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1、Russell BakerUnit 8In My Day1ppt课件Warming-upnWhat is the meaning of the title?Who tend to use the expression very often?Why do they often say this?nNever trust anyone over thirty!2ppt课件精品资料 你怎么称呼老师?如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式?教师的教鞭“不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘”“太阳当空照,花

2、儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”Oral topicnWhat is the most memorable thing you did with your family?nWhat are the similarities between yourself&your parents?What about the differences?5ppt课件mothers problemsunable tounderstandhis motherunable to understand his own childrengeneration gap;causes and solutionsdisconnectio

3、nbetween parents&children6ppt课件7ppt课件Becoming oldnCan you use some adjectives to describe the young and the old?nWhat are the advantages and disadvantages to be young and to be old?nAre you afraid of being old?8ppt课件Generation GapA generation gap describes a vast difference in cultural norms between

4、 a younger generation and their elders.According to the dictionary definition by free search,the generation gap occurs when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences,habits,opinions and behavior.9ppt课件 Every generation has its own youth culture,whic

5、h contributes to the generation gap.Match the following items.the 50sRock and roll,Beatniks the 60sCounterculturethe 70s&80sthe 90s10ppt课件Theme of the storyIt is the responsibility of both parents and children to bridge the generation gap.On the one hand,young people should have more interest and re

6、spect of what their parents stand for.On the other hand,old people should show understanding to young peoples great interest in the future.The old should not start lecturing the young always with the expression“in my day”.11ppt课件About authorRussell BakernA columnist for The New York Times,where he a

7、pplies his unique brand of humor to social commentary.nThe present text is taken from Russell Bakers autobiography,Growing Up,which won him the second Pulitzer Prize in 1983.nWith a moving mix of humor and sadness,Baker insightfully recounts the struggles the family endured in depression-era after h

8、is father passed away(when Baker was only 5).12ppt课件nThe books greatest achievement is Bakers portrayal of his mother,a driven woman haunted by poverty and dreams of her sons success.“I would make something of myself,”he wrote,“and if I lacked the grit to do it,well then she would make me make somet

9、hing of myself.”nThe Los Angeles Times Book Review called Growing Up,“a wondrous book,funny,sad,and funny and touching as Mark Twains.”13ppt课件Structure14ppt课件New wordsnRead new wordsnAffluent circumstance/family/country/neighborhood/imagination/fortunenAmount:Her answer amounted to a compl

10、ete refusal.nArtery/veinnAxe:set the axe to/give sb.the axe 15ppt课件nCaution:cautionary(mark,sign,light):road up/work area caution moneynCaution againstnCeremonial procession/speech/dress/ushrettenCustomary/occasionalnCustomary practice/packing/procedurenEternal(rest/sleep/flame/life/glory/wound/fros

11、t/eternal and unchanging truthnExemplary(role,student,service)16ppt课件nFantastic(scheme/fanshion/drama/idea)nFatigue,sleep off ones fatigue;exhaustionnFierce(competition/debate/battle/tiger/dog)nBrutal/ruthless/inhumannFlagging(strength,interest,enthusiasm)nFormidable(task,project,challenge,opponent,

12、natural condition)nHazy:beams/picture/imagenBe hazy about/eye-sightnInterrogate:the defendant17ppt课件nMacaroninMend:least said,soonest mended.nIts never too late to mend./mend or endnPalm:palmist/palmistrynRadiant:energy/smilenResignation:resign from office,post/resign tonSenility(syndrome)senile cha

13、nge/plaque老人/cataract白内障nStun,astound,petrify:stonelike stuntnTrip over P18618ppt课件Thebigscreenshowslivedataofgrossmerchandisevolumeofthe2015TmallGlobalShoppingFestival onNov11,2015.19ppt课件nThe company saw its gross merchandise volume reach 10 billion yuan($1.57 billion)within 12minutes and 28 secon

14、ds after the festival started on Nov 11.nLast year,it took 38 minutes and 28 seconds to reach that mark.nAlthough it is the seventh year for Alibaba to throw such big online sales event,some of the earlystatistics suggested that consumers are getting increasingly crazy about it,rather than being tir

15、edof the eye-catching discounts and coupons.20ppt课件nThe retail giants unaudited figures showed that it generated 30 billion yuan in gross merchandizevolume within 1 hour and 14 minutes this year,compared to nearly 11 hours in 2014.nZhang Jianfeng,who is in charge of Alibabas retail business unit,sai

16、d the sales of this year is beyond expectation.Some of the brands have sold more than 60 percent of their stockings andsome have already sold out,he said in the early morning on Wednesday.21ppt课件reviewn这正如所认为的那样是一件值得高度称赞和仿效的事情。n Its highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be.n他的热情丝毫未减

17、。n His enthusiasm was in no way flagging.n我摸不清你的用意何在。nI am rather hazy as to what your purpose.22ppt课件n他因听到这突然的消息而目瞪口呆。n He was stunned by the sudden news.n她母亲不赞成她穿透明的内衣。nHer mother disapproves of her wearing transparent underwear.n他生在富裕人家。n He was born at an affluent family.23ppt课件Detailed Analysis

18、 part one(P1-9)key word:last fallnIn paragraph one,whats mothers disease?What was his mothers state of mind after her last bad fall?nsenile dementia 老年痴呆症老年痴呆症n He was probably senile.I did what he wanted.他的年龄可能有些大,所以我听从了他的要求。nAnd I cant believe you told me that she was senile!让我难以置信的是你说她痴呆!24ppt课件

19、On others she presided over family dinners cooked on Sunday afternoons for children who were now gray with age.(para.1)preside over/at:be the chairman(at);sit at the head of the table(at a formal dinner)with:because of His face was blue with angry.She was beaming with excitement.Her fingers were num

20、b with cold.25ppt课件Through all this she lay in bed but moved across time,traveling among the dead decades with a speed and ease beyond the gift of physical science.nthe present participle phraseas adverbial of attending circumstances traveling among the past decades so quickly and easily that no phy

21、sical science would be able to manage to do it她飞快、自如地在已逝去的岁月里穿越,这些依靠自然科学可做不到。26ppt课件nBeyond 超过,无法nIts beyond me.Beyond oneself.Beyond expression/endurance/thought/comparison/word/belief/discussion无讨论余地/control/question/praise夸不胜夸/example空前的 nNursing homennursing homen.(名词)A private establishment tha

22、t provides living quarters and care for the elderly or the chronically ill.私人疗养院:为老人或慢性病患者提供住处和护理的私人机构care home 比较少用,可以翻译成护理院。27ppt课件Oral practicenWill you send your parents to the nursing home when they become senile?nWill you choose to live in the nursing home when you become senile?28ppt课件She gaz

23、ed at this improbably overgrown figure out of an inconceivable future and promptly dismissed it.(4)to refuse to accept that something might be true impossible to comprehend or grasp fully to grow beyond normal sizeShe looked steadily at me and could not recognize me because I was much too big for th

24、e son in her mind.She simply could not imagine the distant future when her little Russell would be that tall and big.Therefore,she immediately put that thought out of her mind.29ppt课件nAre you coming to my funeral today?nIm being buried today.nWhat are you talking about,for Gods sake?n sake:for any s

25、ake,无论如何for old sakes sake,看着老交情的份上 without sake 无缘无故n 30ppt课件Detailed AnalysisP(10-15)key word:personalityWhat was the character of the mother when she was young?straight-forward strong-willed energetic never defeated by life I tell people exactly whats on my mind,She was a formidable woman,determi

26、ned to speak her mind,determined to have her way,She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the was combat,and victory was not to the lazy,the timed,the drugstore cowboy,31ppt课件nIt showed in that angry challenging thrust of the chin when she issued an opinion

27、,and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions.(p.10)nThis character trait of hers was shown when she expressed an opinion.She would stick out her chin angrily and defiantly.Whenever she had something to say,she would say it,never afraid of speaking her mind.n她发表观点时,总是气鼓鼓地、挑战性地抬起她发表观点时,总是

28、气鼓鼓地、挑战性地抬起下巴。这表情充分显现出这种性格。她一贯勇下巴。这表情充分显现出这种性格。她一贯勇于发表自己的看法。于发表自己的看法。32ppt课件on the run(p.14)a.while you are busy or hurryingb.trying to hide or escape from sb.,especially the a weak position in an argument orcompetitionnExamples:nI had to eat lunch on the run today.nA dangerous criminal i

29、s on the run in the bay area of the city.nLabor has the Conservatives on the run.33ppt课件run a run of good/bad luck a run on sth.break into a run give sb.a good run for their money have a(good)run for your moneyin the long/short run 一连串的好运一连串的好运/倒霉事倒霉事 抢购抢购 开始跑开始跑 让对手竭尽全让对手竭尽全力才获胜力才获胜 充分得到的应充分得到的应得的报

30、偿得的报偿从长远从长远/短期来看短期来看34ppt课件on ones mind(p.15)n to keep thinking about and worrying about sth.n Examples:nYou seem quiet today.Do you have anything on your mind?nWork is very much on her mind at the moment.35ppt课件 be in(of)two minds about sth.bear in mind get sth./sb.out of ones mind have sth./

31、mind keep your mind on out of sight,out of mind speak your mind Great minds think alike.拿不定主意拿不定主意 记住记住 把某事把某事/某人置某人置于脑后于脑后 心中考虑到某心中考虑到某事事/某人某人 专心于专心于 眼不见,心不眼不见,心不烦烦 直言不讳直言不讳 英雄所见略同英雄所见略同36ppt课件Oral practicenDid you ever lose your temper to your father or mother?n whats the ideal relation between ch

32、ildren and their parents?parents&children,friends&friends,tutors&pupils,supervisors&ones being supervised,superiors&subordinate,guides&tourists37ppt课件reviewn请帮我算一下我的所得税。nPlease help me to figure out my income tax.n你所做的已经超出了你的能力。n What you want to do is beyond your ability.n绝不要为金钱而做坏事。n Never do wron

33、g for the sake of money.n他长著一对招风耳.n His ears stick out.38ppt课件n新版人民币昨天开始发行。n The new version of RMB has begun to issue yesterday.n万一你的护照找不到的话,他们会给你补发新护照的。n They can issue you a new passport in case it doesnt show up.n小偷已在逃一个月了。n The robbers have been on the run for a month.n母亲为准备汤姆的婚礼已经马不停蹄忙了整整一星期。n

34、 Mom has been on the run all week preparing for Toms wedding.39ppt课件Part threep16-38 key word:diagnosis understandingQuestion:How did the author react to his mothers senility from a sons point of view?n Scan the text and list out the related information.40ppt课件How did the author react to his mothers

35、 senility from a sons point of view?at the beginninglater I could not accept the inevitable.My impulse was to argue her back to reality.I soon stopped trying to argue her back to what I considered the real world.(I)tried to travel along with her on those fantastic journeys into the past.41ppt课件Quest

36、ion:What made the author change his reaction to his mothers senility?nAt the beginning,he tried to argue his mother back to reality from his point of view because he believed that his mother being a normal person would be better for her and her family.nBut later when he began to look at it from his

37、mothers point of view,he understood his mother was much happier when she could travel back to her childhood when she was loved and needed.n So he would like to travel along with her into her past and understood his mother more.42ppt课件But now the running was over.(p14)n whats meaning of the sentence?

38、nWhats over?Whats inevitable?nDeath is inevitable.死是不可避免的。He greeted us with his inevitable smile.他照例笑着招呼我们。ninevitable adj.inescapable doomed fated unavoidable certain 43ppt课件.argue her back to realitynWhat does the author want to do?nThey tried to argue him into joining them.他们试图说服他参加。n We argued

39、her out of going on such a dangerous journey.我们说服她不要去作这样危险的旅行。n Im not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争辩。n We argued the matter over for hours.我们为这事辩论了几小时。44ppt课件doctor came by(p24)nwhy dont you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?你为何不明天顺道来你的办公室签下合约?nA good friend is hard to come

40、by.一个好的朋友是很难得到的。45ppt课件nP(24-30)nWhats the additional meaning about that mother failed completely in oral quizzes and that mother memorized the past correctly?n doctors diagnosis:hopeless senility,hardening of arteriesnMy diagnosis:ferocity fighting against life,turning to rage against the weakness,

41、boredom,and the absence of loven what about the psychology of the elderly?46ppt课件P33 sons understandingnsilver liningn a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficultynExamples:n Every cloud has a silver lining.n Three years earlier I had and had written her with some banal advice to look

42、 for the silver lining (33)47ppt课件n count ones blessing,amount to,burden sb with sth,be capable of n be grateful for the good things in her lifen The doctors diagnosis amounted to a death sentence.n sons are capable of such letters.nChildish,childliken age and wear,pep talkn recharge ones spirit48pp

43、t课件P34&35 what about your feeling when you read it?nIn a vein,mend ones way,refer to,at timesn seventy-eight,just go to sleep and forget it.n manage to do sth.,succeed in doingn老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。n expand the respect of the aged in ones family to that of other family,expand the love of the young on

44、es in one;s family to that of other families.49ppt课件P38 sons changen whats sons change about mother?n from perspective as s son,argue back to the reality,travel alongn if I had been able to step into my mothers time machine50ppt课件Oral practicenSometimes the poorest man leaves his children the riches

45、t inheritance.-Ruth E.Renkel 51ppt课件reviewn这种援助其实是经济侵略.nSuch aids amount to economic aggression.n他们打算向那3位医生索要损害赔偿。nThey intend to claim for damages against the three doctors.n此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。nThe test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.n他的坏习惯之一就是喜欢说些陈词滥调。nMaking banal remarks was one of his bad

46、 habits.52ppt课件n凯茜对着女儿容光焕发的面孔微笑着。nKathy smiled at her daughters radiant face.n战败对英国政策不可避免地产生了影响。nThe defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.n我觉得那样做也许可以让他们冰释前嫌。nI felt that might well mend the rift between them.n我意识到他可能要杀人,所以就毫不犹豫地报了警。nI had no hesitation in calling the police because

47、I realised he was capable of murder.53ppt课件Detailed Analysis(Para.39-45)confession or guilty A world had lived and died,and though it was part of my blood and bone I knew little more about it than I knew of the world of the pharaohs.(39)n Though I was related to them,I knew very little about them.Th

48、ey lived in a world that was past and gone.They were as remote to me as the ancient Egyptian kings.54ppt课件blood and bone(p.39)nyour own flesh and bloodnExamples:I couldnt see my blood and bone(flesh and blood)insulted in this way.bad blood be after sb.s blood Blood is thicker than water.have sbs blo

49、od on your hands make your blood boilmake your blood run cold blood 怨恨怨恨 恨透了某人恨透了某人 血浓于水血浓于水 导致某人死亡导致某人死亡怒火中烧怒火中烧 令人毛骨悚然令人毛骨悚然55ppt课件bone a bag of bones chilled/frozen to the bone close to the bone feel/know your bones have a bone to pick with sb.骨瘦如柴的人骨瘦如柴的人 寒冷刺骨寒冷刺骨 不得体的不得体的 极为确信某事极为确信某事 对某

50、人生气,对某人生气,抱怨抱怨56ppt课件nThe orbits of her mind rarely touched present interrogators for more than a moment.(p.39)nShe could hardly respond relevantly to questions put to her at present because her mind was constantly wandering to certain past phases of her life.57ppt课件P40 own children,children in gene


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