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1、1电大英语听力教程 Book 3 Unit 5.Instructional Objectives After this unit,we should be able to:nLearn some new words and phrases;nTalk about petsnLearn some other listening materials.2Unit 5.n budgie n.虎皮鹦鹉n savage a.凶残的n tough a.困难的,难对付的n routine n.惯例n double-take n.先怔后悟的惊喜n serenity n.宁静、安详n fund n.资金,基金n

2、appeal n.请求,呼吁n conflict n.斗争,冲突n guarantee v.保证,担保n reduction n.减少3Part One Core Listening Dialogue:Choosing A PetnPet:n.an animal kept for amusement or companionship.宠物nCrocodile:n.鳄鱼,鳄鱼皮nAlsatian dog:.(法国)阿尔萨斯狗nSavage:a.(of an animal)wild and fierce 凶残的nParrot:鹦鹉 budgie is a kind of with tiger sk

3、in like feather4Part One Core Listening Tuning In 译文:5Part One Core ListeningPassage 1 Breaking the Silence(打破沉寂)6Part One Core ListeningPassage 1 Breaking the Silence(打破沉寂)7Part One Core ListeningPassage 1 Breaking the Silence(打破沉寂)8Part One Core Listening nUNICEF:n.联合国儿童基金会nThe report offers scien

4、tific research about the need for good medical care and healthy foods for children:该报告提供了有关对良好的儿童医疗保健和健康食品的需求的科学研究。nFor every one dollar,seven dollars will be saved in the future:花在婴儿大脑和身体早期发育上的每一美元都将省下今后的7个美元。(划线部分是过去分词短语作every one dollar的定语.)nExecutive Director:n.执行理事,常务董事nConflict:n.A state of di

5、sharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons,ideas,or interests;a clash;prolonged fighting;war;冲突9Part One Core Listening Passage 2 nSierra Leone:n.a country in the west of Africa 塞拉利昂 非洲西部一国家nAngola:n.a country in the southwest of Africa 安哥拉 非洲西南部一国家nOne out of every ten children:one-tenth

6、(1/10)children 十分之一的儿童nDisability:n.a physical or mental impairment that prevents or restricts normal achievement.残疾,无能nGuarantee:v.To make certain,ensure 保证,担保。to do sth;10Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesDialogue nHairy spiders:spiders with a lot of long hairs.nThey are to me,yes:I think they are

7、 all pets.nTheyre all part of my family:They all live together with my family.Part:family member.注意family和house的区别。nPut off:v.discourage,使气馁nStray:leave,deviate 离开,偏离,迷路nBurrow:n.a narrow or warm place for hiding 藏身处11Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesI.Listening comprehensionPassage 12Part Two Self

8、-Assessment ExercisesI.Listening comprehensionPassage 13Part Two Self-Assessment ExercisesII.Dictation(要背诵)(译文):詹姆斯的牙疼的厉害。这使他一夜未眠。他的面颊肿了,而且使他饮食艰难。他向他的老板请假。老板看得出詹姆斯处于极大的痛苦,叫他当天休息。牙医同意马上见詹姆斯。他给詹姆斯的患牙照了X光片;然后他把X光片放到光亮处。最后他告诉詹姆斯他必须把这颗牙拔掉。牙医给詹姆斯打了一针并且很快地将那颗牙拔出来。当詹姆斯回到家,他发现一直给他许多麻烦的那颗牙仍然在那儿。14Part Three S

9、upplementary ListeningDialogue nVeterinary:n.doctor that is concerned with the medical or surgical treatment of animals,especially domestic animals;veterinarian,vet 兽医nWhat was it that made you become a vet:What motivated(激励)you to become to a vet.nIn the first place:first,first of all;首先n yes,very

10、much so:yes,I still enjoy working with animals.nmore than ever now:so far,up to now15Part Three Supplementary ListeningDialogue nGet on better with them:get along better with the animals 跟这些动物相处得更好了。nAs it pleases:when the cat likes to.nIf theyre to be healthy,they have to be happy:如果要它们健康,它们就得保持快乐。

11、nCome across:v.meet,nLioness:n.female lion16Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 Tuning in:17Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 18Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 19Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 1 20Part Three Supplementary ListeningPassage 2 21Review Unit 5nRecite(背诵)Tuning-In in Passage 1,on Page 34,Guidebook IIInRecite II.Dictation,on Page 37,Guidebook IIInRead aloud Passage 2,on Page 39,Guide Book III repeatedly,until you can read it fluently and correctly(熟读).


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