UNIT THREEI LIKE APPLE JUICE BESTLesson 11May I have?用来提问我可以要吗?May I have a pancake,please?Sure.May I have some sweets?Sure.Sweets May I have some sweets,please?No,you cant.May I have a hamburger,please?Sure.May I have a hamburger,please?No,you cant.I have some sweets?Sure.May I have same ice-cream,please?.May I have some juice,?Sure.What about a cake?.What about a hot dog?No,.May I have a cup of?No,you cant.?Sure.?Sure.?Sure.Answers MaySurePleaseSureYou cantmilkMay I have a cake,please?May I have a cup of tea,please?May I have some chicken,please?Bye-bye