《高级商务英语口语(第二版)》课件unit 2 Buseness Etiquette.ppt

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1、Chapter TwoBusiness EtiquetteChapter Two Learning Objectives After the study of this chapter,the students are expected to:Know the etiquettes required in different international business situations;Know how to successfully establish good first impression in international business situations;Learn to

2、 receive customers and behave properly in international business situations.Chapter Two Background Information Etiquette refers to the manner and behavior considered interpersonally acceptable by people of the culture.It is an art of social contacts,which is the criterion of behavior showing mutual

3、respect in social activities.It requires you to present yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously.It means being comfortable around people and making them comfortable around you!It also signifies being courteous and thoughtful to the people around you,regardless of the s

4、ituation.It,too,means considering other peoples feelings and handling things as diplomatically as possible.Chapter Two Background Information There are etiquettes guiding peoples behavior in different situations,namely Political Etiquette(政务礼仪),Business Etiquette(商务礼仪),Protocol Etiquette(外交礼节),Socia

5、l Etiquette(社交礼仪),and Service Etiquette(服务礼仪).Learning etiquette can help improve a persons quality,make people communicate more conveniently,and maintain the public order as well as a persons image.Etiquette is also the criterion to judge the civilization level of a society as well as a persons acc

6、omplishment.v.Chapter Two Background Information v Business etiquette refers to the manner and behavior considered acceptable in business situations in particular.It is a set of rules that allow business people to interact with others in a civilized manner and a comfortable environment.It represents

7、 an important part of the corporate culture and a major reflection of the corporate image.It is a good way of avoiding misunderstanding among people,impressing people with courtesy and respect,and generating international acknowledgement for the company.Chapter Two Background Information v Business

8、etiquette is very important to the success of the employers and the business itself.Learning business etiquette can help create a good business atmosphere,mould a good image,close business relationship,deepen mutual understanding,and promote business success.If the employers are not very polite and

9、courteous to the clients,it will be very bad for their business.Many potentially worthwhile and profitable opportunities will be lost.Chapter Two Background Information v International business etiquette refers to the behavior guidance applicable throughout the global workplace to achieve successful

10、 business communication.In the current global working environment,cross-cultural interactions with proper understandings of the time-honored protocols in different cultures are critical to establishing harmonious relationships with mutual benefits and smooth the way for all the business activities.C

11、hapter Two Background Information v International business etiquette originated from European and American social etiquettes.It is through long-term communications and compromises and even in misunderstandings and conflicts that international business etiquette has been cross-culturally blended out

12、of various proper business rules in different cultures on the basis of universality and typicality.Its governing principles are based on respect,sincerity,consideration,flexibility,gratitude and generosity.Chapter Two Background Information v In international business situations,there are different

13、etiquettes.Everyday business etiquette consists of etiquettes for dressing,grooming,posture,handshaking,visiting,receiving,greeting,introducing,listening,dining,ice-breaking,and card exchanging.Specific business etiquettes include such etiquettes as those of making phone calls,holding business meeti

14、ngs,attending business negotiations,writing business correspondences.Chapter Two Background Information Notes to background information:the criterion of behavior 行为准则vpolish n.优雅vcourteous a.彬彬有礼的vhandle things diplomatically 圆滑地处理事情vPolitical Etiquette 政务礼仪 vBusiness Etiquette 商务礼仪vProtocol Etiquet

15、te 外交礼节vSocial Etiquette 社交礼仪vService Etiquette 服务礼仪Chapter Two Background Information Notes to background information:v in a civilized manner 以文明礼貌的方式vthe corporate culture 企业文化vthe corporate image 企业形象vcourtesy n.礼貌;谦恭vgenerating international acknowledgement 引发国际上的认可vcreate a good business atmosp

16、here 营造良好的业务氛围vmould a good image 树立良好的形象vclose business relationship 密切业务关系vpromote business success 推动企业的成功vpotentially worthwhile and profitable opportunities v 一些有价值和有利的潜在机遇Chapter Two Background Information Notes to background information:vthe behavior guidance 行为指导vapplicable a.合适的;适用的vthe tim

17、e-honored protocols 久享盛名的礼仪礼节vcritical a.决定性的voriginate from 起源于vcompromise n.妥协vblend v.混合Chapter Two Background Information Notes to background information:universality n.普遍性vtypicality n.典型性vsincerity n.真诚vconsideration n.关心vflexibility n.弹性vgratitude n.感激vgenerosity n.大方;慷慨Chapter Two Background

18、 Information Notes to background information:vdressing n.穿衣vgrooming n.修饰;打扮vposture n.姿势vhandshaking n.握手vice-breaking n.破冰;打破沉默vcard exchanging 交换名片vcorrespondence n.通信Chapter Two Words and expressions:Dialogue 1 etiquette /etket/n.礼节,礼仪;规矩vinternship /nt:np/n.实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位vintern /nt:n/n.实习生v

19、occasion /ken/n.时机,机会;场合;理由vbuild a perfect professional image塑造完美的个人形象vmorning attire 白天的盛装Chapter Two Words and expressions:Dialogue 1 voutfit /atft/n.全套装备vaccessory/ksesr/n.(衣服的)配饰vin terms of 在方面vfabrics /fbrk/n.纤维织物;衣料vmatte /mt/adj.无光泽的vsolid /sld/n.立体图形Chapter Two Words and expressions:Dialog

20、ue 1vpinstripe /pnstrap/n.细条纹vchecked /tekt/adj.格子花纹的vlearn the tying 学系领带vbuckle /bkl/n.皮带扣,腰带扣 vcoordinate /kdnet/vi.协调vmost preferable colors 非常可取的颜色vsuspender /sspend/n.袜吊;吊裤带;悬挂物Chapter TwoSupplementary useful words and expressions vpure silk 真丝 vsynthetic fiber 合成纤维 vrayon 人造丝 vdenim 粗料棉布 vgen

21、uine leather 真皮vfur 毛皮 vlinen 亚麻布 vnylon 尼龙 vwool 羊毛Chapter Two Words and expressions:Dialogue 2vextend /kstend/vt.延伸;伸出;给予vturbulence/t:bjulns/n.不稳定的气流vmeander /mnd/vt.漫步;蜿蜒缓慢流动;绵延Chapter Twovpresident/chairpersonvCEO/Managing DirectorvCOO(Chief Operation Officer)vmarketing managervoffice managervp

22、roduction managervfinance director vsales managervpersonnel managervcatering supervisorSupplementary useful words and expressions v 董事会主席v 总裁/首席执行官v 首席运营官v 营销经理/主管v 办公室主任v 生产部经理v 财务经理v 销售经理v 人事部/人力资源部经理v 餐饮经理 Keys to the exercises1.1)matched 2)stains 3)sightseeing/sights 4)professional 5)behalf 6)ap

23、pointment 7)time/trip 8)watch 9)hospitality 10)SmilingChapter TwoChapter Two Keys to the exercisesv2.v1)a-1 b-3 c-5 d-4 e-2v2)Open-ended question Keys to the exercises3.1)(1)Please allow me to introduce myself.(2)Im responsible for the Human Resources Department and Overseas Business.(3)Help me out,

24、your name was on the tip of my tongue and I must be having a senior moment.(4)Im afraid Mr.Carson isnt available.He has gone to Italy on business for a few days.(5)Within 30 seconds people judge your economic level,educational level,social position,and your level of sophistication and success.Chapte

25、r TwoChapter Two Keys to the exercisesv 2)2)v(1)请允许我很荣幸地向大家介绍IBM公司的简史密斯博士。v(2)请问你在公司负责哪个部门?v 我在生产线主管的手下工作。v(3)有外人在场的时候,最好称呼你的上级为“xx先生”、“xx女士”,或者其他合适的称呼。v(4)如果您想在城里游览的话,我们可以效劳。v(5)在美国,所有的食物“光盘”是用餐的理想结局。这意味着客人喜欢它,否则,主人会认为客人们不喜欢这些菜肴。Chapter Two Keys to the exercisesv 4.v 1)efficientv 2)distractionsv 3)polite and agreeablev 4)confirm your understanding/confirm that you understandv 5)Apologize sincerely


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