO,二尖瓣狭窄,Pulmonary venous stasis Mitral valve stenosis,Pulmonary edema Mitral valve stenosis,Decreased Flow,Tetralogy of Fallot,二狭,房缺,心包积液,法洛四联征,正常,高心病,肺心病,附:CT在大血管中的应用,1、正常CT

24、解剖,引起左心室负荷增高的主要因素是: A、肺循环高压; B、体循环高压; C、右心回心血量增加; D、三尖瓣关闭不全; E红细胞压积增大。 下列哪种疾病引起右心室负荷增加: A、主动脉瓣关闭不全。 B、阻塞性肺气肿; C、二尖瓣关闭不全; D、动脉导管未闭; E、贫血性心脏病。,Question,急性肺水肿时,典型X线征象是: A、肺门舞蹈; B、两肺纹理增粗; C、肺门蝴蝶形阴影; D、肺透明度增加; E、以上全不是。 肺淤血的早期和重要的X线症象是哪项? A、上肺静脉扩张,下肺静脉缩窄或正常; B、肺血管轻度增粗,边缘清晰; C、肺门阴影正常; D、肺野清晰; E、以上全不是。,右心房增大,下面哪项是错误的。 A、后前位:右侧第二弓增大,右心膈角锐利; B、左前斜位:心前缘突出或横行部延长; C、右前斜位:心后缘下部向后隙突出; D、右房增大常发生在房缺; E、右心房增大多为室间隔缺损所致。,The End,


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